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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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kame-sennin said:
I edited without realizing that I was at the bottom of the page and no one would catch it:


The police are there and they are looking for the leaders of the movement.
Well its pretty natural to do. I mean normally at a protest having clear communications between organizers and the police to prevent and resolve issues. There are definitely people who fill some command and leadership roles in occupy even if not some top down manner.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Well its pretty natural to do. I mean normally at a protest having clear communications between organizers and the police to prevent and resolve issues. There are definitely people who fill some command and leadership roles in occupy even if not some top down manner.

They should just say Anne Hathaway is their leader.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Well its pretty natural to do. I mean normally at a protest having clear communications between organizers and the police to prevent and resolve issues. There are definitely people who fill some command and leadership roles in occupy even if not some top down manner.

Is this what an admission of error looks like from Manos?


minus_273 said:
working today means you support the 1%. it is the middle class that holds up the upper class. we should march as one.

You so crazy, working today means I support my family. I am all kinds of down for what OWS stands for... well, some of it anyway (I think they should focus more on getting individual rights revoked from Cooperations) but that don't mean I'm going to miss work dawg.
kame-sennin said:
Is this what an admission of error looks like from Manos?
Well I am sorry for misinterpreting what you posted. I haven't seen the link yet as youtube hates my phone. I thought initially you were saying Counterpol...the one from the Nixon era was occuring. When you described what wasoccurred occurring it seemed a lot more reasonable.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Well I am sorry for misinterpreting what you posted. I haven't seen the link yet as youtube hates my phone. I thought initially you were saying Counterpol...the one from the Nixon era was occuring. When you described what wasoccurred occurring it seemed a lot more reasonable.

That's cool. Thanks.


Occupy philly is blocking the bridge on market near 30th street. Also do people not realize how stupid they look with guy fawks masks?
marrec said:
You so crazy, working today means I support my family. I am all kinds of down for what OWS stands for... well, some of it anyway (I think they should focus more on getting individual rights revoked from Cooperations) but that don't mean I'm going to miss work dawg.

the so called 'corporate personhood' (though a misnomer) is definitely one of the bigger targets of the movement


Alucrid said:
Occupy philly is blocking the bridge on market near 30th street. Also do people not realize how stupid they look with guy fawks masks?
Yea they were out around my building earlier. They kept going


Time for some good ol' police brutality!

"@NBCNewYork: Chopper 4 just told by NYPD to move -- they are closing airspace over protests."
Alucrid said:
Occupy philly is blocking the bridge on market near 30th street. Also do people not realize how stupid they look with guy fawks masks?

I always wonder what Alan Moore thinks about it. On the one hand, he's an anarchist, so he's probably for the movement. On the other hand, the only reason the masks are available is because they're merchandise from a movie he hates and disavows.


marrec said:
You so crazy, working today means I support my family. I am all kinds of down for what OWS stands for... well, some of it anyway (I think they should focus more on getting individual rights revoked from Cooperations) but that don't mean I'm going to miss work dawg.

Which "rights" would you like to see revoked from corporations?
Alucrid said:
Occupy philly is blocking the bridge on market near 30th street. Also do people not realize how stupid they look with guy fawks masks?
I hope for their sake they don't start messing with people wearing suits and starting crap with them. I know at least one Marine who wont take it kindly. Its going to be interesting to see how PPD deals with them. I wonder if they might not also take the chance to clear their shit filled encampment.

kame said:
That's cool. Thanks.
No problem.
lawblob said:
Time for some good ol' police brutality!

"@NBCNewYork: Chopper 4 just told by NYPD to move -- they are closing airspace over protests."
It is possible based on weather and a lot of copters flying over there could be a safety risk...or Ben Richards and the start if The Running Man.
sangreal said:
Which "rights" would you like to see revoked from corporations?

the overall ability to manipulate aspects of society in a malevolent manner. from unlimited donations with PACs, media consolidation, the buying of politicians, the manipulation of environmental and workers laws to eak out profit, etc. etc.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
It is possible based on weather and a lot of copters flying over there could be a safety risk...or Ben Richards and the start if The Running Man.
If nothing else, I applaud you for your consistency.

We both know those Irish cop billy clubs be getting a workout tonight.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I hope for their sake they don't start messing with people wearing suits and starting crap with them. I know at least one Marine who wont take it kindly. Its going to be interesting to see how PPD deals with them. I wonder if they might not also take the chance to clear their shit filled encampment.

No problem.
Had it blocked off from 30tha and market to past the peco building. Good thing I never wear my suit jacket. At least there's no fear of clubs here, you'll just be shot.


check out my new Swatch
makingmusic476 said:
Any talk of Occupy DC marching on the hill?
Nothing real yet, but they did March to the Key Bridge today in Georgetown. They should totally occupy the exorcist steps next.

Angry Fork

Just got off the train, lots of cops even inside the 14th st. station, not doing much just standing around. They're particularly jolly and making jokes to each other, presumably about how well their batons work. Dat overtime pay must be nice too.

btw Anne Hathaway joining in automatically makes me like her. I'm okay with her being in TDKR now. lol


Angry Fork said:
Just got off the train, lots of cops even inside the 14th st. station, not doing much just standing around. They're particularly jolly and making jokes to each other, presumably about how well their batons work. Dat overtime pay must be nice too.
You should be happy theyre getting overtime. Theyre part of the 99%.


Angry Fork said:
Just got off the train, lots of cops even inside the 14th st. station, not doing much just standing around. They're particularly jolly and making jokes to each other, presumably about how well their batons work. Dat overtime pay must be nice too.

btw Anne Hathaway joining in automatically makes me like her. I'm okay with her being in TDKR now. lol
but she's just a secret plant for the 1%
lawblob said:
If nothing else, I applaud you for your consistency.

We both know those Irish cop billy clubs be getting a workout tonight.
Hey I did at least say it could be either legit or a gunship massacre. Truthfully most recent reports indicate fewer issues than earlier today.

Angry Fork

Jenga said:
but she's just a secret plant for the 1%
Did someone say this? lol but yea I wish she'd go out in public and support it rather than hide under the glasses and stuff.

If celebrities are so liberal this is their time to get active and ask for more taxes.

Alucrid said:
Angry fork is lost. We must kill him.
Angry Fork said:
Did someone say this? lol but yea I wish she'd go out in public and support it rather than hide under the glasses and stuff.

If celebrities are so liberal this is their time to get active and ask for more taxes.

You should look up what her ex boyfriend did. Perhaps she's scared of people bringing that up.

Dude Abides

.GqueB. said:
Nah Foley now. I think theyre done with Union.


As long as they stay below midtown we'll be cool. If they keep me from making my basketball game tonight I'll turn into Manos.

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think that's actually Anne Hathaway, just some woman who looks like her.

Edit: I was wrong. Apparently her sign says "Anne Hathaway supports students! Love! Blackboards Not Bullets"



Gabriel Knight
captmcblack said:
Poor kids/adults/immigrants can't get loans with no/bad credit.

Alternatively, why would you want the poor to take loans they can't pay back? Isn't that part of the problem here to begin with - easy loans to people not qualified for it/who can't afford them?

College probably shouldn't be free or anything...but I just don't see why it's some crazy thing for (mostly) poor immigrant students to be upset about constantly increasing tuition in the schools they go to. That's all. I myself am not complaining about the tuition - but I can see why they would.
Who is to say they won't pay it back in the future ? Those loans are incentive to work hard and make sure you are successful.
Schattenjagger said:
Who is to say they won't pay it back in the future ? Those loans are incentive to work hard and make sure you are successful.

in order to attend school. a huge decision which requires a mountain of work and dedication, you must go in debt, so that you will really really do that work?

this logic doesn't follow.

the loans are a racket to take advantage of a relatively inelastic market. rather than making sure uni is affordable, we make it as unaffordable as possible to benefit those who distribute the loans.

unlike Europe, America isn't looking in any way to actually invest in the actual human beings who live there.


Alpha-Bromega said:
the overall ability to manipulate aspects of society in a malevolent manner. from unlimited donations with PACs, media consolidation, the buying of politicians, the manipulation of environmental and workers laws to eak out profit, etc. etc.

None of these are rights enjoyed by corporations. PACs are not allowed to donate any money, and the rest are regulated by congress even if not to your satisfaction. Congress chose to increase media consolidation, lobbying and the relaxation of environmental and worker laws.

I support you on all of these (other than independent election spending which I suspect you meant by donations), but it doesn't clarify "individual rights" to be revoked from corporations
sangreal said:
None of these are rights enjoyed by corporations. PACs are not allowed to donate any money, and the rest are regulated by congress even if not to your satisfaction. Congress chose to increase media consolidation, lobbying and the relaxation of environmental and worker laws.

I support you on all of these (other than independent election spending which I suspect you meant by donations), but it doesn't clarify "individual rights" to be revoked from corporations

like i said, it's a misnomer. the idea stands beside all this semantic wordplay that corporations and government are married, an obscenely fat, greedy couple. the ultimate goal of the movement is to mar these two from eachother, and many of the related issues will go accordingly. book, pharm, and financial cartels, predatory lending, circumventing of many laws, broken healthcare and education systems, etc. can more or less be led back to a complete lack of accountability by the most powerful institutions in the country and their ability to fuck the nation collectively up the ass and expect us to enjoy it.
Schattenjagger said:
Who is to say they won't pay it back in the future ? Those loans are incentive to work hard and make sure you are successful.

No, they're a form of indentured servitude meant to force people to sell their labor for less than what it's worth just to keep their heads above water. People will work without the threat of crippling debt.
Big Baybee said:
CBS should just nut up and film the freaking protests. Its not like they are going to shoot the chopper down.

Of course they'll shoot it down. The police don't want anyone filming them murdering the protesters.[/sarcasm]

But in all seriousness, I agree with being upset and protesting as a way to show the magnitude of how pissed off people were ... but they need to be more worried about people trying to infiltrate the movement who want to cause violence than police officers. There are many anarchist groups that are frothing at the mouth for this kind of movement; get the police to act against you, trick the protesters into pushing back against the police and take advantage of the ensuing chaos to do whatever the fuck you want.

If I can figure out how to do it pretty easily ... then I'm sure there's others out there who'd want to take advantage of it, too. Nothing provides better cover than a large group of people.


Neo Member
NihonTiger90 said:
Of course they'll shoot it down. The police don't want anyone filming them murdering the protesters.[/sarcasm]

But in all seriousness, I agree with being upset and protesting as a way to show the magnitude of how pissed off people were ... but they need to be more worried about people trying to infiltrate the movement who want to cause violence than police officers. There are many anarchist groups that are frothing at the mouth for this kind of movement; get the police to act against you, trick the protesters into pushing back against the police and take advantage of the ensuing chaos to do whatever the fuck you want.

There's always going to be fringe elements in any protest group. I wouldn't worry about it too much they're usually a vocal minority who have no influence over the movement. The legitimate concerns of unregulated capitalism will outweigh any message they're trying to convey.


sangreal said:
None of these are rights enjoyed by corporations. PACs are not allowed to donate any money, and the rest are regulated by congress even if not to your satisfaction. Congress chose to increase media consolidation, lobbying and the relaxation of environmental and worker laws.

I support you on all of these (other than independent election spending which I suspect you meant by donations), but it doesn't clarify "individual rights" to be revoked from corporations

When I say 'Individual Rights' I mean, the rights of an individual. Or the right to be treated politically as an individual. It's a farce. These coorperations are made up of individuals, no need to treat the conglomerate as such. Specifically, I'd like the ruling made in 1990 to be the law of the land. No cooperation should be able to shift the political landscape just because they have a large amount of money to give to candidates.

Angry Fork

NihonTiger90 said:
Of course they'll shoot it down. The police don't want anyone filming them murdering the protesters.[/sarcasm]

But in all seriousness, I agree with being upset and protesting as a way to show the magnitude of how pissed off people were ... but they need to be more worried about people trying to infiltrate the movement who want to cause violence than police officers. There are many anarchist groups that are frothing at the mouth for this kind of movement; get the police to act against you, trick the protesters into pushing back against the police and take advantage of the ensuing chaos to do whatever the fuck you want.

If I can figure out how to do it pretty easily ... then I'm sure there's others out there who'd want to take advantage of it, too. Nothing provides better cover than a large group of people.
I know what kind of people/groups you're referring to but they wouldn't be representing Anarchism, if they say they are they'd be lying or ignorant. Anarchism isn't about chaos it's absolute unfiltered democracy and freedom. It's pretty much what society should try to become. It requires it's people to be very intelligent and compassionate though and the US sure isn't that.


marrec said:
When I say 'Individual Rights' I mean, the rights of an individual. Or the right to be treated politically as an individual. It's a farce. These coorperations are made up of individuals, no need to treat the conglomerate as such. Specifically, I'd like the ruling made in 1990 to be the law of the land. No cooperation should be able to shift the political landscape just because they have a large amount of money to give to candidates.

Corporations can't give any money to candidates. Regardless, that is not a right of an individual either (limited to $2300). Can you name any other rights you think a corporation has?
Angry Fork said:
I know what kind of people/groups you're referring to but they wouldn't be representing Anarchism, if they say they are they'd be lying or ignorant. Anarchism isn't about chaos it's absolute unfiltered democracy and freedom. It's pretty much what society should try to become. It requires it's people to be very intelligent and compassionate though and the US sure isn't that.

Then perhaps I spoke wrong, but I should have said groups of people who want to cause trouble. I just don't want this to become a bad scenario, I guess, where some people go and fuck things up for everyone else.
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