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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Care to elaborate?
Screaming children who can't actually stand to participate in a debate. It's no wonder they are starting to violence more and more as Americans have begun to wholesale reject their attempts at free gimmie grabs, nonsensical arguments, the inability to organize themselves in any meaningful manner, base criminality and violence that runs throughout OWS, and their hypocrisy.

I just think he's mentally disturbed, and to be honest I'm tired of seeing his shitty posts. Occupy Ignore Function.
More proof of what OWS is really about.

I was doing that anyway, but I forgot about the ignore feature! Good call...he's now occupying it.

Look another honest and tolerant OWS supporter.

I guess this just is more proof that they can't stand to have someone challenge their arguments.


Screaming children who can't actually stand to participate in a debate. It's no wonder they are starting to violence more and more as Americans have begun to wholesale reject their attempts at free gimmie grabs, nonsensical arguments, the inability to organize themselves in any meaningful manner, base criminality and violence that runs throughout OWS, and their hypocrisy.

You could easily twist that argument, and say the string of police brutality and crackdown is the corporate classes reaction to ordinary Americans beginning to resist their gimmie grabs, nonsensical arguments, meaningless arguments, and base criminality.


This is a sign that the banks are taking this seriously, and not the "taking this seriously" that happens when they screw over a customer. They wouldn't be spending all this money if they didn't think they'd make a good return on their investment.
You could easily twist that argument, and say the string of police brutality and crackdown is the corporate classes reaction to ordinary Americans beginning to resist their gimmie grabs, nonsensical arguments, meaningless arguments, and base criminality.


This is a sign that the banks are taking this seriously, and not the "taking this seriously" that happens when they screw over a customer. They wouldn't be spending all this money if they didn't think they'd make a good return on their investment.

The thing is, it isn't just that the banks are listening, they are being taken over by our government silently. Quite a few people in Bank of America have now been replaced by government officials. Bank of America has been sued as have many other large corporations by the Obama administration. OWC is actually saving the country from a civil war, riots at the least, and the sooner that is realized the better.

This Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford assholes should die or at least be tried as terrorists or sued as they are planning to "make up" negative publicity to undermine occupy wallstreet.
The exact words used are ...
conduct “opposition research” on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct “negative narratives” about the protests and allied politicians.
I'm sure they will also use more lies to attempt to brainwash people into voting specific republicans back in office.

There is simply too much evidence to suggest that our country is being run by criminals, crooks, liars, and terrorists from the large corporation mafia.
You could easily twist that argument, and say the string of police brutality and crackdown is the corporate classes reaction to ordinary Americans beginning to resist their gimmie grabs, nonsensical arguments, meaningless arguments, and base criminality.
But that would be a lie though. We've seen the real face of OWS.

This is a sign that the banks are taking this seriously, and not the "taking this seriously" that
happens when they screw over a customer. They wouldn't be spending all this money if they didn't think they'd make a good return on their investment.

850K is pissing money in the wind for a bank. If that's all they are spending on you, it just shows how worthless and a joke OWS is for them. You don't even get a million dollars.

Though as I've said before it's not like you need to spend a dime to see OWS for their gimmie grabs, nonsensical arguments, meaningless arguments, and base criminality.


The thing is, it isn't just that the banks are listening, they are being taken over by our government silently. Quite a few people in Bank of America have now been replaced by government officials. Bank of America has been sued as have many other large corporations by the Obama administration. OWC is actually saving the country from a civil war, riots at the least, and the sooner that is realized the better.

This Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford assholes should die or at least be tried as terrorists or sued as they are planning to "make up" negative publicity to undermine occupy wallstreet.
The exact words used are ...
conduct “opposition research” on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct “negative narratives” about the protests and allied politicians.
I'm sure they will also use more lies to attempt to brainwash people into voting specific republicans back in office.

There is simply too much evidence to suggest that our country is being run by criminals, crooks, liars, and terrorists from the large corporation mafia.
Illuminati is real confirmed. :eek:
The thing is, it isn't just that the banks are listening, they are being taken over by our government silently. Quite a few people in Bank of America have now been replaced by government officials. Bank of America has been sued as have many other large corporations by the Obama administration. OWC is actually saving the country from a civil war, riots at the least, and the sooner that is realized the better.
Oh boy here come the Ron Paul people. lol

This Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford assholes should die or at least be tried as terrorists or sued as they are planning to "make up" negative publicity to undermine occupy wallstreet.
Really? Well the violence and desire for blood is coming through loud and clear.

conduct “opposition research” on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct “negative narratives” about the protests and allied politicians.
I'm sure they will also use more lies to attempt to brainwash people into voting specific republicans back in office.
What lies? OWS has shown it's true self recently.

There is simply too much evidence to suggest that our country is being run by criminals, crooks, liars, and terrorists from the large corporation mafia.
Ron Paul mixed with a C2C listener who takes the show to seriously...or Alex Jones?


The thing is, it isn't just that the banks are listening, they are being taken over by our government silently. Quite a few people in Bank of America have now been replaced by government officials. Bank of America has been sued as have many other large corporations by the Obama administration. OWC is actually saving the country from a civil war, riots at the least, and the sooner that is realized the better.

This Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford assholes should die or at least be tried as terrorists or sued as they are planning to "make up" negative publicity to undermine occupy wallstreet.
The exact words used are ...
conduct “opposition research” on Occupy Wall Street in order to construct “negative narratives” about the protests and allied politicians.
I'm sure they will also use more lies to attempt to brainwash people into voting specific republicans back in office.

There is simply too much evidence to suggest that our country is being run by criminals, crooks, liars, and terrorists from the large corporation mafia.

That's hyperbole in the other direction. The thing is, I don't think any amount of spending by the banks is going to work- people have already made up their minds, all that will accomplish is further the OWS'ers distrust of the "mainstream media". What we're seeing isn't just a standard left-wing populism, I think there's a real change in mentality going on.

Hatchet jobbing is not illegal.


I'm kinda surprised at how some people are surprised at how the police are reacting. I mean haven't people been saying this stuff about the police for decades now?
It's mostly the marginalized groups of society that got the business end of police brutality.
This time, it's also white middle class people.


It's mostly the marginalized groups of society that got the business end of police brutality.
This time, it's also white middle class people.

This. The funny thing to me is, I've been told on this forum that I have "serious issues" because I don't assume that the police are angels.
Oh boy here come the Ron Paul people. lol

Really? Well the violence and desire for blood is coming through loud and clear.

What lies? OWS has shown it's true self recently.

Ron Paul mixed with a C2C listener who takes the show to seriously...or Alex Jones?

First of all, none of your responses have contributed to the topic or have made a counter argument for anything I posted.

Secondly, Your violence response just proved my statement which was that OWS is at least keeping people from at least rioting.

Thirdly, Opposition Research and Negative Narratives are lies as they do pretty much what you do in your posts.
A. Do not tell the entire truth by only showing one side of the story
B. Focus on the negative wrong doings of the few and present those wrong doings as if they represent the whole. (You do know that roughly 50% of the 1% support OWS)
C. Resort to comments which are designed to place the person presenting an argument in a negative light by use of untruthful remarks.

As for proof of the takeovers.
Bies was named to the BofA Board in June, 2009, as part of a government-encouraged restructuring of the Board after the Financial crisis of 2007-2009 and U.S. Treasury Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) infusions into the bank.

I could go on but, I think I've made my point.

Hatchet jobbing is not illegal.

Yeah, good thing too. I'd hate for the public to learn the real truth about anything.
Yeah, let's bring Nazis into this, that always elevate the level of discussion.

Removed the Germany reference, but I still want to make the point that facism is a movement that needs people to believe that oppression of a group of people within society, even violent aggression against that group, is acceptable if you believe it degrades the "values" you believe are worth upholding in said society.
I believe Manos is a great case study on how fascism spreads.

You know you're only the 3rd person to bring that up today, very original.

Now please tell us more about the freedom you saw in the PRC on your trip there. lol

Yeah, let's bring Nazis into this, that always elevate the level of discussion.
He Godwinned the thread pre-edit didn't he? For all everyone could say about me at least I haven't done that!

I could go on but, I think I've made my point.

That you enjoy Alex Jones a lot?


This thread went that route long ago. Guys, it just keeps going. You can stop it. You have the power.

any evidence of this?

Manos of course is a master debater, as evidenced by the exchanges in this thread. He refuses to be pinned down, I will give him that.

Now whether those refusals have actually kept him from being pinned...
Considering the topic is about politics, and even the small discussion in recent pages has been about the treatment of protestors by the establishment it is very far away from "godwin's law". It wold be like telling people in this topic not to use the term socialism or communism when talking about their opinions of current policies.

And I didn't say nazis, I said educated people were able to be taken in by an oppressive political movement because it is easy to blame someone else for society's problems, and allow violence if it suppresses these perceived problems.
Considering the topic is about politics, and even the small discussion in recent pages has been about the treatment of protestors by the establishment it is very far away from "godwin's law". It wold be like telling people in this topic not to use the term socialism or communism when talking about their opinions of current policies.

Except you apparently brought of the Nazi's specifically and apparently implied a similarity of me to them. So that's actually pretty dead on. Then again give your posting history and bizarre overeactions should I be surprised your bringing out the Nazi's?
I actually referred to you as an educated person that could easily be persuaded to appease a fascist state because of the benefits you perceive of commiting acts of violence against detractors of your ideals.
Nazi's? Why the apostrophe?


Grammar quality tends to drop at 4AM. lol

Manos, your argument is based on a third-person's opinion of what I wrote. As a lawyer do you really think that is good grounds for an argument?

Chik has no reason to lie or give me any free argument points. So yeah I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, since it's a statement against interest.

Based on his posting history and his willingness to campaign against his own best interests I think it's safe to say the superfluous apostrophe is simply the result of a poor education.

You can't even attempt to defend OWS can you?
Yeah i saw that and personally don't have any problem with it but can see why they'd now want her to resign... I guess, but why were they protesting in the first place?

They want free crap.

The OWS needs to be defended against unnecessarily violent police responses, not from your barely-coherent, online ramblings.

Well considering the increase in violence by OWS I could see why would you be scared of the police and try and lie about them.


I really hope it doesn't become SOP for American police to use pepper-spray on people who commit misdemeanours. I do enjoy the occasional jaywalk.
Any arguing over police or the protesters is a red herring.

We should really be talking about how the system in this country is fundamentally broken, our representatives are bought and how it can be fixed in a rational manner.

It's upsetting that this thread has morphed into a debate over civic police tactics. You think mayors of major cities have control over the actions of every single policeman? Who exactly are we blaming here?

Let's move on from this.


Since they're for sale, we're encouraged to compete to try and purchase them as well. The New American way for the new American century.


Any arguing over police or the protesters is a red herring.

This is the appropriate thread for discussing OWS protesters and any related police response.

You think mayors of major cities have control over the actions of every single policeman? Who exactly are we blaming here?

Didn't you just suggest we shouldn't really be talking about the police or the protesters and to move on from this?

We should really be talking about how the system in this country is fundamentally broken, our representatives are bought and how it can be fixed in a rational manner.

Go on. I'm listening.
Along with the escalating violence caused by OWS in reaction to the massive drop they've had in public support and their failure to achieve any goals.

Can you give neogaf some grounds on why you use the bolded term?

Maybe what do you believe are the violent acts? How have they escalated? Maybe video/photo proof? Something that counteracts the videos and photos of police spraying mace in the faces of peaceful protestors.

Go on. I'm listening.

We haven't fixed the issues that led to our country's crash in 2008. Instead, our government saved the institutions that not only would have collapsed without assistance, but were directly responsible for the crash in the first place. We are talking about financial powerhouses that in the last 20 years have consolidated into monsters due to a lack of government oversight. After the crash, it became apparent that these institutions had priorities that directly conflicted with the well-being of our society as a whole.

That these institutions have too much power and influence in our political process is no longer really debated by the left or the right. What is really protecting the government’s ass at this point is confusion and divisiveness among the populace over cultural issues, such as abortion, capital punishment, and civil rights. With these issues at the forefront, divisiveness naturally occurs among the populace. what is powerful about the OWS movement is that none of the primary talking points associated with it are traditionally partisan issues.

Before we fix taxes, before we determine our budget priorities, we simply need to get special interests out of our political process. Can we use a broken system to fix itself? It is a complicated question, and the solution (if there is one) isn't easily attainable. That's why cries of "hey you guys aren't doing anything" are so short-sighted. OWS is nothing more than a tangible reminder that things are seriously fucked up with the USA right now.

That's not saying Europe, or even China are that much better off, but that is another conversation.

I said it earlier in this thread but i'll say it again. This Occupy movement could be wiped out in every city, but the idea that change is needed isn't going anywhere. Another movement in some form or another would just pop up somewhere else.

To quote a book I have been reading recently entitled Collective Action in the Information Age (1996)by Italian Sociologist Alberto Melucci,
Alberto Melucci said:
“While we might not be fully aware of the reality of this fundamental change, contemporary social movements act as signals to remind us that both the external planet, the Earth as our homeland, and the internal planet, our ‘nature’ as human beings, are undergoing radical transformations.”

Take this thread as a metaphor. If the Occupy movement dies, and there are no more viral videos of grannies being pepper sprayed, this thread might also die. However, the underlying issues, the path our country has taken, will still have a place for discussion. Maybe in another thread, maybe in a bunch of threads. It's not going anywhere because the fact is the system is broken, and the only ones who can fix it are the people, under the guise of some populist movement.

Maybe OWS is just a tremor of an even more united movement to come. Who knows. Maybe the issue is just too big to talk about. I'm sure people will continue commenting on every police/protester skirmish that goes viral. Maybe in the long run it just doesn't matter.
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