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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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More investment bankers have been jailed than regulators.

Talk about getting a free pass in this latest crisis.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
using the very same tactics employed by the capitalist-imperialist media to undermine OWS is now being used in this thread to undermine manos and his opinions

go to hell you capitalist pigs!!!

Polical threads on this board have no problem with conservative posters. Manos is a special kind of whackjob who's only interested in disrupting intelligent discussion with Rovian debate tactics and outright intellectual dishonesty. He offers literally nothing more to these threads. Everyone ignoring him is less akin to stifling free speech and more akin to boycotting Fox News. He's free to speak anywhere he wants. Some of us are just sick of hearing him.
Polical threads on this board have no problem with conservative posters. Manos is a special kind of whackjob who's only interested in disrupting intelligent discussion with Rovian debate tactics and outright intellectual dishonesty. He offers literally nothing more to these threads. Everyone ignoring him is less akin to stifling free speech and more akin to boycotting Fox News. He's free to speak anywhere he wants. Some of us are just sick of hearing him.

I agree :)
Polical threads on this board have no problem with conservative posters. Manos is a special kind of whackjob who's only interested in disrupting intelligent discussion with Rovian debate tactics and outright intellectual dishonesty. He offers literally nothing more to these threads. Everyone ignoring him is less akin to stifling free speech and more akin to boycotting Fox News. He's free to speak anywhere he wants. Some of us are just sick of hearing him.
So he wants everyone to ignore me, I guesstrying that makes agreeing with me or simply discussing something with me wrong.


Polical threads on this board have no problem with conservative posters. Manos is a special kind of whackjob who's only interested in disrupting intelligent discussion with Rovian debate tactics and outright intellectual dishonesty. He offers literally nothing more to these threads. Everyone ignoring him is less akin to stifling free speech and more akin to boycotting Fox News. He's free to speak anywhere he wants. Some of us are just sick of hearing him.

manos is worst than a reactionary capitalist. he claims to be a democrat and member of the proletariat who opposed the vanguard. he is a traitor to the cause.
Wouldn't fly since the US is a lot less tolerant of squatters. They tried that tactic with an art gallery in the early days and got tossed out on their ass.

I'm talking about residences that have remained empty for years. The state has been unable to provide places for communities to congregate, gather, and talk. The reason for this is a totally separate argument but there comes a point when a community has to take back those empty spots and reestablish them as meaningful spaces in the community, before they are taken by elements that can ruin a community, drug dealers, users etc...

poverty surges in the suburbs

It's being talked about among more socially aware architects, especially currently in suburban areas where houses are being repossessed and owners are having to leave. Some suburbs are a few years away from becoming slums with the amount of houses that are becoming empty; does the community leave the houses to stay empty, the housing market is stale, or do they re-appropriate the space. Community action of course, and like you mentioned it would need a change in people's attitudes, and it would have to be a space that benefits the community.


More investment bankers have been jailed than regulators.
they have been jailed for insider trading. even if you disagree with those sentences, only a few have been tried and punished recently. two for the Galleon group trading. Anil Kumar and Rajat Gupta of Mckinsey are currently on trial, and they weren't bankers.
I'm talking about residences that have remained empty for years. The state has been unable to provide places for communities to congregate, gather, and talk. The reason for this is a totally separate argument but there comes a point when a community has to take back those empty spots and reestablish them as meaningful spaces in the community, before they are taken by elements that can ruin a community, drug dealers, users etc...

poverty surges in the suburbs

It's being talked about among more socially aware architects, especially currently in suburban areas where houses are being repossessed and owners are having to leave. Some suburbs are a few years away from becoming slums with the amount of houses that are becoming empty; does the community leave the houses to stay empty, the housing market is stale, or do they re-appropriate the space. Community action of course, and like you mentioned it would need a change in people's attitudes, and it would have to be a space that benefits the community.

Well then these groups should buy the property. It's not like foreclosed property is insanely expensive.


The Montreal settlement is being abandonned by the original occupy crew, as they dont want to deal with homeless people looking for food and healthcare. They also rationned food to only people who contributed in some way to the movement. So much for caring for each other. They wanted to change the world but they are too disgusted with dealing with people who TRUELY NEED HELP to do something. Last night was also troubled by a few fights, somebody got threatened with a knife, and they found this tent which had been turned into some sort of fuckdome/drug den.
That's rich coming from someone that was whining about being unfairly called a fascist in an other thread.
Turnabout is fairplay. I also only complained that people doing it showed a lack of originality...well and any logical reason for doing so.

The groups are the community, the people, this goes beyond the idea of buying property and into the realm of if the state can't provide for us we will provide for ourselves.
Well that's called anarchy and it's not a functional or useful form of governance or societal structure.* You don't get to take things that aren't yours without compensation.

*I mean the Civilization series has taught us that for a long time with the penalty modifers one's tax revenues and science rate suffers.
Well that's called anarchy and it's not a functional or useful form of governance or societal structure.

And what we have currently is functional or useful form of governance or societal structure?

And I wouldn't call it anarchy, more adverse possession. The owner of a property has an obligation to the community the property is in , and to society to look after and upkeep said property. If he/she (banks whom repossessed) do not keep up that obligation I believe it would be for the betterment of that community and society as a whole for the property to be used by people within the community.
And what we have currently is functional or useful form of governance or societal structure?
Yes, unless you prefer people to have a large reason to enforce and protect their property rights via force because they are unprotected.

And I wouldn't call it anarchy, more adverse possession.

Please don't mention adverse possession unless you understand the legal process it takes to acquire land that way. Anyone in US LawGaf and had to study that would laugh at the term adverse possession someone applying in such a manner and such a quick time.

The owner of a property has an obligation to the community the property is in , and to society to look after and upkeep said property.
Unless it's part of the lease or violates the law, no they don't.

If he/she (banks whom repossessed) do not keep up that obligation I believe it would be for the betterment of that community and society as a whole for the property to be used by people within the community.
Then then the property owner has to be compensated since it's a taking. Having property seized without compensation is deplorable.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Travisbickle has gone off the deep end.

..TB, do you have a job.. just curious.. I want to understand where you are coming from. Everyone here has a basic grasp of Mano's place in the world, what he does, etc.

What makes a person so mad at the system, is it anti-conformity or something else?
Turnabout is fairplay. I also only complained that people doing it showed a lack of originality...well and any logical reason for doing so.
There is no need for originality for an argument, merely correctness. I didn't call you a fascist and I don't believe you are one, but you do support a tough/repressive police, and you hate a strong dislike of the left. That alone does not make you a fascist, but there are more 'logical reasons' for calling you out on them than screaming 'free speech' when people put you on an ignore list (it's not like you're banned from gaf).
Unless it's part of the lease or violates the law, no they don't.

Then then the property owner has to be compensated since it's a taking. Having property seized without compensation is deplorable.


The social reasoning behind this long-standing common law doctrine is sound. If you're going to be a traditionalist, at least take the time to understand the traditions for God's sake.
Travisbickle has gone off the deep end.

..TB, do you have a job.. just curious.. I want to understand where you are coming from. ?

I was a self-employed designer for 6 years, during that time I developed a lot of projects with city councils, a few of which including renovating unused properties for uses such as care centres for families struggling with dementia, art groups, and design communities that generated money into areas that were facing financial decline. I have worked side by side with designers, council leaders and architects that make these things happen.

Of course it takes the compliance of the current government/council, but like some of us have said all along the current government don't give a shit about 99% of the population.

Most recently I have moved to South Korea where I work as a professor, I hope to complete a PhD so I could go into teaching "radical" methods of improving communities and society.


I can't emphasize enough how much need there is for regulation in the US. I think other countries have to step up their criticism on the lack of stability, they affect the rest of the world too much to be able to do whatever they want.

And the capitalist scum reveals himself
I litteraly lol'ed

The social reasoning behind this long-standing common law doctrine is sound. If you're going to be a traditionalist, at least take the time to understand the traditions for God's sake.

If you're going to talk about the law itself and it's meaning today, after hundreds of years of case law and legislative action, take the time to understand the law.


Im' trying to come up with a hypothetical in which OWS protestors gained title to property in NYS via adverse possession. Im' imagining scraggly, long-bearded people wandering out of the woods 20 yrs from now claiming title to an abandoned farm as their OWS base of operations, only to realize we have gone through 3 subsequent economic meltdowns in the interim.
Im' trying to come up with a hypothetical in which OWS protestors gained title to property in NYS via adverse possession. Im' imagining scraggly, long-bearded people wandering out of the woods 20 yrs from now claiming title to an abandoned farm as their OWS base of operations, only to realize we have gone through 3 subsequent economic meltdowns in the interim.

I'm trying to recall if NYS requires them to have no knowledge they were in adverse possession of the property to get the property eventually.

If you're going to talk about the law itself and it's meaning today, after hundreds of years of case law and legislative action, take the time to understand the law.

I don't think you understand. To adversely possess, whatever the requirements, you have to possess in open and hostile fashion. According to you, this is a mortal sin. Yet, it is tolerated, and even encouraged, in the law for the precise reason that unproductive property does not got to waste. It is in society's interest that property be used, not lie dormant, and this has been recognized and understood by our society for centuries. You coming along and spitting on the notion is, sorry to say, hardly a persuasive rebuttal. Maybe if you could articulate even the faintest line of argument instead of coming along and spitting on that which you have been (rather effectively) conditioned like a pavlonian dog to sneer at, we could have a discussion about why it is in society's interest to reward those who take dormant property and put it to use. I genuinely don't think you are capable of that, though.
I don't think you understand.
I don't think you understand, but that's hardly new from a guy who doesn't understand Constitutional Law regard free speech.

To adversely possess, whatever the requirements, you have to possess in open and hostile fashion. According to you, this is a mortal sin. Yet, it is tolerated, and even encouraged, in the law for the precise reason that unproductive property does not got to waste. It is in society's interest that property be used, not lie dormant, and this has been recognized and understood by our society for centuries. You coming along and spitting on the notion is, sorry to say, hardly a persuasive rebuttal.
Except it is not as HE was saying it. He was using adverse possession in some bizarre manner that does not go along with how the law works. He is talking about something more akin to a taking, and something that doesn't require any substantially period of time to acquire the property.

Maybe if you could articulate even the faintest line of argument instead of coming along and spitting on everything with which you have been (rather effectively) conditioned like a pavlonian dog to sneer at, we could have a discussion about why it is in society's interest to reward those who take dormant property and put it to use. I genuinely don't think you are capable of that, though.
Ah nothing like the high end tier of ranting that EV does when he gets mad. lol
http://gawker.com/5861191/ said:
Two people were killed in Cairo and Alexandria this weekend as Egyptian activists took the streets to protest the military's attempts to maintain its grip on power. And guess how the state is justifying its deadly crackdown.

"We saw the firm stance the US took against OWS people & the German govt against green protesters to secure the state," an Egyptian state television anchor said yesterday





Yeah, but zomb is a good poster and I said say not its a hard fact.
Doesn't matter. You're using sources that have no basis in credibility whatsoever in order to belittle a factual news source, just so you can prove your point. Despite multiple, credible news sources reporting on the current round of Egyptian protests as something other than extremists, you're citing a forum poster just so you can dilute the facts just a litttttle bit so you can avoid the fact that people around the world are taking notice of the OWS movement. What you're doing is dishonest and intellectually vapid.
Doesn't matter. You're using sources that have no basis in credibility whatsoever in order to belittle a factual news source, just so you can prove your point. Despite multiple, credible news sources reporting on the current round of Egyptian protests as something other than extremists, you're citing a forum poster just so you can dilute the facts just a litttttle bit so you can avoid the fact that people around the world are taking notice of the OWS movement. What you're doing is dishonest and intellectually vapid.
Are you implying the people in Egypt were reinapired by OWS? lol


Are you implying the people in Egypt were reinapired by OWS? lol
And here you're trying to do it again. You're twisting my words in order to do almost the exact same thing. You're so against the OWS movement that if anything comes up that acknowledges it, you immediately try and find a way to twist it into something with diminished credibility. I must admit, it's very lawyerly.
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