This is a really chilling read. And it bears posting in the thread.
Wow, I mean if this is wholly accurate I don't have much hope for the future of this country. :smh
This is a really chilling read. And it bears posting in the thread.
The occupy news hasn't been much over the weekend- I kinda hope something happens. The more brutality occurs, the more folks will support the movement.
This is a really chilling read. And it bears posting in the thread.
So I want to make a thread about this but I'm not sure if it's already been brought up and I just missed it or what. Apparently on either Monday or Tuesday the Senate is going to vote on a bill that will allow the POTUS to use the military to arrest US citizens on US soil and hold them indefinitely. I thought that it might have been fake at first but apparently the ACLU is wanting people to contact their Senators here
Here are some details about the bill. If someone wants to make a thread about it go ahead.
From here
More Fun to Compute said:
Naomi Wolf makes a case for a link between politicians cracking down on this movement because it's main goals are to end the flow of money to politicians.
I guess we will know that Sarah Palin is really fighting corruption when homeland security tells an obese policeman to pepper spray her.
in regards to time you are aware that the content inside is the same. The other countries get our trash articles and we get the news. More than just news buffs read time. if they need to put a stupid article on the cover to sell more so they can continue writing the good articles its fine by me. nothing is being censured. I read us time and i remember most of those "real stories"Wow. Way to prove his point. Can't believe how jaded it is. Reads like a full on propaganda campaign. Basically, stop fucking reading TIME magazine. And to think, my dad has a sub with this shitty mag.
Amazing read. Truly highlights the importance of this movement. It's gone above and beyond it's original intention in addressing some of the very problems with the current system.
in regards to time you are aware that the content inside is the same. The other countries get our trash articles and we get the news. More than just news buffs read time. if they need to put a stupid article on the cover to sell more so they can continue writing the good articles its fine by me. nothing is being censured. I read us time and i remember most of those "real stories"
LAPD is telling people they won't make arrests but they need people off the streets so business and traffic can open. Protestors are allowed to stay in the park.
LAPD has been pretty reasonable for our entire occupation here in LA. It's a smart move on their part, because escalation only brings in more support.
LAPD has been pretty reasonable for our entire occupation here in LA. It's a smart move on their part, because escalation only brings in more support.
This is a really chilling read. And it bears posting in the thread.
L.A. cops know all about police brutality accusations, probably more than any other city, thus they will play it very carefully.
I'd love to hear Obama's response. She makes a pretty big call accusing him of being involved in the escalation.
In other words, for the DHS to be on a call with mayors, the logic of its chain of command and accountability implies that congressional overseers, with the blessing of the White House, told the DHS to authorise mayors to order their police forces pumped up with millions of dollars of hardware and training from the DHS to make war on peaceful citizens.
The occupy news hasn't been much over the weekend- I kinda hope something happens. The more brutality occurs, the more folks will support the movement.
Good to see the Guardian giving equal access to the loons on CiF. Seriously the paranoid delusion going on there. Then again people here where looking for legal analysis from Reedit earlier, so I can't say I'm too surprised.This is a really chilling read. And it bears posting in the thread.
I kinda hope less brutality happens because, you know, I'm a human being.
If it continues to get violent it will be crushed both by government officials and private citizens trying to protect themselves.I'm afraid of what happens if this movement gets ignored. It will come back harder and more violent the next time- I'd rather see some small stuff happen now, then something huge later.
I'd love to hear Obama's response. She makes a pretty big call accusing him of being involved in the escalation.
Because she knows the truth! Seriously this is some god tier conspiracy nonsense.She makes a wild unsubstantiated "chain of command" connection between cops on the street, the White House and the Department of Homeland Security without anything to back it up. Why would Obama address that?
She makes a wild unsubstantiated "chain of command" connection between cops on the street, the White House and the Department of Homeland Security without anything to back it up. Why would Obama address that?
For the terrible insight to take away from news that the Department of Homeland Security coordinated a violent crackdown is that the DHS does not freelance.
The DHS cannot say, on its own initiative, "we are going after these scruffy hippies".
Rather, DHS is answerable up a chain of command: first, to New York Representative Peter King, head of the House homeland security subcommittee
, who naturally is influenced by his fellow congressmen and women's wishes and interests.
And the DHS answers directly, above King, to the president
That was the link, seems pretty straightforward to me. Is it true? I dont know.
Does she say "The president ordered a coordinated crackdown via the DHS"? No, she does not say that.
She does however say that if homeland security did coordinate that crackdown, it's his responsibility and his situation to adress.
Oh please, she says "civil war" - her words not mine. And if you don't know if it's true, then no, it's not straightforward. See, I agree with a lot of the OWS movement in theory, but this kind of crap really defeats the movement.
There's gonna be another protest today at Baruch College in NYC is response to tuition hikes.
So what are the parts in the chain of command of the DHS that is untrue? Seems like a good place for you to start if you want to discredit her. I don't know if its true because i dont know how the DHS operates, i'm just assuming that she does know.
Does the DHS freelance? Can the DHS on their own initiative say "lets go after these scruffy hippies"? Is Peter King, head of the House homeland security subcommittee influenced by the wishes of his fellow congressmen? Does the DHS ultimately answer to the potus?
If your answers to these questions are different from Naomi Wolfs i guess now is a good time to post them rather than the "meh, unsubstantiated". Because as of right now, the only thing unsubstantiated is your objections.
Wolf said:So, when you connect the dots, properly understood, what happened this week is the first battle in a civil war.
Note that Terobouzu has now utilized Point #1 of winning internet disputes, exaggerate someone's point beyond it's apparent and logical limits. No one said Obama was declaring Civil War, etc...but you knew that.
anyway, the bill that supposedly declares the continent as fair game is here, but I don't see anything related to that. They did actually input a small paragraph saying that the new expanded rules allowing for military detention don't generally apply to United States citizens. Dunno if that's something that can be hacked off or rescinded by special circumstances though. But have a look.
Wolf said:So, when you connect the dots, properly understood, what happened this week is the first battle in a civil war; a civil war in which, for now, only one side is choosing violence. It is a battle in which members of Congress, with the collusion of the American president, sent violent, organised suppression against the people they are supposed to represent.
You're right. As she states, Obama is consciously starting a civil war against his own people. Man, I hate being wrong.I gotta take these articles at face value:
I've "connected the dots" and now I believe.
She's not my favored Naomi, btw. No, not Naomi Judd either, nice guess though.
She says what she says. I'm more concerned with what you said. Just so we're clear, Obama isn't declaring Civil War, and that's not what she said. She is using some pretty strong hyperbole, unless you believe that the construction of a bill is a "battle".
Sometimes they say a fox is crazy. Maybe even a wolf. She knows what she's doing, and so do you.
The real story here is how incredibly shitty Time magazine is.
Chore Wars?
Why We Should Teach the Bible in Public Schools?
Why Anxiety is Good for You?
Seven Things that Can Go Wrong on Election Day?
Reading the small clips of these things on the cover is even worse.
Yeah, I'm trying not to be Manos, but holy shit is it hard sometimes.
you are failing pretty hard if that's your goal.
Ahh, a dig 24 hours later. This thread is really rolling!
It's dead because there is nothing significant going on... Once there are developments in the real world there will be discussions in the thread.
Judge Blocks Citigroup Settlement With S.E.C.
New York Times