Do people just not realize that we're in a recession and that jobs just aren't growing on trees?Mr.Awesome said:That's fucking awesome.
Bishman said:#OccupyHouston
Please. The generation that ran the US into the ground didnt build jack shit. They inherited everything from their parents and ruined it with their greed. Many old people are ashamed of what their children have done to the country.Ripclawe said:Spectacular. Not there isn't legit gripes but so far I am seeing the same 20+ year old youth who want some sort of free ride under the guise of making things more "equitable" meaning the better off carry them on their coattails.
RSTEIN said:So here we are today. We had a very severe recession. Jobs have been slow to recover out of this recession. The people who are carrying high student loans and unable to find their desired jobs are unfortunately just the victims of the natural fluctuations inherent our economic system. It's just your turn. If you were born a few years earlier you wouldn't be protesting. The best thing you can do is ride it out and wait, just like people have done since the early 1800s when the economy gets bad. You're not special or a victim. You've just got caught up in the confluence of a broader economic cycle.
sh4mike said:I see comments in this thread that the banks requested the federal bailout. My understanding is that banks stopped lending after Lehman collapsed, and the fed forced all big banks to take TARP money with the hope that they would lend it out. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm looking for evidence that the government bailout was requested by the banks. My understanding is that most banks didn't want/need the funds, but the fed ordered all banks to take TARP because if only the weak banks took funds, folks might make a run on those institutions. Any evidence you can provide to the contrary is appreciated.Divvy said:You are forgetting about Bear Stearns and AIG, and TARP was hardly forced on them. There were more loopholes in there that benefited the banks than most of the public and probably the politicians knew.
Bluth said:Why do so many people wear that stupid v for vendetta mask?
Bishman said:#OccupyHouston
What did he say?kame-sennin said:Today at a press conference, President Obama had to answer the question, 'why has no one on Wall Street gone to jail?'. This is a question he hasn't had to deal with since the crash. It's a discussion our nation has not had. When people ask what these protesters are trying to accomplish, we can point to this moment and say that we are forcing our government to answer tough questions. We have begun a national debate on the injustice of our financial system. This is what democracy looks like.
You have to break the law to go to jail.kame-sennin said:Today at a press conference, President Obama had to answer the question, 'why has no one on Wall Street gone to jail?'. This is a question he hasn't had to deal with since the crash. It's a discussion our nation has not had. When people ask what these protesters are trying to accomplish, we can point to this moment and say that we are forcing our government to answer tough questions. We have begun a national debate on the injustice of our financial system. This is what democracy looks like.
Imperiling the entire nation and its future is treason.sh4mike said:You have to break the law to go to jail.
Yes. I don't currently have a job.Keru_Shiri said:Do people just not realize that we're in a recession and that jobs just aren't growing on trees?
sh4mike said:You have to break the law to go to jail.
Trurl said:I hope that goldbugs and libertarians don't take over these protests.
"Destroying people", really?chaostrophy said:Destroying people like that would be no loss. But still, it's better for the movement to remain non-violent.
My sympathies.Mr.Awesome said:Yes. I don't currently have a job.
Who is the puppet master pulling the strings of this conspiracy? I have issues when folks assume all bank employees have a secret plot to screw the country.water_wendi said:Imperiling the entire nation and its future is treason.
You are right. We should just ignore things, not check things out, and go through it all over again in the next year. Maybe when unemployment hits 40% there will be enough people desperate to do what needs to be done to fix things.sh4mike said:Who is the puppet master pulling the strings of this conspiracy? I have issues when folks assume all bank employees have a secret plot to screw the country.
My understanding is that a few credit risk modelers starting labeling assets as low risk without considering contagion influence. The predicted results blew up when liquidity vanished, and the housing bubble (and associated asset and debt bubbles) burst.
I get the impression that people feel it was all part of an elegant plot by 10-1000 super rich bankers who worked together to get rich and destroy the nation. I haven't seen any evidence that this occured. I also feel this scenario is unlikely given the number of checks and balances in large-scale organizations.
sh4mike said:I'm looking for evidence that the government bailout was requested by the banks. My understanding is that most banks didn't want/need the funds, but the fed ordered all banks to take TARP because if only the weak banks took funds, folks might make a run on those institutions. Any evidence you can provide to the contrary is appreciated.
sh4mike said:Who is the puppet master pulling the strings of this conspiracy? I have issues when folks assume all bank employees have a secret plot to screw the country.
My understanding is that a few credit risk modelers starting labeling assets as low risk without considering contagion influence. The predicted results blew up when liquidity vanished, and the housing bubble (and associated asset and debt bubbles) burst.
I get the impression that people feel it was all part of an elegant plot by 10-1000 super rich bankers who worked together to get rich and destroy the nation. I haven't seen any evidence that this occured. I also feel this scenario is unlikely given the number of checks and balances in large-scale organizations.
Bishman said:#OccupyHouston
If "checking things out" was all that this movement is about, then I'd be more supportive. But your scope seems to be a bit broader.water_wendi said:You are right. We should just ignore things, not check things out, and go through it all over again in the next year. Maybe when unemployment hits 40% there will be enough people desperate to do what needs to be done to fix things.
Anerythristic said:I want to rant a bit because this deeply insults me. I am sorry I can't be a millionaire.
I was married with two kids by the time I was 20. I am still putting them through private school and my wife and I raised good kids that I hope always do the right thing. I started at a publicly traded corporation answering phones, worked hard for eight years and received three official promotions and was middle management when I was let go due to those promotions. I have been out of work for 8 months.
I don't understand what this ASSHOLE is trying to say or what he means. It would take all my willpower to not beat the crap out of this fool if I saw him on the streets with that sign. said:You may be right that the banks did not ask for TARP. I can't find any information anymore either. I remember watching a documentary, but I can't find the source anymore.
These protests are far too timid, imo. The very fact that things werent investigated and everything went back to business as usual tells me we are beyond the point of using the law to bring about justice.sh4mike said:If "checking things out" was all that this movement is about, then I'd be more supportive. But your scope seems to be a bit broader.
I am familiar with everything you mentioned. And I believe all of these individuals and their firms were fined millions and/or billions of dollars.Divvy said:Many of the investment bankers commited fraud by selling really shitty investments despite knowing how toxic they were and even betting against those investments. There have been many emails from many investors such as Angelo Mozilo to those they trust almost mocking how toxic these assets were. Insider trading was a major issue as well. Take a look at John Paulson who bought a large amount of CDSes right before the subprime mortgages started to collapse.
sh4mike said:If "checking things out" was all that this movement is about, then I'd be more supportive. But your scope seems to be a bit broader.
kame-sennin said:Today at a press conference, President Obama had to answer the question, 'why has no one on Wall Street gone to jail?'. This is a question he hasn't had to deal with since the crash. It's a discussion our nation has not had. When people ask what these protesters are trying to accomplish, we can point to this moment and say that we are forcing our government to answer tough questions. We have begun a national debate on the injustice of our financial system. This is what democracy looks like.
deadbeef said:
Frontline - Inside the Meltdown
Bernanke and Paulson basically forced them all to take the bailout.
sh4mike said:Who is the puppet master pulling the strings of this conspiracy? I have issues when folks assume all bank employees have a secret plot to screw the country.
sh4mike said:My understanding is that a few credit risk modelers starting labeling assets as low risk without considering contagion influence. The predicted results blew up when liquidity vanished, and the housing bubble (and associated asset and debt bubbles) burst.
Divvy said:You may be right that the banks did not ask for TARP. I can't find any information anymore either. I remember watching a documentary, but I can't find the source anymore.
empty vessel said:You seem to be unaware of the myriad ways in which you are getting screwed. The share of national income going to the top 1% has been wildly accelerating at the same time that the top 1%'s tax burden has been falling like a rock. There are worse things to be than ignorant, and the good news is that it isn't necessarily permanent. But that's up to you.
empty vessel said:All bank employees? Like anybody is suggesting that bank tellers are in on some scheme to screw people? It is not that there exists a "secret plot to screw the country." It's that there exists the legitimization of the unbridled pursuit of self-interest. Capitalists, of course, should be familiar with the concept of pursuing one's economic self-interest, so it's odd to see a defender call this a "conspiracy." The problem is that this pursuit has become unbounded and unmoored from all social responsibility.
I not getting screwed one bit either and I'm part of the 99%!RSTEIN said:I'm not getting screwed. I'm in the top 1%.
Loki said:Empty vessel is my hero. Fantastic posts, as usual in these sorts of topics. A true voice for economic and social justice.
Alucrid said:So that Philly protest was occurring as I ran outside to grab a bite to eat. Man, I wish I could protest with them, but, you know, I have a job.
:/kame-sennin said:Today at a press conference, President Obama had to answer the question, 'why has no one on Wall Street gone to jail?'. This is a question he hasn't had to deal with since the crash. It's a discussion our nation has not had. When people ask what these protesters are trying to accomplish, we can point to this moment and say that we are forcing our government to answer tough questions. We have begun a national debate on the injustice of our financial system. This is what democracy looks like.
Alucrid said:So that Philly protest was occurring as I ran outside to grab a bite to eat. Man, I wish I could protest with them, but, you know, I have a job.
RSTEIN said:I'm not getting screwed. I'm in the top 1%.
Enjoy it while you can.Alucrid said:So that Philly protest was occurring as I ran outside to grab a bite to eat. Man, I wish I could protest with them, but, you know, I have a job.
Wow you finally got your account activated? Good find btwstutte said:Want to point out on here that this photo:
is being spread around facebook and elsewhere. it is fake. and doesn't do anything to help the cause.
original google screen flipped:
not even near wall street:
stutte said:Want to point out on here that this photo:
is being spread around facebook and elsewhere. it is fake. and doesn't do anything to help the cause.
original google screen flipped:
not even near wall street:
Saren is Bad said:Lol that dude sucks
stutte said:Want to point out on here that this photo:
is being spread around facebook and elsewhere. it is fake. and doesn't do anything to help the cause.
original google screen flipped:
not even near wall street: