Karma Kramer said:I am all for defense and keeping America safe. But today's military is doing a lot of harm to our national security I think. It's called blow back and it is what contributed to the 9/11 attacks. The CIA notes this... Our aggression in parts of the world, doesn't serve America's best interest, it serves the interest of the military to keep being financed.
Our behavior as of recently warrants even more ammunition for terrorist recruiting.
Enron said:my nick was from irc. I started going on irc in 2001 during the middle of the Enron scandal, and I thought "EnronAcct" (Enron Accountant) was sort of amusing at the time and I just sort of kept it.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:I actually had no idea, hence why I asked.
Except I was a good investment.
zmoney said:For the record I'm extremely pro US military, however I do think that the only places we need bases are IN the United States. The Navy can do all the patrolling it wants. That's fine. But the only boots on the ground should be here.
It would also save a CRAP load of money, which is exactly what we need right now. Not going to happen though.
Deku said:You must be extremely naive to think this way. Also Japan pays the US to stay there and operate bases there.
Deku said:You must be extremely naive to think this way. Also Japan pays the US to stay there and operate bases there.
Karma Kramer said:So we should have more bases around the world?
Deku said:About the same should be fine.
Karma Kramer said:Do you think government spending should be cut at all?
Deku said:I think we should abolish all regulations and let the market do its thing.
Also, tax rates should be 0. Services paid for with fees only.
I think he's being sarcastic.Bloodbeard said:Oh God....
effingvic said:saw on the news today that there was about a thousand people at zucotti..but the footage looked like only a few hundred or less was present
stutte said:Want to point out on here that this photo:
is being spread around facebook and elsewhere. it is fake. and doesn't do anything to help the cause.
original google screen flipped:
not even near wall street:
Deku said:I think we should abolish all regulations and let the market do its thing.
Also, tax rates should be 0. Services paid for with fees only.
D:Deku said:I think we should abolish all regulations and let the market do its thing.
Also, tax rates should be 0. Services paid for with fees only.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:I think he's being sarcastic.
Reminds me of this.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:In the interest of letting people discuss the issues at hand, whatever they may feel they are or however they feel about them, I withdraw from posting in this thread and any future thread on the subject.
Once again I thought you were ignoring me, not becoming obsessed with me.magicstop said:
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Reminds me of this.
Yep, it's apparently a fake.effingvic said:whoah seriously? ive been seeing that image all over facebook and reddit recently
effingvic said:whoah seriously? ive been seeing that image all over facebook and reddit recently
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Yep, it's apparently a fake.
It does make them less trustworthy when they make claims though.Karma Kramer said:Distortion of reality is done on both sides, it shouldn't be surprising, though yes it is unfortunate. Doesn't make the issues at hand any less significant though.
who's "they"?Manos: The Hans of Fate said:It does make them less trustworthy when they make claims though.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:It does make them less trustworthy when they make claims though.
People supporting this movement claiming that it's accurate or accepting it as fact.demon said:who's "they"?
Karma Kramer said:See stop spreading bullshit. You don't know where that picture originated from. You have no evidence to support what you just said. You are hypocritical all the time man. Its really quite hilarious.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:People supporting this movement claiming that it's accurate or accepting it as fact.
Ah but I do.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:In the interest of letting people discuss the issues at hand, whatever they may feel they are or however they feel about them, I withdraw from posting in this thread and any future thread on the subject.
magicstop said:
People supporting this movement claiming that it's accurate or accepting it as fact.demon said:who's "they"?
Karma Kramer said:See stop spreading bullshit. You don't know where that picture originated from. You have no evidence to support what you just said. You are hypocritical all the time man. Its really quite hilarious.
Karma Kramer said:See stop spreading bullshit. You don't know where that picture originated from. You have no evidence to support what you just said. You are hypocritical all the time man. Its really quite hilarious.
theBishop said:OccupyPhilly kicked off today:
Early gathering at noon
"This Revolution Will Not Be Privatized"
"Too Many Grievances..."
First General Assembly at Dusk
Awesome, I hope Rochester gets there shit together. Trying to find time to get downtown and join up!theBishop said:OccupyPhilly kicked off today:
Early gathering at noon
"This Revolution Will Not Be Privatized"
"Too Many Grievances..."
First General Assembly at Dusk
theBishop said:Sure Did![]()
I think you did a hell of a good job you did and I think it's a shame Magicstop is trying to suppress.stutte said:At this point it doesn't matter where it came from. The fact is this: it's out there. And it looks like it was made to support the protesters and rail against the media for not taking notice. It doesn't matter at this point who made it, people all over facebook and reddit who support the protesters are posting it to try and gain support. If it's a fake image meant to deceive, then it's not good for the supporters. People should stop using it. And if you see someone using it, point out that it's fake and back it up with proof. http://www.stutte.com/etc/wallstreetFAKE.jpg
Some people are trying to ignore the fact that a picture presented by many (including posters here) of a large protest in New York was in fact faked.Deku said:Seriously, what is going on with the insane bumping and quoting of images.
Lol. On secondapps and not sure how to edit quote on it. : /Deku said:Seriously, what is going on with the insane bumping and quoting of images.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Some people are trying to ignore the fact that a picture presented by many (including posters here) of a large protest in New York was in fact faked.
The movement is more important than the truth I guess.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:In the interest of letting people discuss the issues at hand, whatever they may feel they are or however they feel about them, I withdraw from posting in this thread and any future thread on the subject.
stutte said:At this point it doesn't matter where it came from. The fact is this: it's out there. And it looks like it was made to support the protesters and rail against the media for not taking notice. It doesn't matter at this point who made it, people all over facebook and reddit who support the protesters are posting it to try and gain support. If it's a fake image meant to deceive, then it's not good for the supporters. People should stop using it. And if you see someone using it, point out that it's fake and back it up with proof. http://www.stutte.com/etc/wallstreetFAKE.jpg
It does make them less trustworthy when they make claims though.
cooljeanius said:Also, the Occupy New Hampshire group is fucking disgusting. It's becoming dominated by libertarians, Free State Project People, and other people whose views don't really align with the national movement. I'm almost wishing I had some way to get the national movement to disown them...
Deku said:
Then why didn't you comment on it?magicstop said:I don't actually care very much about the picture. I didn't have anything invested in it. By all means, "get the word out," but we certainly understood the first time it was posted here in this thread.
Come on, Occam's razor. Regardless the fact it was so willingly accepted by many without question is a legitimate matter of concern.Karma Kramer said:I agree, however this statement
is accusing the people who wrote the statements for OWS so far responsible for the fake image, when he has no evidence to support this... for all we know it could have been planted by the media as a way to diminish the size of the protest...
I'm just going by the positions listed in the OP. A lot of people in Occupy New Hampshire called the positions in the OP "class warfare" and "anti-business" and other Republican talking points, which would be okay if these people were on the other side, but these are people trying to redefine the face of the movement to be the exact opposite of what it currently is.timetokill said:Oh? Are you the arbiter of describing all of the views of the national movement? Of deciding who gets to be a part of this?
As somebody who identifies with libertarians much of the time, and is strongly in favor of the Occupy protests, kindly fuck off with that attitude.
magicstop said:Nice, I will add that to the OP tomorrow. I bet that will be a fun one, tooAre you in Vancouver? Pics, if so.
Also, I wonder if these movements will start happening more in Canada or on another continent?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Come on, Occam's razor. Regardless the fact it was so willingly accepted by many without question is a legitimate matter of concern.