empty vessel said:
It prohibits citizens from placing limitations on how corporations behave.
Citizens do control corporations. Citizens make the laws that corporations have to follow. Citizens are speaking now in real time. The laws, regulations, and guidelines that corporations have to follow are changing. They have changed in massive ways since the financial crisis. Thanks to citizens.
empty vessel said:
I'm sorry, but I have to repeat that you are woefully ignorant. I do not mean that pejoratively, only to convey that you literally lack knowledge and information. That is why I have repeatedly suggested that you study this.
You're obviously wrapped up in some sort of fantasy world where you see some sort of evil rich corporation following you around trying to ruin your life. It is clear that nothing I say will bring you back to reality. A reality where your fellow citizens are fighting for what they believe in. A reality where change does happen-and has been happening-since the industrial revolution began.
Corporations have done horrible things over the years. Lobbyists have tried to keep smoking consequences hidden, keep guns on the streets (only really succeeding in the US), get asbestos claims thrown out, keep financial regulations non-existent, enforce racial segregation, squeeze the women's rights movement. Etc. Etc.
But they always lose. Justice prevails. Show me how evil corporations have conquered us poor citizens. Please, point me to an example where your hands have been held behind your back by some evil rich Illuminati type person. With the exception of the military complex, which I agree rages on strongly today, please provide evidence of a current, grand plan being undertaken by a corporation to undermine our democracy.
empty vessel said:
And, if you're Canadian, can I ask why you presume to share your opinion so stridently regarding the US's current political and economic state? You clearly don't know what you're talking about, which is fine, of course, especially given that you aren't American and don't live in the US, but why do you insist on saying so much when you plainly know so little about this country?
lol, and you called ME arrogant? Wow. I'm a citizen of the world, man. Widen your perspective a bit.