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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Comics, serious business!
Azih said:
The financial industry that created the bubble has not been punished. Their losses got bailed out by taxpayers as they were 'too big to fail'. Also the military industrial complex is ticking along just fine on the back of taxpayers and the oil companies are raking it in.
They were bailed out, only to save the system from going over a waterfall. They restored themselves, paid back the money PLUS billions more.

You are 100% right about the military complex. That's doing just fine. Oil companies are not evil. They're benefiting from high oil prices. No conspiracy theory there. Their time will come when they get displaced by new technology.


RSTEIN said:
Their time will come when they get displaced by new technology.

I just don't get this. Oil companies aren't going to just give up and go home; they will fight tooth and nail to keep their power.


Jenga said:
why end it?

I think Ron Paul says it best;

"The United States Constitution grants to Congress the authority to coin money and regulate the value of the currency. The Constitution does not give Congress the authority to delegate control over monetary policy to a central bank. Furthermore, the Constitution certainly does not empower the federal government to erode the American standard of living via an inflationary monetary policy."


RSTEIN said:
They were bailed out, only to save the system from going over a waterfall. They restored themselves, paid back the money PLUS billions more.

The part about paying billions back is false. They made a ton of money on the bailouts by buying up treasury bonds, which pay a higher return than the interest rate of tarp.

But even if the bailout was necessary, we could've easily nationalized one or two failing banks similar to the GM takeover.

Oil companies are not evil. They're benefiting from high oil prices. No conspiracy theory there. Their time will come when they get displaced by new technology.

The oil companies:

- Keep prices high through cartel collusion, and artificially limiting refining capacity.
- Lobby heavily against the "new technology" you claim will replace them.
- Use their political influence to block lawsuits against rampant environmental violations

- Cut corners on rig construction leading to events like this:



RSTEIN said:
They were bailed out, only to save the system from going over a waterfall.
They were the ones who were in charge of the system and they were the ones who grabbed more power for themselves by lobbying for a crazy amount of deregulation of the financial sector and they were the ones who used that unnatural increase power and pushed the system over the waterfall with their greed. That much we both agree on I think. Here's my question to you. Why are the people in charge of the banks when all of this shit happened STILL IN CHARGE OF THE BANKS?


Also RSTEIN you didn't address my points about how the ruling elite are impacting on my rights and freedoms. The rich get richer and then use their influence over political parties to lower their taxes forcing services into the private sector which promptly raises prices to what the rich are willing to pay. Essential services become more and more restricted to the rich. You can see this to a crazy degree in the States and it's starting to happen in Canada as well. Post Secondary eduction is getting too fucking expensive. Should only rich kids go to university?


BobsRevenge said:
Because they think it'd fix things by making the market more free.

Really, it'd just make the economy go off the rails.

As opposed to how well the economy is doing now with the Fed in power? If we're not off the rails now what are we?


Comics, serious business!
empty vessel said:
It prohibits citizens from placing limitations on how corporations behave.
Citizens do control corporations. Citizens make the laws that corporations have to follow. Citizens are speaking now in real time. The laws, regulations, and guidelines that corporations have to follow are changing. They have changed in massive ways since the financial crisis. Thanks to citizens.

empty vessel said:
I'm sorry, but I have to repeat that you are woefully ignorant. I do not mean that pejoratively, only to convey that you literally lack knowledge and information. That is why I have repeatedly suggested that you study this.
You're obviously wrapped up in some sort of fantasy world where you see some sort of evil rich corporation following you around trying to ruin your life. It is clear that nothing I say will bring you back to reality. A reality where your fellow citizens are fighting for what they believe in. A reality where change does happen-and has been happening-since the industrial revolution began.

Corporations have done horrible things over the years. Lobbyists have tried to keep smoking consequences hidden, keep guns on the streets (only really succeeding in the US), get asbestos claims thrown out, keep financial regulations non-existent, enforce racial segregation, squeeze the women's rights movement. Etc. Etc.

But they always lose. Justice prevails. Show me how evil corporations have conquered us poor citizens. Please, point me to an example where your hands have been held behind your back by some evil rich Illuminati type person. With the exception of the military complex, which I agree rages on strongly today, please provide evidence of a current, grand plan being undertaken by a corporation to undermine our democracy.

empty vessel said:
And, if you're Canadian, can I ask why you presume to share your opinion so stridently regarding the US's current political and economic state? You clearly don't know what you're talking about, which is fine, of course, especially given that you aren't American and don't live in the US, but why do you insist on saying so much when you plainly know so little about this country?

lol, and you called ME arrogant? Wow. I'm a citizen of the world, man. Widen your perspective a bit.


empty vessel said:
You can thank Alan Greenspan, a Libertarian, for that.

I'm not a Libertarian, I have no political affiliation, it's sad you would think so just because I support Ron Paul in this election. Your post is laughable at best, and completely blind; I would expect nothing less.
unomas said:
As opposed to how well the economy is doing now with the Fed in power? If we're not off the rails now what are we?

Prior to the existence of the Federal Reserve, the cycle of boom and bust in the United States was significantly more severe.


RSTEIN said:
But they always lose. Justice prevails. Show me how evil corporations have conquered us poor citizens. Please, point me to an example where your hands have been held behind your back by some evil rich Illuminati type person. With the exception of the military complex, which I agree rages on strongly today, please provide evidence of a current, grand plan being undertaken by a corporation to undermine our democracy.
Do you really expect reasonable discussion when you post stuff like this?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Prior to the existence of the Federal Reserve, the cycle of boom and bust in the United States was significantly more severe.

In a more primitive time of course, but we don't need the Federal Reserve. The bust is happening right now with the Fed in place, they're a completely non required element in the equation.


unomas said:
I'm not a Libertarian, I have no political affiliation, it's sad you would think so just because I support Ron Paul in this election. Your post is laughable at best, and completely blind; I would expect nothing less.
Not really, I think his point was that the Fed acted incompetent when Alan Greenspan, someone who wanted the Fed to have less power, was in charge and was fine before that.

The problem seems to lie with who was in charge of the Fed at the time and not the institution of the Fed itself.


how me how evil corporations have conquered us poor citizens
Well they turned the fourth estate into a bunch of yammering idiots that just repeat talking points instead of critiquing and informing viewers.


unomas said:
The Fed was implemented in 1913, we went through the Great Depression 20 years later, you call that success?
Wait, in one post you said that Fed is a non factor and then right afterwards you're blaming it for causing the Great Depression?

Also you're advocating getting rid of it without any knowledge of how things were done before it existed?


Comics, serious business!
Marleyman said:
I just don't get this. Oil companies aren't going to just give up and go home; they will fight tooth and nail to keep their power.
But what keeps them in power is a finite resource. They're fighting against a resource that is infinite. They will lose this battle.

Azih said:
Also RSTEIN you didn't address my points about how the ruling elite are impacting on my rights and freedoms. The rich get richer and then use their influence over political parties to lower their taxes forcing services into the private sector which promptly raises prices to what the rich are willing to pay. Essential services become more and more restricted to the rich. You can see this to a crazy degree in the States and it's starting to happen in Canada as well. Post Secondary eduction is getting too fucking expensive. Should only rich kids go to university?
The rich don't keep taxes on themselves low. True, they are low now. But this is temporary. Right now citizens are reacting to Obama's call to arms and are calling their representatives right now to have taxes raised on the wealthy. The majority of REPUBLICANS are in favour of higher tax rates. The current tax rates are not sustainable. They're only going to go higher.

theBishop said:
But even if the bailout was necessary, we could've easily nationalized one or two failing banks similar to the GM takeover.
Unlike the bank bail out, GM lost money for the taxpayers.
RSTEIN said:
Citizens do control corporations. Citizens make the laws that corporations have to follow. Citizens are speaking now in real time. The laws, regulations, and guidelines that corporations have to follow are changing. They have changed in massive ways since the financial crisis. Thanks to citizens.

You are ignorant. The US Supreme Court has ruled that citizens cannot control corporations. It's little wonder you are bewildered as to why people are up in arms when you have knowledge whatsoever about the United States and its institutions.

RSTEIN said:
Corporations have done horrible things over the years. Lobbyists have tried to keep smoking consequences hidden, keep guns on the streets (only really succeeding in the US), get asbestos claims thrown out, keep financial regulations non-existent, enforce racial segregation, squeeze the women's rights movement. Etc. Etc.

But they always lose. Justice prevails. Show me how evil corporations have conquered us poor citizens.




* One caveat to note about the numbers in these charts is that the top fifth data include the top 1% data (because the top 1% is part of the top 20%). So almost all of the "gains" of the top 20% are actually just reflecting the gains of the top 1%. Most of the top 20% has also lost ground. It would be more informative if instead of the top 1% and the top 20% it showed the top 1% and the next 19%. Alas, it doesn't.






Note: the top 1% of income earners are mostly comprised of business executives of corporations.

RSTEIN said:
Please, point me to an example where your hands have been held behind your back by some evil rich Illuminati type person. With the exception of the military complex, which I agree rages on strongly today, please provide evidence of a current, grand plan being undertaken by a corporation to undermine our democracy.

What the fuck are you talking about a "grand plan" for? Who the fuck is saying this is caused by "some evil rich Illuminati type person"? Quit erecting straw men and deal with the arguments made.

RSTEIN said:
lol, and you called ME arrogant? Wow. I'm a citizen of the world, man. Widen your perspective a bit.

No, I don't call you arrogant; I call you ignorant, which you have now taken to full on reveling in.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
unomas said:
As opposed to how well the economy is doing now with the Fed in power? If we're not off the rails now what are we?
Just because the Fed has been doing a shitty job, it doesn't mean it'd be worse without it. It keeps the economy afloat by injecting money where it's needed, helping to adjust interest rates to increase demand, and creating inflation to grow the economy.

The real problem with the Fed is it has been run by Rand followers recently. Alan Greenspan probably gets a boner when Ron Paul speaks about economics. The deregulation of the financial industry led to market volatility that created this mess.

I mean, look at Europe. A big reason they are having so much trouble with their currency is that they don't have a central bank that can throw weight around like the Fed to help fix their shit.


RSTEIN said:
The rich don't keep taxes on themselves low.
Do the rich support political parties calling for lower taxes on the rich? Yes. Does the media, owned by the rich, give a lot of airtime to experts calling for lower taxes? Yes. Hell by the nature of the political system it's the rich who get freaking elected and control the political discourse.
True, they are low now. But this is temporary.
... It's been going on for DECADES.

Edit: Don't corps and companies, owned by the rich, threaten to shut down factories and leave town if their taxes are raised or their taxpayer subsidies are taken away forcing governments to keep taxes low? Fuck Yes.

Edit 2: The amount of money required to win a political campaign has shot up, leaving all political candidates at the mercy of those who control the purse strings which is, yup you guessed it, the rich. Especially since the unions faded.


akira28 said:
You have a sad that this isn't blowing wind up your skirt? You do realise that when they are saying racist they're talking about a racist? When they say it, they're pointing to the signs of Obama monkeys and spearhunters and other examples of subtle or overt racism. When they say Koch brother influence and control, they point to all the money the Koch brothers and other millionaires have added. And hell the Koch brothers basically chauffeured them to rallies, and are majority funders of many main tea party PAC groups. And you don't think they're angry? I've had a year plus of exposure to the tea partiers saying otherwise.

Are they wrong? Are the tea partiers on average just some moderate force? I mean they want to blame President Obama for the whole thing when he's been playing handball against their brick wall. I mean they elected every one of the politicians blocking Obama's attempts to use his power to act. So the Occupy Together should just be able to mesh with the Tea Party like velcro? I don't see it happening unless the Tea Party changed their attitudes on a lot of things.

Or are you of the mind that it's the Wall Street protesters that need to change? In what way? The tea partiers blame the left for all of this, for god's sake. Can you for the sake of argument be critical of the Tea Party? I don't know how many ways we can say that we know that not every member is a racist. But if the guy with the Obama watermelon shirt comes over to share some bbq, he's not going to turn him away. What's equal criticism for the other side, Dash?

Who exactly are 'they' in this case? Sub in anarchist for racist, unions for koch, and angry for.. well angry stays the same I suppose. This will go back and forth all day long. How many kooks show up to rallies? Tea Party or OWS/Day of Rage, doesnt matter. If we're going to paint both groups by the lowest elements found there they'll just butt heads and nothing will be done because the majority will be turned off by it.

Saying bunch of racists or dirty hippies... (but not ALL of them, some are ok maybe)... koch brothers union thugs and on we go.

As for Obama he's made what Bush started even worse. I dont buy into the noble leader thwarted by those darn republicans bit at all. Meanwhile people will get hung up on that and corporations and banks being in bed with big government will soldier on.


theBishop said:
The oil companies:

- Keep prices high through cartel collusion, and artificially limiting refining capacity.
- Lobby heavily against the "new technology" you claim will replace them.
- Use their political influence to block lawsuits against rampant environmental violations

- Cut corners on rig construction leading to events like this:
Governments control 3/4ths of all crude oil production.

BobsRevenge said:
I mean, look at Europe. A big reason they are having so much trouble with their currency is that they don't have a central bank that can throw weight around like the Fed to help fix their shit.
You mean the European Central Bank (ECB)? I've heard quite a bit about their influence on the policies for dealing with the European debt crisis.


Comics, serious business!
empty vessel said:
You are ignorant. The US Supreme Court has ruled that citizens cannot control corporations. It's little wonder you are bewildered as to why people are up in arms when you have knowledge whatsoever about the United States and its institutions.
I'm not ignorant. I'm living in the real world. A world where laws are drafted by politicians who are elected, and in some cases can be recalled, by the citizens they represent. Democracy is not unique to the United States. Democracies exist all over the world! And they all work the same. People are in charge.

empty vessel said:
No, I don't call you arrogant; I call you ignorant, which you have now taken to full on reveling in.
You said my ego is over-inflated. That's pretty much the same as calling me arrogant.

You're the one who has resorted to name calling. I'm asking for you to paint me a clear picture of the world you speak of. You haven't done that. You haven't addressed any of my questions or points head on. You can't provide me with specific examples of how the world is controlled by an elite ruling class.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Slavik81 said:
You mean the European Central Bank (ECB)? I've heard quite a bit about their influence on the policies for dealing with the European debt crisis.
No doubt, but they don't have as much direct control as the Fed does, and not as much power. It is more subject to political interference and has more constraints due to having to deal with/between sovereign nations. They've mainly just been preaching/forcing austerity, which is in many ways counter-productive (decreasing expenditure is necessary, but it needs to be counter-balanced) and ignores some of the basic issues.
RSTEIN said:
I'm not ignorant. I'm living in the real world. A world where laws are drafted by politicians who are elected, and in some cases can be recalled, by the citizens they represent. Democracy is not unique to the United States. Democracies exist all over the world! And they all work the same. People are in charge.

One problem is that--as I've repeatedly informed you and you've repeatedly ignored--the US is no longer, in fact, a democracy. It is a place in which government agencies--corporations--have rights as against its citizens. One of those rights is the right to influence elections.

People are not in charge in the US, because of corporate influence. So, clearly, you understand the problem now.

RSTEIN said:
You're the one who has resorted to name calling. I'm asking for you to paint me a clear picture of the world you speak of. You haven't done that. You haven't addressed any of my questions or points head on. You can't provide me with specific examples of how the world is controlled by an elite ruling class.

That you are ignorant is not name-calling, it's an accurate empirical observation. You are very clearly trolling now as you have no interest at all in learning anything whatsoever about the world as it exists. And you clearly never did. That your mind is too small to comprehend how concentrated economic power can organize itself politically and exert influence over government may be my problem, but it is not my fault. Your demand that I write a book on the subject for you is patently absurd. Not to mention that it would be a waste of my time as many have already been written, to which you have already been referred.


Here's a game plan for the 99%:

2012 elections: Vote Republicans out of office en masse.

But wait, aren't both parties complicit? Aren't we non-partisan? Yes, to a degree, but let's get rid of the party that was willing to tank the global economy to protect tax breaks for the 1% first. We'll get to the Democrats soon enough. This is phase 1.

2014 midterms: Run primary opponents against corrupt Democrats. Basically anyone who won't promise to vote for campaign-finance reform and lobbyist reform. We can let in some sane Republicans at this point.

2016 elections: Hopefully the Republican party has re-branded itself in the Eisenhower image, and we can have sane, responsible elections again. At this point, the national debate isn't about whether the uninsured should be allowed to die, but whether the private/public funding split for our universal healthcare system should be 20/80 or 30/70.



RSTEIN said:
I'm not ignorant. I'm living in the real world. A world where laws are drafted by politicians who are elected, and in some cases can be recalled, by the citizens they represent. Democracy is not unique to the United States. Democracies exist all over the world! And they all work the same. People are in charge.

Do you really think that the people want lower taxes for the wealthy and for corporate dollars to have even more influence in politics or for the people in Wall Street who set this recession into motion to go unpunished? Then why is it that all these things have come to pass over the last several years, independent of citizens' wishes or how they vote?


Professional Schmuck
Puddles said:
Here's a game plan for the 99%:

2012 elections: Vote Republicans out of office en masse.

But wait, aren't both parties complicit? Aren't we non-partisan? Yes, to a degree, but let's get rid of the party that was willing to tank the global economy to protect tax breaks for the 1% first. We'll get to the Democrats soon enough. This is phase 1.

2014 midterms: Run primary opponents against corrupt Democrats. Basically anyone who won't promise to vote for campaign-finance reform and lobbyist reform. We can let in some sane Republicans at this point.

2016 elections: Hopefully the Republican party has re-branded itself in the Eisenhower image, and we can have sane, responsible elections again. At this point, the national debate isn't about whether the uninsured should be allowed to die, but whether the private/public funding split for our universal healthcare system should be 20/80 or 30/70.




RSTEIN said:
. I'm asking for you to paint me a clear picture of the world you speak of.

A world in which...

the rich support political parties calling for lower taxes on the rich. .

the media, owned by the rich, give a lot of airtime to experts calling for lower taxes.

By the nature of the political system it's the rich who get freaking elected and control the political discourse.

corps and companies, owned by the rich, threaten to shut down factories and leave town if their taxes are raised or their taxpayer subsidies are taken away forcing governments to keep taxes low. Just look at Zabka's example!

The amount of money required to win a political campaign has shot up, leaving all political candidates at the mercy of those who control the purse strings which is, yup you guessed it, the rich. Especially since the unions faded.


Comics, serious business!
empty vessel said:
One problem is that--as I've repeatedly informed you and you've repeatedly ignored--the US is no longer, in fact, a democracy. It is a place in which government agencies--corporations--have rights as against its citizens. One of those rights is the right to influence elections.

People are not in charge in the US, because of corporate influence. So, clearly, you understand the problem now.
Maybe you're right, after all. Maybe I'm blind. Let me show you the world I live in. Please tell me how I'm misguided.

I get up. Have coffee, eat toast. Say hello to my wife. Take my son and my dog out for a stroll. Go to work. Earn a living. Come home, eat dinner, play some Gears of War. Read a book, do some more work. Go to bed. Along the way I spend less than I earn, put some money away for retirement, and therefore keep myself ahead of 99% of the population. Again, that's not a goal, just a byproduct of our system. Just math.

At any point during my day I have the opportunity to do almost anything I want to. I can drop everything and pursue a Masters degree. I can stop working and go on welfare. I can change jobs. I can be a politician. I can divorce my wife and marry a man. I can join the military. I can go go Occupy Wall St. I can go to Starbucks and enjoy a coffee. I can protest against Starbucks. I can explore 99% of the world. Or I can stay at home not have to interact the world. I am free. I am not controlled by a corporation. I am not controlled by a corporate class.

How is your day different?

empty vessel said:
That you are ignorant is not name-calling, it's an accurate empirical observation. You are very clearly trolling now as you have no interest at all in learning anything whatsoever about the world as it exists. And you clearly never did. That your mind is too small to comprehend how concentrated economic power can organize itself politically and exert influence over government may be my problem, but it is not my fault. Your demand that I write a book on the subject for you is patently absurd. Not to mention that it would be a waste of my time as many have already been written, to which you have already been referred.
I'm just asking that you articulate yourself a bit better. Give me something real to cling on to.
Puddles said:
Here's a game plan for the 99%:

2012 elections: Vote Republicans out of office en masse.

2014 midterms: Run primary opponents against corrupt Democrats.

So in 2012 we get rid of all Republicans, and then in 2014 we pretend to get rid of all Democrats? Why not just do 'em all at once and vote out all incumbents? Primarying the Democrats isn't going to be enough.


timetokill said:
So in 2012 we get rid of all Republicans, and then in 2014 we pretend to get rid of all Democrats? Why not just do 'em all at once and vote out all incumbents? Primarying the Democrats isn't going to be enough.

Getting to a situation where you can get a third party to win by 2012 is impossible. You can however get the worst of the worst out by voting Dem in 2012. Then by 2014 do what the Tea Party has demonstrated works, just in the direction of sanity in the Democratic Party and not the direction of insanity as the Tea Paritiers are doing to the Republican.


RSTEIN said:
Maybe you're right, after all. Maybe I'm blind. Let me show you the world I live in. Please tell me how I'm misguided.

I get up. Have coffee, eat toast. Say hello to my wife. Take my son and my dog out for a stroll. Go to work. Earn a living. Come home, eat dinner, play some Gears of War. Read a book, do some more work. Go to bed. Along the way I spend less than I earn, put some money away for retirement, and therefore keep myself ahead of 99% of the population. Again, that's not a goal, just a byproduct of our system. Just math.

At any point during my day I have the opportunity to do almost anything I want to. I can drop everything and pursue a Masters degree. I can stop working and go on welfare. I can change jobs. I can be a politician. I can divorce my wife and marry a man. I can join the military. I can go go Occupy Wall St. I can go to Starbucks and enjoy a coffee. I can protest against Starbucks. I can explore 99% of the world. Or I can stay at home not have to interact the world. I am free. I am not controlled by a corporation. I am not controlled by a corporate class.

So essentially, you fail to recognize how privileged you are compared a large swath of the US population and have been arguing under the assumption they that they have the same privileges you have.


timetokill said:
So in 2012 we get rid of all Republicans, and then in 2014 we pretend to get rid of all Democrats? Why not just do 'em all at once and vote out all incumbents? Primarying the Democrats isn't going to be enough.

This, it's not about Repubs or Democrats or any party, choosing sides is pointless in terms of left or right. We need a fresh start completely without the bullshit.
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