This is insane. No, we are absolutely not up to our eyeballs in regulation since the financial crisis. Tell me how Wall St. loses when they gamble the financial system away, only to have citizens bail them out, while they then go back to making profit a few years later and the citizen is left holding the bill? The notion of risk is entirely backwards in this country. Banks now understand they can get away with making incredibly risky and fraudulent decisions, that ordinarily would put them out of business when it all came crashing down, only to have the citizens involuntarily bail them out. The same citizens they fucked over with their actions. There is no punishment for these actions so they will only keep trying to get away with it all over again.RSTEIN said:What corporate movement has actually won? The tobacco companies lost. The asbestos companies lost. The gun companies lost (here in Canada at least). Those pushing the housing bubble lost. McDonalds lost. The polluters have lost. Every time Wall St. runs amok they lose. We are up to our eyeballs with new regulations since the financial crisis.
Actually, lobbyists write a lot of the legislation in this country. Lobbyists, employed by wealthy special interests who can afford to staff hundreds of people to talk the ears off politicians, not you or I. I mean this literally: they craft the actual language in the bills. Citizens do not write the laws in this country.Citizens do control corporations. Citizens make the laws that corporations have to follow. Citizens are speaking now in real time. The laws, regulations, and guidelines that corporations have to follow are changing. They have changed in massive ways since the financial crisis. Thanks to citizens.
Our laws have also not changed in massive ways since the financial crisis so I don't know where you're pulling that from.
I'm not ignorant. I'm living in the real world. A world where laws are drafted by politicians who are elected, and in some cases can be recalled, by the citizens they represent. Democracy is not unique to the United States. Democracies exist all over the world! And they all work the same. People are in charge.
Couldn't agree more.RSTEIN said:You're obviously wrapped up in some sort of fantasy world