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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Karma Kramer said:
Ron Paul has discussed the fascist state we are approaching or have already approached because of big businesses running the show... this has always confused me because he is all about free markets, which I thought entailed deregulation.
If Ron Paul was brave enough to attack his own logic he'd have turned liberal a long time ago.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
We should occupy Blackstreet


No diggity.

No doubt.


Karma Kramer said:
Ron Paul has discussed the fascist state we are approaching or have already approached because of big businesses running the show... this has always confused me because he is all about free markets, which I thought entailed deregulation.
He's right that there are many regulations in place that are only there to help big businesses.
I think he's wrong in thinking that removing all regulations is going to solve the problem (and I have history to back me up, we used to live in an unregulated world).
And he's a bit intellectually dishonest when he ignore limitation to free market that are politically inconvenient to him, like immigration laws.
FlyinJ said:
I spent Saturday night and Sunday morning at our local Occupy. There were about 10-15 Libertarians there. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I asked them what they were there for, and they said to de-regulate everything. I asked them if they realized that was the exact opposite of what people were protesting, and they just shrugged.

Very strange.

Yeah libertarians are becoming very frustrating... they make complete in some areas and other times... :|


Karma Kramer said:
Ron Paul has discussed the fascist state we are approaching or have already approached because of big businesses running the show... this has always confused me because he is all about free markets, which I thought entailed deregulation.
I believe he thinks the government is actively protecting big companies, and what we have today is far from a free market.


good credit (by proxy)
I'mma bout ta occupy my hand across this woman face.

Put that GOT DAMN titty away and go grab me my sweet tea, woman!


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Door2Dawn said:
I mean, really?


Why in the fucking fuck would you shout down a fucking civil rights activist like that? Come on.
That method of conducting a thing is beyond retarded. Did that one guy put in a block because the civil rights guy was equal to him and everyone else there, and therefore he shouldn't get a chance to speak in a way he doesn't? Shut the fuck up. If I was attending I'd want to punch that dude in the face.

And why are they repeating the megaphone dude?

edit: Eww, why did that video end with "secularstupidest.com". I feel dirty now, all around.
FlyinJ said:
I spent Saturday night and Sunday morning at our local Occupy. There were about 10-15 Libertarians there. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I asked them what they were there for, and they said to de-regulate everything. I asked them if they realized that was the exact opposite of what people were protesting, and they just shrugged.

Very strange.
It confuses and aggravates the hell out of me, too.


CF_Fighter said:
Because they all speak in "one voice". Kinda creepy if you ask me.
Feel free to look back a few posts / look at the previous page to stay up to date on the conversation, rather than making BS answers up.
It's called "the people's mic" and it is used because of a lack of adequate amplification, such as in the case where there are hundreds of people trying to hear 1 individual with only a megaphone.


Unconfirmed Member
Baron Aloha said:
I'm going to guess it is the president at 400k. Regular federal workers at the top of the pay scale (assuming GS15 Step 10 is the highest) make just about 130k.
There's an executive pay scale above GS. Still doesn't go too high, though, I think ~$200k.


BobsRevenge said:
If Ron Paul was brave enough to attack his own logic he'd have turned liberal a long time ago.

Ron Paul knows very well that his social libertarian preferences wouldn't hold up in his economic libertarian world. Labor would be forced to rise up against the miserable living standards and working conditions. Soon after, the Capitalist class would use whatever wedge issues they can find to break up Labor solidarity.

He knows this because it already fucking happened. The state is the lubricant that keeps market economy from eating itself.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
magicstop said:
Feel free to look back a few posts / look at the previous page to stay up to date on the conversation, rather than making BS answers up.
It's called "the people's mic" and it is used because of a lack of adequate amplification, such as in the case where there are hundreds of people trying to hear 1 individual with only a megaphone.
That didn't seem like an issue for Atlanta from that video. It just came off as silly, superfluous, and frustrating. I guess they just wanted to copy the NY protest?
Door2Dawn said:
I mean, really?


Why in the fucking fuck would you shout down a fucking civil rights activist like that? Come on.

I sincerely hope that Occupy Wall Street isn't similar to this assembly. How does the interjection of one person supersede the vote of the majority? The facilitator manipulates the crowd, shouting "mic check" to drown out people who dissent with his agenda. (watch at 8:36) This isn't democracy. This video is honestly a little disturbing.
ColonelColon said:
I sincerely hope that Occupy Wall Street isn't similar to this assembly. How does the interjection of one person supersede the vote of the majority? The facilitator manipulates the crowd, shouting "mic check" to drown out people who dissent with his agenda. (watch at 8:36) This isn't democracy. This video is honestly a little disturbing.

You must not have been watching the same video.


i posted that goddamned John Lewis video this morning ;_;

What am I, chopped liver?

Props to Occupy Atlanta though (even if they are all marxists that think the state is going to kill them) for not letting John Lewis speak. The man might have been a civil rights pioneer, but fuck him for everything afterwards. (For those who might not know, John Lewis is now a Congressman, hence the reason why they didn't let him speak).


Something Wicked said:

Wow, that's essentially the whole Occupier "movement" in a nutshell, and one of the main reasons why most of the country will never take them seriously- besides their moronic solutions to very complex issues.
Moronic solutions to very complex issues!

Something something tea party something


Enron said:
Props to Occupy Atlanta though (even if they are all marxists that think the state is going to kill them) for not letting John Lewis speak. The man might have been a civil rights pioneer, but fuck him for everything afterwards

What did he do that was so wrong?


ColonelColon said:
Ultimately, the facilitator made the decision not to allow John Lewis to speak. The voting in the crowd and the "consensus" is bogus.

I think you are conflating the idea of majority rules versus consensus. With the consensus system, which is used in a LOT of public assemblies, a single person has the ability to block a movement. Bear in mind, that person is responsible for defending that position and moving toward a solution usually, but it's not about getting a majority.

Every system has its drawbacks: this is the point of these systems, though. To create methods for differing opinions and positions to resolve. The consensus model is often preferred because it allows everyone the opportunity to be heard and to have their opinion weigh as much as the next person. No one can be ignored or not heard, and groups cannot make decisions simply based on their numbers. You can imagine how that could be problematic in a group that is potentially dominated by one demographic or another, such as a group that is primarily white and male, etc.

I think the decision to not allow Lewis to speak was the right one, but a hard one. I suspect that he could have had valuable things to say, but I know that he is a politician and is therefore a representative of a system which is actively trying to co-opt us and shut us down. He represents that which we wish to change, and no special consideration should be afforded anyone in so far as this goes, I believe.


Slavik81 said:
Looking through the Wikipedia page, it all looks pretty unobjectionable. It seems the worst he's ever done by me is oppose NAFTA.

Well, Enron? What did you mean?

edit: and no copping Magicstop's answer. Or 'lol sarcasm'.


magicstop said:
I think the decision to not allow Lewis to speak was the right one, but a hard one. I suspect that he could have had valuable things to say, but I know that he is a politician and is therefore a representative of a system which is actively trying to co-opt us and shut us down. He represents that which we wish to change, and no special consideration should be afforded anyone in so far as this goes, I believe.

It's kind of absurd to say that every politician represents the corrupt system. Certainly, someone like John Lewis, Dennis Kucinich, or Bernie Sanders is against the same corporate and government malfeasance as the protesters and I sincerely doubt that they are the types the protesters are trying to oust. I mean I get why you wouldn't want someone like Charlie Rangel speaking, because he literally represents the kind of corruption that needs to be routed out, but this was different.

They should have let Lewis speak, and I think they not only lost a chance to gain positive news coverage, they made themselves look bad in the process. I mean they didn't even directly deny him the opportunity to speak, they decided to go over some agenda first then let him speak, which just seems disrespectful and has nothing to do with the justification you provided. I think even they realize it now since it seems some of the organizers apologized, which is better than going on trying to defend it.


That video is fairly disgraceful, but all it really says about Occupy Atlanta is that they would be wise to not let self-important idiots man the microphones.


Esiquio said:
Don't know if you guys have seen this....but parts of this video filmed on "Occupy Sacramento" feels like an Onion video.

Reporter: So why are you here?
Organizer: That is something we're figuring out. Right now we have a message team developing that and it will be revealed tomorrow.


Yeah, I laughed pretty hard.

I think someone already posted that earlier.


Esiquio said:
Don't know if you guys have seen this....but parts of this video filmed on "Occupy Sacramento" feels like an Onion video.

Reporter: So why are you here?
Organizer: That is something we're figuring out. Right now we have a message team developing that and it will be revealed tomorrow.


Yeah, I laughed pretty hard.

Considering how many people are protesting, is it perplexing to know that the general consensus involving the population protesting about the bad things in our country right now are just as diverse as the people involved? I surely don't think most people are out there just for the sake of being out there, as there are far too many people involved now.


Timedog said:
Are you gonna answer the question about what John Lewis did for you to say "fuck everything he's done after that".

John Lewis is my Congressman, and he's a shitfuck. That's all I want to say on the matter.

Do you want this thread to be about OCCUPY<city>, or do you want it to be about Enron? I'm pretty boring; I'd prefer if we just kept this thread about the various OCCUPY<cities>, instead of trying to turn it into some poster-dogpile.

Edit: Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed's office telling OCCUPY Atlanta protesters to leave Woodruff Park


Roughly 150 protesters occupying Woodruff Park were preparing for a showdown late Monday night. Their anticipated antagonists weren't cooperating -- yet.

"We're allowing the protesters the opportunity to leave the park peacefully," said Candace Byrd, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed's chief of staff.

But no deadline was given at the impromptu press conference, and by midnight the police presence around the park was minimal. Meanwhile, Occupy Atlanta organizers encouraged the protesters to remain through the morning.

"If we can keep the crowd up we can hold the park," said Phil Aliff, 25, a student at Kennesaw State University.

It's uncertain how long the city will allow the group to stay. Byrd said officials held two meetings Monday with protest organizers to inform them of ordinances preventing "urban camping."

Rumors began spreading Monday that Atlanta police were going to enforce those laws but so far no arrests have been made.

"I'd love to get arrested, but I feel I can do a lot more from the outside," said Sean Phillips, 21, a student at Georgia State University.

Occupy Atlanta, rallying against corporate greed and the war in Afghanistan, set up stakes in the park Friday night. The crowd has varied through the weekend, with about 100 people remaining as of 1 a.m. Tuesday.

The protesters, who claim solidarity with a group encamped in New York's Zucotti Park since mid-September, attracted national headlines over the weekend when it voted against letting civil rights icon John Lewis address the crowd. They've since offered the Democratic representative a chance to speak Friday -- assuming they hold the park.


good credit (by proxy)
Enron said:
John Lewis is my Congressman, and he's a shitfuck. That's all I want to say on the matter.

Do you want this thread to be about OCCUPY<city>, or do you want it to be about Enron? I'm pretty boring; I'd prefer if we just kept this thread about the various OCCUPY<cities>, instead of trying to turn it into some poster-dogpile.

If you don't want to talk about certain subjects, don't bring them up yourself, hows abouts them apples?
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