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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Enron said:
How about you worry about you, and let me worry about me?

You make statements in this thread, be prepared to have them called out. If you want to only worry about yourself, don't join a group discussion.


Timedog said:
You make statements in this thread, be prepared to have them called out. If you want to only worry about yourself, don't join a group discussion.

I have joined this group discussion, and I only worry about myself. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about me or what I have to say. I suspect most everyone feels the same way - if we were really that concerned about other's opinions or perceptions of us, then we'd probably not be posting in a thread like this.

You want to talk about me? Send me PMs, and stop crapping up the thread with personal bullshit.

I'll keep participating in this thread. If you don't like it, there's an ignore button and your problem will be solved.


A Human Becoming said:
Cops are swarming Occupy Boston. Veterans for Peace protesters being beaten, tarps being torn down. A dozen or so paddy wagons and ~200 cops.

Something similar might be coming here in Atlanta. Although judging from the video of that crowd earlier today, it will probably go something like this.

APD - "Ok, time to move on. You guys have violated enough city ordinances already"

Protesters - "Oh yeah? Well Fu......I mean, yes, officer. Have a nice day"


good credit (by proxy)
Enron said:
I have joined this group discussion, and I only worry about myself. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about me or what I have to say. I suspect most everyone feels the same way - if we were really that concerned about other's opinions or perceptions of us, then we'd probably not be posting in a thread like this.

You want to talk about me? Send me PMs, and stop crapping up the thread with personal bullshit.

I'll keep participating in this thread. If you don't like it, there's an ignore button and your problem will be solved.

And I'll keep calling you out. It ain't "personal bullshit" when YOU brought it up. Way to rationalize your trolling though. Good job.
Enron said:
Something similar might be coming here in Atlanta. Although judging from the video of that crowd earlier today, it will probably go something like this.

APD - "Ok, time to move on. You guys have violated enough city ordinances already"

Protesters - "Oh yeah? Well Fu......I mean, yes, officer. Have a nice day"

They set up a second camp of occupying on private property.

Police handed out flyers today asking them to move before midnight or face arrest.

They didn't move.

Police show up in force to remove them and even then give them a 5 minute warning to disperse.

They still don't move.

People get arrested.

Not that shocking.


Timedog said:
And I'll keep calling you out. It ain't "personal bullshit" when YOU brought it up. Way to rationalize your trolling though. Good job.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
They set up a second camp of occupying on private property.

Police handed out flyers today asking them to move before midnight or face arrest.

They didn't move.

Police show up in force to remove them and even then give them a 5 minute warning to disperse.

They still don't move.

People get arrested.

Not that shocking.

Boston? Or ATL? The ATL one is literally happening about 10 minutes away from me, and I haven't heard anything about a second camp.


Jak140 said:
It's kind of absurd to say that every politician represents the corrupt system. Certainly, someone like John Lewis, Dennis Kucinich, or Bernie Sanders is against the same corporate and government malfeasance as the protesters and I sincerely doubt that they are the types the protesters are trying to oust. I mean I get why you wouldn't want someone like Charlie Rangel speaking, because he literally represents the kind of corruption that needs to be routed out, but this was different.

They should have let Lewis speak, and I think they not only lost a chance to gain positive news coverage, they made themselves look bad in the process. I mean they didn't even directly deny him the opportunity to speak, they decided to go over some agenda first then let him speak, which just seems disrespectful and has nothing to do with the justification you provided. I think even they realize it now since it seems some of the organizers apologized, which is better than going on trying to defend it.

I didn't have a problem with the John Lewis video since I understand the rationale behind their decision. It has nothing to do with John Lewis himself. This movement is protesting how the rich are almost treated like royalty in this country. This movement wants everyone to be on equal footing.

To let John Lewis ride up with his entourage, jump to the front of the line to speak, and then have him take off would be completely hypocritical. It would support the idea that he is better and more worthy than the people that have been at the meeting sweating there day after day.


GloveSlap said:
I didn't have a problem with the John Lewis video since I understand the rationale behind their decision. It has nothing to do with John Lewis himself. This movement is protesting how the rich are almost treated like royalty in this country. This movement wants everyone to be on equal footing.

To let John Lewis ride up with his entourage, jump to the front of the line to speak, and then have him take off would be completely hypocritical. It would support the idea that he is better and more worthy than the people that have been at the meeting sweating there day after day.

John Lewis could have stuck around, but he had a committment to the Pride crowd to keep. Dunno if they'd have let him actually speak or not though.
Plasmid said:
What right do police officers have to beat protestors? Makes 0 sense.

What right do 100 people have to squat on private property? How many times do they have to be asked to move? Don't buy into the whining. They were asked to move back to the actual "occupy" spot. They refused. Hours later they get a second warning to leave. They lock arms and chant they aren't leaving. Arrests were made.

If you resist arrest, you're still going to be arrested, and it's not going to be a pleasant experience for you.

The silliest part of all of this is that the "camp 1" area is still being allowed to exist, without a permit, and no interference from authorities.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
What right do 100 people have to squat on private property? How many times do they have to be asked to move? Don't buy into the whining. They were asked to move back to the actual "occupy" spot. They refused. Hours later they get a second warning to leave. They lock arms and chant they aren't leaving. Arrests were made.

If you resist arrest, you're still going to be arrested, and it's not going to be a pleasant experience for you.

The silliest part of all of this is that the "camp 1" area is still being allowed to exist, without a permit, and no interference from authorities.

Apparently the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, which I'm guessing maintains the park, gave them permission as long as the plants weren't destroyed. Whether that falls within their authority I don't know.
A Human Becoming said:
Apparently the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, which I'm guessing maintains the park, gave them permission as long as the plants weren't destroyed. Whether that falls within their authority I don't know.

They revoked that permission once it was apparent that the "Occupiers" were not really giving a fuck about the condition of the park and it's flowers.

Pretty stupid on the parks part.

LOLZ at the Occupiers on twitter demanding Mayor Menino be recalled or step down. That guy is mayor for life. I don't even think being "found with a live boy or a dead girl" would bring him down.
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
I really hope this isn't the best smoking gun proof of a horrible atrocity in Boston that you got.

Considering the event happened less than two hours ago 1500 miles away from where I sit now, on my couch and in my boxers watching Breaking Bad from last night...I am alright with signing my name to that post.


GloveSlap said:
I didn't have a problem with the John Lewis video since I understand the rationale behind their decision. It has nothing to do with John Lewis himself. This movement is protesting how the rich are almost treated like royalty in this country. This movement wants everyone to be on equal footing.

To let John Lewis ride up with his entourage, jump to the front of the line to speak, and then have him take off would be completely hypocritical. It would support the idea that he is better and more worthy than the people that have been at the meeting sweating there day after day.

If more people wanted to hear him speak right away than wanted him to wait, he should have been allowed to speak. The problem more than anything seems to be that the people running the show were incompetent and couldn't just ask the question as simply as that. I won't even bother addressing how retarded it is to compare the merit of undeserved wealth vs the merit of being an accomplished civil rights leader.


Jak140 said:
If more people wanted to hear him speak right away than wanted him to wait, he should have been allowed to speak. The problem more than anything seems to be that the people running the show were incompetent and couldn't just ask the question as simply as that.
I agree that the whole voting thing could have been less confusing. The guy did even seem kind of annoying, but the job he his doing isn't exactly easy.It still did seem to be a pretty mixed vote, definitely close enough not to let someone speak out of order.
Jak140 said:
I won't even bother addressing how retarded it is to compare the merit of undeserved wealth vs the merit of being an accomplished civil rights leader.
The point isn't about what criteria is required for the red carpet to be rolled out. The point is that there isn't a red carpet at all, or at least there shouldn't be. If you want to speak, wait your turn like everyone else. If you have somewhere to be and can't wait then come back tomorrow


good credit (by proxy)
GloveSlap said:
I agree that the whole voting thing could have been less confusing. The guy did even seem kind of annoying, but the job he his doing isn't exactly easy.It still did seem to be a pretty mixed vote, definitely close enough not to let someone speak out of order.

The point isn't about what criteria is required for the red carpet to be rolled out. The point is that there isn't a red carpet at all, or at least there shouldn't be. If you want to speak, wait your turn like everyone else. If you have somewhere to be and can't wait then come back tomorrow

He kept asking a bunch of times and then saying it wasn't a "vote" he just wanted to get the temperature, but then that actually became a vote, and all this weird bullshit, when the first time he asked the majority were in favor. After that no one knew what the fuck he was talking about or what was going on. It seemed obvious that the leader(oh, i'm not supposed to call him that word because we're playing childish semantic games as part of our ill-thought out ideology) didn't want the man to speak.

I'm 100% for Occupy, but that was a pile of pure bullshit, there's no denying it.


GloveSlap said:
The point isn't about what criteria is required for the red carpet to be rolled out. The point is that there isn't a red carpet at all, or at least there shouldn't be. If you want to speak, wait your turn like everyone else. If you have somewhere to be and can't wait then come back tomorrow

I'm not arguing for a "red carpet," just saying that if more people wanted to hear Lewis speak before Joe Schmo he should be allowed to speak first. Again, there is a difference in merit between allowing someone to speak first just because they are wealthy and letting someone speak first because they are an experienced civil rights leader. If this was a conference on how to build a rocket, I sure as fuck would want to hear a lecture from a rocket scientist before one from Joe the Plumber. Same effing concept.


Forget OccupyAtlanta there is an OccupyAugusta. Oh man if I wasn't getting over a chest infection, I would go down there and witness something great.
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
They set up a second camp of occupying on private property.

Police handed out flyers today asking them to move before midnight or face arrest.

They didn't move.

Police show up in force to remove them and even then give them a 5 minute warning to disperse.

They still don't move.

People get arrested.

Not that shocking.

x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Boston. Been following the lulz for a bit on twitter.

In your attempt to enjoy "lulz" youve gotten completely misinformed.

Good job. Please stop spreading lies, k?

Protip: A highway median is generally not considered private property.
Protip 2: The non-profit which keeps the landscaping going said it was ok, as long as the landscaping was preserved or replaced.

Do you have the slightest clue how many tax dollars went to pay for the RKG?


Modesty becomes a woman
I can already see this getting blown out of proportion, people freaking out about this, but they wanted to move the protesters somewhere else because they set up in a newly renovated park and were basically ruining it by being way over capacity, besides the fact they were fuckin camping there and shitting in the garbage cans and stuff.

It's nice and all, but you have to think about the poor groundskeepers who have to clean up and maintain that stuff.
I can already see this getting blown out of proportion, people freaking out about this, but they wanted to move the protesters somewhere else because they set up in a newly renovated park and were basically ruining it by being way over capacity, besides the fact they were fuckin camping there and shitting in the garbage cans and stuff.

It's nice and all, but you have to think about the poor groundskeepers who have to clean up and maintain that stuff.



It's a median strip in a highway, built in 2007.

It's grass. The plan is eventually to build a museum there. Thats why currently, its unused grass + some flowers. Theres nothing to maintain. As people who actually live in Boston point out "it's the first that the strip of grass is actually being used

The police are abusing their power and using our tax dollars to feed themselves overtime.

"Hey guys, call in everyone! Unlimited overtime! It's chirstmas baby!"


Still Alive
What does all this absence of media coverage mean, exactly? Why isn't it being reported on? What's the agenda, basically..


Sentry said:
What does all this absence of media coverage mean, exactly? Why isn't it being reported on? What's the agenda, basically..
If you don't pay attention to something eventually it goes away.


I don't know why you're saying the media is not paying attention... Even Forbes has an article somewhat defending OWS...

Forbes said:
This is where we need to mend what OWS calls the corporate state. That’s because as long as they use money to pay lobbyists, make campaign contributions, and dangle the lure of higher paying private sector jobs in front of those in government tasked with regulating business, society runs the risk that corporations will engage in some questionable conduct.

For example, I doubt that fracking – the practice of blowing up rock to release natural gas — would be permitted near residential areas if energy companies did not make hefty campaign contributions. Furthermore, without supplying funds to Washington — such as Ameriquest’s $7.8 million in 2004 campaign contributions to George W. Bush’s re-election campaign — I question whether sub-prime mortgage lenders would have been permitted to sign up borrowers who couldn’t repay.

To limit corporate malefaction, we must limit the reach of corporate cash. If OWS inadvertently achieves that aim, society will continue to enjoy the benefits of the corporate state with fewer of its costs.



RJT said:
I don't know why you're saying the media is not paying attention... Even Forbes has an article somewhat defending OWS...

I agree that there has been quite some more covering of the protests this week but it's still laughable compared to the scale of the protests. It's obvious that some just don't want to elaborately report it, at least for now.

From the 'Fox News Lies' video, which gaffer is this? :lol


I hadn't been keeping up with this thread, but I went back and read a few pages.

I can't believe the people defending the police abuses. Are you guys just authority fetishists or something?


This does not bode well in Boston. I will be keeping my eyes on the news today, and will be working on the OP some. I hope everything in Boston and ATL comes out AOK, but if the cops and the people that own them are going to make a push, that's on them. If they want to instigate, that's fine. This won't be shut down.


Boston Police Brutally Assault Occupy Boston

At 1:30 this morning hundreds of police in full riot gear brutally attacked Occupy Boston, which had peacefully gathered on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The Boston Police Department made no distinction between protesters, medics, or legal observers, arresting legal observer Ursula Levelt, who serves on the steering committee for the National Lawyers Guild, as well as four medics attempting to care for the injured.

Earlier in the day, an estimated ten thousand union members, students, veterans, families, men, and women of all ages marched from the Boston Common to Dewey Square, and then to the North Washington Bridge to demand economic reform on Wall Street and the end of special interest influence in Washington.

Following this massive outpouring of public support, dozens of police vans descended on the Greenway, with batons drawn, assaulting protesters and arresting more than one-hundred people. Members of Veterans for Peace carrying American flags were pushed to the ground and their flags trampled as the police hauled them away.

Following the raid, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis made no mention of veterans, organized labor, students, or families, nor did he issue an apology for his department’s aggressive tactics. Since the beginning of its occupation, Occupy Boston has worked tirelessly and successfully to maintain a positive working relationship with city officials. Today’s reprehensible attack by the Boston Police Department against a movement that enjoys the broad support of the American people represents a sad and disturbing shift away from dialogue and towards violent repression.

Despite the city’s attempt to silence us, Occupy Boston remains, and bears no ill-will towards the men and women of the Boston Police Department who were simply following orders. We hope that someday the peaceful pursuit of economic justice will not provoke the beating of elderly veterans and the arrest of medics and legal observers. We encourage everyone who continues to feel as strongly as we do about limiting the influence of Wall Street on our democracy to join us tomorrow, and in the future, down in Dewey Square.

In the meantime, if you've considered donating money to the Occupy movement, now may be a good time. Occupy Boston is trying to raise money for bail and legal defense for over 100 people here. They are estimating the need for around $4000.


Kad5 said:
Enron i've been going to the occupy ATL too. I go to GSU so it's down the street from me.

Make no mistake - I have NOT been going to Occupy ATL. I've just been posting news about it since its happening so close to me. I am not an Occupy supporter.

and 5 finger death punch guy is a real upstanding citizen, i'm glad someone is out there defending the police and the poor strip of land. can't have social revolution if we're inconveniencing someone!
Is there any actual video/photo proof of people being "brutally assaulted" in Boston last night? So far I have only found pictures of people being arrested and one video where the police were having to restrain people who were aggressively resisting arrest. Right now I am not seeing proof against people being told to disperse multiple times and then being arrested when they did not leave. Right now it seems like things are being blown out of proportion, but I am willing to see evidence (not just words) to the contrary if someone can provide it.


Evil Benius said:
Is there any actual video/photo proof of people being "brutally assaulted" in Boston last night? So far I have only found pictures of people being arrested and one video where the police were having to restrain people who were aggressively resisting arrest. Right now I am not seeing proof against people being told to disperse multiple times and then being arrested when they did not leave. Right now it seems like things are being blown out of proportion, but I am willing to see evidence (not just words) to the contrary if someone can provide it.

OWS has been blowing everything out of proportion from day 1. "Police arrest protester forcing to ground and cuffing" has become "Thrown head-first into a car" or "Brutally beaten". Folks, "brutally beaten" is a cop taking out his baton and beating the shit out of you with it in the face or getting hit with rubber bullets, or getting decked. Not having an officer take your feet out from under you and cuffing your ass because you won't obey police orders to clear a park or keep out of traffic.

Do I doubt someone has been beaten by cops somewhere? There's been so many arrests, I find it entirely plausible. Widespread brutality? Uh, no.
Enron said:
OWS has been blowing everything out of proportion from day 1. "Police arrest protester forcing to ground and cuffing" has become "Thrown head-first into a car" or "Brutally beaten". Folks, "brutally beaten" is a cop taking out his baton and beating the shit out of you with it in the face or getting hit with rubber bullets, or getting decked. Not having an officer take your feet out from under you and cuffing your ass because you won't obey police orders to clear a park or keep out of traffic.

This is my impression as well. When the photos the protestors themselves posted in the link above were fairly tame I have to wonder how bad things really were.


They curiously left out the fact that the police were only trying to clear out the settlement. The original occupy boston tent city wasn't affected. That PR pretends they police tried to shut down the entire movement, and attempts to link the crackdown to the earlier march which has nothing to do with the expansion


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Alpha-Bromega said:

and 5 finger death punch guy is a real upstanding citizen, i'm glad someone is out there defending the police and the poor strip of land. can't have social revolution if we're inconveniencing someone!

The 5 finger who/where/when guy?
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