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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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It takes no effort to just sit behind your computer screen at your home and do nothing. It takes real courage and determination to go out, make a sign from piece of cardboard, and sit behind a computer screen at a public park! I mean- they're doing these such brave acts to take down the... umm, corporations and to protect the environment, man. However, they could use a few more diesel generators to power their laptops, so they can post messages on their Twitter and Facebook pages- showing their friends that they're making an actual difference in the world.

... Ugh, for those asking what these protesters are actually protesting for/against, I must say- why bother? These people are some the most unintelligent, hypocritical, parasitic dopes that unfortunately happen to hold American citizenship. Inquiring for logical or reasonable goals from this group is a complete waste of time. Also, do they realize Twitter and Facebook are backed by large Wall Street firms and hedge funds? Their utilizing of such sites only makes "Wall Street" (as if Wall Street or more so, the US financial industry is a homogeneous entity that collectively operates with the exact same investment strategies) even wealthier.
elrechazao said:
Yes, they are influencing the people who see them on the news to disregard their message, so you're correct.

If people are disregarding the message, why is the movement growing?

Goya said:
Policies that people say they support in surveys =/= policies that politicians need to support in order to get people to vote for them.

That's the problem with the two party system.
kame-sennin said:
If people are disregarding the message, why is the movement growing?

Because, there are a lot of unemployed hippies out there that have nothing better to do- granted, they'd likely be still not be working if jobs were plentiful and the unemployment rate was under 2% instead of 9%+.


Incurious Bastard
kame-sennin said:
That's the problem with the two party system.

In some cases, you're right. In other cases, surveys ask people their opinion on issues they simply don't care about, in which case they make up opinions on the spot, perhaps going with the opinion of pundit they last heard on the news or choosing randomly (a blog post summarizing some research on this: http://www.overcomingbias.com/2011/07/making-up-opinions.html). When people vote, they pick the candidates they know share their preferred stances on the issues they care about. What these candidates' stances are on issues that aren't important to them don't influence their voting behavior at all.


Something Wicked said:
Because, there are a lot of unemployed hippies out there that have nothing better to do- granted, they'd likely be still not be working if jobs were plentiful and the unemployment rate was under 2% instead of 9%+.

sure man

that's totally why there's protesting going on.

not like there's anything wrong with the country.



Despite their honest intentions, many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are being suckered into a trap and calling for the very “solutions” that are part of the financial elite’s agenda to torpedo the American middle class – higher taxes and more big government.

Watch the clip below in which journalist Adam Kokesh talks to Occupy Wall Street protesters.


The ignorance displayed in these interviews knows no bounds. The protesters just don’t get it. They are calling for the government to use force to impose their ideas, all in the name of bringing down corporations who they don’t realize have completely bought off government regulators. Corporations and government enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship – getting one to regulate the other is asinine and only hurts smaller businesses who are legitimately trying to compete in a free market economy that barely exists.

The zeal for totalitarian government amongst some of the “protesters” is shocking. One sign being carried around read, “A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force,” which seems a little ironic when protesters complain about being physically assaulted by police in the same breath.

One woman interviewed by Kokesh also announces her intention to help Obama to capture a second term. How can a self-proclaimed Occupy Wall Street protester simultaneously support the man whose 2008 campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street, whose 2012 campaign is reliant on Wall Street to an even greater extent, and whose cabinet was filled with Wall Street operatives?

Something is very wrong with this picture.

The usual suspects, mega-rich foundations and elitists, behind the young radicals have also started to emerge – George Soros, The Ruckus Society, the Tides Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

“The belated crusade against Wall Street is even more pathetic as it is coordinated by groups who wouldn’t exist without men like Soros, who made their money from deals that make the Street look sparkling clean. It’s class warfare as a cynical jab at the populist center, the people who mutter to themselves that the Street is full of crooks and so is Congress,” writes Daniel Greenfield.

The thousands of Americans currently expressing their disgust at Wall Street and the bankers who have ruined the economy to the detriment of the poor and middle class should be commended for getting off their hind ends and doing something, unlike the millions who will continue to watch American Idol, drink beer and laugh in ignorance as the country is flushed down the toilet. It should also be added that there is a sprinkling of “End the Fed” demonstrators who truly understand the root cause of the problem.

However, the fact that the majority of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators are advocating “solutions” which the very elite they claim to be protesting against also want should set alarm bells ringing.

The official Occupy Wall Street website vehemently supports Obama’s tax agenda, again in the deluded belief that Obama, the ultimate Wall Street puppet, genuinely wants to go after big corporations who use loopholes to avoid paying income tax.

In calling for higher taxes on the middle class, the protesters are mimicking the likes of billionaire Warren Buffet. The top corporations pay virtually zero income tax because of loopholes that they have crafted in league with bought off government regulators. Obama’s tax hikes will only impact genuine middle class businesses and middle class Americans earning over $200,000 – with the rate of inflation as it is this can hardly be described as the “super rich”.

As Anthony Wile writes, the protesters are being completely misdirected by their socialist/communist leaders. The real center of financial control is the Federal Reserve and the city of London, and yet ideologue Michael Moore said earlier this week that “ending capitalism” was more important than dealing with the Fed.

Wile notes that the protesters seem obsessed with those who conduct financial transactions, not those who actually run global central banks, the real string pullers.

“To get at the root of the problem, one should be protesting, say, in London’s City where central banking originated. Or protesting in front of the Federal Reserve in Washington DC.
These are real seats of power. But the shadowy and excessively powerful and wealthy individuals who have created the modern economic system are quite satisfied no doubt to have Wall Street take the blame. It suits their purposes,”
writes Wile.

“It is too bad that the Occupy Wall Street movement seems to be obscuring the larger issues by apparently blaming the private (transactional) sector in entirety for what has occurred in the past few years.”


Something Wicked said:
Because, there are a lot of unemployed hippies out there that have nothing better to do- granted, they'd likely be still not be working if jobs were plentiful and the unemployment rate was under 2% instead of 9%+.
Piss off with this shitty attitude. Seriously.


Blah blah blah, what a pointless article. It tries to paint the protest with one brush stroke. What a joke!

People are protesting because they are fed up.

Look at how things went in the Great Depression. It wasn't people going in the streets over one issue, it was people fed up. It turned out for the best in the end. The more people protest, the better. It's all about getting the balance of politics to tip back onto the side of the people, rather than the side of corporations.

This might just be the start of a counter-Tea Party movement, which is expected.

Nature at work.
lol why are you still responding to these trolls? it's the same trite arguments replayed over and over and you're falling for it every time.


travisbickle said:
Morn, I am assuming you will be going to the "Occupy the Fed" rally mentioned in the article? That was the whole point of the article, don't blame Wall Street blame the Fed. Good luck, I admire you.

One of the many incorrect things in that article, since several of these protests are already targeting local Federal Reserve banks, e.g. Boston, Minneapolis.
Ether_Snake said:
Blah blah blah, what a pointless article. It tries to paint the protest with one brush stroke. What a joke!

People are protesting because they are fed up.

Look at how things went in the Great Depression. It wasn't people going in the streets over one issue, it was people fed up. It turned out for the best in the end. The more people protest, the better. It's all about getting the balance of politics to tip back onto the side of the people, rather than the side of corporations.

This might just be the start of a counter-Tea Party movement, which is expected.

Nature at work.

SolKane said:
One of the many incorrect things in that article, since several of these protests are already targeting local Federal Reserve banks, e.g. Boston, Minneapolis.

I'm not going to comment on whether it is correct or incorrect but it is a major sentiment within the article and concludes with a call to protest the FED.

If somebody posted the article and did not agree with the action of Occupying the FED they either do not understand the article or you are an arsehole.
Podcast recording is done.

Jaydubya showed up!

I'll have it up either late late tonight or tomorrow morning.
I'll post a link when its done.


Back from the Occupy Raleigh planning meeting. What a long day, it's been . . . Organizing is hard work, and I'm bloody well drained.

I've got pics from both events (not a ton), and audio from both, and when I find time tomorrow, I will upload both.

To those of you making unsubstantiated claims about the character or quality of those in attendance of these events:
The people I met with and talked with today were from across the social spectrum. Elderly ladies who watched their livelihoods wither with their stocks, people approaching retirement who were watching their pensions vanish, doctorate and graduate students concerned with the lack of jobs and the high cost of student loads and other associated fees, lawyers who were sick of seeing devastating imbalances in the political and legal systems (especially in regard to corporations), working mothers struggling to feed their kids, young anarchists who refused to accept the reality being sold to them by our current breed of politicians and corporations, and even two millionaires who were both in families that owned large corporations, and who, like Warren Buffet, believe that they should be paying more in taxes, should be held accountable to the legal system like any individual, and should be honest in recognizing where their money comes from and how their income and companies affect the majority of the population.

I'm pretty excited about the Occupy DC movement coming up, and I hope DC-GAF will keep us informed. Another calender event is the Occupy Charlotte event coming up next Saturday, Oct. the 8th. Charlotte is a huge financial and banking hub for the entire nation, and the Occupy movement looks to establish itself there for the long haul.

I'll be working only briefly tonight to update the OP, but I will put some more time into it tomorrow to get some new features added and update some of the things listed.
magicstop said:
I'm pretty excited about the Occupy DC movement coming up, and I hope DC-GAF will keep up informed.
Well, right now, the protest is pretty small, only a few dozen protesters, and only in a single corner of McPherson Square, but it isn't really organized yet. Also there was confusion about when it would be starting, as there was another event for Occupy DC scheduled for the 6th, so I'd be watching to see what happens on the 6th.


cooljeanius said:
Well, right now, the protest is pretty small, only a few dozen protesters, and only in a single corner of McPherson Square, but it isn't really organized yet. Also there was confusion about when it would be starting, as there was another event for Occupy DC scheduled for the 6th, so I'd be watching to see what happens on the 6th.

Yeah, the 6th is what I was thinking of. We had several people at our movements who came down from NY and Occupy Wall St to help us get started and to give us first hand accounts of what was happening. Several of them were headed to the DC thing on the 6th. I'm thinking that one is going to get huge.
if this ever gets co-opted by the democrats, this protest will lose its power. so if hillary clinton or obama shows up, reject them. hell, i'm wary of even michael moore running his gullet. this protest needs a strong voice from the people themselves rather than an establishment figure.
milkyjay20 said:
if this ever gets co-opted by the democrats, this protest will lose its power. so if hillary clinton or obama shows up, reject them. hell, i'm wary of even michael moore running his gullet. this protest needs a strong voice from the people themselves rather than an establishment figure.

Absolutely. Obama and the democrats co-opted the anti-war movement and then killed it. And now we're still at war.



Now carry on as usual.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
milkyjay20 said:
if this ever gets co-opted by the democrats, this protest will lose its power. so if hillary clinton or obama shows up, reject them. hell, i'm wary of even michael moore running his gullet. this protest needs a strong voice from the people themselves rather than an establishment figure.
I tend to agree. One of the main reasons nothing is getting done is because of how divided the country is. The left and the right need to find common ground, and that won't happen if this movement is seen as a leftist thing. It being co-opted by Democrat politicians and polarizing figures like Michael Moore will not help in that regard.


AstroLad said:
has taibbi commented on this at all?
He said he was going to go to it and write something up... I don't know if he's actually written on it yet. I'll try and find the small blog he made.

Edit - ^^^^^^^^^^ taadaa


demon said:
I tend to agree. One of the main reasons nothing is getting done is because of how divided the country is. The left and the right need to find common ground, and that won't happen if this movement is seen as a leftist thing. It being co-opted by Democrat politicians and polarizing figures like Michael Moore will not help in that regard.
It's a bit to late for that. Moore and other leftist celebrities have been there and were treated like celebrities.


Reading that list of grievances, what a fucking joke. Makes it seem like a platform for every left-leaning activist to tie their interest to. I don't know what the protesters expect to happen. They'll lose steam after a few more weeks and everything will return to normal. These people aren't for real, they're not about to put their lives on the line for this shit and do something meaningful.
Polari said:
Reading that list of grievances, what a fucking joke. Makes it seem like a platform for every left-leaning activist to tie their interest to. I don't know what the protesters expect to happen. They'll lose steam after a few more weeks and everything will return to normal. These people aren't for real, they're not about to put their lives on the line for this shit and do something meaningful.

must not respond to trolls....argh.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Polari said:
Reading that list of grievances, what a fucking joke. Makes it seem like a platform for every left-leaning activist to tie their interest to. I don't know what the protesters expect to happen. They'll lose steam after a few more weeks and everything will return to normal. These people aren't for real, they're not about to put their lives on the line for this shit and do something meaningful.
They're unrealistic demands but reasonable ones nonetheless. The very notion of those ideas being considering "left-leaning" is exactly what's wrong with the right and why I'm proud to consider myself a liberal.

Also, "put their lives on the line"? What the fuck does that even mean?


demon said:
Also, "put their lives on the line"? What the fuck does that even mean?

It means Arab Spring, Red Army Faction they are not. If these people were truly oppressed by corporations, they'd be bombing Wall Street rather than "occupying" it.


lacks enthusiasm.
Polari said:
It means Arab Spring, Red Army Faction they are not. If these people were truly oppressed by corporations, they'd be bombing Wall Street rather than "occupying" it.
Polari said:
It means Arab Spring, Red Army Faction they are not. If these people were truly oppressed by corporations, they'd be bombing Wall Street rather than "occupying" it.
The Arab spring has been a largely peaceful movement. It only got violent in Libya when Qaddafi decided to kill all the protesters
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