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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Polari said:
It means Arab Spring, Red Army Faction they are not. If these people were truly oppressed by corporations, they'd be bombing Wall Street rather than "occupying" it.

i should've just not fed the troll. =/


Hail to the KING baby
Polari said:
It means Arab Spring, Red Army Faction they are not. If these people were truly oppressed by corporations, they'd be bombing Wall Street rather than "occupying" it.
well, your knowledge of successful protest movements is clearly unimpeachable


Polari said:
Well what do you all think will be the tangible result of this?

- It's a visual, physical display of people's dissatisfaction. Pretty important in this day and age when a lot of people's lives largely revolve around the internet and the ineffectiveness of "fighting against things" on forums, Facebooks and comments sections.

- It helps to break that wall down in people's minds where rather than being a passive victim to everything, they see it is possible to go out there and at least make some noise and let people know you're unhappy.

- While I don't think politicians or bankers or brokers are going to do anything differently after this, it is, at least, a start. Two weeks ago lots of people thought this would be a joke and a few hundred people would show up and it would be laughed away forever. Instead, the protest has stretched on for weeks and similar protests have happened and/or will happen in most major American cities. The snide, cynical assholes already look stupid.


Only a few pics from Occupy Raleigh (planning meeting, protest set for two weeks-ish, occupation not yet scheduled), as it was dark and they look janky.

"Oh god, no! They have taken Durham, North Carolina, the end is upon us. Fall back, my fellow bankers and executives. We shall make our final stand in Charlotte!"


Something Wicked said:
"Oh god, no! They have taken Durham, North Carolina, the end is upon us. Fall back, my fellow bankers and executives. We shall make our final stand in Charlotte!"

Occupy Charlotte starts on Oct. 8, silly. Also both of these events were planning meetings. No occupations have begun in either Raleigh or Durham yet.


Won't stop picking the right nation
magicstop said:
Great link! Thanks for the read. It's got a lot of valid and interesting points.
Just a quick example, and rather than anyone arguing against this quote specifically, instead just go read the whole article:
I don't think that we can assume that it's "just" about reigning in the greed of Wall Street, because that alone portends many different things. I can agree with someone who wants to regulate the derivatives market but cannot agree with someone who wants to seriously stifle the entire financial sector with much too onerous capital standards or even, at the extreme end, the defanging of the capitalist system. These different approaches absolutely matter. I think that Greenwald is simply projecting his lucid thoughts onto the protesters as a whole without a particular reason to do so. There is always the danger of degenerating into intellectual incoherence - the Tea Party of the left.

With that said, if this somehow results in stricter treatment, I am for it, but I am skeptical. I also think that this should've occurred in 2008/2009 and not now, when the labor market is ailing.

Angry Fork

I wish I could see this turning into something big, but I doubt it unfortunately. The moment 100+ people started being arrested is the moment people should've resorted to violence and bring the real fight.

This happy go lucky walk peacefully bullshit isn't gonna do anything. The police dictate what you can do and where you can go, and if anyone does otherwise they just get arrested and nobody does anything about it. This shit isn't being controlled by the people involved and that's the problem. These people should be going INTO the buildings on wall street and fucking up the ones who are robbing them.

So far this protest is the equivalent of the police and co. saying 'okay guys hehe you're mad huh? well hmm okay we'll throw you a bone here you can protest in this little area over here okay lol look at them they think they're making a difference lol' and the big shots in the buildings overlooking them are saying the same thing. They need to feel fear and walking with some picket signs isn't scaring anyone.

edit - the only way a peaceful march could do something is if everyone stopped working (and by everyone I mean millions) then the city (and maybe country) would wake up and be like oh ok wait a second our slaves aren't in their cubicles what's going on etc. and things would change. But nobody wants to risk their own lives because they're not sure if this is for real or not.


Obsidian fan
Could someone give me a quick run down of the developments over the last few days?

I've not been following very close recently.
CHEEZMO™ said:
Could someone give me a quick run down of the developments over the last few days?

I've not been following very close recently.

On Saturday the original Occupy Wall Street movement marched on the Brooklyn Bridge. Police arrested over 700 people according to many news sites.

The General Assembly meeting last night sounded as if they were trying to cobble together a coherent agenda.

Many unions have shown support or participated in the movement.

The movement is already active in other cities like Boston.


time to take my meds
magicstop said:
Occupy Charlotte starts on Oct. 8, silly. Also both of these events were planning meetings. No occupations have begun in either Raleigh or Durham yet.
I just read there was an occupy greensboro as well. I might have to check it out if it's still going.

Even if there are 10 people standing around, its nice to see smaller cities getting involved. The whole country is affected, so it makes sense to me.


Junior Member
Any way I can donate to this? I'm sure the protestors are going to need food, blankets, and other supplies. I'll be more than happy to donate stuff to keep this going.


Angry Fork said:
I wish I could see this turning into something big, but I doubt it unfortunately. The moment 100+ people started being arrested is the moment people should've resorted to violence and bring the real fight.

This happy go lucky walk peacefully bullshit isn't gonna do anything. The police dictate what you can do and where you can go, and if anyone does otherwise they just get arrested and nobody does anything about it. This shit isn't being controlled by the people involved and that's the problem. These people should be going INTO the buildings on wall street and fucking up the ones who are robbing them.

So far this protest is the equivalent of the police and co. saying 'okay guys hehe you're mad huh? well hmm okay we'll throw you a bone here you can protest in this little area over here okay lol look at them they think they're making a difference lol' and the big shots in the buildings overlooking them are saying the same thing. They need to feel fear and walking with some picket signs isn't scaring anyone.

edit - the only way a peaceful march could do something is if everyone stopped working (and by everyone I mean millions) then the city (and maybe country) would wake up and be like oh ok wait a second our slaves aren't in their cubicles what's going on etc. and things would change. But nobody wants to risk their own lives because they're not sure if this is for real or not.

about 42 mins in.

The man was leading the protests during and after the Tienanmen Square Incident in 1989. Rather trust his opinion than yours considering he has been involved in violent and non violent protests. Also they managed to change shit in communist CHINA. The US should be considerably easier.

Angry Fork

Sh1ner said:
about 42 mins in.

The man was leading the protests during and after the Tienanmen Square Incident in 1989. Rather trust his opinion than yours considering he has been involved in violent and non violent protests. Also they managed to change shit in communist CHINA. The US should be considerably easier.
Huh? The last part of the video basically talked about what I think should happen for things to change which is violent resistance (unless you meant that you wanted me to watch the whole thing).

They have to understand what people can do if you fuck with them and right now people are saying they can write/hold up stupid posters as if that's going to change anything. Walking on some street does not instill fear in the minds of those 50 stories in the sky looking down on peasants. American cities are a bunch of police states that would protect millionaires before common folk in a heart beat. There's no way to change the actions of multi-billion dollar companies without violent resistance (or people stopping work all together which is much less likely).


Angry Fork said:
I wish I could see this turning into something big, but I doubt it unfortunately. The moment 100+ people started being arrested is the moment people should've resorted to violence and bring the real fight.

This happy go lucky walk peacefully bullshit isn't gonna do anything. The police dictate what you can do and where you can go, and if anyone does otherwise they just get arrested and nobody does anything about it. This shit isn't being controlled by the people involved and that's the problem. These people should be going INTO the buildings on wall street and fucking up the ones who are robbing them.

So far this protest is the equivalent of the police and co. saying 'okay guys hehe you're mad huh? well hmm okay we'll throw you a bone here you can protest in this little area over here okay lol look at them they think they're making a difference lol' and the big shots in the buildings overlooking them are saying the same thing. They need to feel fear and walking with some picket signs isn't scaring anyone.

edit - the only way a peaceful march could do something is if everyone stopped working (and by everyone I mean millions) then the city (and maybe country) would wake up and be like oh ok wait a second our slaves aren't in their cubicles what's going on etc. and things would change. But nobody wants to risk their own lives because they're not sure if this is for real or not.

Well, aren't you a peach.


time to take my meds
Sadly, I agree with Angry Fork. I'm not sure how much change will happen with signs, and yelling. Though I'm not convinced violence is the only way. I think they need to cause problems to gain more attention, but that doesn't mean violence.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Politicians will notice the public outrage and start talking about regulations and "reining in the big banks" in campaign stump speeches.

Then, they'll get elected and do nothing.


Angry Fork said:
Huh? The last part of the video basically talked about what I think should happen for things to change which is violent resistance (unless you meant that you wanted me to watch the whole thing).

They have to understand what people can do if you fuck with them and right now people are saying they can write/hold up stupid posters as if that's going to change anything. Walking on some street does not instill fear in the minds of those 50 stories in the sky looking down on peasants. American cities are a bunch of police states that would protect millionaires before common folk in a heart beat. There's no way to change the actions of multi-billion dollar companies without violent resistance (or people stopping work all together which is much less likely).

Activity like you are talking about requires critical mass; that's not something you can do before then. It also requires the appropriate environment in which certain conditions have been met, etc. Stomping around violently right now would simply shut this movement down all the quicker. It's not going to happen like that, and thankfully so. That's all I'll say about that.

Bad_Boy said:
I just read there was an occupy greensboro as well. I might have to check it out if it's still going.

Even if there are 10 people standing around, its nice to see smaller cities getting involved. The whole country is affected, so it makes sense to me.

For sure! I guarantee there will be more than 10 people as well :D Durham had around 200 people, not sure of the Raleigh count, but it was decently high. Both were organizational meetings, so we're hoping to see the numbers swell in the next few weeks as we meet more, protest, and ultimately occupy.


Junior Member
Bad_Boy said:
Sadly, I agree with Angry Fork. I'm not sure how much change will happen with signs, and yelling. Though I'm not convinced violence is the only way. I think they need to cause problems to gain more attention, but that doesn't mean violence.
If people aren't happy with the financial industry, couldn't they just take all their money out of the banks/investments/savings plans that are being held for them? The last time there was any significant change to the banking industry was when everyone stopped trusting banks and took their own money out. If you close your accounts, Wall Street can't pillage them for profits, right?


Hail to the KING baby
AVclub said:
If people aren't happy with the financial industry, couldn't they just take all their money out of the banks/investments/savings plans that are being held for them? The last time there was any significant change to the banking industry was when everyone stopped trusting banks and took their own money out. If you close your accounts, Wall Street can't pillage them for profits, right?
the financial industry controls a lot more than peoples' piddly checking accounts


dave is ok said:
Politicians will notice the public outrage and start talking about regulations and "reining in the big banks" in campaign stump speeches.

Then, they'll get elected and do nothing.

That's a definite fear and I think these movements are aware of that. Fortunately, the idea seems to be occupy until demands are actually met, not until a new president or local politician is elected. The movement is doing pretty well at rejecting political attempts of co-opting it, and I think there's a strong awareness that political promises are bogus. That's part of why this is happening.

So I'm not sure that's as likely to happen as it may initially seem.

Measley said:
Any way I can donate to this? I'm sure the protestors are going to need food, blankets, and other supplies. I'll be more than happy to donate stuff to keep this going.

There is! You can go to Occupy Wall Street's main page here and click on donate, or just click here (quick linked for ya). You can send "stuff" to the UPS store that they are using as a mail hub as well, but I'd check to see what they need (clothes, supplies, etc.).
Alternatively, if you're in the area, they can use support in person well.

AVclub said:
If people aren't happy with the financial industry, couldn't they just take all their money out of the banks/investments/savings plans that are being held for them? The last time there was any significant change to the banking industry was when everyone stopped trusting banks and took their own money out. If you close your accounts, Wall Street can't pillage them for profits, right?

That's one course of action that is being recommended for those that can. That's not an option for everyone, but if it is, it's not a bad one. However, as pointed out above, the financial industry is bigger than just a few national banks, and pulling checking accounts won't affect the full spectrum of what is being seen as problematic.


No violence, ever.

The moment some entitled feeling brat picks up a brickbat and tosses it at some riot officer is the moment you give the authorities the full opening to act like they're under attack and to escalate to ordering crowd dispersal. Authorities are looking for an excuse to end this, so the key us sticking to your LEGAL rights to be there. They even have a greater Constitutional right, that they can arguably assert in the face of permits and blockage statutes. Their job is to tell you to go home, so don't make their jobs easier by doing something criminal.

AstroLad said:
the financial industry controls a lot more than peoples' piddly checking accounts

Yep, our retirement plans, school loans, mortgages, car loans etc. Financial industry is vital when money = lifeblood of modern civilization. They know this. They know we know this. That's why they're too powerful to take head-on = too big to fail.


time to take my meds
AstroLad said:
the financial industry controls a lot more than peoples' piddly checking accounts
pretty much.

magicstop said:
Activity like you are talking about requires critical mass; that's not something you can do before then. It also requires the appropriate environment in which certain conditions have been met, etc. Stomping around violently right now would simply shut this movement down all the quicker. It's not going to happen like that, and thankfully so. That's all I'll say about that.
Agreed, at the current time, I think its best to just get organized, and build numbers up. Theres no way they can arrest numbers in the thousands. Theres no way people can ignore numbers in the millions.

magicstop said:
For sure! I guarantee there will be more than 10 people as well :D Durham had around 200 people, not sure of the Raleigh count, but it was decently high. Both were organizational meetings, so we're hoping to see the numbers swell in the next few weeks as we meet more, protest, and ultimately occupy.
Thats pretty awesome. I'm not sure I have time to protest night and day (i've got bills to pay myself) but I'll try to contribute if I can. I think I'll drive through greensboro whenever the event happens and pass out hand warmers and water.


Angry Fork said:
Huh? The last part of the video basically talked about what I think should happen for things to change which is violent resistance (unless you meant that you wanted me to watch the whole thing).

They have to understand what people can do if you fuck with them and right now people are saying they can write/hold up stupid posters as if that's going to change anything. Walking on some street does not instill fear in the minds of those 50 stories in the sky looking down on peasants. American cities are a bunch of police states that would protect millionaires before common folk in a heart beat. There's no way to change the actions of multi-billion dollar companies without violent resistance (or people stopping work all together which is much less likely).

Forcing Entry into wall street buildings, beating people, lets think this through.
Cops/Police hold better guns\equipment\ also better training\communication. So your side is already going to be the dying side.

So the violent protesters force entry into a building, beat some clerical worker up (I guess even the janitors are enemies unless the violent protesters walk in with some kind of a chart), maybe knock some teeth out. Threaten a few guys\possibly armed = Cops using deadly force.

Jail time or death I believe are the next options. Great way to advertise protesting to the rest of the people who would have been on the same side if you weren't violent.
Its also a nice way to escalate matters in the direction nobody wants as expect tougher laws for protesting as it is now literally a threat to the public.

Non Violent protesting has also worked in the Arab spring. Except for the exclusion of one. Even then it was because of the protesting side were getting SHOT and murdered.


Canadians burned my passport
Why are vegetarian food donations recommended? Is the proportion of vegetarians and vegans that high among the protesters?


Divvy said:
Why are vegetarian food donations recommended? Is the proportion of vegetarians and vegans that high among the protesters?

Probably just over-assertive vegetarians and passive omnivores just letting them do whatever, because fuck it, I'll eat a steak when I go home, I don't even want to hear them bitching....Go ahead and order cheese pizza you beanpole fruitloop...

(I was born allergic to wheat, I don't process corn. I'm allergic to all seeds and beans. I was made to kill and eat what I kill. Ironically I'm usually unable to eat what they bring when it's vegetarian.)


jon bones said:
way to bogart my thread...

yours is still over there, isn't it? Except the purpose of this thread isn't to question the existence of the protest. Plus Voldemort is trapped there.


Canadians burned my passport
Maybe I'll donate some food when they come to Toronto. It'll be full of meat though for those that would appreciate that.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
akira28 said:
yours is still over there, isn't it? Except the purpose of this thread isn't to question the existence of the protest. Plus Voldemort is trapped there.
You said his name! Don't refer to him by that or..
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Excuse me?
dave is ok said:
Politicians will notice the public outrage and start talking about regulations and "reining in the big banks" in campaign stump speeches.

Then, they'll get elected and do nothing.

Sustained, continuous, and public pressure is critical to effect political reform. That is one of the things this movement is doing right. It needs to grow larger and louder, but so far so good.


LOL. The inter-Thread politics is quite interesting. Really, after the first 20 pages, no one remembers Jon Bones negative OP. I even made the mistake of calling it a thread backfire.

This thread will tend towards that thread as well. Though I understand that supporters feel like they need to have control over the OP so they can update donation links and such, which I support, but the argument that the other thread was hijacked or whatever is completely false.

There was a lively debate, otherwise, it would have died out.

And supporters will want a discussion not a circle jerk just so it's constantly bumped and group think/bunker mentality doesn't settle in when things don't go as planned, which it most certainly will, satistically speaking.

Angry Fork

akira28 said:
No violence, ever.

The moment some entitled feeling brat picks up a brickbat and tosses it at some riot officer is the moment you give the authorities the full opening to act like they're under attack and to escalate to ordering crowd dispersal. Authorities are looking for an excuse to end this, so the key us sticking to your LEGAL rights to be there. They even have a greater Constitutional right, that they can arguably assert in the face of permits and blockage statutes. Their job is to tell you to go home, so don't make their jobs easier by doing something criminal.

There aren't enough police to take out everyone. You either commit to violence and hope for the best, or you stand around with a sign which will do nothing. How the fuck do you people honestly think this will change anything? This is doing NOTHING to their bank accounts, it's doing nothing to their well being and causing no problems what so ever. It's an inconvenience for police and nothing more but for the people this is supposed to be protesting against they're laughing and playing golf right now.

And I'm doing less than the protestors because I'm not out there either, and I fully admit that, but that's because I don't believe wasting my time standing around is going to do anything. If violence broke out and everyone started taking over territory piece by piece to the point where CEO's were scared in their building I would be out there in a heart beat because then I know that's a real revolution.

Sh1ner said:
Forcing Entry into wall street buildings, beating people, lets think this through.
Cops/Police hold better guns\equipment\ also better training\communication. So your side is already going to be the dying side.

So the violent protesters force entry into a building, beat some clerical worker up (I guess even the janitors are enemies unless the violent protesters walk in with some kind of a chart), maybe knock some teeth out. Threaten a few guys\possibly armed = Cops using deadly force.

Jail time or death I believe are the next options. Great way to advertise protesting to the rest of the people who would have been on the same side if you weren't violent.
Its also a nice way to escalate matters in the direction nobody wants as expect tougher laws for protesting as it is now literally a threat to the public.

Non Violent protesting has also worked in the Arab spring. Except for the exclusion of one. Even then it was because of the protesting side were getting SHOT and murdered.
There are no other options. What else can you do? They don't give a shit about words or feelings. They have to know fear and feel legitimately threatened. The only other way is having people stop working and strike from all types of businesses but there's no way that's going to happen.

I believe if violence began more people would join, not less. All it takes is someone courageous enough to start it all and a small group of people to follow in that person's foot steps. I'm not that person and I know because I'm not willing to go that far I'm part of the problem, but I'd be willing if I knew this was serious and everyone else was ready as well.


Angry Fork said:
There aren't enough police to take out everyone. You either commit to violence and hope for the best, or you stand around with a sign which will do nothing. How the fuck do you people honestly think this will change anything? This is doing NOTHING to their bank accounts, it's doing nothing to their well being and causing no problems what so ever. It's an inconvenience for police and nothing more but for the people this is supposed to be protesting against they're laughing and playing golf right now.

And I'm doing less than the protestors because I'm not out there either, and I fully admit that, but that's because I don't believe wasting my time standing around is going to do anything. If violence broke out and everyone started taking over territory piece by piece to the point where CEO's were scared in their building I would be out there in a heart beat because then I know that's a real revolution.

There are no other options. What else can you do? They don't give a shit about words or feelings. They have to know fear and feel legitimately threatened. The only other way is having people stop working and strike from all types of businesses but there's no way that's going to happen.

I believe if violence began more people would join, not less. All it takes is someone courageous enough to start it all and a small group of people to follow in that person's foot steps. I'm not that person and I know because I'm not willing to go that far I'm part of the problem, but I'd be willing if I knew this was serious and everyone else was ready as well.
Is Angry fork someone alt account? Like Empty Vessel or Fortified? Are you somedude?

Angry Fork

remnant said:
Is Angry fork someone alt account? Like Empty Vessel or Fortified? Are you somedude?
lol no I'm not, I'm just me.

I'm serious though I mean what else can you do? I suppose millions of people marching at one time could do SOMEthing even if it's peaceful, but even then like someone else said politicians will come out and say oh wow this is a ground breaking moment har har amazing etc. we're gonna change things and then next term same shit happens.

The entire government needs to be changed from the ground up imo. The idea that we should place the blame on 'fat cat' ceo's isn't even scratching the surface. The overpriced school shit, the 2 party system etc. everything needs to be changed and you can't tell me non-violence is going to change all of that. Not when there's hundreds of billions of dollars at play.


empty vessel said:
Sustained, continuous, and public pressure is critical to effect political reform. That is one of the things this movement is doing right. It needs to grow larger and louder, but so far so good.

Exactly, it seems to be moving in the right direction, and I'm pretty excited about it. I think the next big place to look towards is DC. I think having an active and large occupation movement in NY and DC is going to ultimately vital to applying the kind of pressure it will take to make things happen.
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