I think Xbone will probably beat the PS4 in November, thanks to MCC and the exclusive marketing for COD, but I think the PS4 will easily win October.
I think Xbone will probably beat the PS4 in November, thanks to MCC and the exclusive marketing for COD, but I think the PS4 will easily win October.
I think Xbone will probably beat the PS4 in November, thanks to MCC and the exclusive marketing for COD, but I think the PS4 will easily win October.
#6 - Sunset Overdrive XB1 Bundle
#8 - AC Unity Kinectless XB1 Bundle
#11 - COD 1TB SE XB1 Bundle
#25 - PS4 Standard
#34 - XB1 Standard Kinectless
#40 - AC Unity Kinect XB1 Bundle
#61 - Destiny PS4 Bundle
Still think November is going to MS unless something major changes but we'll see
Does November tracking period include black friday?
So 3 days later, it's now like this
#8 - AC Unity Kinectless XB1 Bundle [+/- 0]
#13 - COD 1TB SE XB1 Bundle [-2]
#20 - PS4 Standard [+5]
#22 - Sunset Overdrive XB1 Bundle [-16]
#30 - XB1 Standard Kinectless [+4]
#40 - AC Unity Kinect XB1 Bundle [+/- 0]
#52 - Destiny PS4 Bundle [+9]
Still think November is going to MS unless something major changes but we'll see
So 3 days later, it's now like this
#8 - AC Unity Kinectless XB1 Bundle [+/- 0]
#13 - COD 1TB SE XB1 Bundle [-2]
#20 - PS4 Standard [+5]
#22 - Sunset Overdrive XB1 Bundle [-16]
#30 - XB1 Standard Kinectless [+4]
#40 - AC Unity Kinect XB1 Bundle [+/- 0]
#52 - Destiny PS4 Bundle [+9]
And while putting too much stock into Amazon rankings as truly indicative of market behavior can be bad, I still thought it was interesting. Specifically why the XB1 standard kinectless seemingly improved its sales ranking when the ACU kinectless bundle is the same price and contains two free games [one of which hasn't even released yet]
Still think November is going to MS unless something major changes but we'll see
I can see PS4 winning the last half of Nov to take NPD because of GTAV and BF sales. PS4 is already back on the rise at Amazon. It could go either way really. Nothing it set.
Damn I wouldn't be surprised at all if xbone doubled up ps4 in November.
Said it in another thread -- MS has to be kicking themselves for not making more Sunset Overdrive bundles. Many people want it but can't find it anywhere,
Anyway, based on that list, MS making multiple SKUs was very smart. Would play a big role in them beating the PS4 in sales for this month (that is, if they do).
Xbox has got to win Novembere right? I mean it's pulling out every thing now. If it didn't it would be disaster for them internally would it not?
Sorry I know this is the October thread. For what it's worth I have no idea what to estimate. It just feels like November is going to be so important.
So with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.
There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.
We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.
So with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.
There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.
We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.
Damn I wouldn't be surprised at all if xbone doubled up ps4 in November.
So the PS4 is going to drop from being up in the 500,000 region to the 200,000 region according to some.
I see it staying up and around there.
So with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.
There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.
We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.
Appreciated x1000, Abdiel. Can always count on you to give a detailed report with as much subjectivity as possible. You're 'consistent' in that regardSo with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.
There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.
We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.
It was about 300K Destiny bundles and 238K Solos, so for this shorter month (4 weeks instead of 5) I see solos dropping to about 200K and Destiny bundles pulling in another 100K. It will be a stronger than regular month, but no November^^
I think the x1 will win November, but the Mcc will have nothing to do with it. The cod bundle will be the reason imo.
Yeah, I'd definitely know how big Black Friday is. I used to go out to stores on Black Friday 6+ years ago to grab some deals here and there. Ton of people getting video games and consoles.
Like I said in my previous post, both systems are going to do very well on Black Friday BUT I simply feel like the combo of COD + Halo MCC will attract a great portion of the group still currently playing on the 360 to the XB1 in comparison to the PS4. That combo alone is pretty much what defined 360 multiplayer gaming. As I also said in different post (in a different thread iirc), I think the PS4 would need a $350 bundle/SKU to pull this portion of 360 gamers away from getting an XB1 and make them get a PS4. I could be wrong though (I've been wrong before haha). I will agree that November will be the most "interesting" month this year so far in terms of sales.
Also, I could see the Unity bundle picking up in sales a bit next week alongside the game's release and then going back down a bit until Black Friday.
So with all the commentary on the XB1 increases due to the drop in price, and the speculation associated with that, I figured I'd let you guys know what it has looked like this week.
There was a veritable... well, explosion is a bit hyperbolic, but as soon as the price drop hit, we had a pretty drastic increase in XB1 sales. First day and forward, with the CoD launch as well, sold a bunch of the various bundles. But even just the last two days, that rush has tapered off significantly, and while still better than last month's pace, it isn't outselling the PS4 anymore. They're pretty close now, with just that rush of systems putting it ahead for the month so far.
We're getting rumors/whispers from corporate about Sony's intentions for the PS4, bundling, etc. but I honestly avoid speculating on any of that, especially since I know that Best Buy corporate does indeed allow false rumors to spread in various stores to try and pinpoint leakers. I don't really see a clear way to call this month yet, even with the MCC. This is probably the first month where I really think things will be interesting. There's too much up in the air, and I don't think you guys realize exactly how insane Black Friday and the weekend following are. Last year one store sold more consoles on BF than 3 combined months of year leading up to that point.
Yeah, October doesn't have all those built up pre-orders like September did (for the Destiny bundle).
I wouldn't say nothing since there are people getting the XB1 this month due to MCC. I will say though that the bundles (with COD or AC Unity) on top of MCC will push more people into getting one than if MS only had MCC to rely on and nothing more.
One would argue that the multiplayer audience looking for the CoD + Halo combination would've leaned towards an XB1 to begin with. PS4, even with Destiny, does not have that kind of FPS MP experience to sell as its own.
I'm not saying absolutely no one is buying it because mcc. The x1 price drops and bundled free games have more impact. Without the bundles and it was just Mcc releasing, I think ps4 would win Nov easily.
I think the price-drop will do good for the Xbox One short-term. It will create interest, push price-sensitive buyers to buy the Xbox One as well as help with network effects etc. I don't think however that the Xbox One will maintain momentum if the price drop does not become a permanent price drop after the holidays are over. Definitely not going to happen vs. a $400 PS4 with games like Bloodborne and The Order 1886 shipping in February. We are obviously talking about the N.A market which is still within reach for MS, though the gap is quite substantial now.
In unrelated news, the guys at Mfool think it's dead or in their own wording:"lost cause".
We are obviously talking about the N.A market which is still within reach for MS, though the gap is quite substantial now.
And yeah, I can't imagine MS going back to $400 after January. Would be stupid for them to do so. What I think they will do in February (or possibly sooner) is introduce a 1 TB SKU for $400 and keep the 500 GB SKU at $350.
It's definitely a "lost cause" in terms of the XB1 ever catching up to the PS4 worldwide. Too big of a gap right now.
I see these recent moves as MS more so wanting to take North America back and/or end up in the top spot in the territory.
And yeah, I can't imagine MS going back to $400 after January. Would be stupid for them to do so. What I think they will do in February (or possibly sooner) is introduce a 1 TB SKU for $400 and keep the standard 500 GB SKU at $350.
Why would they do that? Most people would still end up buying the cheaper 500GB SKU, and IMO it won't help them at all raising the perceived value of Xbone.
Not necessarily. If Nov/Dec does extremely well for them, I'd say it's worth going back to $400 (as an experiment) to see if they can increase the value perception of the XB1 console.
$350 (with bundled games) is a good tactical move, but it also begs the question of the value that the hardware is perceived to be worth. Each one of this move decreases the potency of further price cuts, because the product is seen to be worth less.
It's a risky play in the long term. Last thing MS needs is for their $299 mass market price play to be seen as 'meh', whereas PS4's $299 has the masses throwing their wallets at Sony.
It's definitely a "lost cause" in terms of the XB1 ever catching up to the PS4 worldwide. Too big of a gap right now.
I see these recent moves as MS more so wanting to take North America back and/or end up in the top spot in the territory.
And yeah, I can't imagine MS going back to $400 after January. Would be stupid for them to do so. What I think they will do in February (or possibly sooner) is introduce a 1 TB SKU for $400 and keep the standard 500 GB SKU at $350.
Why would they do that? Most people would still end up buying the cheaper 500GB SKU, and IMO it won't help them at all raising the perceived value of Xbone.
The difference in cost for Microsoft for a 1TB upgrade is less than 50USD. If even only 10% of consumers bought the premium version it would mean a little extra return on each unit sold.
PhD's post goes alongside my line of thinking + the perceived value of the Xbox One is largely based on the 500 GB SKU. A 1 TB SKU isn't going to hurt them if the standard 500 GB SKU is still there at a cheaper price.
Some will also see the 1 TB SKU at the same price as the PS4 (500 GB) a good value. I know there were a few people just this past week who got the COD bundle simply due to them wanting 1 TB of space (even though they aren't really big COD fans).
I think greater hard drive space out of the box will be viewed as attractive to some people as long as news keeps coming out about how big these current gen games are (as well as their updates).
That would be the correct move in my book too. No way they are going to keep momentum by bumping the price back up. The $400, 1TB bundle will be more for show(options) rather than anything else. A $350 price point is where it's at as long as Sony doesn't drop price - and that is obviously dependent on Sony's tolerance level of sales disparities and market share, as well as profitability among other things. I just gotta wonder how MS financials look right now with all those bundled games, promotions and price drops - def not good.
I was wondering that too, they have to be making a loss with every console sold, how are they justifying this to the investors who wanted rid of the Xbox division? Are they promising greater long term returns from software? This is not a sure bet because of the ever increasing WW sales gap and most people buying the majority of 3rd party games on PS4.
Even with Microsofts Scrooge McDuck room of gold I can't see how this is a viable long term strategy.
OT: There's a really good chance of MS taking at least one month of NPD wins away from Playstation this holiday but I think PS4 has October. I don't want to make any predictions because I'm usually waaay off anyway![]()
You see, I think these people represent the minority, like real minority, I doubt they would even represent 5% of people buying Xbox.
Yeah, I definitely know how big Black Friday is. I used to go out to stores on Black Friday 6+ years ago to grab some deals here and there. Tons of people getting video games/consoles.
Like I said in my previous post, both systems are going to do very well on Black Friday BUT I simply feel like the combo of COD + Halo MCC will attract a great portion of the group still currently playing on the 360 to the XB1 in comparison to the PS4. That combo alone is pretty much what defined multiplayer gaming on the Xbox 360. As I also said in different post (in a different thread iirc), I think the PS4 would need a $350 bundle/SKU to pull this portion of 360 gamers away from getting an XB1 and make them get a PS4. I could be wrong though (I've been wrong before haha). I will agree that November will be the most "interesting" month this year so far in terms of sales.
Also, I could see the Unity bundle picking up in sales a bit next week alongside the game's release and then going back down until Black Friday.
October is pre-season anyway.
hope we will see a good spirit enlightening us with pie charts or whatever.
i am sure pachter has already made a stealth account, if only to make up for the trouble he caused last month.
Damn I wouldn't be surprised at all if xbone doubled up ps4 in November.
Heh classic Phil.
I wouldn't get your hopes up about cream or even aqua![]()