So confused.
Halo is granddad my he RIP in peace.Oh, shit, less than 1.5M? Ayyy.
CosmicQueso, now I know why you asked me that.
Halo is dad.
They don't care about numbers any more.
Halo was the most profitable Halo ever.
This is all that counts.
Sales numbers are so 2014.
Yeah, I'm gonna wait for official results. You guys are fucking crazy!
like a fiddlelol... what's going on here
so Halo <1.5? or trolling again?
Cloud in Smash?
Finally some actual megatons.
They don't care about numbers any more.
Halo was the most profitable Halo ever.
This is all that counts.
Sales numbers are so 2014.
Damn it, Cosmic, you hinted at a Microsoft win and now you're reassuring us it's interesting. Only way it's interesting now is if Microsoft wins big.It is one interesting month.
So basically:
XB1 > PS4
Halo 5 < 1500K
This is funIt is one interesting month.
Finding actual, accurate insight in this thread is like trying to find a bride in a brothel.
You were the chosen one, PS4. I am disappointed in you.
They lost against an overpriced Halo bundle while having a price cut.$350 is doing great for them and they have amazing bundles to help them in the holiday season. Sony will sell as many PS4's as they can produce this holiday and both consoles will be $299 on BF. Don't see why Sony has to try harder at selling consoles when it still selling well.
It is one interesting month.
~~~~ <---- heat coming off due to meltdown
So basically:
XB1 > PS4
Halo 5 < 1500K
Can we stop the trolling. If I were a mod is ban everyone who posted in this thread from page 1 to now.
Can we stop the trolling. If I were a mod is ban everyone who posted in this thread from page 1 to now.
Sony was playing it too safe with that $50 cut.
Or maybe Sony wasn't trying to win NPD. Seems they were positioning their console for the holidays and beyond in which they are in a strong position.
Let me break it down...
HW - No huge surprises, not on prediction, but not too shocking. Pies will tell the tale, it's boring.
SW - Metldown city. Not so much in rankings, although there are definite surprises. But the numbers, Mason. The numbers.
Ms win, halo > 1.5mm
Edit: only Microsoft spins like crazy when they lose so no spin means ms win, that is easy to figure out.
There won't be another Halo meltdown, we already had one in the UK sales thread.
lol think you guys reading too much into this.
Halo 5 did > 1.5m on NPD?How did you think it would do? It used to do double that.
Let me break it down...
HW - No huge surprises, not on prediction, but not too shocking. Pies will tell the tale, it's boring.
SW - Metldown city. Not so much in rankings, although there are definite surprises. But the numbers, Mason. The numbers.
Shorter version:
HW - 7-10k difference
SW - Halo 5 < 1.5m