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October US Sega Sales (LTD)


[b]Nintendo Gamecube[/b]           |  [b]Total[/b]  |
SONIC MEGA COLLECTION       | 624,936 |
SUPER MONKEY BALL           | 535,869 |
SONIC HEROES                | 441,315 |
SUPER MONKEY BALL 2         | 397,355 |
SONIC ADVENTURE DX          | 394,561 |
BILLY HATCHER               | 151,872 |
NFL 2K3                     | 138,297 |
NBA 2K3                     | 100,536 |
NBA 2K2                     |  81,350 |
HOME RUN KING               |  69,004 |
BEACH SPIKERS               |  65,510 |
SOCCER SLAM                 |  44,514 |
NCAA FOOTBALL 2K3           |  29,714 |
PHANTASY STAR PLUS          |  14,882 |
AMAZING ISLAND              |  14,258 |
VIRTUA STRIKER 2002         |  10,074 |
NHL 2K3                     |   9,299 |
SAMURAI JACK                |   7,939 |
NCAA BASKETBALL 2K3         |   5,900 |
PUYO POP FEVER              |   2,574 |
[b]Microsoft Xbox[/b]              |  [b]Total[/b]  | 
NFL 2K3                     | 294,316 |
ESPN NFL FOOTBALL           | 199,692 |
NBA 2K3                     | 184,009 |
HOUSE OF THE DEAD III       | 165,284 |
ESPN NBA BASKETBALL         | 148,109 |
WORLD SERIES BASEBALL       | 134,606 |
PANZER DRAGOON ORTA         | 126,853 |
SONIC HEROES                | 125,453 |
NBA 2K2                     | 118,362 |
CRAZY TAXI 3                | 104,863 |
NCAA FOOTBALL 2K3           | 104,670 |
NFL 2K2                     | 102,394 |
JET SET RADIO FUTURE        |  99,500 |
GUNVALKYRIE                 |  94,609 |
SEGA GT 2002                |  88,728 |
NCAA BASKETBALL 2K3         |  83,343 |
TOEJAM & EARL III           |  66,691 |
ESPN MLB BASEBALL           |  66,466 |
NHL 2K3                     |  66,413 |
ESPN NHL HOCKEY             |  61,795 |
OTOGI: MYTH OF DEMONS       |  56,694 |
ESPN COLLEGE HOOPS          |  55,022 |
SEGA GT ONLINE              |  42,358 |
SOCCER SLAM                 |  30,511 | 
OTOGI 2                     |   7,320 |
[b]Sony Playstation 2[/b]          |  [b]Total[/b]  |
NFL 2K3                     | 812,802 |
VIRTUA FIGHTER 4            | 622,233 |
NBA 2K2                     | 466,330 |
NBA 2K3                     | 404,484 |
NFL 2K2                     | 359,189 |
SHINOBI                     | 282,824 |
SONIC HEROES                | 280,187 |
ESPN NFL FOOTBALL           | 214,669 |
VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 EVO        | 207,697 |
ESPN NBA BASKETBALL         | 201,499 |
NCAA FOOTBALL 2K3           | 177,066 |
NCAA BASKETBALL 2K3         |  93,087 |
TENNIS 2K2                  |  89,090 |
ESPN NHL HOCKEY             |  86,056 |
NHL 2K3                     |  81,969 |
GUNGRAVE                    |  75,912 |
ESPN COLLEGE HOOPS          |  60,399 |
BASS FISHING DUEL           |  60,346 |
ESPN MLB BASEBALL           |  56,093 |
SOCCER SLAM                 |  46,017 |
NIGHTSHADE                  |  33,532 |
AERO ELITE: COMBAT          |  28,346 |
REZ                         |  20,951 |
KING OF ROUTE 66            |  20,772 |
FERRARI F355 CHALLENGE      |  19,732 |
SAMURAI JACK                |  16,830 |
VIRTUAL-ON MARZ             |  13,418 |
ASTRO BOY                   |   6,707 |
BLOOD WILL TELL             |   3,320 |
[b]Top 10 [All-Formats][/b]        |  [b]Total[/b]  | [b]Format[/b] |
10 SONIC ADVENTURE DX       | 394,561 |   NGC  |
9 SUPER MONKEY BALL 2       | 397,355 |   NGC  | 
8 NBA 2K3                   | 404,484 |   PS2  |
7 SONIC HEROES              | 441,315 |   NGC  |
6 NBA 2K2                   | 466,330 |   PS2  |
5 SUPER MONKEY BALL         | 535,869 |   NGC  |
4 VIRTUA FIGHTER 4          | 622,233 |   PS2  |
3 SONIC MEGA COLLECTION     | 624,936 |   NGC  |
2 NFL 2K3                   | 812,802 |   PS2  |
1 SONIC ADVENTURE 2 BATTLE  | 956,790 |   NGC  |

Not much to mention here, except for VF4 being bumped down to #4 after 2 years of being in the top 3. SMB 2 looks to overtake NBA 2K3 PS2 next month, and HotDIII and SOAL sales are dropping. I expect sales to remain relatively big for the next three months.


Very good sales for Battle and Mega Collection. Battle is on track to hit a million by the end of this year or early 2005. :)


Game Total: 82 | 100%
Playstation 2: 31 | 37.8%
Xbox: 27 | 32.9%
Gamecube: 24 | 29.3%

Sales Total: 12,099,180| 100%
Playstation 2: 4,935,736 | 40.8%
Gamecube: 4,446,166 | 36.7%
Xbox: 2,717,278 | 22.5%

Gamecube: 185,257
Playstation 2: 159,217
Xbox: 100,640
God, one can only hope that Sega have some top notch stuff for next year because there recent performance has been depressing. I don't even want to think of what sort of loss they took on HHR and BWT.

The drop off from Shinobi to Nightshade can't just be because of the name thing (although I bet they're wishing they'd called it Shinobi: Nightshade now). I guess it's one of the disadvantages of making your games for a hardcore audience, you can only really expect the series to get hardcore sales.

Once again it's really difficult to see where Sega go from here.
Die already. Whoever licensed Amazing Island Die. Outrun2 bombed hard. HARD.

Their biggest title this coming quarter is. wait for this...

Virtua Fight Cyber Generations?



Every month when Anihawk does this, I wonder why Sega drops more and more GC support when it's on pace to outsell the PS2 with its software.


Culex said:
Every month when Anihawk does this, I wonder why Sega drops more and more GC support when it's on pace to outsell the PS2 with its software.

Because Nintendo reminds Sega what it USED to be. I'm sure Sammy has something to do with it, too.


All it would take for the GC to outsell the PS2 in volume would be a new Super Monkey Ball and a new Sonic, as long as they were exclusive.


All it would take for the GC to outsell the PS2 in volume would be a new Super Monkey Ball and a new Sonic, as long as they were exclusive.

Actually, if Sonic Heroes is any indication, it wouldn't need to be exclusive.
Culex said:
Every month when Anihawk does this, I wonder why Sega drops more and more GC support when it's on pace to outsell the PS2 with its software.

Worldwide sales probably. IIRC the UK platform breakdown for SH was something like 65-70% PS2 with XBox and GC pretty evenly splitting the rest. Also HHR did manage to at least break into the UK top 20 for a bit, no.11 being it's highest I think, although I'm thinking that it actually went up it's second week and just scraped the bottom end of the top 10 but I'm not 100% sure. Then there the Japanese games like the 'Let Make A....' games.


Games that debuted under 10,000 this year from Sega (games they published):

Amazing Island
Phantasy Star Plus
Puyo Pop Fever
Otogi 2
Headhunter: Redemption (Xbox)
Headhunter: Redemption (PS2)
Blood Will Tell
Astro Boy
Samurai Jack (GC)
Samurai Jack (PS2)

Puyo Pop Fever and Headhunter: Redemption for the PS2 debuted under 1,000.
AniHawk said:
Games that debuted under 10,000 this year from Sega (games they published):

Amazing Island
Phantasy Star Plus
Puyo Pop Fever
Otogi 2
Headhunter: Redemption (Xbox)
Headhunter: Redemption (PS2)
Blood Will Tell
Astro Boy
Samurai Jack (GC)
Samurai Jack (PS2)

Puyo Pop Fever and Headhunter: Redemption for the PS2 debuted under 1,000.

Isn't that pretty much every game but SH then? Well Nightshade although it's not like it did much to distance itself from that crowd.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Isn't that pretty much every game but SH then? Well Nightshade although it's not like it did much to distance itself from that crowd.

PSO III was 19,000 and Nightshade was 14,000 IIRC.


So anyone think for this year, Sega is bleeding money? Judging by the software sales of recently released game on all systems, I'd say so.


Sega is thriviving upon past successes... in a number of ways.

Yeah, I don't really "get it." Sega's at the lowest of lows for them. Their biggest selling game was released almost three years ago. They released about 12 flops this year alone, and yet they decide to go do stuff like Eye Toy and port old games *without* making new ones to go along with those. The future looks promising with PSU and Shining returning, but it's far from enough. They're relying on old successes in the worst way.
AniHawk said:
Yeah, I don't really "get it." Sega's at the lowest of lows for them. Their biggest selling game was released almost three years ago. They released about 12 flops this year alone, and yet they decide to go do stuff like Eye Toy and port old games *without* making new ones to go along with those. The future looks promising with PSU and Shining returning, but it's far from enough. They're relying on old successes in the worst way.

Sega Rally as well, but honestly I don't know if I have the energy to believe in the reshuffling affected their output excuses. I have dillegently held onto any excuse for Sega's fallow form but I think I've been broken. I don't expect anything more than Shining Force and I expect PSU is an extremely trailer for a game that's way off from being released. I'm not hoping on any shock announcements no matter how much TokyoMecca (or whatever his name is) promises them.


Running on vapours. They'll always have VF, Sonic, and I guess Super Monkey Ball, but how is that going to prop them up in the long term? They need some hot new IP, and I just don't see how they're going to accomplish that.
Sega is thriviving upon past successes... in a number of ways.

succintly put. Those gamecube only comments is spot on -

EYETOY, OUTRUN2, VFCG.. nothing new. Blood will tell was semi-interesting (not really) ... yeah bomb bomb

SA2B is almost at ONE FREAKING MILLION copies and that's not sign to to folks at Sega to do something more for the cube.

Sho Nuff

TheGreenGiant said:
SA2B is almost at ONE FREAKING MILLION copies and that's not sign to to folks at Sega to do something more for the cube.

Sonic stuff certainly does well on the Gamecube, I doubt they'll stop making Sonic titles for it.

A Virtua Fighter 4 port, on the other hand... (Cyber Generations doesn't count, it's Digimon-clone crap!)


Anyone wonder how Sonic Mega Collection + will do on PS2 and Xbox? My bet is that by early next year, the GC version will be outselling them again.


Anyone wonder how Sonic Mega Collection + will do on PS2 and Xbox? My bet is that by early next year, the GC version will be outselling them again.

You are correct sir! Yet...still no love from sega on the gcn.


Queen of Denmark
Anyone wonder how Sonic Mega Collection + will do on PS2 and Xbox? My bet is that by early next year, the GC version will be outselling them again.
I agree, and will add the SMB Collection into that bet as well.

I still don't understand why SMB3 hasn't been made for the GC. It just doesn't make any sense.


I dunno. If Sega Continues with the PSO franchise and make a fresh none shittycard game it will pull in decent numbers. Why on earth they haven't announced Blue Burst or episode 4 for console release is beyond me! But this is stupid ass sega we are talking about here.


Cimarron said:
I dunno. If Sega Continues with the PSO franchise and make a fresh none shittycard game it will pull in decent numbers. Why on earth they haven't announced Blue Burst or episode 4 for console release is beyond me! But this is stupid ass sega we are talking about here.

What they should do is announce PSO Collection (E1-2+ and E3-4) for PS2. It would be able to go OL and without a harddrive, and they could also port Ep 4 to the GC since I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to do.

I mean, they pretty much are killing off any successful franchises they once had besides Sonic. Virtua Fighter's getting this ultra crappy kiddy game, PS has been stuck online for nearly 4 years (and was never heard from since the mid-90s before that), Super Monkey Ball hasn't been receiving a sequel it so very much deserves (I'm guessing it'll be next year though- that Sammy is checking how well it could do on the Xbox and PS2 with this collection). Whenever they do manage to make a game that people could like, they put it on one system and leave it there (Panzer, Crazy Taxi 3, JSRF). Shinobi did well for itself, but then they made a sequel and didn't even bother advertising it as a successor to Shinobi.


Sega really do need to get out of the frickin gutter when it comes to making games. Sonic Heroes 2, Sonic Adventure 3, Super Monkey Ball 3... they really need to get with the program.


It's very hard to get original content to sell after a console's first year it seems. People could be doing a lot more with the DS other than add a map, but it's risky to try something new. We're not helping as consumers when we ignore new games or just label new ideas as gimmicks.


etiolate said:
It's very hard to get original content to sell after a console's first year it seems. People could be doing a lot more with the DS other than add a map, but it's risky to try something new. We're not helping as consumers when we ignore new games or just label new ideas as gimmicks.

True... whenever a new console comes out, gamers are always in that "totally new" mindset when it comes to games. By the third and fourth years however, people are familiar with their tastes and go with common games.
These sales are utterly depressing. Sega's best selling games in America are largely published by other publishers. Not that Sega is the only one suffering, Konami, Namco, Capcom and other japanese publishers seem to be languishing with their 2 or 3 selling franchises, with enough bombs to kill all of us 10 times over. Then again, all they would need is one blockbuster, that seems to pay for all the rest. Sega doesn't even have that.

Nice observation about new original games having a hard time selling in the latter stages of a console. Something I expect Sega to avoid this time around by being on the ground floor of every single major console and handheld released from here on out.

Somehow, they have to earn their respect back, and the only way I can think of that happening is to show out on a new console. If I was Sega, I'd be very careful in releasing any games with past franchises that have potential. Hell, I'd delay, or can Sega Rally 2005, or if there's no hype for the game in the US, don't even release it here. Sales that far below 100K do nothing but destroy franchises. Altered Beast getting canned in the US? That's a damned good decision.

I"d also can Spikeout Online, I don't want to see the sales of that bomb. The game will have a big sticker that reads outdated on the cover, shunned by the media, it'll get Headhunter Redemption level sales. As I figure nobody has respect for arcade games anymore. Hell, I'm reading articles about online co-op play and how there should be more of it, somehow this won't apply to Spikeout. Just you wait!


AniHawk said:
Yeah, I don't really "get it." Sega's at the lowest of lows for them. Their biggest selling game was released almost three years ago. They released about 12 flops this year alone, and yet they decide to go do stuff like Eye Toy and port old games *without* making new ones to go along with those. The future looks promising with PSU and Shining returning, but it's far from enough. They're relying on old successes in the worst way.

Shining Tears is gonna be a huge bomb for them. I finally got around to playing a bit of it and the game borders and beta-style unplayble. Even though it's pretty much all 2d it runs in psuedo-slow motion during everything from the action to even going through text or navigating menus. Then you have long load times between every area and arggh, it may be a good game at it's core but it has such huge presentation problems I can't even play it.

The trailer for Shining Force PS2 on the ST bonus dvd looked pretty meh too.

So much for reviving the Shining Series...


BlackClouds said:
I"d also can Spikeout Online, I don't want to see the sales of that bomb. The game will have a big sticker that reads outdated on the cover, shunned by the media, it'll get Headhunter Redemption level sales. As I figure nobody has respect for arcade games anymore. Hell, I'm reading articles about online co-op play and how there should be more of it, somehow this won't apply to Spikeout. Just you wait!

Sometimes it looks as if they are willing to take some cash hits for their fans. I'm sure Sega wants both games to sell, but you have to give them credit for not just canning games that Xbox owning Sega fans have been looking forward to. Sega is to Xbox what Capcom was to Dreamcast and Saturn. I have never played Spikeout or Outrun 2 in the arcades, so those Xbox conversions are going to be cool.

Sega has earned some respect from me because their Xbox games have been great (for the most part). I do think they need to have higher standards when it comes to publishing games from other developers. Getting From Software's games was a good choice because they are the only Japanese developer besides Sega and Team Ninja that made use of the hardware, but stuff like Samurai Jack and Headhunter are questionable. Sega's console based games need to have more polish given to them. I think PDO, PSO, REZ and JSRF were the only console originals that were OG Sega.

Sega is damned if they do and damned if they don't, so they might as well release the arcade games to keep what is left of their old fanbase happy.


All it would take is polished packed to the gills versions of Daytona and Virtua Tennis with online to get people buying. They put it on the XBox and beg the big M for some of that marketing and watch the cash roll in.
I have always felt Sega to be capable of uneven results as a publisher, but in the past they always slipped in those very special titles to make up for whatever ups and downs they subjected their loyal fans to. However after their restructuring a lot of the resources that created those special Sega titles are MIA, either cut all together or drowned out in the shuffle of reorganizing, and I'm very sad because of this.
I must say, though, I was in the minorty of GAFers who actually enjoyed Sonic Heroes. I look forward to any future SOnic Team games esp. Sonic and Phantasy Star related titles(no more Billy hatcher though, for the love of god CAN that crap!).
What really gets my gord though is that imo their most talented team from the past few years was at Smilebit; the two jet Set radio games and Panzer Dragoon Orta were enough to shut up Sega bashers, to keep me a loyal Segaophile, and they compared favorably with games from most every other publisher(maybe a tad more creative, even). So why not leave their most talented team alone to come up with some sort of game that might help the company, rather than folding them into another part of Sega where we hear nothing of them?
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