Absolutely.Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Absolutely.Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Rusev is either short or the other two are tall as fuck.
so for anyone who watched the Dudleys in the past.. Did they always take out the tables?? I'm already getting tired of this shit.. Once a month or so would be acceptable but every damn time?
Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Let's be fair, these crowds would pop for Scotty 2 Hotty's worm too.
Well why wouldn't they?
Seriously. Especially because the 3D is a sweet finisher. Just do that first and win then get the tablesWhat's the point of getting the tables in the middle of a match? Wouldn't that get them disqualified? It's stupid.
The entire "wazzup" things is just so embarrassing now. I really wish they would stop doing it, it dates them so badly. It would have been like someone in the Attitude era going around yelling "Where's the Beef!" before dropping an elbow or something.
Because the only thing lamer EVER in the history of wrestling as a whole than the fucking dumbass worm and its 5-hour setup with that jackoff hopping on one foot and shit is Road Dogg.
98-2001 is like the darkest era ever.
You saw that Manchester taping coming up, right?LOL at Barret's celebration. He can't believe he won a match.
move is just as bad shoot fight wise as the peoples elbow and cena's dated five knuckle shuffle
doesn't change the fact that its over
I can't believe that the "What" chat is still a thing in 2015.
preview of rusev next week
how can bray wyatt lose and lose and lose and lose and lose and lose... and still be considered a serious menace?
What?Imagine still chanting "WHAT!?" at a WWE event in 2015?
So sad
If anyone had, it would've been Foley. I can actually see him doing that, heh.
I still think Bray is alright
Well the Rock was ducking massiverusev isnt as big as he looks when he is by himself the rock made him look so small when standing next to him.
Wins and losses don't matter brahhow can bray wyatt lose and lose and lose and lose and lose and lose... and still be considered a serious menace?
how can bray wyatt lose and lose and lose and lose and lose and lose... and still be considered a serious menace?
He could be, he's just been booked so badly
how can bray wyatt lose and lose and lose and lose and lose and lose... and still be considered a serious menace?
Hmmm so Bray IS taking Taker's power? If this means he becomes a credible threat, I'm ok with it. If this means another match....I'll pass.
Remember the crowd didn't use to say What during his promos?