Kenny King should totally be in that Ultimate X match, he's got that beef with AA. Overall not a bad card but TNA is TNA
Raw General Manager Brad Maddox suffered more than a loss of face after being hit with a KO Punch from Big Show on Fridays SmackDown. can confirm that Maddox has suffered a concussion after being knocked out by the fired giant, who had been allowed to attend the show and air his grievances towards The Authority and ended up blasting Maddox with his signature strike instead.
WWE physician Dr. Michael Sampson confirmed the diagnosis with
[Brad Maddox] was knocked out, he did lose consciousness, said Sampson. [We] took him back to the training room and did some neurological tests on him, which were normal. He did have some slow papillary reaction, which goes along with a concussion, so at this point we have diagnosed him with a concussion.
Big show gave mad Ox a concussion
Is that kayfabe? It reads like it. If not, for fuck's sake, he screwed up the most pitifully awkward, basic and slow finisher in the WWE. It's a fake, 5mph punch with a loosely balled fist practically thrown from the elbow. How can he not have mastered that thing?
Big show gave mad Ox a concussion
What really sucks is that Big Show's punch looked great when he came back in 2008 after actually doing boxing training. It looked like a legitimate strike that would knock someone out. Now he just does a basic fake looking wrestling punch.
I can't think of a current big guy who's finisher isn't lame. Henry's World's Strongest Slam, Khali's Chop... All really, really lame.
Show should change his finisher to the double axe handle.
just do it more slowly and dramatically for effect
What? World's Strongest Slam is a great finisher. It's simple and it pays to Henry's strengths. He lifts you up and drops his weight on you. Done.
How about Big Dope just retires and never wastes my time again?
Fuck him and his soon to be main event match at WM with Triple COO.
That's dangerous too. Remember what Christ Masters did to Stevie Richards face?
Nope....Chris Masters fought Stevie Richards?
Debut match on Raw. Masters hit Stevie with the Polish Hammer (sideways Double Axe Handle) and broke his nose so bad it was moved two inches to the side.
Best way to video capture these games without caring about spending $150 on a 1080p, HD capture set??
I would just use an emulator. There is no need to spend money to capture playing Nitro/Thunder/Mayhem/Backstage Assault.
Thank you, sir. I had that Dazzle set on the top of my list of things to look into. Not looking to use it often, so that price is pretty good for what I need.
I would just use an emulator. There is no need to spend money to capture playing Nitro/Thunder/Mayhem/Backstage Assault.
I would just use an emulator. There is no need to spend money to capture playing Nitro/Thunder/Mayhem/Backstage Assault.
As far as I know there isn't an emulator that runs any of the THQ games well.
He normally doesn't drop his weight on anyone, though. Rarely does it look like he's even trying for that. He might as well just do a hard slam. It'd be easier on his knees and get the same thing across.
Mark Henry's finisher should be a dehumanizing stare.
Kenny King should totally be in that Ultimate X match, he's got that beef with AA. Overall not a bad card but TNA is TNA
TO THE BACK. Macho's dames try to get Nash to get in their limo. They want him to open a bottle of champagne for them. Nash is pretty sure it is a trap, but gets in the limo once he finds Savage isn't in it. The girls shut the door and SWERVE, Randy Savage is the driver! WHERE TO, STEPHANIE?! A white hummer repeatedly rams the limo. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!? BUT WHO WAS HUMMER?!? There were two cameras in the limo, both of which were definitely controlled by a camera man. So, did they die, too?
Oh wow BFG is in San Diego
anyone want to give me a ride? I'm sure we'll get free tickets to get inside.
it'd be a fun way to kill time today
Meanwhile in Japan an 18-person Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament was held to determine the No. 1 contender for DDT's title. I guarantee it was more over than the entire Bound For Glory Series.
Whoa, I just saw recent pics of chris masters. he's like...skinny
Hey guys, how come people on gaming side that complain about how 'dumbed down' modern games are don't just go post on racket boy or something instead of a site that mostly focuses on what's new?
At least the kid who's excited about Call of Duty 8 can still express excitement without having to play games that rely on a time when you weren't such a piece of negative trash.