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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Yes. Yes I am.


I am a fan of all women with implants. Even though I was never big on Steph.

I even like ridiculous ones like Marie-Claude Bourbonnais


well shit I guess I gotta sell some more things. I wish i kept my receipt for the game but I hope I'll get a good amount of cash for a sealed copy of GTA V

oh wait they won't trade in sealed copies fuck.


Fucking lol at the reason Heidenreich got fired:

He got in a wreck. He stayed in the hospital even after doctors told him he was fine to leave. Finlay and Steamboat came to get him. He wouldn't leave because he loved the hospital food. So they left him. A few days later, his mom called Finlay and wanted to know why they left her boy alone in the hospital. He was was released shortly after.


No One Remembers
Fucking shit end to the evening. I don't go to a fucking club to sit at the fucking table while the girls leave their coats for me to watch.
Fucking shit end to the evening. I don't go to a fucking club to sit at the fucking table while the girls leave their coats for me to watch.

That is why when you go to a club with girls you give them your jacket and then go to the dance floor and wait for them to go there.



WCW Thunder 6/10/99

The go home show for the Great American Bash, the least looked forward to show of the year so far.

TO THE LIMO. Team Madness are driving around when Savage sees a a man he thinks is Kevin Nash. He ambushes the guy, only to find it was Brian Adams. Somehow, Savage was mad at Adams for the misunderstanding. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?

Sting vs Rick Steiner in a falls count anywhere match is announced for GAB.

Recap of the Nash/Savage shit feud.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Buff is the guest. Piper signed Buff vs Disco for GAB. "You've got the ball!" Buff thinks this is stupid since he already beat Disco on Nitro and Disco is a joke anyway. Cat comes out and says he deserves the ball. They're going to have a match later tonight.

Psychosis/Villano V vs Kidman/Rey Mysterio Jr.

Nothing of note here. It's fucking Konnan. Even though he wasn't in the most of the match, I just can't pay attention to anything Konnan's involved in. Rey won with a springboard rana on Hypnosis. Hennig/Duncum vs Konnan/Rey was announced for GAB.


TO THE MEAN GENE. The Jersey Triad come to the ring. Triple B isn't around. Don't worry about him. They're going to defend under Freebird rules. Flair deemed the title change on Nitro was invalid, so the Triad are still champs and will defend officially against Benoit and Saturn at GAB.

TO THE BACK. Savage confronts Crush again. They're going to have a match later.

Recap of the shit and hummer angles from Nitro.

The Cat vs Buff Bagwell

Disco was on commentary. "The Shat" was the highlight of the match. Cat tried to use his crow bar. Instead, Buff got it and hit Sonny with it. He was disqualified for it. Scott Norton then came out to chase Cat. Disco came in the ring and hit the Last Dance on Buff, which the cameras missed because they were focused on Norton and Cat.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Saturn and Benoit come out to respond to the tag champs. Benoit still comes out to Dean's music, which I don't get. Benoit has no respect left for Flair and goes on to say that if pay backs are a bitch, then he's the bitch from hell. Saturn is actually a worse promo guy than Dean or Benoit. "Kanyon, I'm gonna stretch you!" Dean came out during the promo. He stood at the top of the ramp and then walked to the back.

Randy Savage vs Brian Adams

Wrestlemania 10 rematch! He expects Nash to FedEx him the belt. "Come. Welcome. Take a little bit of the madness if you can. You can't. OH YEAAAHHH." Crush offers Team Madness a B Team orgy I think. This was as terrible as you'd expect. They did redo the snake eyes on the railing spot from 1994. Madusa got involved. The ref didn't care. She actually pinned Crush and the ref started to make a count for some reason. Savage won with the big elbow, which the ref missed. The B Team then hit the ring and were taken out by Team Madness. George whipped Horace and Madusa took the ref's pants off for no reason I could see.


Fit Finlay vs Rick Steiner WCW TV Championship

The last time they had a match, both guys were far less stiff than normal. I suspect it was because Finlay was one of the few guys on the WCW roster that Rick couldn't get away with stiffing the shit out of. TBS and TNT mute "Bite me". Is that really so offensive that it needs to be muted on prime time cable? And if he can't say it, why does he have it on his singlet? Rick did a bulldog on the exposed concrete that Finlay no sold. Finlay tapped out to Rick's new submission.

We get a phone call from Kevin Nash. He's bruised up, but okay, and will be at the GAB. He suggests it could be anyone who drove the Hummer, even Scott Hall. This was the first mention of Hall on TV since Flair stripped him of the US Championship in late March/early April. Nash wants the elbow reinstated.

Kanyon vs Saturn

There will probably be a cool move or two in this one. This might be the main event. There are only 16 minutes left, so there is a chance this and then a beat down angle could end the show. They brawled and went up to the ramp, where Saturn did a suplex. Saturn controlled most of the match. Kanyon had a few minutes of offense. DDP came out and caused a DQ. Benoit came out and was also got a beat down. DDP and Kanyon pretended they were having a tag match, which the ref went along with. So is this a second match? It was definitely a DQ, but now the ref is cool with going along with this new match. There is popcorn and drinks in the ring.

DDP/Kanyon vs Benoit/Saturn

Fuck it, this is a new match. The ref is counting pin falls, so I count it as a match. This didn't really have time to be a match. The only thing that could have been giffed was a German suplex to Kanyon, but it was blocked by a giant sign. Dean stood in the way of Arn, preventing him from interfering. Benoit pinned Kanyon with a flying headbutt and left with the titles. I'm not sure if it was an official title change or not.


DQ Count: 2 out of 6 matches.

The show ended with monkeys dressed up as Tenay and Larry. I totally forgot that WCW did this on Thunder for a while. It was some weird TBS thing.

The announced card for The Great American Bash:

Kevin Nash vs Randy Savage WCW Championship
Ric Flair vs Roddy Piper
Jersey Triad vs Chris Benoit/Saturn WCW Tag Team Championship
Rick Steiner vs Sting WCW TV Championship Falls Count Anywhere
Buff Bagwell vs Disco Inferno
Rey Mysterio Jr./Konnan vs Bobby Duncum Jr./Curt Hennig

Pretty shitty looking PPV card. I wouldn't even consider that a good Nitro card.

If it looks like I half assed this show even more than I usually do for Thunder, it's because I did. Suck it. This last month is as bad or worse than anything in 2000 and things are only going to get worse from here.


bischoff is cheating as fuck in the AKI games, he'll just knock out people.

TWO punches causes bleeding to an opponent


one of the best unlockable characters is the boxer in WCW vs. NWO world tour.

He can't be whipped into the ropes

Super instant KOs


I dunno how you can go back and watch those shows, stro. I don't mean the contents, I mean how bad the video quality seems to be. You're a strong man, maestro.


To be fair, the Sandman isn't from here. He was sent from another dimension to save us. No mere mortal is going to put him down with one shot.


I dunno how you can go back and watch those shows, stro. I don't mean the contents, I mean how bad the video quality seems to be. You're a strong man, maestro.

Well, the video quality is better than the gifs. The gifs are done through Gifcam, which downgrades anyway, and I use the second best detail to keep the size down. That being said, the video quality isn't that good except for most of the PPVs, which are usually taken from the actual PPV releases and not someone recording the show on their VCR. It was well, well before the HD era. I don't mind it. I don't really need my wrasslin in HD. I'm totally fine with stuff that looks like it was recorded off TV and then sat in a box for 10 years before being put online. I almost prefer it.


Lol. Finlay's KC Timeline of 2006 is hilarious when it gets to TNA. It was mentioned in Nash's 1995 timeline that they always had WCW on a monitor while doing their shows. When asked if they watched TNA (this was brought on by the VKM stuff in 2006) he laughed even at the idea of anyone in WWE giving a shit about TNA. And then when asked if he watched TNA while away from work, he also said no and laughed again. Finlay is cool as fuck in the whole interview. He doesn't really seem like the kind of guy to do an interview like this, but he was pretty cool the whole way through.

Maybe it ain't so bad then. Someone here linked the Hardy Boys & Lite vs Stone Cold, Triple H, and Steph and it is like unwatchable to me.


That's like unwatchable to me! Although I'm pretty sure it couldn't have looked that bad live. When did that match happen anyway? I think I had already quit watching wrestling by that point

I haven't seen a show on any of the years that bad of quality so far. They are all pretty well preserved, actually. All of them are around what they were when they aired on TV. I wouldn't really want to watch them full screened on my TV or anything, but at the size I watch them on a normal sized monitor, the video quality is not an issue to me.


that's pretty fucking sad but yeah I doubt anyone in the E gives a flying fuck about TNA. Especially now a days.

I'm sure HHH found out what it was watching all those botchamania videos.
According to Meltzer, Vince 100% stopped giving a shit about TNA when they did their big Monday night show in January 2010 with Hogan, Flair, and tons of other people and only pulled a 1.6 rating.


I'm drunk and starting the the Mid South DVD right now. Watchwrestling.net is such a boss website.

Ernie Ladd sounds like a young Morgan Freeman on commentary. Also, fuck Michael Hayes. Dude looks like such a scum bag. Then and now.
I randomly decided to watch Superstars through that link and I'm greeted with shitty Kofi hurricanranas and Alex Riley commentary. Lol at him going "what an athlete this kid is!" at a Kofi crossbody, totally unironically. Like a shoot Bo Dallas. Before Regal showed up on NXT this week, I almost thought he was gonna be permanent. He could've been the new final boss of NXT, meaning Conor O'Brian and Corey Graves would've been called up


There is no point in watching SUuuuuuuperstars. Those same guys will have better matches on NXT anyway. GRAB THEM CAKES. It's so weird seeing JYD in shape and mobile. All I've really seen of him was WWF and WCW stuff, when he was fat and terrible. Not that he was particularly good in Mid South, but at least he was in shape and could move around.

I'd love to do a year of Mid South in my reviews. Or Florida Championship Wrestling. Or Memphis. I wish WWE would make all of that available and then I could torrent it to stick it to the man. Damn the man!


God damn, Bombs Away/Whoopie Cushion was a killer move. Matt Borne made that look awesome. Ted DiBiase had such a great power slam. WHAT'S THAT GORILLA DOING?!? THAT'S DOOGUN!
Yeah, I stopped after the first match, not sure why i bothered with it. The same midcard Raw matches x1000. Ziggler/Langston was right after and I was like naww i'm good

although i did see Kaitlyn when i watched last week's batch of 2 minute Superstars clips. she lost to Tamina, which is ugh. Divas division and the midcard are both terrible, and SS is basically just that


I really don't know why Superstars is still on. I guess it airs on actual TV internationally, but I don't know why NXT hasn't replaced it completely. Superstars has been a total waste of time since the NXT reboot and Main Event. Not that it wasn't before that, but Main Event gave those same guys longer and kind of more meaningful matches and NXT does everything better even when using only developmental guys.


This DOOgun/DiBiase match might be the most gimmicked match of all tiem. Tuxedo cage coal miner glove on a pole loser leaves town match. Four separate stipulations in one match. It's like Russo time traveled or something. Ted looks bizarre without a beard.
I randomly decided to watch Superstars through that link and I'm greeted with shitty Kofi hurricanranas and Alex Riley commentary. Lol at him going "what an athlete this kid is!" at a Kofi crossbody, totally unironically. Like a shoot Bo Dallas. Before Regal showed up on NXT this week, I almost thought he was gonna be permanent. He could've been the new final boss of NXT, meaning Conor O'Brian and Corey Graves would've been called up

Alex Riley commentary is the absolute worst part of NXT. Whenever he talks about himself being on the main roster or rookies asking him questions I want to punch my iPhone.


Fucking lol at the reason Heidenreich got fired:

He got in a wreck. He stayed in the hospital even after doctors told him he was fine to leave. Finlay and Steamboat came to get him. He wouldn't leave because he loved the hospital food. So they left him. A few days later, his mom called Finlay and wanted to know why they left her boy alone in the hospital. He was was released shortly after.
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