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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


it always gets me how short Big E is for a hoss.

i remember someone posting pics of him giving Kaytlin flowers and she, with heels, was as tall as he was.
It should be Scott Hall. All of his personal demons have cost him all his money and HHH uses their friendship to bully him into beating up Dusty and whatnot. Then, at TLC, he and Shawn could have The Ladder Match: Part 3. Kevin Nash would then be forced to chose which best friend is his real best friend. He would pick X-Pac. Justin Credible would return at the Royal Rumble to stop HHH from ruining the Kliq.

Justin Credible vs Triple H at WMXXX.

It should be Scott Hall. All of his personal demons have cost him all his money and HHH uses their friendship to bully him into beating up Dusty and whatnot. Then, at TLC, he and Shawn could have The Ladder Match: Part 3. Kevin Nash would then be forced to chose which best friend is his real best friend. He would pick X-Pac. Justin Credible would return at the Royal Rumble to stop HHH from ruining the Kliq.

Justin Credible vs Triple H at WMXXX.

I love that Big E is somehow in the Punkverse now.

It's a crossover arc. The readers were getting bored since Punk kept squashing Heyman and his Dastardly Duo, and Bork was written out, so they're doing a Punk X Big E run in the meantime.

Cena's getting a reboot soon as well with a "Back From The Dead" arc, but it's the same writers so don't expect anything from it.


It's a crossover arc. The readers were getting bored since Punk kept squashing Heyman and his Dastardly Duo, and Bork was written out, so they're doing a Punk X Big E run in the meantime.

Cena's getting a reboot soon as well with a "Back From The Dead" arc, but it's the same writers so don't expect anything from it.

When are they getting the Bork rights back?
When are they getting the Bork rights back?

There might be a limited series Bork set coming out in Q1 2014. Rumors are Bork vs. Taker, but I don't know. Last time we saw The Undertaker, I think Mr. H's killed him, but maybe he's just been stuck in an alternate dimension this whole time. Speaking of H's, there are even rumors of another limited series HHH run by some of the top writers in the company.

Exciting things in the works. See what actually pans out next week on Thunder.


I love that Big E is somehow in the Punkverse now.

If we're not careful, the Punkverse may become a nameless WWE-version of Aces and 8's, slowly consuming everything in its path until there is nothing outside of its influence. I can see it now--WM XXXI marks the 22nd consecutive month of the Heyman-Punk feud. Axel's been hospitalized due to his loss of the US championship to a Punk-aligned Ziggler in a hardcore match. The Shield have disbanded, with Ambrose one one side, Reigns on the other and Rollins mad with schizophrenia, unable to choose, yet they defend the tag team titles (regained at Survivor Series 2014) Freebird style against Ryback and a mercenary Kassius Ohno. Wade Barrett almost loses to IC champion Big E Langston only to have Brock Lesnar charge down to the ring on Heyman's orders to help the new comrade-in-arms, giving The Brit (and his silent, Union-Jack-bikini-clad, tea-sipping, monocled valet, Paige) the win.

The main event is Cena vs Triple H in a fight over the company, completely unaware that they're the last two members of WWE Universe Prime. After a long bland battle, Cena wins and takes to the turnbuckle to raise the belt high in victory--only to watch it dissolve in his hands. He looks behind him to see the Undertaker kneeling over the former COO's prone form using Triple H's hand to sign a contract in Triple H's own blood naming Heyman as the CEO President Once and Always King of the WWE. Evil laughter fills the arena as we fade to black.


There might be a limited series Bork series coming out in Q1 2014. Rumors are Bork vs. Taker, but I don't know. Last time we saw The Undertaker, I think Mr. H's killed him, but maybe he's just been stuck in an alternate dimension this whole time. Speaking of H's, there are even rumors of another limited series HHH run by some of the top writers in the company.

Exciting things in the works. See what actually pans out next week on Thunder.

If we're not careful, the Punkverse may become a nameless WWE-version of Aces and 8's, slowly consuming everything in its path until there is nothing outside of its influence. I can see it now--WM XXXI marks the 22nd consecutive month of the Heyman-Punk feud. Axel's been hospitalized due to his loss of the US championship to a Punk-aligned Ziggler in a hardcore match. The Shield have disbanded, with Ambrose one one side, Reigns on the other and Rollins mad with schizophrenia, unable to choose, yet they defend the tag team titles (regained at Survivor Series 2014) Freebird style against Ryback and a mercenary Kassius Ohno. Wade Barrett almost loses to IC champion Big E Langston only to have Brock Lesnar charge down to the ring on Heyman's orders to help the new comrade-in-arms, giving The Brit (and his silent, Union-Jack-bikini-clad, tea-sipping, monocled valet, Paige) the win.

The main event is Cena vs Triple H in a fight over the company, completely unaware that they're the last two members of WWE Universe Prime. After a long bland battle, Cena wins and takes to the turnbuckle to raise the belt high in victory--only to watch it dissolve in his hands. He looks behind him to see the Undertaker kneeling over the former COO's prone form using Triple H's hand to sign a contract in Triple H's own blood naming Heyman as the CEO President Once and Always King of the WWE. Evil laughter fills the arena as we fade to black.

You guys are reminding me why I stopped reading comic books.

Thank you WWE for treating me like an idiot and just ignoring storyline details weeks after they happen.
If we're not careful, the Punkverse may become a nameless WWE-version of Aces and 8's, slowly consuming everything in its path until there is nothing outside of its influence. I can see it now--WM XXXI marks the 22nd consecutive month of the Heyman-Punk feud. Axel's been hospitalized due to his loss of the US championship to a Punk-aligned Ziggler in a hardcore match. The Shield have disbanded, with Ambrose one one side, Reigns on the other and Rollins mad with schizophrenia, unable to choose, yet they defend the tag team titles (regained at Survivor Series 2014) Freebird style against Ryback and a mercenary Kassius Ohno. Wade Barrett almost loses to IC champion Big E Langston only to have Brock Lesnar charge down to the ring on Heyman's orders to help the new comrade-in-arms, giving The Brit (and his silent, Union-Jack-bikini-clad, tea-sipping, monocled valet, Paige) the win.

The main event is Cena vs Triple H in a fight over the company, completely unaware that they're the last two members of WWE Universe Prime. After a long bland battle, Cena wins and takes to the turnbuckle to raise the belt high in victory--only to watch it dissolve in his hands. He looks behind him to see the Undertaker kneeling over the former COO's prone form using Triple H's hand to sign a contract in Triple H's own blood naming Heyman as the CEO President Once and Always King of the WWE. Evil laughter fills the arena as we fade to black.

You guys are reminding me why I stopped reading comic books.

Thank you WWE for treating me like an idiot and just ignoring storyline details weeks after they happen.

You guys are reminding me why I stopped reading comic books.

Thank you WWE for treating me like an idiot and just ignoring storyline details weeks after they happen.

Well you're in luck because the film rights have been sold and the WWE Cinematic Universe™ is going to be led by none other than Paul W.S. Anderson, director of such marvelous films as: "Resident Evil " and "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" and the upcoming "Resident Evil 6."

The John Cena origin story is the first movie in the schedule. The GAF threads will be monstrous.


Well you're in luck because the film rights have been sold and the WWE Cinematic Universe™ is going to be led by none other than Paul W.S. Anderson, director of such marvelous films as: "Resident Evil " and "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" and the upcoming "Resident Evil 6."

The John Cena origin story is the first movie in the schedule. The GAF threads will be monstrous.

Well you're in luck because the film rights have been sold and the WWE Cinematic Universe™ is going to be led by none other than Paul W.S. Anderson, director of such marvelous films as: "Resident Evil " and "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" and the upcoming "Resident Evil 6."

The John Cena origin story is the first movie in the schedule. The GAF threads will be monstrous.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukn4OLRx9L8Kurt angle and Shinuske nakamura vs Aj styles and Hiroshi tanahasi

part 2

and even crazier


part 2

21richkid 2 years ago

Jack Swagger vs Nakamura: Dream Matchup and Wade Barrett vs Tanahashi: Dream Matchup. Nakamura could put over Swagger for the Title, also Tanahashi could elevate Barretts main event status and job to him.

It should be Scott Hall. All of his personal demons have cost him all his money and HHH uses their friendship to bully him into beating up Dusty and whatnot. Then, at TLC, he and Shawn could have The Ladder Match: Part 3. Kevin Nash would then be forced to chose which best friend is his real best friend. He would pick X-Pac. Justin Credible would return at the Royal Rumble to stop HHH from ruining the Kliq.

Justin Credible vs Triple H at WMXXX.

I'm marking out at the thought of this. Justin Credible returns and drops an epic shoot promo on how he's been in the business for 20 years but never received his shot

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Today would have been Bad News Brown's birthday

Big gut aside, Bad News Brown was one of the most intimidating guys WWF had back in the day. Back before Stone Cold infected the WWF with a gritty, realistic gimmick, Bad News Brown/Allen was doing it. He was from the streets, he didn't have any friends face or heel, and he was a mean mother fucker in the ring. Davey Boy Smith said that Brown would frequently 'blow up' his opponents and have them gasping for air just because he moved at such a fast, aggressive pace. He wasn't flashy, but his moves were deadly, and he was one of those guys that made you say 'If that's fake, how come it looks like he's hitting dudes so hard?'

Bad News Brown vs Hulk Hogan
Bad News Brown delivers a promo on Jack Tunney fighting against authority? oh that'll never work
Bad News Brown vs Bret Hart

Bad News Brown. A man so tough that he made Andre apologize. A man so tough that STAN HANSEN had to calm him down.



WCW Thunder 6/17/99

Hey every one, it's Thunder! Lol. Impact is going to be great tonight.

Curt Hennig/Bobby Duncum Jr. vs Texas Hangmen

The Rednecks don't come out to their song, which seems strange since even if this was a week old, they've still had that music for a few weeks. Why are these Texans fighting each other? Mike talked about "Psychotic" Sid Vicious. WE KNOW WHO THAT IS! Perfect Plex for an easy win. Rey and Konnan came out and ambushed the Rednecks for no reason, because they thought they were faces in WWE 2013.

Recap of Buff getting Piper disqualified at GAB and then Piper agreeing to be Flair's VP on Nitro. We're then shown the set up for the 8 man tag.

Commercial for KOTR 99 was left on the tape.

Scotty Riggs vs Disco Inferno

Disco will probably be the only gif worthy thing of the show. Sadly, I didn't get anything out of him. Riggs is just so...bland. Disco won with the Last Dance.

Recap of The No Limit Soldiers at GAB and Nitro.

Evan Karagias vs TAFKATAFKAPI

Damn, Prince got a jobber entrance. Against Evan Karagias. Evan won with a roll up out of a Samoan drop.

La Parka/Silver King vs Brian Knobs/Hugh Morrus

La Parka! Remember when Jimmy reformed the First Family and got Barb and Meng to reunite for the tag team tournament? And his big plan was to have Barb turn on Meng and cost them the tournament (and himself money in the process)? And then we never saw Barb again? And then he got he asked Knobs to join months later? And then Knobs said he wanted to do stuff on his own, but was then joined by Jimmy and Hugh all the time? Of course these fat fucks pin the luchadors.


Barbarian vs Booker T.

Well, what a coincidence. I had no idea Barb would be in the next match when I typed out that we hadn't seen him since Jimmy had him turn on Meng. This is Book's return after being taken out by the Steiners the night after Slamboree. It would make a lot more sense to have him be the guy teaming with Sting against the Steiners. He was the first one that got fucked over by the Steiners. He was the one who had been feuding with them anyway for 2 months. He was the one who was seemingly being elevated. If Goldberg was going to be out doing a movie, it makes a lot more sense to me to have Booker take his spot instead of have him taken out in an off camera attack and then be off screen and not mentioned for a month. This dude got a clean win over BRET HART (maybe the last one ever) to get a shot at the US Championship, and instead had to be in a tournament to get his shot while also defending the TV Championship in between rounds, and then was shoved out of a logical angle for Lex Luger. Lex, who was a heel the last time he was on TV and was still not even ready to wrestle again. Book won with a roll up out of a corner, which Tenay and Larry seemed to have never seen, despite Booker having won a few titles with it and doing it is every match that went longer than 8 minutes.

Recap of Psychotic Sid Vicious' shocking debut. Then the Sid vs Nash match from Nitro that ended in DQ when Sid tried to start his own match.

We are then show the 8 man tag from Nitro in full for our main event.

DQ Count:
0 out of 5 live matches. 0 out of 6 matches if you count a Nitro match being shown.


I'm watching this Top 100 Raw moments thing on Netflix and I just found out The Miz winning the WWE title was a bigger Raw moment than HBK super kicking Hogan, or HBK retiring.

I stopped it and started watching Ghostbusters.


I'm watching this Top 100 Raw moments thing on Netflix and I just found out The Miz winning the WWE title was a bigger Raw moment than HBK super kicking Hogan, or HBK retiring.

I stopped it and started watching Ghostbusters.

you mean like how Big Show knocking out the shield is one of the 10 top ways Raw has ended?


Flair Flops are so silly. I'm kind of surprised that he had a full on comedy spot for 35 years, despite all his NWA herritige. They're great. Who did he steal it from? Greg Valentine did it as well. I think it was Greg's dad that everyone stole it from. Sting doing one at BFG was for sure the best part of his match.


I was thinking about how Gorgeous George (the real one) has to be the single most influential wrestler of all time. He directly inspired the Valiants and Buddy Rogers, but also Muhammad Ali. Superstar Graham and Dusty ripped Ali off. Hogan (especially AWA/early WWF and 1999-2005ish) was a direct copy of Superstar. All the muscled up hero faces were then Hogan copies. Flair copied Buddy Rogers, and then HBK/HHH/every dude in the last 20 years were inspired by Flair. It's a pretty easy line to trace back to George. It's really crazy to think about this one guy was pretty much responsible for every one that came after him.
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