Definitely some tension in the Shield
Definitely some tension in the Shield
They already did that by making a MITB PPV.
Just to guarantee less Miz time!!!Does anyone really want to hear from Shawn Michaels?
Jimmy may not be able to do his entrance right, but he has nice taste
Does anyone really want to hear from Shawn Michaels?
Already time change for you?... and I suddenly realise I've missed the 1st hour due to Daylight Savings Time... not entirely disappointed.
... and I suddenly realise I've missed the 1st hour due to Daylight Savings Time... not entirely disappointed.
Already time change for you?
But that's not until next week?
"Gosh gee golly, I wanted to do the right thing, but I saw Hunter laid out and I gotta call it how I see it Bryan...I'm sorry."
Where are the "Why?" signs?
Definitely some tension in the Shield
But that's not until next week?
i wonder what compels some folks to watch. i don't buy the "been watching for years" excuse. i watched WCW Nitro from day one to the last day and when WWF bought them i knew they were done (even more so than before) so i quit.
does Vince add crack or heroin to broadcast? it can't be lack of options.
Already time change for you?
It's simple. HBK saw Bryan hit his good friend and didn't see Trips shove Bryan. HBK reacted.
As consistently solid as this ppv is this is true, so many cash ins and weak reigns produced from some of them has really grinded the whole gimmick into the ground.
I love you
You forgot a bit.
LolHBK is dressed like a GTA Online character.
Your friend has the perfect approach to watching RAW. It's a model everyone should follow if they can't quit regularly watching the WWE outright.That excuse actually does have some merit, though. One of the smartest guys I know on another forum still keeps it on as background noise every week. He knows the shows are bad, he knows that there's very few compelling guys left on the roster, and he knows that things are going to get worse before they get better. But he just does something else while it's on. He only keeps Raw on because at this point, it's like "comfort food."
If something actually exciting happens, then he just has to turn his head to the TV to see what's up. If not, then he can keep grading papers. In either case, he's not losing anything by having it on. It's just been part of his routine. I admit to have done the same thing, but when I mentioned last year that i was going to stop watching for a couple months, I meant it. I just wish some others here who claim to have quit WWE would actually follow through.
MITB briefcase holder = The New 'King of the Ring'For a while, if someone was holding the briefcase, you got the feeling that the company was behind that person and they were going to get a solid push at some point in the future.
The it became... MITB holder becomes a jobber, but hey, they have that briefcase and at SOME point they're gonna cash it in and become champ. It could lead to something decent (Bryan) or they could fuck it up horribly (Ziggler).
Now it really means fuck all. Sandow has been jobbing since he got the thing and just got fed to one armed super Cena. Christ.