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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


fuck this Vince Russo shit. Think ill take a break from wwe. they so unapealing at this point.

Well jsut check in on punk segments.

At lesat New japan is in 8 days

Sounds like I didn't miss much, other than the Rhodes match.

Watching the NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling press conference right now!

EDIT: Google or someone needs to invent a real-time audio translator.


Oh and I don't get the story with Steph and Triple H leaving... what the hell would be so important that BOTH of them had to leave the show... especially when the most "prized" possession in their company was up for grabs.


That ending sounds really bad. I guess Big Show should just be champion now and forever since he can end any fight with a single punch.


Stro is going to have flashbacks if he watchs this ppv.

Stro dont watch this PPV please.

exept for the part where dusty bionic elbows ambrose. that was awesome


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
That ending sounds really bad. I guess Big Show should just be champion now and forever since he can end any fight with a single punch.

That's why his finisher is stupid

During his matches, he punches guys in the gut. If his hand is so deadly, why doesn't the guy just collapse from having his ribs broken.
Press conference was just to announce that Kota Ibushi has signed a dual-promotion contract with NJPW and DDT.

NOt supriseing Kota has been doing cross promtion stuff all year. but that is good to hear.

Give hime the Jr title so devitt can move up to intercontinetall or IWGP Divisons


NOt supriseing Kota has been doing cross promtion stuff all year. but that is good to hear.

Give hime the Jr title so devitt can move up to intercontinetall or IWGP Divisons

They said something about Devitt during the conference, but I couldn't figure it out.

I would love to see Ibushi take the Jr title, so then Devitt can go for the Intercontinental and then Nakamura and Okada can have an insane match for the Heavyweight title.


Curis Axel needs a new gimmick of 80s action movie villain. Give him a power suit, keep his cheesy evil laugh, and let him continue to ham it up.

Curtis Axel is a good wrestler but has the personality of a dry sponge.

Curis-Axel McKillian - villain of Cold War martial film "BLOOD VENGEANCE" starring Eric Roberts, Kelly McGillis, and Keith Carradine on the other hand? Total winner.


What kind of trash PPV did WWE put out tonight? I can't remember a worse one...nope. Other then the Rhodes match this was not good. Crowd didn't seem to give any craps til the finish of the Orton/Bryan match which doesn't help any. I'd rather have had a Show costing Bryan finish over this garbage. If you're going to pull this ending, they should have at least gave the crowd something cool like RVD winning the other title.
Match wise the PPV was alright. Only really boring matches were Ziggler vs Sandow and Punk vs Ryback. That main event ending was abysmal though.


Really bad ending to the PPV. Still no WWE champion, and I'm sadly getting tired of watching Daniel Bryan wrestle. His moveset feels incredibly watered down at this point, and there isn't much to get excited about when he's in the ring. At least, there hasn't been lately.

Fantasy booking:
-WWE should've had Bryan face Rollins at BG, Reigns at HIAC, and Ambrose at Survivor Series.HHH says Bryan can have another title shot if he can prove himself in the eyes of the company. Bryan wins the first two, but loses the third after shenanigans, since HHH doesn't actually want Bryan to win or have any shot at the title. The Shield get mic time throughout this build and before each PPV.
-Vince and HHH power struggle starts after HHH says Bryan doesn't deserve to be in the Rumble, but Vince thinks he does. HHH says "okay," but fixes the draw so that Bryan in #1. Bryan wins the Rumble.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Other than Rhodes Family story and match, which was done wonderfully well, I'm just outright ignoring this PPV as it obviously did not matter at all.

Instead I'll pay attention to that Jobber Kane. http://youtu.be/IOsFUIyeXnc


This show is reminding me of the first few months of WCW 1998 where there wasn't a champion for 2 months and no one really cared.

Also, I almost just died. I went on a brisk bike ride in my neighborhood because I'm in terrible shape and it seemed more productive than WCW or GTA. 15 minutes was enough to break me. Fuck. But as I was riding on the main road in front of my neighborhood, which is a fairly busy road since this area is kind of in the middle of city and county, some dude came barreling and had to be going 80MPH or more. I had to SWERVE dive into a yard. I barely made it. Dude gave no fucks.

Shit, that was my chance to get out without guilt. Damn.

That ending was shiet they had to stall to get out of this PPV but no finish is the worst option.

It's not like they didn't have options. I mean, sure, it's predictable, but surely Big Show costing Bryan the title and having them feud would be a better option than this atrocity. Then Bryan can win the title at the Royal Rumble or -- dare I say it? -- Wrestlemania.


The thing is, Bryan's heat is running out by the week. At this point, he's just spinning his tires. There aren't enough dynamic things going on. If Randy is his sole target, I just don't find that interesting since they're not getting enough mic time to actually say anything towards each other or build to anything, and I don't WANT to see them wrestle again.


Show ends with Security began breaking down the set and entry way while shooing the fans out of the building. Maddox sitting on the stage, watching it all, eating an apple.

You weren't far off. Minus the apple, it's almost what I expected to hear from people that went.

It just doesn't feel like there's any urgency with this storyline. And Big Show's random decisions aren't helping.

It's because there's an unnecessary beat to the story. Act I Summerslam, Act II Night of Champions, Act III HiaC for the blowoff leading to a new/tangential story at Survivor Series that would last until Rumble. Battleground wasn't needed and forces early confrontations that either can't end early (Orton/Bryan, probably Punk/Heyman) or weren't given enough time to be meaningful at all (everything else practically. Truth has no business as a contender for anything, Wyatts are spinning their wheels since the original plan went sideways for them, AJ/Bella at least has some build but it's of the who-cares variety. Special note goes to Ziggler/Sandow which was ridiculous since they built a minifeud for Ziggler/Ambrose and killed it off for no reason. And they continue to murder the briefcase holder's reputation for no reason I can fathom.) Del Rio/RVD had some good build, but it suffers from having "Del Rio" and "build" together in the same sentence. I honestly wonder how the Mexican market views him and whether he's an actual draw there.

And Big Show ruins everything. There's nothing good about him showing up as a major factor in high profile storylines. The man can act decently enough for wrestling and he's got the typical giant look, but the spotlight tends to go his way in angles when by all logic it shouldn't (he latched onto the main event scene around this time last year, too, which went all of nowhere) and he has a stupid amount of gravitas for a man who can't even make his piss-simple finisher look good.
I agree with you, Alucard. Definitely. As much as I like Bryan, he's been pretty boring the past month or so. His moveset feels stale at the moment and needs a change. I feel like he's lacking the energy he had from earlier this year.

The WWE in general has been pretty boring the past month or so. After Summerslam, pretty much.
So do you think Bryan versus Triple H is a match that will happen?

I mean wrestling logic dictates thats the end game for this entire mess but Triple H logic says he will by pass that without putting Bryan over and go straight to some kind of match with Vince for control of the company.

There is no urgency, they are trying to delay Bryan winning the belt until the day before whatever RAW Cena returns and uses his rematch clause

I turned the PPV off after Cesaro's giant swing, as I reasoned it wouldn't get any better than that. Was I correct in my assumption?

Press conference was just to announce that Kota Ibushi has signed a dual-promotion contract with NJPW and DDT.

AWESOME! About time they kicked some life into the Jr's division.

I'm guessing Ibushi gets the Jr's title back from Devitt at some point and then feuds with Taguchi (once he's back from injury).

Also, follow yottsume on twitter, he often posts translations for New Japan stuff;



Unbelievable. No wait it's completely believable.

WWE had the belt on punk for like a year or seven years I don't remember. Then the guy who can actually make a match entertaining goes for the belt and they don't give it to him LOL. Bryan knows how to make a match worth watching, even if Rycrack didn't screw up tonight Punk would've anyway cause he's crap.

Come back Cena, make all the right in the world!
Ibushi's debut match as a proper New Japan roster member will be at King of Pro-Wrestling in 8 days, he's the mystery man in the 6-man tag;

G.B.H. (Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma) & Kota Ibushi vs BULLET CLUB (Prince Devitt, Karl Anderson & Bad Luck Fale)

That suggests to me he's going to feud with Devitt.

Also, the Jr's tag title match has had to be changed as Alex Shelley has picked up an injury, exposing just how shallow the juniors division is at present;

IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Titles: Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero) (c) vs Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku & Taichi)
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