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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


So not worth it
Bleacher Report has a Shoot interview with AJ, which is pretty rare:

Some interesting quotes:
Bleacher Report: But when you talked earlier about being brave and taking risks, what about taking on Jerry Lawler in the commentary booth? I thought that could have really backfired. He's such a beloved figure in some circles that it could have gone very badly in a serious way. Were you nervous at all about what you were planning on saying?

AJ Lee:
(Laughs). The funny thing is I get a lot of "oh, I can't believe they let you say that!" Everything that has been kind of controversial in the last couple of weeks has been 100 percent from my mind. It's just been me saying "Let's see how much trouble I can get in."

When you do commentary you don't really plan anything. I watch my matches back and Jerry Lawler rubs me the wrong way. The way he talks about the girls and me in particular. As a character I feel like she wouldn't like him. So, I went out there thinking "I'm ready to fight any of you."

Bleacher Report: You were ready to pay them back for the months of cracks about you being crazy and all the talk about your boyfriend troubles?

AJ Lee:
You can't really plan what you are going to say, but I'm kind of a smart a**. I like to jab. That's who I am. I went out there and they were all sort of attacking me and I was not prepared for that. So I kind of went into smart a** mode. And it happened. (Laughs).

We never talked about it, but I think it was fine. It was just a fun little jab I think.

About the Total Divas promo:
Bleacher Report: Now you're singing a different tune.

AJ Lee:
I give them credit. Of course on screen I'm not going to say any of that. (Laughs). I'm going to take jabs and stuff as part of the story. But I'm not a hundred percent against it.

As a person, I couldn't do it. The whole story is, they asked me to be on it and I told them no. And it was kind of received the wrong way. I was upset about it and there was a lot of friction between myself and the people who kind of wanted me to jump on board with this show.

It's not who I am. I don't think it helps with what I've done so far either. It may be great for the girls who are kind of spokeswoman kind of women. That's not my world.

But me not jumping on board was kind of perceived the wrong way. I think Vince likes people who are really brave and quirky and like to take risks and stir the pot sometimes. And he was like "OK. She doesn't want to be on it? Let her tell us all why."

No one really knew what I was going to say. So, that's how that happened.

Not gonna post the entire interview, but it's a good read, check it out.


I'd use some of Stro's WCW gifs in PopGAF, but I'd feel dirty about using a WCW gif.

you dirty pop gaf traitor . How dare you!

Sure I went to pop gaf too after a swerve but that was like sgt. slaughter becoming the iraqi sympathizer, nobody's gonna remember it!


I still can't believe they actually ended the PPV the way they did. They're spending more time trying to get over Big Show than the two people who were actually competing for their title. I thought not having a WWE champion was realistically bad for business or something.


I still can't believe they actually ended the PPV the way they did. They're spending more time trying to get over Big Show than the two people who were actually competing for their title. I thought not having a WWE champion was realistically bad for business or something.

gotta push that hot young talent


I still can't believe they actually ended the PPV the way they did. They're spending more time trying to get over Big Show than the two people who were actually competing for their title. I thought not having a WWE champion was realistically bad for business or something.

I don't think that matters any more. It did in the 80s, but I think WWE could get rid of all championships and ratings/buy rates would stay exactly the same.



WCW Thunder 3/25/99

The Horsemen have gone full heel. A second tournament with no brackets has started. Hulk Hogan is kind of a face. Ric Flair vs Barry Windham tonight! Fuck yeah. They wouldn't let poor Bobby talk at all.

Jerry Flynn vs Scott Riggs

Riggs is from Atlanta, which explains to me why WCW probably hired him in the first place. That and being an American Male is just too hard to pass up on. Let me assure you, this was a great match. So good you don't even need to watch it. Just know that it was amazing.


Recap of the Steiner/Buff break up.

Wrath vs Mike Enos

I don't think Wrath has been seen since losing to Disco. And now that he's getting his ass kicked by Mike Enos, he might want to hide for another 3 months. Another classic, but you don't need to watch it. Just trust me.

Fit Finlay vs Chris Adams

Let's do some stiff Euro work. Finlay dominates the opening minutes, but Adams comes back and locks on a sleeper. Jaw breaker breaks the hold. Fit attempts to use a chair. Super kick! Finlay gets knocks out of the ring from it. A suplex back in. Fit then back drops Adams out. Adams misses a cross body. Tombstone for the win.

Blitzkrieg vs Kidman

Sweet. Dropsault to start the match. Kidman fires back with the rebound lariatoo. A springboard dropkick sends Kidman to the floor. Blitz follows it up with twisting corkscrew Asai moonsault. Running falling Liger bomb from Kidman. Wacky enziguri from Blitz. After some struggling, Kidman connects with a sitout pedigree. Second rope legdrop. Back to the floor. Body slam. No dives. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN. Why do people keep trying to powerbomb this asshole? That reversal was such a crutch to Kidman that he had to set up a way to do it on Rey, even though Rey wasn't big enough to powerbomb him. BK Bomb. Blitz catches Kidman doing the SSP and does a super rana. Blitz misses some wacky top rope move. Kidman does a pushing back suplex and SSP for the win.


Horace vs Kaz Hayashi

Kaz and his Glacier gear. He's also growing a beard. He does what he can, but he's no match for the size of Whoreass. I loled at the talk about Horace being another guy whose career skyrocketed since leaving The Flock. I'm not sure struggling to beat guys half your size and arguing with Virgil every week was an upgrade.

Recap of the US Championship tournament so far.

Booker T. vs Saturn

This is a tournament match. It really bothers me when champions are in tournaments for other championships. I think it devalues the lesser title. The only time it is acceptable to me is if the tournament is for the world championship. Booker doesn't seem to like Gay Perry's fashion sense. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is so good, guys. Everyone should see it. You can pretend it was what Tony Stark was doing before he decided to go back to Stark Industries. Booker controls the match until we go to a break. He's still in charge when we come back. Booker gets dumped to the floor and Saturn suplexes him out there. He throws the steps at Book, but he moved, so they crashed into the other steps. Saturn slows it down with submissions for a while. Book comes back with a spin kick out of the corner and a side slam. German suplex from Saturn. Superfly Splash. Spinewalkslambuster. Ax kick. Book rolls up Saturn out of a DVD and advances to round two of the tournament.


60 seconds with Goldberg. Again, that promo is 9 months old. Then again, they showed a Nitro promo that was 2 years old a few weeks ago.

Barry Windham vs Ric Flair WCW Championship

The last time they had a match, Barry was used as a SWERVE fake out for Hulk Hogan and his knee exploded. Flair stops the match about a minute in to shit on some fans. Tenay and Brain are both trolling Tony by repeating what he said in slightly different words, which is driving Tony crazy. After a break, Windham has Ric in the figure four. Windham lariatoo. Backslide almost gives us a new champion. The live crowd got to see Flair's ass. Thankfully, TBS wouldn't even show that from the front, so they cut to the crowd. Barry had the win, but Robinson took his time to make the pin and then made a slow count. Barry hits the superplex. Robinson pulls the same trick. He then grabs Barry while he's hitting Flair. Barry trips over Flair. Flair locks on the figure four. Arn comes out and pulls Barry to the ropes. He then pulls Barry out of the ring, says something to him, and Barry walks to the back. Flair is left in the ring confused and WE'RE OUTTA TIME. Lol, what a bullshit ending, even for Thunder. I guess Flair wins via count out.


DQ Count: 0 out of 7 matches.


Renee's great at making you care more about interviews when everybody in that role for the last 10 years has simply been a twat. She's great in showing fear when it comes to heels and showing enthusiasm when it comes to faces.
Basically Maria in the 2006 timeframe, just not so ditsy.

It's fine when the interviewers have some good back and forth conversations with the wrestler. Though The Rock was the best at doing so with them.

Also, caught about 30 mins of the PPV, so two matches (Cody, Goldust vs. Rollins, Reigns and Kofi vs Bray). All four guys in the tag match were great, especially Goldust I thought. The crowd were loving them so it was really nice to see them win. As for the other one, I don't dislike Bray, but he's been a pretty bore lately. Yeah, it's all a wait for Kane, but he's been in idle it seems for a long time. And his matches are fairly forgettable so far.
F**king filler PPVs that could barely pass for a throw-away Smackdown. :|

Lets drag this shit on for aaaaaaaaaaages.

I don't care about Big Show stop trying to put him into the main shit. He's terrible.

Crowd was popping hardcore until they realised it wasn't actually just to make D-Bry win, the actual ending is there was no ending LOLZ GOODNIGHT EVERYONE SEE YOU AT THUNDER!

Rhodes (honestly such a cool part, best Crossrhodes ever) family and Cesaro were the only good parts. And yet Cesaro will still just waste away doing nothing joke feuds while forever champion Del Rio continues to bore us with matches we don't care about. Seriously. Putting that belt on the little bull guy would be more interesting at this point. :|

Even CM Punk forgot what his f**king feud was about. Just lets Heyman walk away didn't even go after him. :lol GRRR LETS SETTLE THIS AGAIN IN A CAGE THIS TIME BUT ONLY UNTIL THE NEXT PPV WHERE WE CAN SETTLE IT ONCE MORE IN A TEAM BASED SETTING OK.

Fast losing patience with 'wait and see' and 'slow build' - SOMETHING has to happen sill.


What I think would be a better plan is to have Summerslam to NOC play out the same. After that, Daniel Bryan should have kept the championship until either TLC or the Rumble. He'd then win either the Rumble or EC and still get his big win at Wrestlemania, but without being in a holding pattern for 6 months.


So not worth it
Fast losing patience with 'wait and see' and 'slow build' - SOMETHING has to happen sill.

The problem is not that it's a slow build feud.

The problem is that it's not progressing. Daniel Bryan won the title and Summerslam, after that he should NOT have won the title at all for months. Orton should have been and remained champ. So far, all we've seen from this angle since SummerSlam is the exact same Raw and Smackdown every week.

Show open: Triple H comes out, talks about what's best for business. Daniel Bryan is around, Orton/Shield are around. Bryan fights (and loses) to Orton/Shield.
Show middle: Orton has a match with upper midcarder and wins.
Main event: Daniel Bryan has great match with any combination of Shield members, comes out on top and is subsequently beaten down.

They strayed from this formula exactly once, when some of the lockerroom came out to help Bryan and Bryan stood tall that one Raw.


And that was fine for one or two weeks, maybe three tops. But so far, for almost two months we've seen nothing but the same thing, that's not a slow build, that's placeholder "we've got a plan for three months down the line, but we have to get there first."

There were plenty of good ideas on the internet, even here in WrassleGAF, where we didn't just get Orton vs. Bryan PPV matches, but Bryan vs. Shield, Orton vs. Punk, Bryan vs. Triple H, etc. etc. All could be done to further the main storyline, without being repetitive as all fuck.

Now all they can do is have one final match inside HELL IN A CELL, where Bryan just HAS to win the title to remain credible.
Makes no sense all that after Summerslam oooh looks like its gonna be long term booking stuff they built then just made Orton lose straight away.

Its like they went NO WAIT and doubted themselves but then went WAIT NO again and took it off Bryan too. :\


So just nothing happens, they ruin both things and we're left confused.


The fast count ref, no finish finish etc, smells of such LOL Kevin Nash txting himself BS we have no idea either booking its horrible.

We're not getting anywhere, poor D-Bry. He was so hot and as usual they find a way to cool it down pointlessly. What is wrong with them???

Every week big bad HHH and Steph just look invincible and there is no counter balance. When does D-Bry ever get to look good outside of in ring performaces? Them mixing between heel and face decisions for no reason is stupid too. Ugh.
Yeah, shockingly they shit the bed with a program that was ridiculously hot, it's so unlike them. To be honest I think they could have made things quite a bit better last night by having Show knock out Bryan and letting Orton win. HHH could come out on RAW and say there's no rematch because Bryan never held the title in the first place and Bryan could finally work out that he needs to focus on taking out the corporation before he'll be champ again starting with Show. That would allow him to rack up wins on his way to the rumble/wrestlemania.

Instead they dilute the entire thing by putting the focus on Big Show's shitty will he/wont he which should have ended when he punched Dusty in the face (which is the worst thing he'll ever be asked to do) and then knocked out Miz in the following week without a second thought.


So not worth it
Instead they dilute the entire thing by putting the focus on Big Show's shitty will he/wont he which should have ended when he punched Dusty in the face (which is the worst thing he'll ever be asked to do) and then knocked out Miz in the following week without a second thought.

To be fair, him knocking out Miz without a second thought made perfect sense. Nobody likes The Miz, literally nobody.
Big Show can't get an erection and HHH illegally owns his house now GRRRR WHATS A GIANT TO DO?

I hate it sooooooo much.

Its such a f**king stupid thing to try and be inserting into the main feud.
To be fair, him knocking out Miz without a second thought made perfect sense. Nobody likes The Miz, literally nobody.

I don't know, the Big Show's a man who was brought to tears because he was forced to wrestle Daniel Bryan (Another genius booking move, devalue your hottest wrestler by having someone who's wrestled 1000s of matches refuse to wrestle him because he's afraid of hurting him) so I figured that might have been him turning a corner.


When I said they were copying the Attitude Era, I meant it.

4-Way Elimination match: Foley, Trips, Rock, Show

WM30 Main Event: Trips, Bryan, Orton, Cena
I don't know, the Big Show's a man who was brought to tears because he was forced to wrestle Daniel Bryan (Another genius booking move, devalue your hottest wrestler by having someone who's wrestled 1000s of matches refuse to wrestle him because he's afraid of hurting him) so I figured that might have been him turning a corner.

That's how it was supposed to come off, yes. The problem with the segment is that it still ends up with Miz laid out cold in the center of the ring, which just stirs up apathy. Stephanie could have spent 15 minutes dressing him down in the ring, but as long as the payoff is Show (who isn't a convincing victim) punching out The Miz (who's just been hanging around the company for a long time), it's just another beating.


I don't know, the Big Show's a man who was brought to tears because he was forced to wrestle Daniel Bryan (Another genius booking move, devalue your hottest wrestler by having someone who's wrestled 1000s of matches refuse to wrestle him because he's afraid of hurting him) so I figured that might have been him turning a corner.

Is that better or worse than Konnan saying that Nash or Luger going after Rey (at the start of a big push) was like robbing a bank and shooting the teller who was in a wheelchair? Best of all was Rey continuing the feud by himself and actually defeating Nash while Konnan disappeared and started a feud with Disco.
What does CM Punk actually want to do with Paul Heyman?




But he's had a couple of chances now and the majority of that was just tap him with a stick a little.

Its like after Lesnar they just spin the wheels for months. Like every other feud it seems. HHH is terrible for business.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What does CM Punk actually want to do with Paul Heyman?




But he's had a couple of chances now and the majority of that was just tap him with a stick a little.

Its like after Lesnar they just spin the wheels for months. Like every other feud it seems. HHH is terrible for business.
Again it's like poetry so that they rhyme

Its like after Lesnar they just spin the wheels for months. Like every other feud it seems. HHH is terrible for business.

This is where they are Bring Vince back in . So far all of triple h's decisions have back fire on him .

Plus there still in no WWE champ. Del rio should be walking around like he owns he place

I hope punk crucifies heyman on a giant X


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Best Big Show: That short period of time where he'd dress up as other people, including Rikishi and Fat Bastard.

Came here to post this. He's best as a comedic face and only Vince's obsession with mean giants is why he never stuck with that role.


Dear WWE,

Stop booking two PPVs in one month. Then you won't have to come up with bullshit finishes to extend the story in the first to sell the second. Also, that finish perfectly sets up a hell in a cell match, good job....is what I would say if u needed to set up a HIAC main event at a HIAC PPV.


A Smark


I turned the PPV off after Cesaro's giant swing, as I reasoned it wouldn't get any better than that. Was I correct in my assumption?

AWESOME! About time they kicked some life into the Jr's division.

I'm guessing Ibushi gets the Jr's title back from Devitt at some point and then feuds with Taguchi (once he's back from injury).

Also, follow yottsume on twitter, he often posts translations for New Japan stuff;


You missed an awesome Rhodes/Shield match.


formerly cjelly
That ending was fucking garbage.

So there were no other refs in the building?

Bryan and Orton are down indefinitely?

If I would've been in the arena I sure as hell would've wanted a refund from that POS. Having Orton or Bryan win the title would've at least progressed the story a little rather than 'LOL Big Show'

It's so obvious they are just biding time until Cena gets back.


So not worth it
It's so obvious they are just biding time until Cena gets back.

I doubt that's it. It's just that they've got a storyline set up that's supposed to lead to WrestleMania, but they didn't plan out the beats from PPV to PPV in between so they're stalling to the next big beat (Vince returning, which was supposed to be no sooner then next month)


So not worth it
Fucking Big Show cycle.

Oh my, that's the storyline isn't it. Big Show has turned so many times he's now getting confused in which part of the Big Show cycle he's supposed to be, so he comes out and plays a heel, hears the crowd booing and then remembers he's supposed to be cheered, so he does the babyface action and all is well again.


I doubt that's it. It's just that they've got a storyline set up that's supposed to lead to WrestleMania, but they didn't plan out the beats from PPV to PPV in between so they're stalling to the next big beat (Vince returning, which was supposed to be no sooner then next month)

I'm pretty sure the problem is they know the rough plan, and closer to WM the main beats will happen, but somehow they wound up with three PPVs between Summerslam and Survivor Series in a two month period. So this trio of PPVs only have enough story for one. I assume the Punk/Heyman and Bryan/Orton feuds will finish at HIAC (two PPVs more than they really needed) with Punk and Bryan victorious, and the next part of the story will start in November.

I have no clue why Battleground even exists. Why not just Night of Champions in Septembe and HIAC in October? Why is there an extra PPV?


So not worth it
I have no clue why Battleground even exists. Why not just Night of Champions in Septembe and HIAC in October? Why is there an extra PPV?

Because they HAVE to have 12 PPV's a year, and because they put only 4 PPV's on until May, they have one extra.


Because they HAVE to have 12 PPV's a year, and because they put only 4 PPV's on until May, they have one extra.

Why though? It makes more sense to me to do 11, one in every month, except March, because Wrestlemania in April needs two months to build.
After leaving myself the two last matches on the card to watch this morning I was utterly thrilled to spent around an hour watching one match end with a kick to the bollocks and another to however the hell you describe that Big Show based finale.
Glad I didn't stay up for them.

Really though, that Big Show finish might just have been the most awful way to end a WWE PPV in years, he ruins a match, punches both participants (as well as a ref) and acts like he's made some kind of heroic act, except you know if he simply didn't punch Bryan in the first place things would have gone fine.
Soul was right, that PPV was the worst in years.
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