Boredom, suffering, self-loathing. The usual.
He beat somebody at Payback, I think.
Hell, last week I had to suffer through West Ham losing to Hull. Hull. I'm sure that was just as bad as whatever your Raiders went through.
Yeah, the commentary isn't great, I've yet to hear a British commentator I like.
I said once....
Punk DOES have to win tonight, right?
Dude has won once on PPV all year.
And hasn't really won any battles in this Heyman feud.
If I had WWE 13 I'd just simulate the matches which would be far more fun.
I think someone has done that on youtube
Is there a reason why Zigs career took a complete nosedive since april?
Tonight is looking like a really expensive Raw
I'll pass tonight. Shitty Shitty card.
Looks like a "WCW Thunder" card
No more than 300,000.This PPV buyrate is going to be horrendous.
300K would be great. Major PPVs get that these days.No more than 300,000.
why do I hear spanish commentators?
Most interesting thing that will probably happen all night
I'm just gonna watch some UWFi - angry Bob Backlund is awesome;
Whatever he holds, he ruins. If he had the WWE title, the WHC would automatically become the #1 title.Starting off the night with the match nobody cares about. Why does ADR even still have that belt? Does anybody even like ADR?
Starting off the night with the match nobody cares about. Why does ADR even still have that belt? Does anybody even like ADR?