So it looks like the 128gb Quest 2 will be $299 with free $50 gift card at target, best buy, and maybe amazon starting Nov. 21st. I really want to get it since that is like $235 with red card at Target.
I'm not sure if i should wait for the next version at this point though. I know some details on that new one leaked out, but that could just be a premium product and the Quest 3 might be a long time coming. I'm a bit torn.
Has there been any hint on when Quest 3 could launch?Project Cambria will release before Quest 3 and although it's a VR headset, Project Cambria is designed to introduce people to the early Metaverse.
FB were quick to confirm that Project Cambria isn't the next Quest, but as it's designed for the Metaverse and a VR headset, I think you'll still be able to game on it.
I actually think Project Cambria will be the high-end VR headset that allows metaverse and quest gaming, where the Q3 will just be for gaming and priced like the current Quest headset.
no but we got leaks ofcHas there been any hint on when Quest 3 could launch?
Has there been any hint on when Quest 3 could launch?
So it looks like the 128gb Quest 2 will be $299 with free $50 gift card at target, best buy, and maybe amazon starting Nov. 21st. I really want to get it since that is like $235 with red card at Target.
I'm not sure if i should wait for the next version at this point though. I know some details on that new one leaked out, but that could just be a premium product and the Quest 3 might be a long time coming. I'm a bit torn.
Its sheitMedal of Honor: Above and Beyond Quest 2 standalone version released today. Comes in at a whopping 45GB, that would take pretty much all the usable space on the 64GB model I have(iirc ~52GB usable space). Looks like a cool game, but I’m going to wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales before I buy any more games.
10 million in a year. That's absolutely mainstream if true.
Meta’s Oculus Quest 2 has shipped 10 million units, according to Qualcomm
Meta has finally hit its goal of 10 million
I don't know if it's truly a hit at this point. I mean I like my quest 2 and all but it's been sitting unused for months and I wonder how many millions more are in a smart state once the novelty wears off.
10 million shipped is a pretty solid number, and appears to have outpaced PlayStation VR, which was the leading VR platform for a really long time.
It's taking its time, but it seems clear to me that VR is catching on.
It's always the same crap from the same people.
I'm sure you'll be saying the same thing after there are over 100 million of these devices out there.
Well that's 10/10 sad when you can't even take a little criticism from another oculus owner. Your self esteem should not be tied to devices you own. Post overreaction of the year award achieved.
Of course eventually it will be truly mainstream but people like you have been saying that since 2005. It needs to be:
- lighter
- more comfortable
- higher resolution
- better graphic fidelity
Its coming and q2 is closer, but likely q3 will do it, especially if it's a couple of years from now.
I don't know if it's truly a hit at this point. I mean I like my quest 2 and all but it's been sitting unused for months and I wonder how many millions more are in a smart state once the novelty wears off.
You didn't dust it off for resident evil 4???? I've been playing that game when I can and then I try and play demeo with my friends every other week or so.I don't know if it's truly a hit at this point. I mean I like my quest 2 and all but it's been sitting unused for months and I wonder how many millions more are in a smart state once the novelty wears off.
But what will you do when the "novelty" wears off?
Well of course it is, but lots of brand new ps5s and switches are sitting around collecting dust too. Mine included. You can expect a lower percentage of usage from their user base when they're new. Quest 2 is its infancy in terms of software, it's barely a year old. But 10 million units is incredible in one year for VR. Psvr was the previous bestseller and did 5 million in 4 years. Colossal strides.
I can't believe I get to suggest Pavlov. Get Pavlov my friend.I completed Half-Life: Alyx and I have to say that was the greatest gaming experience I've had. I'm all for VR and I seriously hope Valve continues to make VR games, doesnt have to be HL related, but damn I'd love HL3. Shit, I'd love to play some Counter Strike VR if possible.
You didn't dust it off for resident evil 4???? I've been playing that game when I can and then I try and play demeo with my friends every other week or so.
Guess we will see if it has legs. I still think it's still missing some things to be a true hit.
I think the lack of software support hurts it a lot still, and fact that major players like ms still not seeing the market as even worthwhile to step into as telling. And I don't really see it as the same as putting aside a console, I know other people as well who own quest who don't use it at all. Still 10 million sold is ahead of what I expected.
MS has alot more to worry about than VR. They needed to go back to the drawing board anyway so their opinion on VR is to be taken with a grain of salt. They completely fumbled last gen and already had awful experiences with add ons, it makes sense. Up until the last year they barely did console gaming right. They're coming on strong finally though.
And I know several people that own switches, new xboxes, and ps5 that don't play them at all. Probably 15 that barely touch them.
I don't know if it's truly a hit at this point. I mean I like my quest 2 and all but it's been sitting unused for months and I wonder how many millions more are in a smart state once the novelty wears off.
Oh sure I think for some the novelity will wear off, but as someone who uses my vr googles for flightsim specially for DCS (digital combat simulator) the ability to look around the cockpit using my head movement has been a gamechanger.
This does just add fire to what I was alluding to, in that there may be 10 million quest units out there, but are they being used regularly, or in some cases for just one or two games like half life or a flight sim. While this is good for the player (price and performance is great) it doesn't lend itself well in either scenario to the kind of software sales needed to declare it a mainstream success. And I think this flushed out by the lack of developers lining up to make AAA games. That said every year is progress and steps towards that goal, they will get there soon enough.
Meta vuc
meta cuck
I would test it with only 1 RX 580 to see if the crossfire is what's causing it. You could also try Virtual Desktop wireless streaming app for $15...The Quest 2's wireless link doesn't work on my computer (2x radeon rx580's). Screen is black, but I can hear the games audio from oculus. Apart from updating the graphic card drivers, anyone have similar issues? Oculus app says it's connected, but when loading a game (five nights at freddy's for example), black screen.
I ordered the overpriced usb-c link cable, so I'm hoping that will work.