They better not take 2+ years on the PC patch this time around. And yea, I'm one of the people who dearly regrets buying the Oddbox when I did, especially when Abe's Odyssey and Exodus STILL don't work on most modern machines. You lose a lot of credibility when you release a product in such a sad state. That being said, the HD patch was very well done, and I'm really looking forward to the Abe remake.
To be fair, the two Abe titles are the ORIGINAL PC releases from 97/98, Oddworld released those via Steam 2 years before we were involved.
Munch HD is coming on for PC, however the developer we hired to write all versions of HD Munch are 14 MONTHS late.
We originally planned to release it for Thanksgiving in 2011.
Anyway we're working on it, and *i'm* wanting it out at Easter.