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ODDWORLD: NEW 'N' TASTY |OT| Save 99 Mudokons as The Stitch-Lipped One. Follow me!


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Wow, just wow
One of my PSN friends that knows what this game is from the PSX days just asked if it's multiplayer......, and no he don't mean the co-op
I'm lost for words
Yet another glitch, this time in the bottom left door of the Scrab temple. I pulled the lever, killed all the Slogs, killed the other Slig in the background no problem. But when Abe went to learn the bell song, pressing square made him somehow fly out of the air tunnel IN THE FOREGROUND. It was impossible to learn the bell song.

I tried entering the rightmost wind tunnel to exit, but when I chanted to do the bells (which didn't work due to the previous glitch) I was locked in a chant and could not escape without reloading the entire room.

This is getting ridiculous. I have it on stream archive if needed.


war of titties grampa
So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

You should have made the characters in the ads look mudokon. It's jarring to the game's world and even the underlying theme but it's a nice idea to promote each other. However, if all that everyone did was put an ad cut out of a game, it's a pretty lazy way to do that. Are those other games just gonna have a billboard at the beginning and end of the levels with ABES ODDYSEE Pasted on them? Lol
In the bottom right door of the scram temple, two more glitches that are less serious. In the secret area, during one of my runs back and forth to get the trapped mudokons to follow me, the Scrab fell right in one of the holes which made the challenge super easy. Then when I was heading for the bell door and the two Scrabs fought (to allow me to pass), one of the Scrab's battle animations superimposed itself over Abe himself. It didn't hurt me, only a visual glitch, but uhhh


I was just watching the giantbomb stream, and was noticing they were respawning really fast from dying, but it appears they edit the videos to shorten that. I was concerned my loading times were substantially worse than they should be. Their player does make the game look a little bit smoother than it does on my tv though.
Just accidentally quicksaved while dead, could not reload because I was dead, had to reload checkpoint. On the Stockyards area on the way back to Rupture


I was just watching the giantbomb stream, and was noticing they were respawning really fast from dying, but it appears they edit the videos to shorten that. I was concerned my loading times were substantially worse than they should be. Their player does make the game look a little bit smoother than it does on my tv though.

you sure they werent just using quicksaves? quicksaves load faster than when you die and let it load from a checkpoint


you sure they werent just using quicksaves? quicksaves load faster than when you die and let it load from a checkpoint

It's possible. They definitely edited a few spots where they kept dying. I haven't really reloaded from quicksaves, I've been using them more as safety nets in case something happens. I really should though because replaying entire sections can be tedious. Still, I absolutely love this game and really hope they hit the sales goals needed.
So i 'm at this point in Scrabania:

I found a bug in this exact point of the game, when i took the chant to destroy tha mines, i quicksaved, then tried to destroy the mines but abe continued to sing and never stopped. Reloaded the quicksave, tried again and the same thing happened. I restarted from the check point and fortunately all went well.

I'm really enjoying this remake, this series is one of my favourite series of all time, please tell me that we will see exoddus and a new game...
So, yeah, wow.

I just reloaded the game (this is my second time playing today) and whoa... this is fast, something must have gone seriously wrong. I just played form the start all the way through the first level at, what, half speed?

It's really fast, actually.
So, yeah, wow.

I just reloaded the game (this is my second time playing today) and whoa... this is fast, something must have gone seriously wrong. I just played form the start all the way through the first level at, what, half speed?

It's really fast, actually.

Ummm ... can you share it, twitch?
Leaderboards still down?
Also I still am unable to download the scrub outfit. Is this a thing?

re: Scrub outfit really? let me chase SCEA

As for leaderboards, they're running but you can only see the first 1-8 peeps in the viewer.

They post fine, the update (which we're about to submit to Sony QA) has that fixed also.

Robot Pants

re: Scrub outfit really? let me chase SCEA

As for leaderboards, they're running but you can only see the first 1-8 peeps in the viewer.

They post fine, the update (which we're about to submit to Sony QA) has that fixed also.
Hmmm. Since yesterday they haven't worked for me. Says they will show up next time I sign online. And yes I'm signed online.
Patch will probably fix all this.

Robot Pants

Ok uodate on my situation. I restored my licenses on my PS4 and Scrub Abe downloaded. So that's fine.

Leaderboards still aren't working for me though. This is what shows up.

They were fine up until two days ago. Might be something with my save profile.
Ummm ... can you share it, twitch?

Sadly, I didn't save any of it. Definitely feels good now it's running at the correct speed, but it must have been some weird bug/glitch caused by whatever I was doing before hand because even the menu was slow, if the problem comes up again, I'll try to capture it, but it's been fine bar that one initial boot of the game.

Other than that though, the game is fantastic.
so if there's no percentage shown (ie. just a hyphen) on the chapter select...does that mean there's no mudokens there? i really wouldn't like to try and 100% this without going to a guide


I'm having so much fun with this game, it's brilliant and extremely fun, so much better than 99% of today's games, still....
Playing on Hard, everything works fine without any problems, Quick save/load is godsend, graphics are gorgeous, Such an amazing work by JAW.

Its actually my game of the year for now; REALLY hope for a sequel.

Robot Pants

I'm having so much fun with this game, it's brilliant and extremely fun, playing on Hard, everything works fine without any problems, Quick save/load is godsend, graphics are gorgeous, Such an amazing work by JAW.

Its actually my game of the year for now; REALLY hope for a sequel.

Yea my GOTY so far also.
I NEED that Exoddus remake. I get so excited thinking about it redone like this one.


Yea my GOTY so far also.
I NEED that Exoddus remake. I get so excited thinking about it redone like this one.

I never got to play Exodus, Damn i wish them a great success on this one so we could get that remake, I watched old PS1 footage and there is no way I'm going back to that, this remake is so amazing in recreating that game for today's standards, one of the best remakes I've ever played.
Hmm. All this Oddworld talk makes me want to play through the Abe games again too. Sadly I don't have a PS4 just yet, so I may well just load up the original on Steam. I'm still holding out on SligStorm. Back when I first heard the concept of that game, I was really excited. I'd still like to see it come to be.


Tried to do it with one playthrough without looking at guides. Missed around 30 Mudokons :(

Fantastic game though. It brought back the Oddworld atmosphere PERFECTLY. I really hope OI is working on a new game.


Game is gorgeous but the framerate is so dissapointing. The constant stuttering drives me crazy. Is there a way to lock this at 30fps?


I've had the game glitch twice on me so far in different hidden rooms where enemies or other mechanics just refused to respond. Restarting the game fixed it, but it's kind of annoying.
:( i lost my save file. thank goodness for PS+ cloud saves, as i was able to get back all of what i had done from Tuesday through this morning.

the glitch was in zulag 1. i can't remember exactly where, but it's near the beginning. i had possessed a slig and i shoot a bunch of slogs and some other sligs, there was one remaining slog that was sleeping. i tried to talk to it to get it wake up, then i tried to shoot at it and game froze up. i closed the application, reloaded the save, tried again. couldn't get the thing to budge. tried shooting, again.....game froze. save file was gone the next time i loaded up. downloaded the psplus save from his morning. not a huge deal, but pretty disconcerting.
So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

Oh, as to being editable on PC, I doubt it, Unity wraps it's data up in it's own special way.
I'm not a fan a) because I'm a purist and b) they don't really make sense in the Abe's Oddysee world. If your game was set in our world I wouldn't have minded. I'm not mad about it but given the choice I'd rather they weren't there.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
you guys are kind of making a mountain out of a mole hill with these in-game ad things

I don't think the situation offends anybody here. It's just sort of strange (I wanted to say "odd" but Messofanego beat me to that pun already ;)) to see ads of real-world products in an Oddworld game -- nothing more, nothing less. I don't mean to be a wet blanket or anything, but I'd just prefer it if the game were to stay true to the original in full.
Yet another glitch, this time in the bottom left door of the Scrab temple. I pulled the lever, killed all the Slogs, killed the other Slig in the background no problem. But when Abe went to learn the bell song, pressing square made him somehow fly out of the air tunnel IN THE FOREGROUND. It was impossible to learn the bell song.

I tried entering the rightmost wind tunnel to exit, but when I chanted to do the bells (which didn't work due to the previous glitch) I was locked in a chant and could not escape without reloading the entire room.

This is getting ridiculous. I have it on stream archive if needed.

In the bottom right door of the scram temple, two more glitches that are less serious. In the secret area, during one of my runs back and forth to get the trapped mudokons to follow me, the Scrab fell right in one of the holes which made the challenge super easy. Then when I was heading for the bell door and the two Scrabs fought (to allow me to pass), one of the Scrab's battle animations superimposed itself over Abe himself. It didn't hurt me, only a visual glitch, but uhhh

Both these 2 are already fixed in our internal version, going to Sony QA today.

As for the blocking quicksave when dying, yeah we're looking at that.


Both these 2 are already fixed in our internal version, going to Sony QA today.

As for the blocking quicksave when dying, yeah we're looking at that.

If you do so, can you ensure we still can pause when we die, if I'm in an area and I'm dying constantly I prefer to quickly pause and load my quicksave when I have just died before I respawn to save time to try it again, so can you keep that in mind please? :p


i will buy this game, but im waiting until all the glitches are fixed, the last of us remastered will hold until then

The patch is in Sony's QA now, but why don't you download and install right now? That way you won't miss out on Alf's DLC and you just have to download the patch for you to jump into the game rather than waiting for ~5GB to download and install.



Junior Member
The patch is in Sony's QA now, but why don't you download and install right now? That way you won't miss out on Alf's DLC and you just have to download the patch for you to jump into the game rather than waiting for ~5GB to download and install.


i believe that whoever buys the game within 2 weeks after release get the DLC, i think i read that somewhere, i rather wait until the upcoming patch and the others they are working on get released, im not waiting for a sale, i will pay the 30 bucks but i want to get a great experience not interrupted by game breaking bugs and so on, got enough of that with battlefield 4, also im playing trough child of light and i hope i can finish that before TLOU:R and when i finish that i'll buy this game
i believe that whoever buys the game within 2 weeks after release get the DLC, i think i read that somewhere, i rather wait until the upcoming patch and the others they are working on get released, im not waiting for a sale, i will pay the 30 bucks but i want to get a great experience not interrupted by game breaking bugs and so on, got enough of that with battlefield 4, also im playing trough child of light and i hope i can finish that before TLOU:R and when i finish that i'll buy this game

Not quite...

In SCEE region, when the DLC comes out (Alf DLC that is) it will be available Free of Charge for 2 weeks to PS+ subscribers.

Currently the extra Abe outfit is available now.
I just managed to record a video of the very end of the game, but the "end" doesn't trigger. I wonder if this is tired to the quicksave I just did before hand.


Just bought this on ps4, initially I thought £17.99 was too much but I was sooooooo wrong.

Could well be the greatest remake I've ever played. Nostalgia and amazing audio/visuals all in one package.

Just Add Water, we need a sequel stat.
Playing for the first time, fantastic game so far but... was I supposed to guess that holding L2 and R2 lets me mind control enemies? I was stuck for 30 minutes until I finally decided to watch a let's play, and that's how I found out about the ability. I know the in-game monitors scroll tutorial text but none of the ones I crossed so far said anything about that.


Playing for the first time, fantastic game so far but... was I supposed to guess that holding R1 and R2 lets me mind control enemies? I was stuck for 30 minutes until I finally decided to watch a let's play, and that's how I found out about the ability. I know the in-game monitors scroll tutorial text but none of the ones I crossed so far said anything about that.

The game does actually state the mind control buttons (can't exactly remember where). For me it is L2 and R2.
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