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ODDWORLD: NEW 'N' TASTY |OT| Save 99 Mudokons as The Stitch-Lipped One. Follow me!


i havent tried it yet, how does going back to previous chapters work? do i have to get every single mudokan or are only the ones i missed left?
I really don't like the sound of this, seeing human characters in Oddworld just sounds wrong.
What adverts have people seen?

GoldenHelmet - I assume only carefully selected indy games will be advertised (I can't imagine an Oddworld title ever advertising a big budget EA game for example) but can you confirm what types of games will be advertised?

This ad from Velocity 2X is weird as fuck, seeing a human on there. [Credit to Matthewmatosis]
New N Tasty


to be honest i hadn't notice the ads at all in 6 hours or so of play (i'm back in rupture farms). i'm okay with it if it means exoddus gets made :)



Am I seriously supposed to be rolling through these things to get back out after solving the room? The switch doesn't deactivate them, the timing for the first roll is frustrating but doable but when I'm the middle it seems impossible to get past the last spike thing.

Am I missing something here? Playing on Hard mode but this still seems excessive compared to everything else I've encountered in the game at that point.

Oh yes, fuck this part. I even had to check online what the hell was I missing but no, you just have to die and die again.

The timing is super strict yet the analog controls are too loose for such areas .... Not fun.

But the rest so far is really great.
Well another puzzle has glitched out for me and now i'm totally unable to progress. my only option is to restart the chapter.. very annoying. The game shouldn't have been released in this state.


I noticed the "We already have the first 2 days for the SCEA region... Could be better, could be worse..." to "Time will tell" sneaky post edit.

Could be good news now that maybe they know initial EU sales?

A puzzle is glitched the one slogs chase you and you have to active a laser with a switch in the background... If you don't know how to solve it and leave the area with the laser on, if you return to the secret area the game saves and you can't solve the puzzle cause the laser is still on. The area is just before Abe meets BigFace.


Getting this today. I 100%ed the original classic but had to use a guide to find every secret area. Are there any guides out there that have all secret areas listed or are some of you just very good at spotting these things?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
This ad from Velocity 2X is weird as fuck, seeing a human on there. [Credit to Matthewmatosis]
New N Tasty


And both ads featured so far are of games with human characters.

Secret Ponchos (from the Gamespot review)


Assuming for the moment that these ads will be present in other versions of the game, I can't imagine that advertising indie titles brings in much money. I honestly think that the current advertising agreements should run their course, at which point the billboards ought to be replaced with "fake" ads equivalent to the those in the original -- it's rather jarring (and to some extent disappointing -- not because "OMG ADS!" but because of the disconnect) to see such advertising in a game that otherwise looks exactly like the modern remake I'd long imagined in my mind's eye.

If JAW insists on keeping the ads, though, at least on the PC there's a reasonable chance of user-made replacements.

Edit: To be clear, the advertising isn't something that's ruined the game for me. I still intend to snap it up the moment it's purchaseable on Steam, irrespective of the pre-order goodies situation. The advertising just... feels weird, as icespide said -- the presence of real-world advertising is incongruous with the completely fantastical setting.
Assuming for the moment that these ads will be present in other versions of the game, I can't imagine that advertising indie titles brings in much money. I honestly think that the current advertising agreements should run their course, at which point the billboards ought to be replaced with "fake" ads equivalent to the those in the original -- it's rather jarring (and to some extent disappointing) to see such advertising in a game that otherwise looks exactly like the modern remake I'd long imagined in my mind's eye.

If JAW insists on keeping the ads, though, at least on the PC there's a reasonable chance of user-made replacements.

So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

Oh, as to being editable on PC, I doubt it, Unity wraps it's data up in it's own special way.


People complaining about cameos...you really can't be serious.

I'd say they're friends with people at Futurlab and decided to include that as a cameo.

I still remember R&C featuring Jak posters and footages of Ratchet playing Jak 2 or Sly, or Jak featuring R&C posters and a Ratchet inspired mini level...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

The issue -- for me, anyway -- is simply that it's contextually inappropriate. Nobody bats an eyelid at, say, Pizza Hut in Crazy Taxi because you play a crazy taxi driver in a large (for its time) city, but actual game advertising in Abe's Oddysee just strikes me as bizarre. I can understand wanting little easter eggs in the game but the examples that have been posted are rather prominent pieces of the level.

Edit: To be clear, the advertising isn't something that's ruined the game for me. I still intend to snap it up the moment it's purchaseable on Steam, irrespective of the pre-order goodies situation. The advertising just... feels weird, as icespide said -- the presence of real-world advertising is incongruous with the completely fantastical setting.
I think it's a pretty cool idea. I never even noticed the ads until somebody on here mentioned it. It's just indies promoting each other's games it's not like they're advertising Coke like in every movie and in AAA games. Some people have an irrational hate of ads though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I think it's a pretty cool idea. I never even noticed the ads until somebody on here mentioned it. It's just indies promoting each other's games it's not like they're advertising Coke like in every movie and in AAA games. Some people have an irrational hate of ads though.

To be perfectly honest it probably would have been in one eye and out the other with me as well, but now that I know it's there I won't be able to not notice it.

Edit: To be clear, the advertising isn't something that's ruined the game for me. I still intend to snap it up the moment it's purchaseable on Steam, irrespective of the pre-order goodies situation. The advertising just... feels weird, as icespide said -- the presence of real-world advertising is incongruous with the completely fantastical setting.

Edit edit: I think throwing a wink and a nod to a fellow indie game via advertising is something better suited for billboards in a larger, more open game like Stranger's Wrath.


Quick question before I buy the game. Does the game use the system language of the PS4? My main account is EU (German) but I absolutely want to play the game in English. Am I good to go or do I need to buy it from the UK store?


So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

Oh, as to being editable on PC, I doubt it, Unity wraps it's data up in it's own special way.

I havent seen any of the mentioned ads, but i did notice a Road Not Taken ad and i found it to be pretty cringe-worthy.

It isnt game ruining, but it does seem out of place and it that regard its not very welcome. Discrete cameos, Easter eggs & parodies (like the stuff we see in Guacamelee, for instance) would have been more welcome than outright blatant ads which is what we're getting here.
Quick question before I buy the game. Does the game use the system language of the PS4? My main account is EU (German) but I absolutely want to play the game in English. Am I good to go or do I need to buy it from the UK store?

Since we use subtitles and not localised dialogue, you can switch the subtitles off in the audio menu :)


Hey Stewart, can you guys change the title of the game in the "Whats New" section for the US version... It's "ONNT PS4 SCEA" at the moment.

However the EU version is "Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty" which is much better.

It's ok if it's now out of your hands (love the game!)

Hey Stewart,

Any update on this? If it's even possible at this point?
Which one?

A secret area towards the end of the stockyards, there is an electric barrier in the foreground that you turn on in the background. When i exited the area and then come back the barrier was still active, so i got trapped, as it autosaves when you spawn in. The game is fantastic apart from these bugs.


Can someone help me out here?


I spawn in, and right away two of those bad guys jump down from the top and I don't know how to avoid them


Can someone help me out here?


I spawn in, and right away two of those bad guys jump down from the top and I don't know how to avoid them

Yeah you need to roll, but be careful as there are mines ahead. This part can be a real pain in the ass.


People complaining about other indies being shown in the background :/ I think that's a cool idea. I love when games have random shout outs to other indies in them. DrinkBox did a lot of that in Blobs and Guacamelee and i think it's cool.
So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

Oh, as to being editable on PC, I doubt it, Unity wraps it's data up in it's own special way.

It really just feels odd and not in a good way. I don't know much of how cross-promotion works but here it's blatant down to naming the game while I much prefer if it's done as references like in Guacamelee or Witcher 2 with Ass Creed or Alice Madness Returns with Psychonauts or cameos in Dust An Elysian Tail with loads of indie games in a party room as collectibles but maybe that defeats the promotion as only people who know those other properties will get it. I don't know of an ideal way to promote another's game for a newcomer. It would be fine if they were animal characters from other games at least.


So, the ad thing...

This came out of the Indie 9 from E3 last year, we all got together and spoke about cross-promoting each others games in our own games.

At the end of the day there are 6 titles mentioned on those ad boards, everyone of us thought it was an awesome idea and that you guys would like it.

Are we wrong?

Oh, as to being editable on PC, I doubt it, Unity wraps it's data up in it's own special way.

I was a little put off by it at first but upon further reflection, I'm okay with it. I'm just glad it's not an ad for Mcdonalds or something
People complaining about other indies being shown in the background :/ I think that's a cool idea. I love when games have random shout outs to other indies in them. DrinkBox did a lot of that in Blobs and Guacamelee and i think it's cool.

The thing that so many people love about the original was the atmosphere of the world, seeing in-game advertisements for other games can be pretty immersion breaking.


It would be fine if they were animal characters from other games at least.
If you mean that the ads should have been rejigged to feature races actually from the Oddworld universe then i agree. It would have been more suiting and funny to have done that, the things we see in the ads arent cannon to the Oddworld universe, so i guess that means these ads arent either, so really they're 'not really there'? Could have been an opportunity to expand on the universe, because we dont really know what the people of Oddworld have in the form of entertainment. Especially the Glukkons & Sligs.

It could have been done with a bit more thought, especially seeing as to my understanding its really just for the hell of it. I'd get if they were paying the bills but i dont think thats the case.


People complaining about other indies being shown in the background :/ I think that's a cool idea. I love when games have random shout outs to other indies in them. DrinkBox did a lot of that in Blobs and Guacamelee and i think it's cool.

I don't think people care about the concept, just the implementation.

Oddworld is a ... world. It's really well conceived of, and complete. Seeing a human face within it is just naturally jarring.


I don't think people care about the concept, just the implementation.

Oddworld is a ... world. It's really well conceived of, and complete. Seeing a human face within it is just naturally jarring.

The ads are within those box things giving you instructions to press square, triangle or whatever. They have already broken the 4th wall, so what difference does it make if it's telling you about what button on your controller to press or where to press it in the PS Store?

They've been quite clever and subtle about it, honestly if it weren't for this page I wouldn't have even noticed. Considering they are other indie games being advertised I'm totally cool with it.


I don't think people care about the concept, just the implementation.

Oddworld is a ... world. It's really well conceived of, and complete. Seeing a human face within it is just naturally jarring.

I see it like this: Humans are a mythological or fictional race featured in videogames inside the world of Oddworld... or something...

They've been quite clever and subtle about it, honestly if it weren't for this page I wouldn't have even noticed. Considering they are other indie games being advertised I'm totally cool with it.

Also, this. I actually wouldn't have known either.
Hey Stewart,

Any update on this? If it's even possible at this point?

Hey so I had a look last night, and I can't find where the heck that is coming from all the stuff that seems to be setable by is is set correctly for both territories :-/

But I'm still looking into it.



you guys are kind of making a mountain out of a mole hill with these in-game ad things
they're barely noticeable and only in a couple spots
and i think it's cool if a bunch of indie studios decided to cross promote each other
is it seriously lowering your enjoyment of the game? haha

maybe i'm just so happy to be playing an abe game again, but i honestly could not care less about the ads


hey stewart,

just want to commend your team on an absolutely fantastic job. I loved this game to pieces as a kid but never even got out of the factory haha. The art direction, theme and mechanics are so refreshing ( ironic for a remake). Thanks for having the passion to get this done ......


welp, i've to restart the second level, because this bug
first time entering in that area, the electric thing is not working. it's turned off after pulling the lever near the exit gate. leaved it to come back later, and guess what? the area is not resetted, and now i'm blocked between two sleeping dogs and that fuckin electric trap
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