You're the scum MVP.
I was hopin you would throw blame on blarg or dragonz. Confuse them some, maybe get them to lynch a townie. Not join in on the reveal. LOL.
Meh. Game's over. All Blarg needs to do is vote with us![]()
LP, you said yourself your win condition says you win when town wins right? If it's two scum, two town, and two Gods, there'd have to be a way to end that stalemate... :\
Yea, I just realized that, I thought Kome's kill failure thing was gonna work 2nite as well. So just incase that failed I wanted to set you guys up.
Splinter lost us the game. Contending with Gorlak and Seath for scum MVP.
Actually I can't really blame Splinter. He tried to kill Periscope and failed. But he should've known we didn't need to kill him and that his vote was more important in the end.
Could use Blarg and Dragonz's opinion right now.
Either this is 4v2 or it's 3v3 with a way to break the stalemale, but I'm confused as to which it is. But it's definitely Lylo, and we can't afford a mislynch on a God because that would mean the game ends.
how can it be 4v2?
Because if it's 3v3 with no way to break to stalemate somehow, then that means the scum team has won. But we're still playing. Which means either there's a way to break said 3v3 stalemale, or there's only one scum + their God remaining.
You win when the Followers of Peripseros outnumber the other players.
Tell you guys what
Vote: EzekelRAGE
Something like that. Come on vote for me, you know you want to. Maybe an edict for 2mrw can save the day.Well if no one is willing to break the tie, we end the day with a no-lynch, a townie dies, tomorrow scum+Peri lynch the last townie, scum wins.
Something like that. Come on vote for me, you know you want to. Maybe an edict for 2mrw can save the day.
Can you guys imagine If i did the Indecisiveness edict today? Probably would've lost scum the game.
Swamp kill blarg or dragonz 2mrw. Don't want to risk Sophia lying about her power.
Something like that. Come on vote for me, you know you want to. Maybe an edict for 2mrw can save the day.
Can you guys imagine If i did the Indecisiveness edict today? Probably would've lost scum the game.
Swamp kill blarg or dragonz 2mrw. Don't want to risk Sophia lying about her power.
LolIt shall be done, O Magnificent God of All-Consuming Despair. For I am your humble servant, worth nothing more than the dirt at your feet.
I do think it's funny that in a previous life I was a student of Despair (DR mafia). Nothing much has changed XD
Yes, come on Sophia, you know you want to!Fuck it
Vote: EzekelRAGE
You just said "Kill Blarg or Dragonz"
Did you just imply they're both town?
Well Dragonz outed herself by voting for Zeke...
[hghlight]Vote: Swamped
Indeed. But that leaves the question of how we get majority vote on Dragonz.
If the townies agree we can always avoid the night phase and lynch a townie today instead. Why prolong the game.
If Splinter and GP had pushed the Kyan vote sooner in the day, I very well could have gone for it. Alas...
Win or lose I want this game to end, it's the reason why I have trust issues lmao
Wait you're scum?!?!?!?!
Win or lose I want this game to end, it's the reason why I have trust issues lmao
Something like that.So.... LP, me, and Blarg on the town side and Ezekel, Seath, and Dragonz on the scum side.. ?
Na, I was gonna argue til I was blue in the face for Seath. You were in no danger of being lynched.Ya gotta have faith Zeke!
Well, the real reason I did that was because that day I had two votes, and there was a real chance that I would be voted out if I didn't make an effort to appear Town. Also, with the betting thing I was sure people would vote Seath to get rewards.
I wonder who Splinter was planning on offering up if it wasn't Seath or Kyan.Tbh I think the best play here is to NOT lynch the confirmed scum (and I'm calling Seath/Kyan confirmed because if they aren't scum we've already lost), but I don't think I can convince you of that so I'm not going to try.
No way was I gonna argue against a Seath lynch when I've been trying to push it for like 3 day phases.Alright, let's not throw this away just yet
[Hilight]VOTE: Seath
Your next post needs to include a vote for Seath, no excuses
I'm way past the point of arguing. If you don't believe me then we'll lose, I don't care anymore.
Hmm.... does that 15% failure rate have something to do with why town can still win?