Literally none of this matters to me when the end result is that I think all of the costumes are bland, boring, unappealing and I would never go out of my way to get them. Contrast that with LoL where, even though I have zero interest in playing that game, I see some of the alternate costumes for the characters and I feel like playing them just for that.
It's about the quality, not the quantity.
Co-sign this post. I've never played LOL and I have no real interest in doing so but a lot of the character designs and alternate costumes are inspired. A lot of them deserve major props!
Laura is a super boring character indeed. And it's not the fanservice - Mika is arguably even more pandering, but she's way more fun and interesting.
I'm kind of inclined to agree with this honestly.
I mean, not everything he does is a winner, to be sure. But man, LOOK AT THIS! Imagine if we were getting more stuff in line with this than, "yeah, she's in a shirt now. Overcoat, no pants though. I don't know". Take some risks with your alts capcom!
Yeah I'm going to have to agree with others in that you picked a bad example. There would be riots if something like that found its way into Street Figher