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Official 2008 Diablo II thread of I can't get enough of this damn game!


Diablo II and its expansion, Lord of Destruction, can now be purchased for digital download on the Blizzard store.

So, you have a hankerin' to lose yourself again in one of the best goddamn action RPGs ever to be made? Stay awhile and listen!

I'm not going to make a list of rules. I just expect everyone that decides to join in on the fun to respect each other, cooperate and not hoard loot. If you want to set up your own rules per game, knock yourselves out. Above all, HAVE FUN!

Important note: We are now playing LADDER, on USEast! A group of us have decided to make a switch to ladder. Because of the popularity of this thread, the negatives behind my reasoning for playing non-ladder have pretty much been eliminated. For this reason, we are making the switch to LADDER for the extra loot and runewords available. You characters WILL NOT BE DELETED when the season is over, they will simply convert to non-ladder.

For those who wish to remain non-ladder, you may do so, and I will keep the player lists segregated and updated daily with new player info.

I apologize for the confusion and inconvenience.

Registration format

To register in this thread to party with fellow GAFers, just make a post that contains the following information in the format I use to make my life and your lives easier.

GAF name / battle.net account / character name / class / realm

Example: hclflow / hclflow / ChillyDogs / sorceress / USEast

I will make separate lists of players on each realm, but I have no intention of dividing the lists further by ladder and hardcore/softcore, but if you include that information I will also include it in the player lists.

Taking command

Here is a list of battle.net commands for those who are rusty on what you can do via the chat interface: http://www.battle.net/info/commands.shtml

your mom said:
Friend-list management and message commands:

/f list - lists players on your friends list
/f add username - (example: /f add hclflow) - adds a player to your friends list
/f remove username - (example: /f remove hclflow) - removes a player from your friends list
/m username - (example: /m hclflow you suck) - sends a private message
/f m - (example: /f m you all suck) - sends a broadcast to all connected friends

Don't know what class to go with?

There are several resources out there to assist you with optimized character builds, if you so choose. One of the more comprehensive databases of such information can be found at strategy.diabloii.net. You can also hit up GameFAQs and other various sites for a list of builds.

Meeting up before a game

If you'd like to wait around for someone to play with or want to see who else is waiting, loiter in #neogaf. If you happen to be channel operator, don't be a prick.

To set up a game, use: name: neogaf / password: neogaf

For extra games, use neogaf1, neogaf2, etc. Keep the password as neogaf for simplicity.

Player lists

Proc / Paullenation / Zylum / Necromancer
Immortal_Daemon / Immortal_Daemon / various / various
Fonds / roelfkromhout / Fallout-NL / Necro
d[-_-]b / Akitasha / AppleMage / Sorc
NH Apache / Xander5 / Jin-Tao / ASS
Vish / ssolitare / Jargris / Sorc
fatty / Robert_P / fattybob / sorceress
Redd / Redd / P_Wright / Necromancer

hclflow / hclflow / SpooonyBarb / Barb
Vish / ssolitare / Jagara / Sorc
ZombieSupaStar / SyntaxJD / Kargyle / Nercomancer
Mazre / Mazre / MazreII / Barb
DaFish / DaFish / DaFishyOne / Barb
Zaraki_Kenpachi / Pengy_McPenguin / GeorgSabellicus / Necromancer
NeoUltima / NeoUltima
TurtleSnatcher / PezRadar / YourFurryFriend / Druid
Chris Remo / ChrisRemo / IdleThumb / Sorc
vilmer_ / vilmer / Morticia-III / sorc
JakOfTheShadows / JakOfTheShadows / Jak_Jak / Druid
Tendo / tendoboy101 / Ibalin
DaFish / DaFish / DaFishy / Barb
Teknoman / Teknoman_EX / Teknoman / Paladin
Rur0ni / Rur0ni / RogueMedicament / Paladin
sedaku / skymind / Paladin
Harvey Hedonist / Moanersaa / RagingMoans / Pal
Milabrega / MilabregaGAF / MilaMancer / Bone-Necro
tawal / tawal / Ceada / Assassin
Mr Jared / JaredRea / PookiePums / Druid
ryder / Momar / MomariusPrime / Assassin
PhlegmMaster / PhlegmMaster / Shomei / Assassin
homerhendrix / homerhendrix / ? / assassin
TheOneGuy / Togglesworlh / Jiberwot / Druid
QuickSilverGunk / QuickSilverGunk / AfterEffects / Necro
Galanthas / Galanthas / Carmela / Sorc
trh / cellsyde / cell-XIII / sorceress
JonAmikar / JonMaxim / WoodCroft / Druid
U K Narayan / Turn_A / Fenette / Amazon
Richardfun / Richardfun / Nerzhool / Necro
Won / wontollo / Wonya / Assassin
onemic / onem1c / karsius / barbarian
NickP786 / NickP786 / Aror / Druid
ElyrionX / ElyrionX / ElyrionX / Paladin
KdoubleA / KdoubleA / KdA_SumNec / Necromancer
Stop It / StopItGAF / StopItRawr / Druid
Metalic Sand / MetalicSand / MetalicSand / Assassin
Cantaloup / Cantaloup / Anzra / Assassin
zou / zou /MilkCookie / Sorc
Almyn / Almyn / Isolda / Assassin
kurahadol / Griffisu / Caskaa / Sorceress
Returners / Returners / SorceressofUW / Sorceress
Shinz Kicker / ShinzKicker / Shinzerker / Assassin
purg3 / purg3 / gaf_purgeface / bowazon
bloody pirate / streetdream / skyk / nerco
Atrophis / Lubester / Masara / sorc
Ikuu / Ikuu / Ikuu / Necro
Peronthious / Peronthious / Elikush / Assassin
Lost Fragment / ninephoenixes / Zyprexa / blizzard sorc
doodyball5 / Jonny81 / JerryCurl / Druid
carpal / beboptango / BrideOfBebop / Bowazon
jlai / jlai / jlaiii / Pure Lit Sorc
Chris Interactive / joecoolstheman / The_Slacker / Amazon
Stop It / StopItGAF / StopItRawr / Druid
Fordzilla / AlpineBumpin / Various / Various
Eric WK / EricWK / Aside / Sorceress
andrewjnyc / johnny_clueless / BrassKnight / Paladin

thetrin / thetrin / Thebian / Paladin
FieryBalrog / soapie / Ishani / Sorc
Kintaro / Darsh / Darshiro / Barb
SamuraiX- / MetalGear780 / Shirai / Assassin
Calen / juggleit / Khalen / Necro
Pistolgrip / GodsDelusion / PrincesaRocinda / Bowazon
Oblivionmancer / Oblivionmancer / Zarania / Amazon
BIVIANO! / BIVIANO / SAUCER-biv / sorcerer


Paladin for me (always a sword+shield guy). Installing stuff now.

EDIT: Wonder if they'll have it seperated by coasts whenever Diablo III arrives... i'm still not sure which one I should pick after all these years.


Proc / Paullenation / Zylum / Necromancer/ US East

Does gaf have a vent server we could all hop in and out of?


Are we going to go for "vanilla" or use that one mod someone said was amazing?

EDIT: Median I think it was? Either was is cool for me, but i'm guessing normal D2+expansion since we'll still be familiar with the skills.


OP updated. C'mon, lets get some more players!

Proc said:
Proc / Paullenation / Zylum / Necromancer/ US East

Does gaf have a vent server we could all hop in and out of?

I don't do vent, but if you want to set one up I'll add the info to the OP.

Teknoman said:
Are we going to go for "vanilla" or use that one mod someone said was amazing?

EDIT: Median I think it was? Either was is cool for me, but i'm guessing normal D2+expansion since we'll still be familiar with the skills.

You mean Eastern Sun? I'm just playing LOD.


GAF name / battle.net account / character name / class / realm

Immortal_Daemon / Immortal_Daemon / Quite a few / Quite a few / USEast NL


aka Ryder
I was looking to pick this game up finally.

I've never played a Diablo game *GASP*

So, I check the online blizzard store, and it looks like there's no digital download version available? And on top of that, the battle chest is still $40? :(


Ryder said:
I was looking to pick this game up finally.

I've never played a Diablo game *GASP*

So, I check the online blizzard store, and it looks like there's no digital download version available? And on top of that, the battle chest is still $40? :(

If you have even the slightest hint of inner loot whore, it's worth it, ESPECIALLY if you've never touched it.


aka Ryder
hclflow said:
If you have even the slightest hint of inner loot whore, it's worth it, ESPECIALLY if you've never touched it.

I'm probably the biggest loot whore in history. I was in a hardcore raiding guild in vanilla WoW from molten core to ahn'quiraj (before quitting), and logged about 50-60 hours on my vacation back home with FFCC: Ring of Fates in about a week or two.



Do I really have to go find a store that has it in stock? My local gamestop didn't have it =/


aka Ryder
hclflow said:
Check big box stores like Wal Mart, Best Buy, etc.

Hmm... should I go straight for the expansion as well, or just try out the main game first?

Is it going to feel terribly dated? Should I maybe try one of the more recent "clones" like Titan Quest? Or is it not the same?

That would be a lot easier, since Titan Quest is easily available on Steam. DID YOU HEAR THAT BLIZZARD? STEAM.



DII doesnt really feel dated to me. Set it on 800x600 (high res lol) and it looks abit better too. That and the audio is still excellent. Then again, i still like how Starcraft 1 looks, and I just played it for the first time ever yesterday.


aka Ryder
Teknoman said:
DII doesnt really feel dated to me. Set it on 800x600 (high res lol) and it looks abit better too. That and the audio is still excellent. Then again, i still like how Starcraft 1 looks, and I just played it for the first time ever yesterday.

I don't really mind SC much at all as far as feeling dated goes. It still plays incredibly well. What I mean by dated is how it plays btw, not how it looks. I'm not too concerned with graphics.


Ryder said:
I don't really mind SC much at all as far as feeling dated goes. It still plays incredibly well. What I mean by dated is how it plays btw, not how it looks. I'm not too concerned with graphics.

To be quite frank, D2 hasn't aged a single bit. Not a single one of the clones (TQ included, though it comes the closest) can hold a candle to it. If you loved WoW and truly are a loot whore, I think you may have just met your match. And DO get the expansion as well. You're missing out on a lot of content if you just go with vanilla D2.


Yeah Titan Quest didnt really meet my expectations as far as surpassing DII. Its nice and all, but Diablo it aint.

And yes get the expansion.

I guess i'll go to US east since thats where most of GAF seems to be right now. Either side has always worked nice for me though.

GAF name / battle.net account / character name / class / realm
Teknoman / Teknoman_EX / Teknoman / Paladin / US East

EDIT: Is the chat channel NeoGAF or neogaf? Or does it matter?


Teknoman said:
Yeah Titan Quest didnt really meet my expectations as far as surpassing DII. Its nice and all, but Diablo it aint.

And yes get the expansion.

I guess i'll go to US east since thats where most of GAF seems to be right now. Either side has always worked nice for me though.

GAF name / battle.net account / character name / class / realm
Teknoman / Teknoman_EX / Teknoman / Paladin / US East

EDIT: Is the chat channel NeoGAF or neogaf? Or does it matter?

I put in the OP to use #neogaf, I don't think it's case-sensitive.

I'll probably be on in a couple hours. I'll look for you guys.

Edit: Oh, forgot to put the format we should use for game names so we can easily find each other.

Use name: neogaf / password: neogaf

Other games should be named neogaf1, neogaf2, etc.


aka Ryder
Holy crap, so happy! Diablo 2 and the extension were both half off. I picked up both for $20ish from Gamestop not long ago. Woot!

Where should I start? I kinda want to play the single player to get my feet wet before jumping into the online. What do you guys recommend? Beating single-player first? How long is it? Or is it fine to hop into multiplayer with you guys?


Ryder said:
Holy crap, so happy! Diablo 2 and the extension were both half off. I picked up both for $20ish from Gamestop not long ago. Woot!

Where should I start? I kinda want to play the single player to get my feet wet before jumping into the online. What do you guys recommend? Beating single-player first? How long is it? Or is it fine to hop into multiplayer with you guys?

Its fine either way. Both tell the same story, just with MP you get to experience it with others and possibly have to battle more enemies or something.

But yeah, its fine either way. Just make sure to set the res to 800x600 in the ingame options menu, and get the most recent patch (1.12 I believe).


Ryder said:
Am I missing anything having not played Diablo 1?

Lore, if you're really that into it. I know I'm not.

So far as playing online or single player, that's obviously up to you. It might be best to play for an hour or so yourself before jumping online, but you won't be out anything if you just dive straight in on b.net. A lot of players are fairly friendly and will show you the ropes. I'm around for a bit; pm if you want to get a game going.


I'll hop in too if you two end up making a GAF room or something.

Im still in Act 1 of course, only up to the third main quest.

Also you can kinda figure out what happened in Diablo I through the story in Diablo II.


Teknoman said:
I'll hop in too if you two end up making a GAF room or something.

Im still in Act 1 of course, only up to the third main quest.

Also you can kinda figure out what happened in Diablo I through the story in Diablo II.

I think I'm just gonna retire and play some EO2 before bed. I've been chatting about it too much for the past hour to play some D2 tonight. :p

I will definitely be playing some in the next few days though. Gotta figure out how I want to play this sorc.


aka Ryder
Fooled around a bit in the single player, killed lots of demons and quill rats! The dialogue is damn boring though, I currently have no idea what I'm doing or why. I'll be sure to hop on tomorrow and we can make a game, so you guys can show me the ropes. I think I have a pretty good handle though, it's pretty intuitive.


Ryder said:
Fooled around a bit in the single player, killed lots of demons and quill rats! The dialogue is damn boring though, I currently have no idea what I'm doing or why. I'll be sure to hop on tomorrow and we can make a game, so you guys can show me the ropes. I think I have a pretty good handle though, it's pretty intuitive.

Listen to the people in the small campground and they'll steer you in the right direction. Either that or just press Q to see what to do.
PhlegmMaster / PhlegmMaster / Shomei / Assassin / USeast

Softcore, ladder.

I just installed the game and created my character. I'm going to start a multiplayer game in about 30 minutes (so around 2:15pm EST) on USeast, called NeoGAF Believe

I'm hoping somebody with a level 1 or 2 character will see this post or the game and join me.

EDIT: Make that 3:45pm


OP updated.

PhlegmMaster said:
PhlegmMaster / PhlegmMaster / Shomei / Assassin / USeast

Softcore, ladder.

I just installed the game and created my character. I'm going to start a multiplayer game in about 30 minutes (so around 2:15pm EST) on USeast, called NeoGAF Believe

I'm hoping somebody with a level 1 or 2 character will see this post or the game and join me.

EDIT: Make that 3:30pm

I don't think anyone else so far is playing ladder, bub.


PhlegmMaster said:
What? Why not? What's the advantage of NOT playing ladder?

Not having to deal with rude players quite as often. Not referring to anyone on GAF, mind you, but over the years I tried ladder a couple times and playing with random folks was a crapshoot because you'd run into more loot whores, people going off the deep end about trivial shit, and other tedious headaches. People have a tendency to take the damn game way too seriously when playing ladder. Same with hardcore. I like the challenge of it, but I can't stand playing with random people on it.

Not my cup of tea.
hclflow said:
Not having to deal with rude players quite as often. Not referring to anyone on GAF, mind you, but over the years I tried ladder a couple times and playing with random folks was a crapshoot because you'd run into more loot whores, people going off the deep end about trivial shit, and other tedious headaches. People have a tendency to take the damn game way too seriously when playing ladder. Same with hardcore. I like the challenge of it, but I can't stand playing with random people on it.

Not my cup of tea.

Oh, ok. I only checked ladder because I don't like leaving boxes unchecked. ;) I'll switch to non-ladder.


PhlegmMaster said:
Oh, ok. I only checked ladder because I don't like leaving boxes unchecked. ;) I'll switch to non-ladder.

Hahah, I'm up for a game now if you want to play. I'll hop on b.net in a few and look for you. If I don't find you I'll start a game at neogaf/neogaf.


I'm up:

Fonds / roelfkromhout / Fallout-NL / Necro / USeast

I might be experiencing some lag though, residing in Europe.


Ah suck, can't create hardcore without first beating game. Ah well, gives me time to get back in the rhythm.

Rur0ni / Rur0ni / RogueMedicine / Paladin / USEast

Edit: I'm in game for the next hour or so, neogaf/neogaf. Non ladder.


Hey guys, non-ladder game up in abit, also neogaf chatroom up

EDIT: lol beat.


Rehosted - neogaf, password: neogaf, 8 person room limit, no lvl limit.
I'll install it this weekend when I find my disks! first character of course is going to be an MF char, so I think I'll go with the fishymancer build =D


Tendo / tendoboy101 / Ibalin / USeast

Making a brand new character, not sure how much time I'll have to play with work and class, but hope to see you guys online



Also man I love random dungeons, overworlds, and unique monsters. Makes the experience new each time, no matter how many times.

(well after awhile...you know what I mean :lol )
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