Diablo II and its expansion, Lord of Destruction, can now be purchased for digital download on the Blizzard store.
So, you have a hankerin' to lose yourself again in one of the best goddamn action RPGs ever to be made? Stay awhile and listen!
I'm not going to make a list of rules. I just expect everyone that decides to join in on the fun to respect each other, cooperate and not hoard loot. If you want to set up your own rules per game, knock yourselves out. Above all, HAVE FUN!
Important note: We are now playing LADDER, on USEast! A group of us have decided to make a switch to ladder. Because of the popularity of this thread, the negatives behind my reasoning for playing non-ladder have pretty much been eliminated. For this reason, we are making the switch to LADDER for the extra loot and runewords available. You characters WILL NOT BE DELETED when the season is over, they will simply convert to non-ladder.
For those who wish to remain non-ladder, you may do so, and I will keep the player lists segregated and updated daily with new player info.
I apologize for the confusion and inconvenience.
Registration format
To register in this thread to party with fellow GAFers, just make a post that contains the following information in the format I use to make my life and your lives easier.
GAF name / battle.net account / character name / class / realm
Example: hclflow / hclflow / ChillyDogs / sorceress / USEast
I will make separate lists of players on each realm, but I have no intention of dividing the lists further by ladder and hardcore/softcore, but if you include that information I will also include it in the player lists.
Taking command
Here is a list of battle.net commands for those who are rusty on what you can do via the chat interface: http://www.battle.net/info/commands.shtml
Don't know what class to go with?
There are several resources out there to assist you with optimized character builds, if you so choose. One of the more comprehensive databases of such information can be found at strategy.diabloii.net. You can also hit up GameFAQs and other various sites for a list of builds.
Meeting up before a game
If you'd like to wait around for someone to play with or want to see who else is waiting, loiter in #neogaf. If you happen to be channel operator, don't be a prick.
To set up a game, use: name: neogaf / password: neogaf
For extra games, use neogaf1, neogaf2, etc. Keep the password as neogaf for simplicity.
Player lists
Proc / Paullenation / Zylum / Necromancer
Immortal_Daemon / Immortal_Daemon / various / various
Fonds / roelfkromhout / Fallout-NL / Necro
d[-_-]b / Akitasha / AppleMage / Sorc
NH Apache / Xander5 / Jin-Tao / ASS
Vish / ssolitare / Jargris / Sorc
fatty / Robert_P / fattybob / sorceress
Redd / Redd / P_Wright / Necromancer
hclflow / hclflow / SpooonyBarb / Barb
Vish / ssolitare / Jagara / Sorc
ZombieSupaStar / SyntaxJD / Kargyle / Nercomancer
Mazre / Mazre / MazreII / Barb
DaFish / DaFish / DaFishyOne / Barb
Zaraki_Kenpachi / Pengy_McPenguin / GeorgSabellicus / Necromancer
NeoUltima / NeoUltima
TurtleSnatcher / PezRadar / YourFurryFriend / Druid
Chris Remo / ChrisRemo / IdleThumb / Sorc
vilmer_ / vilmer / Morticia-III / sorc
JakOfTheShadows / JakOfTheShadows / Jak_Jak / Druid
Tendo / tendoboy101 / Ibalin
DaFish / DaFish / DaFishy / Barb
Teknoman / Teknoman_EX / Teknoman / Paladin
Rur0ni / Rur0ni / RogueMedicament / Paladin
sedaku / skymind / Paladin
Harvey Hedonist / Moanersaa / RagingMoans / Pal
Milabrega / MilabregaGAF / MilaMancer / Bone-Necro
tawal / tawal / Ceada / Assassin
Mr Jared / JaredRea / PookiePums / Druid
ryder / Momar / MomariusPrime / Assassin
PhlegmMaster / PhlegmMaster / Shomei / Assassin
homerhendrix / homerhendrix / ? / assassin
TheOneGuy / Togglesworlh / Jiberwot / Druid
QuickSilverGunk / QuickSilverGunk / AfterEffects / Necro
Galanthas / Galanthas / Carmela / Sorc
trh / cellsyde / cell-XIII / sorceress
JonAmikar / JonMaxim / WoodCroft / Druid
U K Narayan / Turn_A / Fenette / Amazon
Richardfun / Richardfun / Nerzhool / Necro
Won / wontollo / Wonya / Assassin
onemic / onem1c / karsius / barbarian
NickP786 / NickP786 / Aror / Druid
ElyrionX / ElyrionX / ElyrionX / Paladin
KdoubleA / KdoubleA / KdA_SumNec / Necromancer
Stop It / StopItGAF / StopItRawr / Druid
Metalic Sand / MetalicSand / MetalicSand / Assassin
Cantaloup / Cantaloup / Anzra / Assassin
zou / zou /MilkCookie / Sorc
Almyn / Almyn / Isolda / Assassin
kurahadol / Griffisu / Caskaa / Sorceress
Returners / Returners / SorceressofUW / Sorceress
Shinz Kicker / ShinzKicker / Shinzerker / Assassin
purg3 / purg3 / gaf_purgeface / bowazon
bloody pirate / streetdream / skyk / nerco
Atrophis / Lubester / Masara / sorc
Ikuu / Ikuu / Ikuu / Necro
Peronthious / Peronthious / Elikush / Assassin
Lost Fragment / ninephoenixes / Zyprexa / blizzard sorc
doodyball5 / Jonny81 / JerryCurl / Druid
carpal / beboptango / BrideOfBebop / Bowazon
jlai / jlai / jlaiii / Pure Lit Sorc
Chris Interactive / joecoolstheman / The_Slacker / Amazon
Stop It / StopItGAF / StopItRawr / Druid
Fordzilla / AlpineBumpin / Various / Various
Eric WK / EricWK / Aside / Sorceress
andrewjnyc / johnny_clueless / BrassKnight / Paladin
thetrin / thetrin / Thebian / Paladin
FieryBalrog / soapie / Ishani / Sorc
Kintaro / Darsh / Darshiro / Barb
SamuraiX- / MetalGear780 / Shirai / Assassin
Calen / juggleit / Khalen / Necro
Pistolgrip / GodsDelusion / PrincesaRocinda / Bowazon
Oblivionmancer / Oblivionmancer / Zarania / Amazon
BIVIANO! / BIVIANO / SAUCER-biv / sorcerer
So, you have a hankerin' to lose yourself again in one of the best goddamn action RPGs ever to be made? Stay awhile and listen!
I'm not going to make a list of rules. I just expect everyone that decides to join in on the fun to respect each other, cooperate and not hoard loot. If you want to set up your own rules per game, knock yourselves out. Above all, HAVE FUN!
Important note: We are now playing LADDER, on USEast! A group of us have decided to make a switch to ladder. Because of the popularity of this thread, the negatives behind my reasoning for playing non-ladder have pretty much been eliminated. For this reason, we are making the switch to LADDER for the extra loot and runewords available. You characters WILL NOT BE DELETED when the season is over, they will simply convert to non-ladder.
For those who wish to remain non-ladder, you may do so, and I will keep the player lists segregated and updated daily with new player info.
I apologize for the confusion and inconvenience.
Registration format
To register in this thread to party with fellow GAFers, just make a post that contains the following information in the format I use to make my life and your lives easier.
GAF name / battle.net account / character name / class / realm
Example: hclflow / hclflow / ChillyDogs / sorceress / USEast
I will make separate lists of players on each realm, but I have no intention of dividing the lists further by ladder and hardcore/softcore, but if you include that information I will also include it in the player lists.
Taking command
Here is a list of battle.net commands for those who are rusty on what you can do via the chat interface: http://www.battle.net/info/commands.shtml
your mom said:Friend-list management and message commands:
/f list - lists players on your friends list
/f add username - (example: /f add hclflow) - adds a player to your friends list
/f remove username - (example: /f remove hclflow) - removes a player from your friends list
/m username - (example: /m hclflow you suck) - sends a private message
/f m - (example: /f m you all suck) - sends a broadcast to all connected friends
Don't know what class to go with?
There are several resources out there to assist you with optimized character builds, if you so choose. One of the more comprehensive databases of such information can be found at strategy.diabloii.net. You can also hit up GameFAQs and other various sites for a list of builds.
Meeting up before a game
If you'd like to wait around for someone to play with or want to see who else is waiting, loiter in #neogaf. If you happen to be channel operator, don't be a prick.
To set up a game, use: name: neogaf / password: neogaf
For extra games, use neogaf1, neogaf2, etc. Keep the password as neogaf for simplicity.
Player lists
Proc / Paullenation / Zylum / Necromancer
Immortal_Daemon / Immortal_Daemon / various / various
Fonds / roelfkromhout / Fallout-NL / Necro
d[-_-]b / Akitasha / AppleMage / Sorc
NH Apache / Xander5 / Jin-Tao / ASS
Vish / ssolitare / Jargris / Sorc
fatty / Robert_P / fattybob / sorceress
Redd / Redd / P_Wright / Necromancer
hclflow / hclflow / SpooonyBarb / Barb
Vish / ssolitare / Jagara / Sorc
ZombieSupaStar / SyntaxJD / Kargyle / Nercomancer
Mazre / Mazre / MazreII / Barb
DaFish / DaFish / DaFishyOne / Barb
Zaraki_Kenpachi / Pengy_McPenguin / GeorgSabellicus / Necromancer
NeoUltima / NeoUltima
TurtleSnatcher / PezRadar / YourFurryFriend / Druid
Chris Remo / ChrisRemo / IdleThumb / Sorc
vilmer_ / vilmer / Morticia-III / sorc
JakOfTheShadows / JakOfTheShadows / Jak_Jak / Druid
Tendo / tendoboy101 / Ibalin
DaFish / DaFish / DaFishy / Barb
Teknoman / Teknoman_EX / Teknoman / Paladin
Rur0ni / Rur0ni / RogueMedicament / Paladin
sedaku / skymind / Paladin
Harvey Hedonist / Moanersaa / RagingMoans / Pal
Milabrega / MilabregaGAF / MilaMancer / Bone-Necro
tawal / tawal / Ceada / Assassin
Mr Jared / JaredRea / PookiePums / Druid
ryder / Momar / MomariusPrime / Assassin
PhlegmMaster / PhlegmMaster / Shomei / Assassin
homerhendrix / homerhendrix / ? / assassin
TheOneGuy / Togglesworlh / Jiberwot / Druid
QuickSilverGunk / QuickSilverGunk / AfterEffects / Necro
Galanthas / Galanthas / Carmela / Sorc
trh / cellsyde / cell-XIII / sorceress
JonAmikar / JonMaxim / WoodCroft / Druid
U K Narayan / Turn_A / Fenette / Amazon
Richardfun / Richardfun / Nerzhool / Necro
Won / wontollo / Wonya / Assassin
onemic / onem1c / karsius / barbarian
NickP786 / NickP786 / Aror / Druid
ElyrionX / ElyrionX / ElyrionX / Paladin
KdoubleA / KdoubleA / KdA_SumNec / Necromancer
Stop It / StopItGAF / StopItRawr / Druid
Metalic Sand / MetalicSand / MetalicSand / Assassin
Cantaloup / Cantaloup / Anzra / Assassin
zou / zou /MilkCookie / Sorc
Almyn / Almyn / Isolda / Assassin
kurahadol / Griffisu / Caskaa / Sorceress
Returners / Returners / SorceressofUW / Sorceress
Shinz Kicker / ShinzKicker / Shinzerker / Assassin
purg3 / purg3 / gaf_purgeface / bowazon
bloody pirate / streetdream / skyk / nerco
Atrophis / Lubester / Masara / sorc
Ikuu / Ikuu / Ikuu / Necro
Peronthious / Peronthious / Elikush / Assassin
Lost Fragment / ninephoenixes / Zyprexa / blizzard sorc
doodyball5 / Jonny81 / JerryCurl / Druid
carpal / beboptango / BrideOfBebop / Bowazon
jlai / jlai / jlaiii / Pure Lit Sorc
Chris Interactive / joecoolstheman / The_Slacker / Amazon
Stop It / StopItGAF / StopItRawr / Druid
Fordzilla / AlpineBumpin / Various / Various
Eric WK / EricWK / Aside / Sorceress
andrewjnyc / johnny_clueless / BrassKnight / Paladin
thetrin / thetrin / Thebian / Paladin
FieryBalrog / soapie / Ishani / Sorc
Kintaro / Darsh / Darshiro / Barb
SamuraiX- / MetalGear780 / Shirai / Assassin
Calen / juggleit / Khalen / Necro
Pistolgrip / GodsDelusion / PrincesaRocinda / Bowazon
Oblivionmancer / Oblivionmancer / Zarania / Amazon
BIVIANO! / BIVIANO / SAUCER-biv / sorcerer