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Official 2008 "I Need A New PC" Thread


WhatRuOn said:
You should have no issue with the sound.

If it is an LCD TV you will have zero issue, that is for sure. Some other types of TVs though, depending on the make and model, have scanning issues when you use PC resolutions. This is easily handled by changing the resolution closer to what the TV accepts.

It's a Sony XBR950 projection LCD - resolution is 1366 x 768.


Slo said:
Would a DVI cable give me any noticeable difference in visual quality compared to a VGA cable?

yes, also don't buy an expensive one they're all the same, $3 ebay one is fine


So I was looking around the office today and found a couple of "Cyclone Blowers" that someone must've left. They look just like the Antec model (the regular, not "super"), but are obviously knockoffs. (Read literally, the title would be CYCLONE BIOWER. There's not even a UPC on the packaging.) Regardless of brand, do these things tend to help out at all? Being in Texas I'm concerned about the summer heat and humidity. The intake is oriented so that it would be perfectly lined up with the fan on my GPU, so as long as they don't cause more harm than good, I'd like to put one in. Any opinions?


WhatRuOn said:
What'd I'd do for that budget.

What is that page? is it newegg? well I can't use any site that don't accept paypal, that 8800 is crazy and sexy :D

Pachael said:
I can help, since that's like my basic setup.

Agreed on the E2160, great overclocker. There's a great article on Tom's Hardware on this that inspired me to get it. http://www.tomshardware.com/2007/09/12/pentium_dual_core/

Note that getting a E2180 is better since I hear it's better on the overclock than the E2160 since it has a higher multiplier.

Talking about multipliers, the E2160 comes with 200Mhz bus and a 9x multiplier to give it 1.8Ghz. What you'd like to have, if you want to overclock, is a good quality board (which you mentioned ASUS, which is a good brand and you should be OK with it. I use the gigabyte P35-DS3, which is a good OC board too).

PSU wise I think you should be able to get away with a 400-450W if you're not overclocking. Make sure there is enough amperes on the 12v line for your GPU etc. If you are then maybe go for 500W. There's already some great recommendations in this thread, eg. the CoolMax.

For RAM, it depends on how future oriented you are. I think the DDR3s are too expensive (PS check your motherboards as mine doesn't support DDR3) so DDR2-800 is good to go. I went for the cheaper (at that time) DDR2-667 and since I knew I was going to overclock to 3Ghz (333Mhz x9), the RAM's a god send as I can run it 1:1 timing.

GPU is crucial for 3D gaming, and the resolution of your monitor determines the price range of the GPU you require. So for someone who's not as concerned on big resolutions, a cheaper GPU is OK like the 8600. Go for a 8800GT for high res goodness. Monitors - depends on what you're comfortable with and like. I like mine widescreen and large (22").

If you're OCing like me you may want to consider a cooler like the Zalman (9700). I run my chip on stock cooling which is effective for now but really I should get a cooler to keep the CPU temp low.

PS your case is great. :)

Is interesting that about the cpu, well my cpu is in the package so I may consider get a better one if my budget don't get short, I didn't saw that about the multiplier. The board I already brought this:



It was $150. I believe that's a good one for overclock.

DDR3 nah, too expensive ill get a DDR2 800mhz Corsair:


2GB for about $45.

For the PSU, I will get a Antec psu 500 watts that its 80 plus certified that cost me around $60 bucks.

The GPU will come later, I'm thinking 8800gt too.

I thinking in changing the cpu now that you said that, the e2160 only cost me $75 bucks back then so I guess I may find the e2180 at a low price too. Thanks for the great recommendations :D


ag-my001 said:
So I was looking around the office today and found a couple of "Cyclone Blowers" that someone must've left. They look just like the Antec model (the regular, not "super"), but are obviously knockoffs. (Read literally, the title would be CYCLONE BIOWER. There's not even a UPC on the packaging.) Regardless of brand, do these things tend to help out at all? Being in Texas I'm concerned about the summer heat and humidity. The intake is oriented so that it would be perfectly lined up with the fan on my GPU, so as long as they don't cause more harm than good, I'd like to put one in. Any opinions?
Side Vents/Fans on cases are generally enough, but if your case doesn't have one, I can't see how it'd hurt.


bee said:
i use a hdtv as a secondary screen, 40" 1080p i use it for all my pc gaming actually except games where i actually want to be competitive as i find you cant play properly a long way from the screen and also on a huge screen aiming seems harder, other than that there really are no issues unless your particular tv has overscan problems and at 720p an 8800gt is gonna run every single game out there (bar 1) at like 16xaa 16xaf

Yes. I used to game more on my HDTV when I first built my rig. Team Fortress 2 lasted about 5 minutes. It was a trainwreck.

As for overscan, I'm noticing huge differences between my 7950 and 8800 that just arrived. The 8800 seems to be much more overscan friendly and does more scaling to account for this. I haven't spent a lot of time with this, but that's because 720P (which had significant overscan and required me to custom resolution to 1200*652 on my 7950) is now filling my screen perfectly and didn't require any changes.

ag-my001 said:
So I was looking around the office today and found a couple of "Cyclone Blowers" that someone must've left. They look just like the Antec model (the regular, not "super"), but are obviously knockoffs. (Read literally, the title would be CYCLONE BIOWER. There's not even a UPC on the packaging.) Regardless of brand, do these things tend to help out at all? Being in Texas I'm concerned about the summer heat and humidity. The intake is oriented so that it would be perfectly lined up with the fan on my GPU, so as long as they don't cause more harm than good, I'd like to put one in. Any opinions?

I used to have one on my old PC. I wasn't sure it was helping any. And wasn't sure it wasn't screwing up airflow and doing more harm than good. So I threw it out after a little while. But I'd imagine it's YMMV according to case, components, and airflow patterns.

I can't remember the exact reason, but I had a good reason to think I was better off without it. But if you have a case with bad airflow, it's probably worth giving a shot and checking temps. It might help.
WhatRuOn said:
Whatever 8800 fits your budget.

$170, Get 9600GT

$200-$250, get 8800GT

$250-$300, get 8800GTS(G92)

I'm surprised to find there are almost no reviews of the 9600GT on newegg. Wasn't this supposed to be a better card for the buck compared to the 8800GT?

Edit: I also just realized my machine is coming with a 300watt power supply, so I'm assuming these higher end cards are a no-go anways.


Superblatt said:
I also just realized my machine is coming with a 300watt power supply, so I'm assuming these higher end cards are a no-go anways.

yes 300w is a no go, just stick a 400+w decent make psu in there and your good to go though, personally i'd go with the corsair 520w - modular, 5yr warranty, rebadged seasonic
bee said:
yes 300w is a no go, just stick a 400+w decent make psu in there and your good to go though, personally i'd go with the corsair 520w - modular, 5yr warranty, rebadged seasonic

So what would be a good card to choose if I don't need anything super high end graphics card wise and have a 300w power supply? I'm still going to be doing most of my gaming on my consoles, but don't want to gimp my new machine for future use.

mr stroke

Glad to see this thread finnally started... :)
(except for the fact that the last one made me blow my tax return on a new rig)

Anybody here have any experience with the newer AMD proccesors?
my new rig consists of this-

AMD 64x2 6400+
4 gigs Corsiar ram
ATI 3870x2

I have read that the AMD6400+ pros could be a bottleneck for the 3870x2??? I can't see how this would be the case being its one of AMD's newest proccesors?? I still might have time to swap the proccesor for a cheap Intel if need be....any suggestions?
(hopefully I can play Crysis and World in Conflict)


I just put together this PC real quick for someone who only wants to watch videos and listen to music. He wants 4GB and a 500gb hard drive.

Can I get some help lowering the price to around 400 by replacing some of the parts?

So far, here is what I have.

Antec case.
60 with shipping
ASUS motherboard
amd x2 5000
80 on ebay
g skill 4gb
western digital 500gb
asus 20x dvd burner
microsoft windows xp professional


I'd just like to give an extra thank you to all the guys answering the questions here, you know who you are (WhatRuOn etc)

Superblatt said:
So what would be a good card to choose if I don't need anything super high end graphics card wise and have a 300w power supply? I'm still going to be doing most of my gaming on my consoles, but don't want to gimp my new machine for future use.

400 Watt really seems the minimum for a Dual Core with some decent card (like 3850 or 8800) and one HDD.

cryptic said:
Can I get some help lowering the price to around 400 by replacing some of the parts?

I'd really get less RAM. 4 GB isn't even used by 32 bit Windows XP. 2 GB is fine. Plus I'd go with some cheaper case and PSU as long as the person doesn't want to play games etc.

Other stuff: doesn't he already have an HDD with Windows? And what about a GPU like a poster below me said?


While shopping around I called HP about power supplies, and they said they automatically put a 460 W supply in if you select the 8800GT. So if they're doing it, you can bet it's necessary.


cryptic said:
I just put together this PC real quick for someone who only wants to watch videos and listen to music. He wants 4GB and a 500gb hard drive.

Can I get some help lowering the price to around 400 by replacing some of the parts?

So far, here is what I have.

Antec case.
60 with shipping
ASUS motherboard
amd x2 5000
80 on ebay
g skill 4gb
western digital 500gb
asus 20x dvd burner
microsoft windows xp professional

Reduce the 4 gigs of RAM to 2 and go with the 32-bit version of Win XP. Tell your friend, it´s an absolute waste to go for 4 GB of RAM to just watch movies etc. and thus spend the extra money on an 64 bit OS. It will "only" save him around 45 $ but it´s still money that could be spent elsewhere. Not to mention the driver issues with 64 bit WinXP that are reported frequently on the internet.

Edit: Another, cheaper mainboard would be way to save money as well. This for example:
nVidia priduces very reliiable and cost effective mainboard chipsets. It does not need to be an AMD chipset just because you are using an AMD CPU ;).


cryptic said:
I just put together this PC real quick for someone who only wants to watch videos and listen to music. He wants 4GB and a 500gb hard drive.

Can I get some help lowering the price to around 400 by replacing some of the parts?

So far, here is what I have.
Save $50 by going with XP Media Center, besides 64-bit XP is probably going to give your friend headaches finding drivers.

Save $15 on Mobo (even more if you scratch 4gb of memory)

Save $18 on DVD-RW

Save $30 on Proc (if he's only watching videos, why does he need the higher end X2?)

Save $5 on HDD

Save ALOT ON MEMORY (again why does he/she need 4gbs of memory to watch videos?)

Or you can just buy this


Superblatt said:
So what would be a good card to choose if I don't need anything super high end graphics card wise and have a 300w power supply? I'm still going to be doing most of my gaming on my consoles, but don't want to gimp my new machine for future use.

a 300w psu is gimping your machine, a 9600gt is probably overkill but they are real value for money, is this too much money?





Now as far as RAM, what's the best for the least, and is there a cheaper alternative to Western Digital for the HDD that will be just about as good?

oo Kosma oo said:
I'd really get less RAM. 4 GB isn't even used by 32 bit Windows XP. 2 GB is fine. Plus I'd go with some cheaper case and PSU as long as the person doesn't want to play games etc.

Other stuff: doesn't he already have an HDD with Windows? And what about a GPU like a poster below me said?

He asked for 4GB, so I opted to get the 64 bit.

I guess I'll just have to explain how it'll up the price then.

Another thing, he also wants to be able to eventually install a recent graphics card, so I can't skimp too much on the case as I'm afraid he'll try to put it in himself without considering adding or changing the fans or power supply.

So I think the case I picked is alright.


cryptic said:

Now as far as RAM, what's the best for the least, and is there a cheaper alternative to Western Digital that will be just about as good?

Yeah, about any RAM is good nowadays, the faster the better. You can get 2GB DDR2 800 for 45$.

cryptic said:
Another thing, he also wants to be able to eventually install a recent graphics card, so I can't skimp too much on the case as I'm afraid he'll try to put it in himself without considering adding or changing the fans or power supply.

Hmm ok then. I have a 50 euro case (including PSU) and it works fine, with that CPU (AMD X2 5000+) and a good GPU (3850).


so what are people running for Oses (for gaming)? Do people recommend Vista now? Seems like I have to make the decision whether to get OEM vista or not when I buy my mobo, since you need to get hardware with it.


Junior Member
cryptic said:
Now as far as RAM, what's the best for the least, and is there a cheaper alternative to Western Digital that will be just about as good?

Western Digital doesn't sell RAM they sell Hard drives hehe. Anyhow any ram will do, but I usually advice ppl to buy decent ram, you can get some pretty sweet Corsair Value ram for a good price. To me Corsair is the cream of the crop as far as ram and support for said ram. Offcourse you might pay a small premium compared to other Memory Makers but to me its worth it thanks to their ridiculously awesome support.


Vestal said:
Western Digital doesn't sell RAM they sell Hard drives hehe. Anyhow any ram will do, but I usually advice ppl to buy decent ram, you can get some pretty sweet Corsair Value ram for a good price. To me Corsair is the cream of the crop as far as ram and support for said ram. Offcourse you might pay a small premium compared to other Memory Makers but to me its worth it thanks to their ridiculously awesome support.

Yeah, I worded that wrong, I was meaning to ask what's a good alternative to Western Digital on the HDD front.

Anyway, I just found 2gb of RAM on sale and windows xp media center for 113.
All I have to do is put the disc in the drive and run it through BIOS I presume?


MoxManiac said:
so what are people running for Oses (for gaming)? Do people recommend Vista now? Seems like I have to make the decision whether to get OEM vista or not when I buy my mobo, since you need to get hardware with it.

The general idea is, if you want future proof and a little more flashy, go with Vista. Old and reliable? XP.

cryptic said:
Yeah, I worded that wrong, I was meaning to ask what's a good alternative to Western Digital on the HDD front.

Anyway, I just found 2gb of RAM on sale and windows xp media center for 113.
All I have to do is put the disc in the drive and run it through BIOS I presume?

Yup, just pop it in before booting and everything should be straight forward from there.

cryptic said:
Another thing, he also wants to be able to eventually install a recent graphics card, so I can't skimp too much on the case as I'm afraid he'll try to put it in himself without considering adding or changing the fans or power supply.

So I think the case I picked is alright.

Careful, if he wants a powerful graphics card, that case very well may not have room for it. Cards like the Nvidia 8800xxx and ATI 3870 x2's are huge and you need to have a big case in order to accommodate. Grill him on this and see what he's aiming for down the line.


Junior Member
cryptic said:
Yeah, I worded that wrong, I was meaning to ask what's a good alternative to Western Digital on the HDD front.

Anyway, I just found 2gb of RAM on sale and windows xp media center for 113.
All I have to do is put the disc in the drive and run it through BIOS I presume?

Seagate is a good alternative for Hard Drives, they are not as expensive as their WD counter parts and they come with a 5year warranty...


Davidion said:
Careful, if he wants a powerful graphics card, that case very well may not have room for it. Cards like the Nvidia 8800xxx and ATI 3870 x2's are huge and you need to have a big case in order to accommodate. Grill him on this and see what he's aiming for down the line.
Meh, a pair of wire cutters can easily tear through the aluminum hard drive cage if you really needed to.
bee said:
a 300w psu is gimping your machine, a 9600gt is probably overkill but they are real value for money, is this too much money?



Gimping my machine or not, it's what I'm getting. Like I said, I don't need anything really high end since I'm not going to be using it as a strictly gaming machine. I do have my three consoles for that.

So, to be safe...what kind of card should I get for around $100 bucks (or a little more) and a 300w psu? I know there's one out there.


WhatRuOn said:
Meh, a pair of wire cutters can easily tear through the aluminum hard drive cage if you really needed to.


Superblatt said:
So, to be safe...what kind of card should I get for around $100 bucks (or a little more) and a 300w psu? I know there's one out there.

8600GT I guess.

Still a 400 Watt PSU would keep your options open to mid and high range cards evern ;)


aka Ryder
Greetings friends. It's that wonderful time of the year again... my birthday!

So, time to treat myself to some tasty PC upgrades. I'm looking to upgrade my CPU, RAM, and Mobo. I'm not too much of a noob, so feel free to use tech-jargon.

CPU: The new Penryn's are what I want. However, at the moment, they're hard to find, and the mid-range quad cores aren't out yet (I think read March 15th somewhere?).

Mobo: I'm aiming for the 780i chipsets, however, only the eVGA, XFX, and ASUS models are out that I could find. Do we have an ETA on any new/improved 780i boards? I'm running an SLi set up and I need at least two PCI legacy slots (soundcard / wifi).

RAM: This should be easy. I'm probably just going to go with the super-cheap DDR2 800 2 gig sets, with room for 2 more in the future if I decide to go that route. Any news on DDR3 that should make me change my mind?

Mind you, this is a medium to high-end PC, so I'm looking more for just above sweet-spot pricing as far as recommendations go. The rest of my set-up is as follows:

2 x 8800GT 512's SLi
X-Fi XtremeGamer sound card
2 x 74gb WD Raptors
1 x SeaGate 250gb
PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750

24" Widescreen Acer x243w (1920x1200, which is the res I game at)
and a 19" monitor that only gets used when I need to work (disabled when using SLi)

Let me know what you guys think!


Alright, so I got it down to about 500.

Going to discuss it with him tomorrow.

And Davidion, what size case would he need to install one of the newer cards?

EDIT:Holy shit, I just checked out the shipping on that case, and it put's it at 80.
I guess I need another case then...


Superblatt said:
Gimping my machine or not, it's what I'm getting. Like I said, I don't need anything really high end since I'm not going to be using it as a strictly gaming machine. I do have my three consoles for that

ok but an 8600 is for sure gimping your machine for future use, shame that a 3850 is $50 more and almost certainly wont run on a 300w psu




Antagon said:
That card has DDR2 memory, I'd recommend getting this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127319

15$ more, but DDR3 memory which makes a big difference. If it's too expensive, you'd probably still be better off with a 256MB 8600GT with DDR3 then a 512MB 8600GT with DDR2.

Well considering the 8600 isn't powerful enough to run games in their highest resolutions anyway, I'd say the 256MB DDR3 version for 89$ is even better.
oo Kosma oo said:
Well considering the 8600 isn't powerful enough to run games in their highest resolutions anyway, I'd say the 256MB DDR3 version for 89$ is even better.

So in other words, get the card that uses DDR3 instead of DDR2 and don't bother with the 512MB version because I'll get similiar performance out of the 256MB one and save some cash?

256MB DDR3 > 512MB DDR2 ???

Also, wouldn't this card best best then?



Hey you guys, when are PC's gonna fully incorporate blu-ray disk R/RW drives in PC's? Didnt sony say that they are making new cheaper diodes?

Also, does anyone use some sort of PPU card (physics processing unit) i heard that makes games run smoother...

Wow holy shit, $6000 just for the kind of laptop i want? I think the blu-ray is making the price high...

Maybe i should lower it to...

DVD-R/RW Drive (Fastest Speed)

but then it gonna be outdated real soon,..i guess i should wait.


So I'm Looking to get a New Laptop for > $1200, The only real gaming I would plan to do on it would be World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, and Probably Warhammer Online and Starcraft 2 when they come out, besides that it would be mainly used for school. Any Suggestions? I was looking at xoticpc custom built ones so far but I don't really know the prices for Laptops like I do Desktops.

A 15.4" or lower would be better, and I have MSDNAA access through my college so I think I can just get windows Xp or vista off of there If i need to.

A friend pointed me towards the Dell Vostro and heres what I ended up with for $1188

PROCESSOR Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7500 (2.2GHz, 4MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) edit
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows Vista® Business edit
LCD PANEL 15.4 inch Wide Screen XGA LCD Display with TrueLife™ edit
MEMORY 2GB Shared Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz, 2 DIMM edit
HARD DRIVE 250GB 5400RPM Hard Drive edit
OPTICAL DRIVE 8X CD/DVD Burner w/ double-layer DVD+R write capability, w/ Roxio Creator edit
VIDEO CARD 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8600M GT edit
MEDIA DIRECT Dell Exclusive MediaDirect™ Instant Play Software Application edit
WI-FI WIRELESS CARD Dell Wireless 1505 Wireless-N Mini-card edit
BLUETOOTH WIRELESS Dell Wireless 355 Bluetooth Internal (2.0 + Enhanced Data Rate), Vista edit
BLUETOOTH WIRELESS Dell Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Bundle edit
WEBCAM No Webcam Option edit


Well shit. I was hoping to get 3.0+ Ghz out of my e2180, but the system wouldn't boot @ 2.8. Backed it back down to 2.7 which it seemed to be stable at, but froze after about 15 minutes. Down to 2.6 and dropping. :(


Kadey said:
I hope the GX2 does come out in the next two weeks.

? thats been proven to be an underclocked pair of 8800gts 512's strapped together for a nice barbeque and its way overpriced, may aswell get a pair of 8800 gt's


Wow, I needed this thread. I can run games but in such a way that they're not really playable. I miss PC gaming so bad too. I want Crysis!

MoBo: AOpen AK86-L
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (2.0GHz)
Memory: 1GB RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate x64-bit


MauriceM said:
Wow, I needed this thread. I can run games but in such a way that they're not really playable. I miss PC gaming so bad too. I want Crysis!

MoBo: AOpen AK86-L
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (2.0GHz)
Memory: 1GB RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate x64-bit
Is this what you have or what you're getting? Because that 6800 seems way out of place. Plus you'll want 2 gigs of RAM.


MauriceM said:
Wow, I needed this thread. I can run games but in such a way that they're not really playable. I miss PC gaming so bad too. I want Crysis!

MoBo: AOpen AK86-L
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (2.0GHz)
Memory: 1GB RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate x64-bit
How can you stand being on 1GB of RAM? I really think you should spend about $20-30 for another 1GB stick. Not just for gaming, but general use. Your computer will seem much faster afterward.


Superblatt said:
So in other words, get the card that uses DDR3 instead of DDR2 and don't bother with the 512MB version because I'll get similiar performance out of the 256MB one and save some cash?

Exacto mundo.


Mrs. Harvey
bee said:
? thats been proven to be an underclocked pair of 8800gts 512's strapped together for a nice barbeque and its way overpriced, may aswell get a pair of 8800 gt's

Benchmark links? For me, it's the cooler config, one less slot open for an physics card and 9800 series power!!!
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