Official 2011 MLB Thread v.2: The Mets are terrible.

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vas_a_morir said:
So, are we all in agreement?

Is this not the best night of baseball you've ever seen? Is that Rays comeback not the craziest shit you've ever seen? Is it not?

It was definitely the most dramatic for me so many things going on at same time.
So getting this to go with my other Hunter shirt.

There is no analog of this in any other sport.

The 162 game marathon nature of baseball makes it a unique thing. Watching meltdowns like that is like watching a natural disaster unfold, a meteor hurtling towards Earth. The final sprint towards the postseason, the fear/potential of game's just impossible in anything else.

There are epic things in other sports...just not the same way as in baseball.
The Frankman said:
It you blame Brooks Conrad for last year, you blame Kimbrel here. He blew it.

I'll give the Rookie of the Year with 46 saves a pass. The bats not fucking doing shit with RISP in September blew it.
AnEternalEnigma said:
=\ This wasn't his fault...
Is he married? Someone otherwise needs to get him some whores. Shit have Eric Bischoff fly in with his wife and take him to the Gold Club. Not the mans fault at all.

Windu said:
damn, berthiaume was almost right with his NL Central pick. Almost.

Funny thing was I'm pretty sure there were worse ones.

That said was Berthiaume smoking crack when he did this?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Elias stat of the night: Tonight was 3rd time in Yankees history (1st since 1953) they blew a 7-run lead in the 8th inning or later.

Historic trolling.
You guys are ROASTING Papelbon here, but you give Kimbrel a pass? Fuck that logic, did someone make an error behind him? Shitty fielding? Maybe a bad zone?

No. He walked 3-4 guys when his team had a 1-run lead in the 9th. He came up small. I'm not saying it should define him but don't destroy Paps and in the same breath give this kid a pass.
RBH said:
Spoken like a true clueless Mess fan.
be more of a hypocrite, RBH. Waiting to hear a logical defense outside of LOL MESS.


rekameohs said:

Well at least he got Texas, right?

Could be worse:

David Schoenfield,	
East champ: Red Sox		East champ: Braves
Central champ: White Sox	Central champ: Reds
West champ: Rangers		West champ: Rockies
Wild card: A's			Wild card: Giants
Champion: Red Sox		Champion: Braves
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