Official 2011 MLB Thread v.2: The Mets are terrible.

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tyguy20204 said:
Should be awesome! I'll be at Game 1. Just waiting to see what time it's going to be...

Pumped up!

Brewers Cardinals NLCS COUNT ON IT!
It's what I predicted a few days ago. I'd love nothing more than to curbstomp those fuckers on the way to the Series. I figure Philly is overdue for a choke.


hide your water-based mammals

Hasn't felt this great in FOREVER. I grew up around greatness decades ago and this night had that magic. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


fivethirtyeight Nate Silver

Selig should take tonight as pretty much a sign from God that baseball shouldn't add an extra wild card.

17 minutes ago


ZeroRay said:
This is the greatest night in the history of our sport.


SoSH time? SoSH time.


Corran Horn said:
How long till Cowherd or other ESPN folks say Boston not being in the playoffs hurts the sport?
Who gives a shit about them?

This was the perfect bight of baseball. Simply perfect.


hide your water-based mammals
Corran Horn said:
How long till Cowherd or other ESPN folks say Boston not being in the playoffs hurts the sport?

Colin LOVED THIS SHIT LIKE I DO. HE LOVED that the Sox and Braves were collapsing. He loves a dumpster fire like the Red Sox and it's riveting. He was right on the money. It made for great TV and look what we got tonight. He nailed it.

I listen to him every day, some of you guys hate way too much.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Derrick01 said:
I'm just dropping in to say that that was one amazing night of baseball. I'm a yankee fan so nothing's sweeter than seeing Boston suffer but the braves-phillies was also great. 2 chokes that were even worse than the Mets, I didn't think I'd even see 1 like that for many years.
Mets will always be worse


My Member!
I wonder what the progression of Boston finding out the Rays won was. They get their ass beat, see the O's celebrate, then walk into the clubhouse turn on the TV just in the nick of time to see Evan jack one. I bet that had the feeling of getting kicked in the nuts with two feet consecutively.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
MLB better not drop the ball. This night deserves a sick dvd/br compilation of all the games. Arguably the greatest night in the history of the sport. Still can't believe it.


Junior Member
LiquidMetal14 said:

Colin LOVED THIS SHIT LIKE I DO. HE LOVED that the Sox and Braves were collapsing. He loves a dumpster fire like the Red Sox and it's riveting. He was right on the money. It made for great TV and look what we got tonight. He nailed it.

I listen to him every day, some of you guys hate way too much.
Well said. Cowherd is the man.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
LOL Red Sux and Braves.

Now all I need is for the Eagles "Dream Team" to crash and burn and I'll be a happy man.


never heard about the cat, apparently
The Frankman said:
So you'll never believe Mets collapse was worse? Wow you already accepted real life, nice!

Atlanta had the better pen, less injured players and a bigger lead.
lol damn you

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
LiquidMetal14 said:

Colin LOVED THIS SHIT LIKE I DO. HE LOVED that the Sox and Braves were collapsing. He loves a dumpster fire like the Red Sox and it's riveting. He was right on the money. It made for great TV and look what we got tonight. He nailed it.

I listen to him every day, some of you guys hate way too much.
Shrug havnt listened to him lately but he seems to always go crazy about ratings when big markets are not in the playoffs lol
Any body got dibs on the postseason thread? I think that was the last thread I made, lol.

"MLB 2011 Postseason thread of Brewers does not suck. Serious these time."
I just got mind fucked 357 times in the last 20 minutes.

The Yankees were one strike away from putting away the Rays bottom of 9. The Red Sox were one strike away from putting away the Orioles bottom of 9.

This outcome has to be of an alternate reality.

Also, question - was there a reason why Joe didn't put Mariano in to close the 9th?

Yankees trolling?
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