Official 2011 MLB Thread v.2: The Mets are terrible.

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Looking for Pants
AnEternalEnigma said:
Also, the Braves blew a Wild Card berth that is more volatile due to the unbalanced schedule. The Braves didn't get to play 15 games against the Astros. The Mets choked a division and finished two games back, not one game. The division is the bigger deal.
Then the Braves should have just won their division. Interleague play is far worse when it comes to being unbalanced.


never heard about the cat, apparently
boston was 7-20 in september, holy shit
Lathentar said:
Then the Braves should have just won their division. Interleague play is far worse when it comes to being unbalanced.
easier said than done


never heard about the cat, apparently
Little Green Yoda said:
Funny how if the blown call in that PIT/ATL game was made correctly, ATL wouldn't even had a chance at a 163rd game last night.
well i'm sure you could go through every single mlb game and say a blown call or horrible strike zone could have decided a game. Umpires are horrible.
Windu said:
well i'm sure you could go through every single mlb game and say a blown call or horrible strike zone could have decided a game. Umpires are horrible.
Umpires are bad but egregious calls that end the game and give a team a premature win don't happen that often.

Though I admit the Braves could've still eventually won the game even if the right call was made.
Atlanta Enters Its Long Cold Winter



Cereal KiIIer said: postseason not available to US and Canada? Wow, that sucks. I would have settled for archived games only...
Wait... what? It was definitely available last year. And it was fucking awesome.
canoli2006 said:
I can't stand Carl Crawford even more now after I just watched him being interviewed in the locker room. I couldn't understand a word he was saying because he was mumbling and he was completely void of any emotion.
He missed the ball that scored the losing run, I think he knows what that means about his future in Boston, or at least about his future with Red Sox fans... or I would hope he does.

Papelbon seems to be getting more of the blame, but that's probably only because people actually had expectations for him, while most people had given up on Crawford some time ago. Still, it was a bad miss.

Maxim726X said:
Wha? What would you have liked him to do?

Beckett, Lackey, Lester, Buccholz, and Dice-K. Solid BP too.

Yeah... He failed to address the pitching. Oh wait, he didn't.
I agree it seemed like a solid rotation at the start of the season, but still, Epstein's got to take some responsibility for what happened, yes... we'll see if he gets fired or not, who knows, it could happen. I'm not sure how much of this is his fault, though. Should the failures of players like Lackey and Crawford have been able to be predicted, for instance?


Colon doesn't make the post season roster but Burnett does? WTF!/JackCurryYES/status/119555774556028928


never heard about the cat, apparently
Sharp said:
Wait... what? It was definitely available last year. And it was fucking awesome.
A companion service ( was available last year that let you view different camera angels while watching the game on TV, not the full MLB.TV package. at least that is how it was in the US.


AnEternalEnigma said:
Larry Bowa just said on MLB Network that UZR and "all that other calculator crap" was nonsense!
Well if Larry Bowa said it it must be true! Hear that, Fangraphs? It's time to hang it up.


never heard about the cat, apparently
AnEternalEnigma said:
Larry Bowa just said on MLB Network that UZR and "all that other calculator crap" was nonsense!
so i guess he uses pen and paper to calculate batting average


The Frankman said:
Because the other thread is playoffs, WHICH HASN'T STARTED!

BREAKING: ESPN announcing that Terry Francona may be gone.
WTF? really going to keep that emo thread?

Also can you say SCAPEGOAT?


Ken Rosenthal:

Terry Francona will meet with Red Sox management on Friday morning, and the expected resolution is that he no longer will be the team’s manager, major league sources say.

While Francona’s departure is not certain, it is the likely outcome, in part because he is pressing for a resolution, sources say. He would not be fired; the Red Sox would simply decline their club options on him for 2012 and ’13.

Wow. Where to next? The Cubs?!
The Frankman said:
Because the other thread is playoffs, WHICH HASN'T STARTED!

BREAKING: ESPN announcing that Terry Francona may be gone.
Just one day after they said that he wouldn't be blamed for the failure, everyone was at fault? (And that is true, sure he must have some responsibility but there's a whole lot of blame to go around and I doubt they're going to fire everyone except for Jacoby Ellsubury or something...)

However, they do have to decide whether to pick up his option for next year by Oct. 8, apparently. And there has been some talk that it might be Terry who wants to go, more so than the Sox. We'll see. I probably would like to see him return. Theo, on the other hand, has a sketchier record now...
A Black Falcon said:
Just one day after they said that he wouldn't be blamed for the failure, everyone was at fault? (And that is true, sure he must have some responsibility but there's a whole lot of blame to go around and I doubt they're going to fire everyone except for Jacoby Ellsubury or something...)

However, they do have to decide whether to pick up his option for next year by Oct. 8, apparently. And there has been some talk that it might be Terry who wants to go, more so than the Sox. We'll see. I probably would like to see him return. Theo, on the other hand, has a sketchier record now...

I think getting rid of either of those two right now would be a stupid idea. Everyone else is fair game though.
After abruptly ending his interview last night when asked, Fredi Gonzalez acknowledged reporters this morning who again asked him why he chose to pitch to Hunter Pence with 2 outs in 13th inning instead of utility player Michael Martinez on deck.

Scott Linebrink entered the inning and walked backup catcher Brian Schneider sandwiched between outs by Domonic Brown and Jimmy Rollins. Chase Utley then singled to move Schneider to third base with 2 outs, bringing Pence to plate.

When asked again why he chose to pitch to the guy hitting .314 instead of the guy hitting .196, Fredi said,

"I thought about not [pitching to Pence]. But all of a sudden Scotty immediately got two strikes on him. You've got the 1-2 or 2-2 count, whatever it was. And Scotty made a great pitch. He jammed him in on his hands, broke his bat. It just fell into no man's land. Can you guarantee me Martinez wasn’t going to get a hit, or draw a base on balls? Couldn't take the risk of a base hit putting us down two instead of one."
There you go, Windu.
Lazy vs Crazy said:
As long as this means a new pitching coach and a new third base coach I'm all for it.

New medical staff would be nice as well.
Now those three are good ideas. They need to work on player durability too (conditioning), a lot of the team were seriously fading by the end of the season, more so than they should have...
I am sure all managers do that, but it is nuts to hear one admit it about such an important moment. I am kind of surprised that the owners dont axe Freddi just for symbolic reasons.


Unconfirmed Member
If the Sox shit can Theo I'd like the Twins to go after him. Oh wait, they won't do that. Bill Smith is their GM. Fuckin' kill me.


never heard about the cat, apparently
yankeehater said:
I am sure all managers do that, but it is nuts to hear one admit it about such an important moment. I am kind of surprised that the owners dont axe Freddi just for symbolic reasons.
our owners just care whether we made a profit or not.
yankeehater said:
I am sure all managers do that, but it is nuts to hear one admit it about such an important moment. I am kind of surprised that the owners dont axe Freddi just for symbolic reasons.

The Braves are owned by a faceless corporation in Colorado. They only care about the financial bottom line.
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