Look, I'm not arguing lunacy in terms of nitpicky technical details. I'm simply saying that there are logical decisions that are being entirely ignored in situations where they would NOT be ignored purely for dramatic purposes. While the show definitely creates truth to fit their universe and to fit plot points, it is the characterization that is falling apart.
The entire President Logan characterization was a joke. It was a caricature; by the end of the first couple of scenes with Logan, it was already clear. He was a nervous imbecile vice-president who had no idea how to run a country...the anti-Cheney. Fine: This isn't too far-fetched. But, we didn't need 2-3 entire episodes where he played this part. We didn't need to see him making a complete ass out of himself. All we needed was one scene, where he makes a bad decision in the field, and then breaks down and asks for help. We didn't need CTU to question his abilities every five seconds. We didn't need 15 shots of Mike looking worried. We sure as hell didn't need for Jack to not even TELL the President that Marwan was manipulating them through an aid organization; that information would have actually forced a scene where he really considered his options, rather than being Mr. Dithers.
I don't like that 24 introduced a character as a contrived, one-dimensional mess purely to force Palmer back into the storyline. They can stretch reality all they want, but to throw Palmer back into it by creating the most idiotic vice-president in history? It doesn't work for me, at all.
I'm not overly annoyed be Chloe in the field...of course, they could have sent someone for the computer and not tried to hack it on-site (Would make a helluva lot more sense) but they wanted to get Chloe in the field to shoot people and it was a cool moment for the public. It still doesn't make sense for it to have occured, and in all honesty it was more or less a contrived "GO CHLOE" moment. I'll take that over a completely contrived character any day, but it still isn't exactly storytelling.
Someone said above that as a whole the seasons tend to come together better...and you're half right. On one hand, yes; taken as a whole, Season 3 really does come together very well as a long-term story arc surrounding the virus. On the other hand...it's hard for some seasons to come together in their latter halves. For instance, Season 2 nosedived once the bomb went off. Sure, there were problems before that (See: Kim) but afterwards it never WENT anywhere. There were really no answers to speak of, it ended in a cliffhanger that hasn't been resolved, and it really never came back from its slow points.
This season was very good through the first half, you're right. It seemed grounded, focused, and with a strong terrorist threat as its centre. But...now it HAS spiralled into contrivance.
1. Train Derailment
2. Kidnapping of the Secretary of Defence
3. Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown
Here is where I think the logical threat really began to end. Because, while a train derailment, a kidnapping and a meltdown are all strong terrorist threats, they are also all major plot points. But then...
4. Hijacked Stealth Fighter Shoots Down Air Force One
5. Recovery of the Nuclear Football
6. Fire Nuclear Warhead against United States
Here's the big issue for me...this could have been an entire fucking season! It's very clear to me that in planning this season, they didn't plan out long story-arcs. They recognized that these created slow points and decided that they'd simply create a rapid, nonstop motion of terrorist attack after terrorist attack. And, do you know what? It's bullshit. Season 1 was about the kidnapping of Jack's Family because of the Drazen incident. Season 2 was about the threat of a nuclear bomb. Season 3 was about the threat of a virus.
Season 4 is about the threat of the fucking apocalypse. While this may seem "Cool", "Awesome" and "Wicked Awesome", it's also creating a clusterfuck of epic proportions. When you view THIS season as a whole, you see that it is a complete and total contrivance to believe that in the span of 24 hours terrorists could plan all of this...and what'd the end-game? The first three pointed to the nuclear reactors being the end-game...but no! There's then Air Force One...and now nuclear missiles. So why not just do that? It would have been far less suspicious, and you'd have a much better chance of succeeding without the authorities tracking you down for the earlier attacks.
I know that there are episodes remaining; I know that they will feature exciting action, gripping drama, and plenty of death and destruction. But, when I look on the season as a whole...it's a fucking mess. I think 24 has gone mainstream...Season 1's isolated, intriguing and gripping storyline has been replaced by a storyline of "OMG THE TERRORISTS ARE ATTACKING LET'S KILL PEOPLE!". Season 2 was bad enough...but this is an even greater departure from Season 1. And that...is not a good thing.