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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


BenjaminBirdie said:
Pretty much. PS3 would have to do much better than just keeping up or eking out 60-70,000 unit victories to bridge the gap.

I think at this point it isn't realistic for Sony to do much better than that. They should just hope to draw even in the US and continue to outsell everywhere else. Consistently outselling the 360 in the US just isn't going to happen.

Edit: Is this the first time a game has sold 3million in a week and had numbers considered "disappointing"?
jjasper said:
I think at this point it isn't realistic for Sony to do much better than that. They should just hope to draw even in the US and continue to outsell everywhere else. Consistently outselling the 360 in the US just isn't going to happen.

Remember when people said there'd be a three way split for the territories?

Oh, Wii.


dammitmattt said:


Really. Of course, if you think that RROD chops are still funny, more power to you - I never found it very amusing myself. But like I said, it's good to see that some people are still so easily amused. It keeps them out of trouble.
JavyOO7 said:
Cry me a fucking river.

Sold out? How? By being smart? Then shit I'm surprised not every single company out there hasn't done what Nintendo has done yet.

All Nintendo has done is create games for two specific markets. The hard core market where they release the Mario's and Zelda's and Donkey Kong's and the casual market where they released Nintendogs, Brain Training, Animal Crossing and etc. And the casual market, the same market which was the reason why the NES/SNES/PS1/PS2/GB/GBC and the DS and Wii now have on a strangle hold is why the former and latter consoles have done so well. The hardcore market is a small market and is no where near the size of the casual market. At first I was just like you, spouting off how Nintendo had 'sold out' the hardcore and had focused on the casuals. But then I realized the brilliance of their plan. Those same casuals, you know, the same folk you hate for some stupid reason, is the reason why the Animal Crossings and Nintendogs of the world have sold so well. Its why the Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy of the world have done so well. You think 5 million hardcore players in Japan bought NSMB? My fucking ass they did. The hardcore were plenty for those titles and many others but the juggernaut of the beast is that the casual gamer that Nintendo has been furiously targeting all of this time have decided: "Well you know what, I don't want a PSP or anything else. I like Brain Training but I want some thing else... oh snap, Mario!!" And then the domino effect came. And here we are today.

I have always wanted ever since the SNES came and went was a console where I could control the game through motion. I remember days on end playing Ken Griffey on the SNES wishing I could swing the bat on my own without pressing a button. A decade and a half later that idea came true. I'm sorry to say this, but THIS is where gaming is heading next. And you feel this won't evolve any further? Its always been GRAPHICS GRAPHICS GRAPHICS. That's fucking fantastic! I'm a graphic whore myself! Do I wish Mario Galaxy could push millions of polygons more and look fucking snazzy on a 1080P television with a 120 frame rate? Basically looking like the next toy story? Absolutely! Its not like I'll suck off of Nintendo's teat and tell myself they are great and they are perfect. They are far from it. Their online needs help and they are behind in features by an entire generation, the Wii is basically a souped up Game Cube, their Virtual Console titles need to drop by 3 bucks for each console... but guess what. All those negatives CANNOT take away the positives that the Wii has for ME and the other 20 plus million assholes who bought the Wii. I get tired of Mario Kart for the day? Okay, there's always Wii Sports. But OH! You say "Lawl, Wii Sports? You aren't hardcore for shit!" I'm not, am I? Well piss off. I'm probably more hardcore than you for fucks sakes. Wii Sports is no doubt a shallow experience that could be improved on in years to come, but guess what, once again the positives for ME outweighs the negatives that game has and that goes for every other Nintendo title released for the Wii.

I even dare say it that the Wii is just as much next gen than the PS3 and 360 other. So it doesn't have the main ingredient, GRAPHICS. Okay, so? The graphics for the Wii are no way perfect and Super Mario Galaxy would be considered a low end game for the 360, but its that controller input is what will ultimately push millions of more people to buy a Wii regardless of how crap it looks compared to Gears of War and Uncharted.

What is your fear? That your lovable hardcore games will go the way of the do do? Are you INSANE? And I thought borghe was insane for insisting that John Cena was actually a good wrestler. Guess what, for the ends of time there will always be developers that have titles that tailor to the hardcore and are THANKFUL that there are other casual gamers out there who want to try out the next sequel in Uncharted or Gears of War or whatever. So why are you so worried? Oh right, because this constant need of GRAPHICS and HIGH DEFINITION is what fuels you. And having that jRPG that goes on for 80 hours with a storyline about Cloud fending off Sephiroth with a BIG ASS SWORD and exploring or having some bald spaced marine fending off 500 enemies without getting hurt once like a scene from Ninja Scroll... because that's fine! That's fantastic I love that shit. But you know what I also love? Immersing myself in a video game by controlling personally what goes on in the game. And the Wii has offered that to me. Everyone in this board hated Elebits for some reason but its actually my second favorite game because holy shit its fucking awesome playing with the floaty physics of that game. Am I not hardcore enough for you? Do you want me to play Contra 5 on the 360 for you to prove you my worth? Please.

Listen. This industry (just like any other industry I'm sure) is a dog eat dog industry. Only the toughest survive. Nintendo years back thought "oh fuck we are done with". So what did they do? Change their strategies and look where they are now? But they sold out you say! So I'm assuming Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, Zelda and all the other Nintendo shit is old stuff and you want to play fucking Call of Duty because its such a magnificent new concept of a game and oh my god look how many ways you can ass rape that solder HIYAHHHH!

My un important and useless prediction of the day is simple: motion controllers are the future. Developers of all walks of life are going to have to change their game design concepts completely to accommodate for an ever growing market of people wanting to inter act with a game... and is that so bad? Is that so bad that your MOTHER or FATHER want to game now as well? So what if they don't game the shit that you play? Isn't not whats more important is that they are enjoying the same hobby that years back probably they looked at you like you just gave them a hitler salute and laughed at your face for hours on end? Whats so bad about a new market (or rather, an ever existing market multiplied times fifty) that wants to play video games? Is that so bad? Because guess what, if Rock star one day decides to release I AM A FUCKING NON GAME that has the best motion controlling ever and out sells GRAND THEFT AUTO 4: HERE WE GO AGAIN and it sells pretty damn well in its own right... is that going to kill you? Because if it does, maybe its time for you to take a step back and not take video games too seriously. Or maybe you should be subjected to having Mike Tenay and Don West scream at your fucking television every 5 seconds.

This talk of 'real' consoles makes me laugh too damn hard. Give me a fucking break. You aren't that hard core, you are just a hardly core. Just stand back and realize whats going on in the industry right now will benefit the I AM A FUCKING NON GAMER market and the I AM A FUCKING HARDCORE GAMER market will benefit from this as well. But your Halo 3 mountain dew filled rage won't let you see that. Hopefully it does.

This needs to be done by yahtzee


Kaervas said:
Hope this hasn't been posted already.


Who is the noble? I dont recognise him.


Tag of Excellence
jjasper said:
I think at this point it isn't realistic for Sony to do much better than that. They should just hope to draw even in the US and continue to outsell everywhere else. Consistently outselling the 360 in the US just isn't going to happen.

Edit: Is this the first time a game has sold 3million in a week and had numbers considered "disappointing"?
Pretty much. I think first, second, and third place has been cemented. It looks like the Wii will continue to dominate with the 360 coasting by just fine with its steady stream of hits. The PS3's fate seems pretty much sealed with the 360 heavily trouncing it with its GTAIV sales and holiday lineup.

EDIT: Except MGS4 will be amazing, woooooo!

Tom Penny

marc^o^ said:
Price cut don't solve all issues, ask the GC or the x360 in Europe. Wii is selling insanely thanks to its value proposition.

A x360 will remain a x360, no matter at what price it is sold. And what people want is a wii.

Joke post?
Nocebo said:
Did you not see the graph a few pages back where it shows that 3rd party software sales are 60% of the total software sales on wii since last year?
EDIT: Here it is again.
It will be interesting to see how Force Unleashed and Alone in the dark fare on wii vs on HD consoles.

That was for the Christmas season. I'm sure that with Brawl, Mario Kart, and Wii Fit, the pendulum will swing greatly back in Nintendo's direction for the first half of 2008.

Also, 40% of sales for just one publisher is still a HUGE percentage. I hate to guess since I don't have the full numbers, but I'm sure that Microsoft's marketshare on the 360 is less than 10%.


dammitmattt said:
That was for the Christmas season. I'm sure that with Brawl, Mario Kart, and Wii Fit, the pendulum will swing greatly back in Nintendo's direction for the first half of 2008.

Also, 40% of sales for just one publisher is still a HUGE percentage. I hate to guess since I don't have the full numbers, but I'm sure that Microsoft's marketshare on the 360 is less than 10%.
The total software sales are increasing pretty rapidly though. Prior to Sony, first parties always had that kind of advantage on their home consoles, but 50-60% of the Wii market isn't a trivial amount, and at this rate third-party software sales on the Wii will probably pass those on the 360 within a few years, at most (judging by the PAL charts I think they may already have in Europe).
I flipped through my calender last night and came to the conclusion that the Wii could be at 20 million in the US by the end of the year - is that in line with expectation or over/under?


DeaconKnowledge said:
What's with this "GTA failed" mentality by the way? No it didn't push consoles like expected, but it still did amazingly well.

For arguably the biggest Third Party game released this generation. It failed to deliver. Does that mean 3m is bad? No. But for a game of this hype i think so.
Some people thought it would sell 6m and outsell Mario Kart 5 to 1. :).

Maybe we just had obcenely high expectations.


godisturbed said:
I flipped through my calender last night and came to the conclusion that the Wii could be at 20 million in the US by the end of the year - is that in line with expectation or over/under?

that's not in any way realistic.
Bastion said:
Why is is so bad for someone to criticize the Wiimote? I hate it. Nothing about it allows me to kick back and just play.

I am sure that most of the people that complain about my posts here are huge Nintendo fans and argue for Nintendo's sake, not because the just love the Wii console sooooo much.

Posts like these are the most uninformed in this thread in my opinion.

It doesn't matter if you don't like the Wiimote but that doesn't make it a piece of trash unsuited for deep gaming experiences. You think everyone who is enamored with the Wii is merely a blind Nintendo fanboy? Significant developers such as Will Wright, Yasumi Matsuno, Gabe Newell, and of course, Nintendo's own have gone on record and lauded the motion sensing and IR features going as far as saying that the Wii is the only next generation system this time around. It's obviously your right to disagree but when some of the best creative minds of gaming say such things, you should also recognize that the defense against your ignorant and petty remarks isn't exclusively based in fantard loyalty.


theguy said:
I was waiting for that. I have some VERY interesting insight that I'll be sharing with all of you soon. He had best check himself before he wrecks himself. Yeah, I'm going there. Oh, trust me, I WILL go there.

How soon? Or did you already share it and I missed it?
manueldelalas said:
The battle for the second place is really heated now
Not in North America. 360 has it wrapped up. I don't see any way the PS3 could catch up unless MS moves onto the next Xbox too soon and the PS3 really does have legs to go 10 years.


Grecco said:
For arguably the biggest Third Party game released this generation. It failed to deliver. Does that mean 3m is bad? No. But for a game of this hype i think so.
Some people thought it would sell 6m and outsell Mario Kart 5 to 1. :).

Maybe we just had obcenely high expectations.

I think people ought to wait at least until next month's numbers to come out before touting that line.

But I think your last sentiment probably rings the most true. Hell, this is probably the most "mature" and well developed iteration in the series yet.


Rancid Mildew said:
Posts like these are the most uninformed in this thread in my opinion.

It doesn't matter if you don't like the Wiimote but that doesn't make it a piece of trash unsuited for deep gaming experiences. You think everyone who is enamored with the Wii is merely a blind Nintendo fanboy? Significant developers such as Will Wright, Yasumi Matsuno, Gabe Newell, and of course, Nintendo's own have gone on record and lauded the motion sensing and IR features going as far as saying that the Wii is the only next generation system this time around. It's obviously your right to disagree but when some of the best creative minds of gaming say such things, you should also recognize that the defense against your ignorant and petty remarks isn't exclusively based in fantard loyalty.

Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

It's not ignorant for him to dislike the Wiimote. I don't like it either. As long as he's used it, I'm not sure what the problem is.


listen to the mad man
godisturbed said:
I flipped through my calender last night and came to the conclusion that the Wii could be at 20 million in the US by the end of the year - is that in line with expectation or over/under?

They only release global shipment expectations, which are ~24 million worldwide for this fiscal year (IE 24 million from March 2008 to March 2009; not counting pre March 2008 sales)

If you are referring to calendar year, I expect the Wii will do an average of 500k for the rest of the year, except November and December. Assuming 3 million in that period (generously), that's 5.5 million for the rest of the year for a cumulative ~15 million in the US. This would still be unheard of in the industry.

On the other hand, if the Wii averages 700k for the rest of the non-Holiday year, you'd get a total of 6.5 million for the rest of the year and a cumulative ~16 million.

20 million would be a stretch because it'd require 10.5 million sales in 7 months; knocking out 3 million for the holiday months, that's 7.5 million sales in 5 months (or approximately 1.5 million units per month in a non-holiday time--in other words, doing November-December level numbers all year).

TheBranca18 said:
Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Fallacy: Affirming the consequent; you falsely assume that reading internet articles on logical fallacies has a causational link towards being able to actually use logical fallacies in discourse. It doesn't. This is not a proper application of "Appeal to Authority".

Logical fallacies apply only to truth-claims in the logical sense. This is not a truth-claim, it's a argument focused on opinion-heuristics.

Even were the claim under discussion to be a truth claim, it still wouldn't be a fallacy because he's merely attempting to establish a burden of proof for the truth claim. Your claim is that the Wiimote is incapable of deep gameplay experiences. His rebuttal is that this is a less parsimonious claim than the opposite claim, and thus the burden of proof lies on you. In this sense, he is not using the developers as evidence towards truthfulness, but rather as evidence that you ought to have to justify your opinion.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Vaxadrin said:
Everyone's shocked and flabbergasted, but this comes as no suprise, and it's not going to change anything, really. The developers and publishers aren't going to suddenly start putting their good games on the Wii, they're just going to give it more of the same. The only difference is, now those cheap shovelware games will sell even more, which leads to better funding for the PC/PS3/360 games.
eventually you will be wrong. I concede that publishers are holding off the inevitable for as long as they possibly can, but eventually stockholders are going to start asking publishers why they are focusing a more expensive development system split across two completely different architectures that combined (eventually) don't even equal the size of one less expensive single architecture.

You guys are holding on for dear life.. definitely commendable.. but after Wii surpasses 360 in the US next month if you honestly believe management and shareholders are going to be happy with the way development is currently progressing you are going to be in for a startling revelation.

Much of the problem I think is that development houses started investing heavily in the HD gen architectures starting back in 2005 and were obviously caught by surprise at the Wii's success. STILL, the reasoning of "we are already invested in this architecture" won't matter to management and shareholders looking at a total PS360 installed base of like 20M and Wii's singular installed base of (eventually) 30M? 40M?

Davidion said:
I think people ought to wait at least until next month's numbers to come out before touting that line.
It is an established fact at this point that on the typical and even above average blockbusters these days, that over 50% of their lifetime sales typically happen within the first 5-7 days. also typically, a game that has legs has what most consider an impressive showing in it's first month, usually above expectations. The games that have average or below expectation showings that continue to have legs can probably be counted on one hand this gen.


Case said:
and Wii Fits coming next month?

People keep saying this but is this really going to change anything? Wii is selling out now so unless they have been stockpiling systems for the release the Wii will probably sell the same amount.


godisturbed said:
I flipped through my calender last night and came to the conclusion that the Wii could be at 20 million in the US by the end of the year - is that in line with expectation or over/under?

If the Wii keeps selling 700k a month through October, it will sell about 4.2m units between April and October. Then in November and December, I can see a combined total of about 3m (1m for November, 2m for December). 7.2m wouldn't quite do it. It's too high. Otherwise, to hit 20m by the end of the year, it would have to average about 1m consoles a month from now until the end of the year.
Talamius said:
To put it bluntly, not much. There would be a small bump, but nothing would come close to the Wii.

As has been stated several times, it's not about price now. It's about value. In the mainstream gamer's eyes, Wii is by far the top value.

Value is the wrong word. You're looking for the word "utility."

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
In an odd way the apparent lack of GTA4 "booster sales" shores up my own theory that yes, the single-uber megahit console selling title is mostly a myth, in most cases, but this applies backwards in history: the Gamecube did not do as well as hoped in software sales for big titles not because Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, etc, are the worst games ever or disappointment-tons (no matter what prickly, petty hardcore gripe about) but because the system itself was not as widely and quickly embraced as prior Nintendo consoles.

In short, if people already had the console, they'd be more likely to buy the big titles over everything else, but if they didn't have the console, even a top end Mario or Zelda (or GTA, etc) game is not enough to sway most of them by itself. One thing the hardcore often don't seem to grasp is that even people only slightly less devoted (obsessed) than themselves, people for whom videogaming is not their centerpiece, primary hobby, even if they play games a lot, are not nearly as likely to rush out and buy a $200-$300 dollar console for just 1 - 3 great games.

Wii is enjoying greater sales for core, traditional gaming titles overall, because more people are buying it faster, not necessarily because those titles are simply a billion times better than prior entries or any other games out there. (Though I do think on the whole, Nintendo's Wii era entries in their core series are either as good as, or significantly better than, the previous pinnacle titles in each series, with the exception of Super Paper Mario, which is good, but not nearly on the level of The Thousand Year Door.)

Having said that, I basically agree with the Wonder Rant upthread to the effect that at this point people are in total denial when trying to squeal that Wii is not a "real" console or that we're not witnessing a sea change in gaming rather than a fluke caused by somebody "selling out" for temporary success to a perceived casual gamer market. I personally know perhaps 30 dedicated, geeky, hardcore lifelong gamers, most of those, I know offline as well as Internet Personalities. Of those 30, about 25 bought a Wii. Of the remaining 5, the other 4 haven't found one yet, and 1 is a sourpuss who pretty much lives up to the stereotype of desiring only to run down hookers in stolen cars, and relive WWII yet again. And even he doesn't particularly hate Nintendo or work himself up into these hardcore hysterics over the Fall of Gaming.


jjasper said:
People keep saying this but is this really going to change anything? Wii is selling out now so unless they have been stockpiling systems for the release the Wii will probably sell the same amount.

The one effect I think it may have is to push back the eventual date when it stops selling out constantly month after month. I think with or without it it'd keep going for a while, but I think this is going to make the shortages "seem" worse. Instead of having some difficulty finding units (that eased up a little with massive supplies recently) we're going to go back to mass camp outs all across the country again and not being able to see units at all for months.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I could'nt give a fuck about aprils figures tbh, it's may's NPD figures that I'm wanting to see,


The Wii will always be on top, not only are more girls/woman buying into it now but families are buying into it, people that already own HD consoles are buying into it, pretty much everyone is buying into it from every demographic, the Wii is the 'modern day board game' it's the next step in evolution for family entertainment, yes the PS3 and 360 are very popular but they are still aimed at niche markets,

The Wii has lost that gaming 'geek' type stigma completely, It's the first console to truly do that tbh and they deserve allot of praise for it, it benefits everyone, computer games as a whole are becoming more a form of entertainment than a 'school boy hobby', Nintendo have played a big part in changing public opinion in this matter, I really wouldn't be surprised if 5/10 years down the line more family's have a Wii under the TV than there are families that own the Monopoly board game, it just seems a given today that if you have a family then you should have a Wii, and why not tbh.
TheBranca18 said:
Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

That's not an appeal to authority. I'm not using their statements to justify a position. The fact that they made that statement refutes Bastion's claim that anyone defending it is a Nintendo fantard.

edit: And besides, not all opinions are created equal. We place faith in our favorite game developers in every game related thread because they know what they're doing.

It's not ignorant for him to dislike the Wiimote. I don't like it either. As long as he's used it, I'm not sure what the problem is.

You're misreading my post. I don't care if anyone thinks the Wiimote is trash, and say so in my post, but I take issue with the idea that anyone defending it is a Nintendo fanboy. There are plenty of non-fanboy individuals that recognize the merits of the controller.
Grecco said:
For arguably the biggest Third Party game released this generation. It failed to deliver. Does that mean 3m is bad? No. But for a game of this hype i think so.
Some people thought it would sell 6m and outsell Mario Kart 5 to 1. :).

Maybe we just had obcenely high expectations.

It did sell 6 million
, and at least I was correct about Mario Kart's sales. :)

Anyway, GTA4 will continue to sell well over the next few months and I would be shocked if it doesn't cross 6+ million sold in the US this year and 12+ million sold worldwide. That's pretty damn impressive.


Well I had an Xbox last generation and loved it despite it having low marketshare so I don't mind that my 360 and PS3 don't have the most marketshare. That is, as long as the sweet games keep coming.

The Wii is here to stay. The one thing they really nailed is offline multiplayer. As much as I like playing games online, it's just not as fun as playing with a bunch of friends right next to you, and in my experience the Wii is the best console for that.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
At the way its selling 13 to 14 million is realistic. Now when they bring the different color Wiis to the market thats when it will take off past 20.
I would buy another one.........



At the way its selling 13 to 14 million is realistic. Now when they bring the different color Wiis to the market thats when it will take off past 20.

it will get past 20 on its own in due time, just not this year. as others have laid out, the math just isn't there, to borrow a phrase from political pundits trying to 'splain to hillary that it just won't work.
Kaijima said:
In an odd way the apparent lack of GTA4 "booster sales" shores up my own theory that yes, the single-uber megahit console selling title is mostly a myth, in most cases, but this applies backwards in history: the Gamecube did not do as well as hoped in software sales for big titles not because Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, etc, are the worst games ever or disappointment-tons (no matter what prickly, petty hardcore gripe about) but because the system itself was not as widely and quickly embraced as prior Nintendo consoles.

In short, if people already had the console, they'd be more likely to buy the big titles over everything else, but if they didn't have the console, even a top end Mario or Zelda (or GTA, etc) game is not enough to sway most of them by itself. One thing the hardcore often don't seem to grasp is that even people only slightly less devoted (obsessed) than themselves, people for whom videogaming is not their centerpiece, primary hobby, even if they play games a lot, are not nearly as likely to rush out and buy a $200-$300 dollar console for just 1 - 3 great games.

Wii is enjoying greater sales for core, traditional gaming titles overall, because more people are buying it faster, not necessarily because those titles are simply a billion times better than prior entries or any other games out there. (Though I do think on the whole, Nintendo's Wii era entries in their core series are either as good as, or significantly better than, the previous pinnacle titles in each series, with the exception of Super Paper Mario, which is good, but not nearly on the level of The Thousand Year Door.)

Having said that, I basically agree with the Wonder Rant upthread to the effect that at this point people are in total denial when trying to squeal that Wii is not a "real" console or that we're not witnessing a sea change in gaming rather than a fluke caused by somebody "selling out" for temporary success to a perceived casual gamer market. I personally know perhaps 30 dedicated, geeky, hardcore lifelong gamers, most of those, I know offline as well as Internet Personalities. Of those 30, about 25 bought a Wii. Of the remaining 5, the other 4 haven't found one yet, and 1 is a sourpuss who pretty much lives up to the stereotype of desiring only to run down hookers in stolen cars, and relive WWII yet again. And even he doesn't particularly hate Nintendo or work himself up into these hardcore hysterics over the Fall of Gaming.

So you would argue that Wii Sports is not selling the Wii?


borghe said:
It is an established fact at this point that on the typical and even above average blockbusters these days, that over 50% of their lifetime sales typically happen within the first 5-7 days. also typically, a game that has legs has what most consider an impressive showing in it's first month, usually above expectations. The games that have average or below expectation showings that continue to have legs can probably be counted on one hand this gen.

No need to tow that line, I'm well aware of it (I actually do analysis on street release data for a living). ;)

At the end of the day, just because a title has a tail doesn't mean the initial drop must be significant. And while GTA's numbers aren't necessarily fantastic, when you consider that it's divided across two different platforms it's also not entirely weak either. I feel that a game in a series with the notoriety of GTA will have a longer and overall healthier life cycle than most other games/franchises out there.

Make no mistake, it's not performed nearly as well as I had expected. But I'm not about to write it off as being a failure just yet. Overall, I'm optimistic about the product's long term lifespan.

dammitmattt said:
So you would argue that Wii Sports is not selling the Wii?

Wii sports delivers on the promise of a new experience, and it's that experience that's driving wii sales. The actual game itself matters little. I think a lot of people are not taking this into consideration when they compare a title like wii sports and other supposed "system sellers" like GTA and Halo.


dead souls said:
I completely disagree with this. Neither the PS3 or 360 has more than a handful of games I'd buy at full price, or even half price.

The 360 library in particular has been way too reliant on shooters, sports and driving games.

I'll easily take the software library of the Wii over that of the HD consoles.

I include Wii in "this generation," y'know :D. I would take the Wii's library over either the 360's or PS3's (look guys, I'm a hardcore gamer with lots of disposable income. That means that I own all 5 consoles. And when that happens, 3-5 really really awesome games for a console each year is way more important than 10 awesome games for the console because, let's face it, you don't have time to play 10 awesome games on 5 consoles each year!), but not both put together. Either way, I'm incredibly happy with all 3 consoles' lineups.

Steroyd said:
Like what?

Seriously when it comes to Nintendo they are the dogs bollocks of gameplay and using the full featureset of the system they built extraordinarily well (Zelda Phantom Hourglass HOT DAMN!!!), your asking third party devs to look at possibilities of what the system can do with complete uncertainty of it working and a deadline.

RE4 for a start. There's lots of niches that Nintendo's not filling that third parties could do. I'm personally waiting for Square to get a halfway decent JRPG on the system (KH3 will sell like gangbusters, and the Wii is the most logical place to put it).

BTW, anyone remember when Reggie said that US Wii sales would surpass US 360 sales by June? I thought he was crazy, with 360 sales set to be buoyed by GTAIV, but now it looks pretty plausible. Anyone know LTDs for Wii and 360, so we can see how much they'd have to outsell them over the next two months to make Reggie's prediction true? Hell, is there a chance that we'll see it in May?

Also, still no Okami wii numbers? =(


Bad Art ™
Is the shrinkage of the hardcore market really a big surprise ? If the game industry is serious about competing with movie/music/... it has to become more mainstream.


IBuyEveryGame said:
It's never about money. If you knew who you were, and believed that, you would create abundance for whatever you wish.

Money is the trigger for thought and to question integrity and beliefs about yourself.

What messages do you get from your objects?

How do you feel playing as Niko Bellic, you see.

You have come here, on your planet, to play with symbols of a physical nature, to then examine your creations, and shift your thoughts, if need be.

Your beliefs cause all of your anxiety, fears, and hardship. Your objects will faithfully show you that.

Please start posting in every NPD thread fromk now on :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Davidion said:
No need to tow that line, I'm well aware of it (I actually do analysis on street release data for a living). ;)

At the end of the day, just because a title has a tail doesn't mean the initial drop must be significant. And while GTA's numbers aren't necessarily fantastic, when you consider that it's divided across two different platforms it's also not entirely weak either. I feel that a game in a series with the notoriety of GTA will have a longer and overall healthier life cycle than most other games/franchises out there.

Make no mistake, it's not performed nearly as well as I had expected. But I'm not about to write it off as being a failure just yet. Overall, I'm optimistic about the product's long term lifespan.
actually when you split it's sales across two consoles, they are even that much worse compared to previous installments. I also question "I feel that a game in a series with the notoriety of GTA". I feel that the days of GTAs "notoriety" in terms of selling units are done. Heck, just turn on the TV and.. oh wait, there isn't anything on GTAIV on the TV anymore (a week later).

And note that I am NOT bashing GTA nor pointing out its sales.. I am just saying that I think this one is going to perform completely different than all previous titles in the series since it hit the PS2.

Wii sports delivers on the promise of a new experience, and it's that experience that's driving wii sales. The actual game itself matters little. I think a lot of people are not taking this into consideration when they compare a title like wii sports and other supposed "system sellers" like GTA and Halo.
umm... that's what all system sellers do. Provide a new experience. Whether it's waggle, shooting hookers, or fantastic multiplayer. Your definition of a system seller is spot on, but you don't need new hardware or tech to meet that definition. I think the point you are indirectly making is that newer iterations of basically the same games are causing those series to shed their system seller status. whereas earlier iterations WERE new and unique experiences that caused them to shift consoles.
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