Vaandaviii said:
The wii is successful for the same reasons playstation was. A large part of the non-gaming population began to see videogaming as not embarrassing. First it was kids and teenagers of all kinds, now it's mums and grandmas.
Moms see Playstation as the cancer of children childhood, something that should dissapear. Give me one mum that hasn't said once "Are you still/again playing with the console???".
Wii is seen as a board game instead, as scrabble, as trivial pursuit... something that the whole family can enjoy and be proud of. At work I see everybody being "proud" of playing the Wii, while many people play PS3 or PC, but they doesn't tell everybody about it. That's what's making wii successful, its aim to be a family central console, and the fact that people is proud of playing wii, as with having an ipod or a nokia n95. It's just fashionable.
That's what's killing videogames, but hey, that's my opinion.
I assume that nothing quoted this post because a lot of people must have you on the ignore list saying things like that.
That said, moms see the Wii as a white Playstation, there isn't a "proud to play Wii" sentiment, or people like see the Wii as a board-games machine, it's a videogame console, same as 360, Ps3 or PSP, but it has games that go beyond the racing/shooting genre that is so massified in this years, so it can appeal to people that didn't played videogames in the past.
Nothing is killing videogames, Wii is the same as PS2 in 2002 (it still has to reach those amazing sales levels that PS2 did in holidays), but instead of shitty games and great games, it has shitty games with waggle and great games.
What about the huge list of Buzz! games and Singstars? That wasn't killing gaming right?
And yeah sure, people doesn't talk about playing PS3 or PC, come on ...
Vaandaviii said:
Wii sucks, as many mediatic as fashionable articles. But I understand videogame ignorants to enjoy simple, stupid and repetitive mechanics. I enjoyed with shit like that in the eighties, why couldn't they enjoy them now?
Great phrase, so Wii sucks because it's a fashionable article, it's the same thing that people that hates everything that it's commercial because they can't feel unique enjoying those products, music or clothes.
Wii will attract people to the gaming industry and that's a good thing, people will spend money on hour favorite hobby and that will gives us more games, but hey, I know that 95% of all the posts in this thread bashing the Wii success are from people that enjoyed the 75% market share that PS1 and PS2 had, and now feel insecure.
Btw, I have a Wii, a 360, a N95 and an iPod touch, and I bought all of these things because I wanted, I don't give a fuck if the things sell 400 Millions or the company that made it goes bankruptcy, I was years with only a Gamecube and when GT4 launched I bought a PS2 because I wanted that game.