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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
King_Slender said:
There will always be good music and movies, it's just that something like the Wii is analogous to bubble-gum pop music, a la the hey-day of Brittany Spears or New Kids on the Block. It's in a completely different category and the people buying it are not the same people that brought the industry up.

hey look another wii=britney spears, ps360=beatles analogy post

complete and utter bullshit


dead souls said:
I completely disagree with this. Neither the PS3 or 360 has more than a handful of games I'd buy at full price, or even half price.

The 360 library in particular has been way too reliant on shooters, sports and driving games.

I'll easily take the software library of the Wii over that of the HD consoles.

I'm wondering when this stigma will be gone for good considering that it hasn't been true for quite a while now.


I just went trough 44 pages of absolute funny, anger, wonder and plain stupid.

All I can say is: GAF, don't change. Just don't stop being awesome.

Hugs and kisses,



vdo said:
I've been reading through this thread, but it is way too big to see if anyone has mentioned this, but I think that there is more than just the console price people are considering..
Price isn't really the issue at this point is it? I can't see that if the 360 was say $50 less that the amount of 360s sold would still be in the 700k range like the Wii.

The Wii has the "IT" factor now, something that people want and are proactive in going out to try and find. Just like the iPOD at it's early launch. Not necessarily the best product but because of the IT factor people just had to have.

I don't see Microsoft or Sony able to do anything to get that IT factor at this point. The best they can do is maintain any momentum they have and maintain their software sales because that is where they're going to make their money.

At this point I think Microsoft is just happy to be making money on a platform that was costing them a lot in the past. They're probably satisfied (I didn't say happy) with pulling even with Sony and will continue to be satisfied going neck and neck with them until Fall and the xmas season where they'll likely drop the price to capture the important holiday marketshare.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
To the sales age specialists: is Wii on track to reach a 50 million userbase by the end of this fiscal year?

26 millions now
10 millions more until october
8 millions in Nov/Dec
6 millions Jan-March 09

This is very optimistic I reckon, but it's not completely crazy based on what we've seen so far.


pr0cs said:
Price isn't really the issue at this point is it? I can't see that if the 360 was say $50 less that the amount of 360s sold would still be in the 700k range like the Wii.

The Wii has the "IT" factor now, something that people want and are proactive in going out to try and find. Just like the iPOD at it's early launch. Not necessarily the best product but because of the IT factor people just had to have.

I don't see Microsoft or Sony able to do anything to get that IT factor at this point. The best they can do is maintain any momentum they have and maintain their software sales because that is where they're going to make their money.

At this point I think Microsoft is just happy to be making money on a platform that was costing them a lot in the past. They're probably satisfied (I didn't say happy) with pulling even with Sony and will continue to be satisfied going neck and neck with them until Fall and the xmas season where they'll likely drop the price to capture the important holiday marketshare.

Too much of your post is correct. You should tone that down.


dammitmattt said:
If you're talking new core game IPs, the Wii doesn't even come close. I don't want to start list wars, but to list a few we've seen Gears, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance, and Uncharted. There's not a single new core IP on the Wii that's close to the level (sales or metacritic) of these games. The majority of new core IP development is happening on the HD consoles. That's a fact.

I agree completely with you that there are plenty of great core experiences on the Wii, but the rest of your argument is a reach.

Assassin's Creed, Resistance, and Uncharted are supposed to be measurements of sales success now? News to me.

And of course there are going to be more new IPs developed for the HD consoles since the entire industry (developers, media, and analysts) expected the PS3 to come in and dominate like last time.

To expect third parties to continue to develop for these systems when the cost of entry and userbase is much more lucrative on the Wii is pretty ridiculous.


listen to the mad man
marc^o^ said:
To the sales age specialists: is Wii on track to reach a 50 million userbase by the end of this fiscal year?

26 millions now
10 millions more until october
8 millions in Nov/Dec
6 millions Jan-March 09

This is very optimistic I reckon, but it's not completely crazy based on what we've seen so far.

It's a wash.

24.5 million as of end of fiscal 2008 (March 31, 2008).
25 million to be shipped in fiscal 2009.

Now, Nintendo has for the last few years raised its projections repeatedly during the year... If that repeats this year, then shipments will exceed fiddy million during this fiscal year. If it does not raise expectations this year, then they'll squeak just under the line.
RJT said:
Am I the only one going PCwii? I have the advantage of being able to use the wiimote on HD shooters...

PCWii here too but not so i can use the Wii-mote on the PC but so i get the best gaming experience at the cheapest price :) Sure, i may have to wait a little while (GTA4, Burnout Paradise etc. etc.) but i'm happy with that. I have too many games to play as it is.

All the shitting on the Wii in here is ridiculous.
The PS2 did not sell 120m units to the bloody core gamer. It sold 110m units to the casuals because that is where all the casual games/shovelware etc. went and is the console that everyone played on at "their mates". The Wii is simply taking that market right out of the blocks due to the price and mainstream software/appeal.

It is not ruining core gaming in the slightest and even after huge sales of games like CoD4, Halo and GoW people are still saying it is? :lol :lol :lol

EDIT: I'm also not gonna consider a 360 until they sort out that damn RROD issue (complete overhaul or i won't believe it is fixed), which is the thinking of other people i know. As for the PS3.... it is still way to expensive for the gaming it offers (most of what i want is multi-platform).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
dammitmattt said:
I'm going to disagree with you here. The only new game concepts I've seen on the Wii skew towards the casual side of gaming (Wii Sports and Boom Blox being two of the best examples). Quickly perusing my Wii catalog, I don't have a single game (outside of "casual" games like Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Boom Blox) that introduce any new concepts. You might argue that these three games hit both demographics, but I don't think you'd argue that these were "core" games, as defined by your argument above. The best "core" games on the Wii (Mario, Zelda, Smash, Mario Kart, Metroid) take existing concepts and graft on the Wii controls. The same is true for the top 3rd party games (RE4, Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes).

I would argue that the true advancements in the core games mostly revolve around online aspects such as drop-in/drop-out co-operative play, Forge, Saved Films, and DLC. And yes I'm well aware that games such as Boom Blox are doing things similar to Forge. That's the innovation I've seen in the core space, in addition to the genre refinement that happens on new generations. Most of the gameplay innovation I've seen this generation revolves around the more casual titles on the Wii.
Don't think it's lost on me how you completely ignore the control innovations brought to the table. Even if you are performing the same actions in the game, doing so with a new controller that might be more intuitive, natural, or fluid is an innovation. To me, games like RE4 and Metroid Prime 3 are standards bearers... games that MS and Sony will NOT be able to ignore. Is it basically just the mouse realized on a console? Yes, but umm..... that's pretty god damn big, and something that up until now know one has been able to get around. Now that it's been solved, you are seeing a lot of stuff coming into the console space that, while second nature to PC gamers, is pretty god damn enlightening and fresh to console only gamers.

If you're talking new core game IPs, the Wii doesn't even come close. I don't want to start list wars, but to list a few we've seen Gears, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance, and Uncharted. There's not a single new core IP on the Wii that's close to the level (sales or metacritic) of these games. The majority of new core IP development is happening on the HD consoles. That's a fact.
reread exactly what I wrote. I said larger "percentage". Of course 360 has more new IPs. It has more third party support (which is a whole different discussion). BUT, those titles you listed and other original IPs are fighting for space amongst the landslide of the sequels to the exact same titles we've been playing for the last 10 years. On Wii, most of the sequelitis is happening with Nintendo which comparatively in terms of total available titles is relatively small. The point is that on 360 and PS3, the MO seems to be that if you are a big publisher and are going to make a game for those systems, you are going to make a game in an existing series. On Wii (talking about third parties here), it seems that the two major trains of thoughts are either to port a PS2 game, OR create either an entirely new IP or an entirely new game system inside of an existing franchise. It's a very small percentage of Wii titles that are MOH:A, COD3, etc.

Mind you I am NOT saying Wii is doing it better or that better or more original games are coming on Wii. I am saying though that the Wii is playing a pretty large chunk in advancing the core game market, both in control innovation (through necessity), design innovation (through limitations of the system and the need to work around them), and new IPs (due to devs and pubs not wanting to bring over existing IPs which would be segmenting them from their "traditional" outings on the "traditional" systems).


:lol @ completely absurd Wii hate in this thread.

Wanting to be "hardcore" and wanting to be "number 1 in popularity" is a complete oxymoron in every entertainment industry there ever was. I guess it's because video gaming is still very much still in it's infancy that the "hardcore gamers" are having such trouble with this little identity crisis.

Me, I'm just thrilled that I got to buy GTAIV and MK Wii in the same week. :D


Hero said:
To expect third parties to continue to develop for these systems when the cost of entry and userbase is much more lucrative on the Wii is pretty ridiculous.

It's not ridiculous to think that. How is competing directly against Nintendo on their own platform more lucrative? Nintendo doesn't exactly foster third-party development like Microsoft and Sony.

I doubt we'll ever see a third-party hardcore game (new IP or otherwise) on the Wii sell at the level of COD4 or Assassin's Creed.


Hail to the KING baby
stuminus3 said:
Wanting to be "hardcore" and wanting to be "number 1 in popularity" is a complete oxymoron in every entertainment industry there ever was. I guess it's because video gaming is still very much still in it's infancy that the "hardcore gamers" are having such trouble with this little identity crisis.

i don't know about all that--hardcore gamers have been around for a long time; longer than Nintendo consoles that's for sure. i have existed for 28 years for example. so who is "infantile" here?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
stuminus3 said:
Me, I'm just thrilled that I got to buy GTAIV and MK Wii in the same week. :D
word, not to mention SingStar and WiiFit two weeks later :)

seriously. :)

AstroLad said:
i don't know about all that--hardcore gamers have been around for a long time; longer than Nintendo consoles that's for sure. i have existed for 28 years for example. so who is "infantile" here?
oh yeah, I don't agree with his assessment at all. What I do agree with is that "hardcore" gamers (I like core gamer so much better) have driven the main focus of the industry for years, and that focus is shifting. Much like Rock drove the focus of the music industry for years and then it shifted. I think hardcore gamers have enjoyed that focus for quite some time and much like all the guys with teased hair back in the 80's don't look forward to being passed over... but his assessment is correct in the regards that the market is potentially shifting focus here and the core gamer isn't liking it. However just like when the spotlight left hard rock back in the 80's and the music industry survived just fine, the game industry will do the same here. Just like there is still rock being recorded there will always be core games being developed.


soldat7 said:
It's not ridiculous to think that. How is competing directly against Nintendo on their own platform more lucrative? Nintendo doesn't exactly foster third-party development like Microsoft and Sony.

I doubt we'll ever see a third-party hardcore game (new IP or otherwise) on the Wii sell at the level of COD4 or Assassin's Creed.
AC is not hardcore, its not even a game. Its a non-game.


pr0cs said:
At this point I think Microsoft is just happy to be making money on a platform that was costing them a lot in the past.

Yep, and people seem to be forgetting that their business model basically relies on selling lots of games and they're doing very well in that regard.


pr0cs said:
Price isn't really the issue at this point is it? I can't see that if the 360 was say $50 less that the amount of 360s sold would still be in the 700k range like the Wii.

The Wii has the "IT" factor now, something that people want and are proactive in going out to try and find. Just like the iPOD at it's early launch. Not necessarily the best product but because of the IT factor people just had to have.

I don't see Microsoft or Sony able to do anything to get that IT factor at this point. The best they can do is maintain any momentum they have and maintain their software sales because that is where they're going to make their money.

At this point I think Microsoft is just happy to be making money on a platform that was costing them a lot in the past. They're probably satisfied (I didn't say happy) with pulling even with Sony and will continue to be satisfied going neck and neck with them until Fall and the xmas season where they'll likely drop the price to capture the important holiday marketshare.

I agree that the Wii has the "IT" factor and don't think that there is anyway for the other consoles to get near its sales because of that.

But I wasn't saying that if the 360 was priced less, it would have sold more than the Wii. I was saying that there is added baggage to the HD consoles in that they are being marketed as HD and so people may be factoring the HD setup they would need to take advantage of them in their purchase. So, while the Wii would still absolutely trounce the HD consoles in any case, I am thinking that the HD consoles would do somewhat better if more people already had HD setups. I think this first HD generation of consoles has to go through the growing pains of people getting HD setups in the first place. That is actually the main reason that I have not gotten an HD console yet is that I am wanting to get an HDTV first.
Hero said:
Assassin's Creed, Resistance, and Uncharted are supposed to be measurements of sales success now? News to me.

And of course there are going to be more new IPs developed for the HD consoles since the entire industry (developers, media, and analysts) expected the PS3 to come in and dominate like last time.

To expect third parties to continue to develop for these systems when the cost of entry and userbase is much more lucrative on the Wii is pretty ridiculous.

Did you even read the post that I was responding to? I was responding to the assertion that the innovation and new IP development for core games is as strong or better on the Wii, which I strongly disagreed with. You responded to me with something that has nothing to do with the conversation.

Also, here are some sales figures for you to chew on:

Assassin's Creed - > 3.5 million worldwide
Resistance - > 2.5 million worldwide
Uncharted - > 1.5 million worldwide

Are there any core-focused new IPs on the Wii that have comparable sales?
dammitmattt said:
If you're talking new core game IPs, the Wii doesn't even come close. I don't want to start list wars, but to list a few we've seen Gears, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance, and Uncharted. There's not a single new core IP on the Wii that's close to the level (sales or metacritic) of these games.

Metacritic you say?
Assassin's Creed - 81
Resistance - 86
Uncharted - 88

No More Heroes - 83
Boom Blox - 85
Zack & Wiki - 87

So they don't come close?
Sales wise i agree but the PS3 is certainly not a bastion of great new IP's no matter how people like to spin it. Is there even a 90+ original IP out on the PS3 yet? The 360 is a different beast, but then it has been out for a year longer and has had the market share lead to warrant the big 3rd party games up until now (and still does sales wise).

dammitmattt said:
Are there any core-focused new IPs on the Wii that have comparable sales?
Are there any core focussed games full stop? Other than NMH?


vdo said:
So, while the Wii would still absolutely trounce the HD consoles in any case, I am thinking that the HD consoles would do somewhat better if more people already had HD setups. .
It's probably a factor but not as much as you would think. A lot of the 'next gen' experiences are great in SD, I played Gears of War in SD with stereo sound with a family member who didn't have a HD setup and we still had a ton of fun.
The sales numbers may have been higher if HD had better market penetration in the USA but the numbers still would be no where near the Wii.
I have no solid data on Japan but from what I understand HD is commonplace there and still the Wii does a lot better than the PS3 and 360 so the HD generation isn't that big of a deal.

The Wii is just something people who don't normally game on want to have. Shit, the other day at EB a woman who had to be 70 came in and asked if they had any Wiis in stock. That shit would NEVER happen for a PS3 or 360, no matter how many casual games those platforms might have.


dammitmattt said:
Did you even read the post that I was responding to? I was responding to the assertion that the innovation and new IP development for core games is as strong or better on the Wii, which I strongly disagreed with. You responded to me with something that has nothing to do with the conversation.

Also, here are some sales figures for you to chew on:

Assassin's Creed - > 3.5 million worldwide
Resistance - > 2.5 million worldwide
Uncharted - > 1.5 million worldwide

Are there any core-focused new IPs on the Wii that have comparable sales?
It's a bit of a skewed comparison though, given there's no comparable original "core" game on Wii with the same level of investment or pedigree (which is what I think you were getting at originally). Even then, stuff like Uncharted performed disappointingly given it's budget, promotion, positioning and developer.

Red Steel did okay for itself though, and that's likely the most comparable Wii game we have at this point.
borghe said:
Don't think it's lost on me how you completely ignore the control innovations brought to the table. Even if you are performing the same actions in the game, doing so with a new controller that might be more intuitive, natural, or fluid is an innovation. To me, games like RE4 and Metroid Prime 3 are standards bearers... games that MS and Sony will NOT be able to ignore. Is it basically just the mouse realized on a console? Yes, but umm..... that's pretty god damn big, and something that up until now know one has been able to get around. Now that it's been solved, you are seeing a lot of stuff coming into the console space that, while second nature to PC gamers, is pretty god damn enlightening and fresh to console only gamers.

You didn't mention this point in your original post, so I didn't respond to it. I think Metroid controls great on the Wii, but it's arguable whether that's an innovation or just a replication of what you are already doing with the mouse. Like I said, applications like Wii Sports and Boom Blox are much more innovative.

reread exactly what I wrote. I said larger "percentage". Of course 360 has more new IPs. It has more third party support (which is a whole different discussion). BUT, those titles you listed and other original IPs are fighting for space amongst the landslide of the sequels to the exact same titles we've been playing for the last 10 years. On Wii, most of the sequelitis is happening with Nintendo which comparatively in terms of total available titles is relatively small. The point is that on 360 and PS3, the MO seems to be that if you are a big publisher and are going to make a game for those systems, you are going to make a game in an existing series. On Wii (talking about third parties here), it seems that the two major trains of thoughts are either to port a PS2 game, OR create either an entirely new IP or an entirely new game system inside of an existing franchise. It's a very small percentage of Wii titles that are MOH:A, COD3, etc.

Mind you I am NOT saying Wii is doing it better or that better or more original games are coming on Wii. I am saying though that the Wii is playing a pretty large chunk in advancing the core game market, both in control innovation (through necessity), design innovation (through limitations of the system and the need to work around them), and new IPs (due to devs and pubs not wanting to bring over existing IPs which would be segmenting them from their "traditional" outings on the "traditional" systems).

I agree that developers are trying more new things on the Wii, but very few of those new things are focused at core gamers. Was Boogie focused at core gamers? Was Carnival Games focused at core gamers? There just aren't a lot of new IPs on the Wii focused on core gamers.

I will concede some control innovations, but what design innovations and new core-focused IPs are you speaking of?

Kamakazie! said:

Are there any core focussed games full stop? Other than NMH?

Exactly. That was my point.

jarrod said:
It's a bit of a skewed comparison though, given there's no comparable original "core" game on Wii with the same level of investment or pedigree (which is what I think you were getting at originally). Even then, stuff like Uncharted performed disappointingly given it's budget, promotion, positioning and developer.

Red Steel did okay for itself though, and that's likely the most comparable Wii game we have at this point.

I agree that Uncharted underperformed, but I think you're missing the point that I was originally responding to. The whole point is that there aren't comparable "core" games on the Wii as borghe stated.


AstroLad said:
i don't know about all that--hardcore gamers have been around for a long time; longer than Nintendo consoles that's for sure. i have existed for 28 years for example. so who is "infantile" here?

Gotta disagree here.

On the hardware side, Nintendo has outlasted Atari, Sega, NEC, SNK, Bandai, and 3DO. Chances are good they'll outlast Microsoft and Sony. Hell, they were making playing cards and running "love hotels" before video gaming even existed.

Nintendo isn't infantile, they're wise old businessmen. Constantly turning profit tends to keep you around :)
dammitmattt said:
I would argue that the true advancements in the core games mostly revolve around online aspects such as drop-in/drop-out co-operative play, Forge, Saved Films, and DLC. And yes I'm well aware that games such as Boom Blox are doing things similar to Forge. That's the innovation I've seen in the core space, in addition to the genre refinement that happens on new generations. Most of the gameplay innovation I've seen this generation revolves around the more casual titles on the Wii.

If you're talking new core game IPs, the Wii doesn't even come close. I don't want to start list wars, but to list a few we've seen Gears, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance, and Uncharted. There's not a single new core IP on the Wii that's close to the level (sales or metacritic) of these games. The majority of new core IP development is happening on the HD consoles. That's a fact.

I agree completely with you that there are plenty of great core experiences on the Wii, but the rest of your argument is a reach.

This is a bit of a subjective rant though. I think Forge, Saved films and DLC are really fun, but not anything particularly special from the perspective of evolving/revolutionizing gameplay. And these are things that actually could be done on Wii to a lesser degree or perhaps to the same extent if Nintendo addresses their storage issues (which I have a feeling they will in the near future).

Comparatively, the control scheme for Pro Evo 08 should be the new standard for controlling soccer games. I think it should also be implemented into hockey games to some degree as well.

And the IPs you've listed could also be done on Wii -- they simply have a graphical facelift. There is nothing, aside from a pure aesthetic that could differentiate a Wii version from the corresponding 360 version of Gears, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance and Uncharted.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
dammitmattt said:
Also, here are some sales figures for you to chew on:

Assassin's Creed - > 3.5 million worldwide
Resistance - > 2.5 million worldwide
Uncharted - > 1.5 million worldwide

Are there any core-focused new IPs on the Wii that have comparable sales?
umm... are you really insisting that sales have any bearing on quality? New IPs on Wii:

Red Steel
Zack & Wiki
No More Heroes
Boom Blox
Mad World
Wii Sports
DragonQuest Swords

And that's just off the top of my head. It should also be noted that these are EXCLUSIVE IPs, and that unlike the PS360 where publishers can spread a new IP over two consoles, the devs here created these IPs knowing that because of the control setup these would end up being exclusive to the Wii.

Just saying, you probably don't want to get into a battle on where the largest relative percentage of original IPs land. Again I concede that it is related a lot to there being less third party support in general for the Wii, but the fact that devs are actually sinking real development time into these IPs says quite a bit.
its very tricky to post in this thread. everything will be seen as a troll by one of the fronts.

still, i can't understand why people are happy that HD consoles are doing bad.

the more i think about it, the less i understand
borghe said:
umm... are you really insisting that sales have any bearing on quality? New IPs on Wii:

Red Steel
Zack & Wiki
No More Heroes
Boom Blox
Mad World
Wii Sports
DragonQuest Swords

And that's just off the top of my head. It should also be noted that these are EXCLUSIVE IPs, and that unlike the PS360 where publishers can spread a new IP over two consoles, the devs here created these IPs knowing that because of the control setup these would end up being exclusive to the Wii.

Just saying, you probably don't want to get into a battle on where the largest relative percentage of original IPs land. Again I concede that it is related a lot to there being less third party support in general for the Wii, but the fact that devs are actually sinking real development time into these IPs says quite a bit.

I said sales + metacritic. Also, I would've agreed with your original assertation if you wouldn't have confined it to core games.

Also, if you're going to dip into WiiWare, then XBL+PSN will win any list wars in a landslide.

I'm not saying that developments in core games aren't happening on the Wii. I'm just challenging your assertion that it's as big and important on the Wii as the HD systems.
marc^o^ said:
To the sales age specialists: is Wii on track to reach a 50 million userbase by the end of this fiscal year?

26 millions now
10 millions more until october
8 millions in Nov/Dec
6 millions Jan-March 09

This is very optimistic I reckon, but it's not completely crazy based on what we've seen so far.

Holy shit. You mean that Nintendo could surpass SNES's LTD by the end this year?


dammitmattt said:
Also, if you're going to dip into WiiWare, then XBL+PSN will win any list wars in a landslide.
Not if we compare by release timeframe. WiiWare had a much wider new IP spread at launch, and much higher sales too going by those leaked JP figures. :p


My point is that all the games you mentioned were already in development for next-gen HD consoles for years. I like how you neglect to mention other "core" games like Lair or Heavenly Sword because they're especially miserable in comparison. Do you honestly expect developers to continue to fund development for "core" games on PS3/360 when the cost is rather substantial and rather risky?

All you're doing is narrowing down your own selected criteria to the point where there is nothing to argue because you can't. Almost no third parties have developed a "core" "original IP" game by your definition. Though I'm sure you'll dismiss the fact that Red Steel is over a million and NMH is Suda's best selling game ever. Trauma Center: Second Opinion was the best selling Atlus game if I recall correctly. What would you classify Zack and Wiki? Elebits? Dewey's? Games like those aren't exactly casual either you know.

Why do you make this kind of requirement that a game HAS to be a new IP AND focused on core gamers? What good does this do? Answer is none, new IPs focused on core gamers don't drive the industry. Why does it matter if RE:UC, which exceeded Capcom's own expectations, is not an original IP? It's a core game. At this point in the generation third parties are going to have to adapt their business strategy for the next few years or gamble on all their HD original IP, core gamer and risk losses. All it's going to take is for a third party to actually put forth an effort into making a game that Nintendo's own first party library doesn't offer and market it correctly and they'll have some pretty good success.

And can we call "core gamer" by it's real definition now? Niche gamer.
mentalfloss said:
This is a bit of a subjective rant though. I think Forge, Saved films and DLC are really fun, but not anything particularly special from the perspective of evolving/revolutionizing gameplay. And these are things that actually could be done on Wii to a lesser degree or perhaps to the same extent if Nintendo addresses their storage issues (which I have a feeling they will in the near future).

Comparatively, the control scheme for Pro Evo 08 should be the new standard for controlling soccer games. I think it should also be implemented into hockey games to some degree as well.

And the IPs you've listed could also be done on Wii -- they simply have a graphical facelift. There is nothing, aside from a pure aesthetic that could differentiate a Wii version from the corresponding 360 version of Gears, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance and Uncharted.

Nintendo's Wii online interface will NEVER be as good as XBL, which is a huge innovation itself. You have the same online persona across all games with access to your friends and other features at all times. That is a huge innovation right there that Nintendo will never match by adding storage space.

Also, those games could most certainly not be done on the Wii. A large part of their appeal is based on the graphical fidelity of the characters and the world, so you can't strip that away from the game and say "it could be done on Wii."' Also, the scale of Assassin's Creed and Reistance is most definitely not repeatable on the Wii.

Be fair here.

jarrod said:
He's been mixing arguments... sales figures, number counts, metacritic averages, it seems to more depend on who he's talking too. :lol

Because people like you come in and reply with something that has nothing to do with the basic disagreement I had with borghe!!! :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
still, i can't understand why people are happy that HD consoles are doing bad.

the more i think about it, the less i understand
I don't understand this either.

I'm not overly concerned with the Wii taking over the industry, however. The audience buying Wii is simply too different and there is still money to be made on the HD front.

There is nothing, aside from a pure aesthetic that could differentiate a Wii version from the corresponding 360 version of Gears, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Resistance and Uncharted.
That's simply not true.
Hero said:
Why do you make this kind of requirement that a game HAS to be a new IP AND focused on core gamers? What good does this do? Answer is none, new IPs focused on core gamers don't drive the industry. Why does it matter if RE:UC, which exceeded Capcom's own expectations, is not an original IP? It's a core game. At this point in the generation third parties are going to have to adapt their business strategy for the next few years or gamble on all their HD original IP, core gamer and risk losses. All it's going to take is for a third party to actually put forth an effort into making a game that Nintendo's own first party library doesn't offer and market it correctly and they'll have some pretty good success.

And can we call "core gamer" by it's real definition now? Niche gamer.

Dude. READ.

I was replying to a point about new IP focused on core gamers, for fuck's sake. So of course that defines the argument.

Also, the core gamer has always been the niche gamer. Enthusiasts are always niche.
dammitmattt said:
Did you even read the post that I was responding to? I was responding to the assertion that the innovation and new IP development for core games is as strong or better on the Wii, which I strongly disagreed with. You responded to me with something that has nothing to do with the conversation.

Also, here are some sales figures for you to chew on:

Assassin's Creed - > 3.5 million worldwide
Resistance - > 2.5 million worldwide
Uncharted - > 1.5 million worldwide
Are there any core-focused new IPs on the Wii that have comparable sales?

What? I need a fact check there.


Well, I've only played AC, Bioshock and Gears... I'd say the latter two could probably have their game designs fully reproduced on Wii but AC's scale may be a bit too much for the platform really.


Guys, forget it. Dammitmattt is just trying to post as much as he can before he gets banned from his bet in the March NPD thread.

Dammitmattt said:
GTA4 will outsell Mario Kart 5 to 1. Wii and DS will be fine, so the only potential meltdown is when we find out exactly how much the 360 version outsold the PS3 version by, and how much the 360 outsold the PS3.

Dammitmattt said:
GTA4 360 - 4 million
GTA4 PS3 - 2 million
MK Wii - 1.2 million

Bet on it.

dammitmattt said:
Dude. READ.

I was replying to a point about new IP focused on core gamers, for fuck's sake. So of course that defines the argument.

Also, the core gamer has always been the niche gamer. Enthusiasts are always niche.

Okay, and I'm changing the argument because I'm saying it didn't matter in the first place, so I'm also disagreeing with whoever proposed that to begin with. But your criteria is also flawed. I don't think Uncharted was a rather large success by anyone's measurements.


squicken said:
Nintendo=casual and nintendo games

Sony/MS=real games

According to this loser, my entire life; I have not been playing real games.

Beyond Good & Evil
Resident Evil
Viewtiful Joe
Killer 7
Phantasy Star
Soul Calibur
Metal Gear Solid
Super Monkey Ball
Zack & Wiki
No More Heroes
are not real games


Wii > Sony "family" + Xbox360 is simply unexpected.
We all know that Wii is going strong, but THAT STRONG???

way to go Mario Kart Wii. been playing with friends online/offline for weeks, this game is so much fun :D

let's wait for next month NPD for the WiiFit/Wii numbers. and see how long will it stay on the chart.

PS: Just got my GAF acc activated. this is my first post. HELLO ALL~


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
dammitmattt said:
I said sales + metacritic.
not when I had posted that you didn't. ;)

Also, if you're going to dip into WiiWare, then XBL+PSN will win any list wars in a landslide.
given the same percentages and timeframe? really? WiiWare launched with 6 entirely new IPs. Next week out of the two games coming one is an entirely new IP. And we know with what's in development that the vast majority are also new IPs. PS3 and 360 win hands down due to being to market longer. But just like I said with the Wii itself, it is more than apparent that now that WiiWare is launched, most of the items coming to it (at least one game a week according to Nintendo) will be almost all new IPs so far.

I'm not saying that developments in core games aren't happening on the Wii. I'm just challenging your assertion that it's as big and important on the Wii as the HD systems.
My assertion was actually that it is happening to a significantly greater degree on the Wii, which I stand by hands down. The majority of them might not stick, and they might not all be great or even good, but you are seeing a staggeringly larger number of new IPs come out on the wii than the other two systems combined. Of course that is because the wii is lower cost and lower risk... but still... the original argument was that wii is killing core gaming, and if anything the wii seems to be where the new life blood of core gaming is coming from, with 360 and PS3 seeming largely content with continuing the games and IPs that dominated last gen for the most part.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Well, I've only played AC, Bioshock and Gears... I'd say the latter two could probably have their game designs fully reproduced on Wii but AC's scale may be a bit too much for the platform really.
I'm sure they could all be roughly re-created on the Wii, but the sacrifices would go beyond visuals. Think for a second about the library the XBOX offered, however, and you'll see that many things we take for granted now are more demanding that you'd think. Half-Life 2, for instance, uses similar physics to Bioshock yet the XBOX could not even begin to handle HL2 properly. The framerate constantly dropped into the toilet the second the physics engaged to any significant degree.

Wii versions of most of these games would feature less complex physical interactions, smaller environments, and other downgrades. I mean, lets face it, bringing a game like Bioshock to the Wii is probably a greater task than bringing something like Max Payne 2 or Mafia to the PS2 and we all know how awful that port was. Sure, it was the same basic game in the end, but the quality of the experience was reduced to the point where there would be no point in bothering with that version. Wii versions of these modern games would have to undergo even greater downgrades. At least the PS2 versions of those games used downgraded versions of original assets.
Hero said:
Guys, forget it. Dammitmattt is just trying to post as much as he can before he gets banned from his bet in the March NPD thread.

Okay, and I'm changing the argument because I'm saying it didn't matter in the first place, so I'm also disagreeing with whoever proposed that to begin with. But your criteria is also flawed. I don't think Uncharted was a rather large success by anyone's measurements.

It wasn't a ban bet. It was Bish having fun. "Bet on it" != ban bet.


borghe said:
with 360 and PS3 seeming largely content with continuing the games and IPs that dominated last gen for the most part.

Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros says hi.

The fact is, Wii's top sellers games and franchises from last gen and beyond. What new franchises have we seen on the Wii from Nintendo?
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