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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I'm glad that MKWii was able to hold it's own against GTA, that game is surprisingly fun and is probably the best MK to have come out yet.


Sadist said:
Yeah, I don't believe that. Rockstar laughed away the possibillity of GTA on Wii, because it didn't fit the demographic. Other games were more suitable. Yeah, they only look at the Manhunt 2 sales :')

Who says Rockstar has the final word? Not that I think they would port a GTA game for Wii, but such a decision would ultimately be decided by Take-Two, NOT Rockstar.
Anti-Wii sentiment going strong. As the sales get bigger, the hate grows. Niiice.

What I fail to see is how one of the HD consoles (PS3) is superior to the Wii in gaming library. Can someone explain?

Weird drop for DS, then again Nintendo hasn't announced anything in ages. Only game with a set release date I'm looking forward to is Bangai-o Spirits (I do see it's getting swamped by RPGs but I don't like the genre generally). I have older releases to get so I don't mind. Best "next-gen" system :).


jman2050 said:
Who says Rockstar has the final word? Not that I think they would port a GTA game for Wii, but such a decision would ultimately be decided by Take-Two, NOT Rockstar.
I'm sorry, it was an excutive of Take Two. So... I know he is just one person and that's not representative for the whole company, but I don't think he will be the only one who will think the same way.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
norinrad21 said:
I'm happy to hear that you went through, page by page just to find me :lol

No I'm trudging through and I keep coming upon your insipid comments. You'll have to excuse my dislike of your flagrant fanboyism.


m14 said:
Don't see what all the fuss is about. PS3/360 owners get GTA4 and the Wii guys got... ...these numbers. No-one comes away empty handed this gen. Great stuff. :D

Poor Sony and/or Microsoft fans.. it's a very hard time for them... but at least they have GTA4.. they need anything they can get right now. Just remember the glory that was GTA3 and then pretend that part 4 had that same impact.
Innotech said:
I recently got a Sega Saturn that still works beautifully, so not all disc systems were shit.

Did you try dropping it? jk

Redd said:
I don't know my Gamecube is a well built monster. I've got 2 dogs and they keep hitting the cords and my Cube drops to the floor more times than I can count. Besides having to adjust the laser it still works flawlessly. It can't hold up to dog piss though, but that's what the warranty is for.

Nintendo and Sega have magical consoles.

M3d10n said:
QTF. I got a Sega CDX (1994). Bought it from a pawnshop without any cables. Reads CDs perfectly, while the cart slot takes lots of cartridge pushing/pulling in order to work. Blaming the entire CD media for the PS1 fuck ups is unfair.

How do you it wasn't broken before and later repaired, then pawned? The Genesis had that pain in the ass of a slot for cartridges, too. I sorta liked that compared to the slippery slot of the N64.

The PS1 was the flagship of console CD gaming, and it showed people the wonders of skipping, loooooooooooaaaaaaaaad times, and easily breakable/scratchable games. The industry wanted to force CD games down everyone's throat for years before the PS1 and Saturn finally appeared.
HK-47 said:
No I'm trudging through and I keep coming upon your insipid comments. You'll have to excuse my dislike of your flagrant fanboyism.

What fanboyism? I never trash talk the other consoles, I like them too but am not as passionate about them as i am about the magnificent company in Kyoto, maybe someday that would change.:D

I will get a PS3 when they announce the next ICO


jibblypop said:
Poor Sony and/or Microsoft fans.. it's a very hard time for them... but at least they have GTA4.. they need anything they can get right now. Just remember the glory that was GTA3 and then pretend that part 4 had that same impact.
GTAIV is awesome and I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise. And both the PS3 and 360 are continuing to get excellent games throughout the year and beyond.


i wonder how much bitterness a man can handle. this thread might kill with the amount of bitterness around.

also, angry people should redirect their hate. of those 714k people who purchased a Wii last month, most wouldn't have purchased a 360/PS3 anyway. blame instead the PS2 gamers that refuse to upgrade or left gaming or jumped ship.

also, the whole nintendo army thing is ridiculous. best example: where was it when the GC needed it?


jibblypop said:
Poor Sony and/or Microsoft fans.. it's a very hard time for them... but at least they have GTA4.. they need anything they can get right now. Just remember the glory that was GTA3 and then pretend that part 4 had that same impact.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
jibblypop said:
Poor Sony and/or Microsoft fans.. it's a very hard time for them... but at least they have GTA4.. they need anything they can get right now. Just remember the glory that was GTA3 and then pretend that part 4 had that same impact.

Shots fired.
Osuwari said:
i wonder how much bitterness a man can handle. this thread might kill with the amount of bitterness around.

also, angry people should redirect their hate. of those 714k people who purchased a Wii last month, most wouldn't have purchased a 360/PS3 anyway. blame instead the PS2 gamers that refuse to upgrade or left gaming or jumped ship.

also, the whole nintendo army thing is ridiculous. best example: where was it when the GC needed it?

GC didn't deserve it.
Sharp said:
GTAIV is awesome and I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise. And both the PS3 and 360 are continuing to get excellent games throughout the year and beyond.

I don't think he's talking about the quality of the game (which everyone agrees lives up to the hype) but the impact that it had culturally and in moving consoles.

Jaded Alyx said:
This thread should be nuked from orbit.

Agreed. It's bringing out the very worst in GAF.


norinrad21 said:
What fanboyism? I never trash talk the other consoles, I like them too but am not as passionate about them as i am about the magnificent company in Kyoto, maybe someday that would change.:D

I will get a PS3 when they announce the next ICO
Shouldn't you get a PS3 when they release the next ICO?


Sharp said:
GTAIV is awesome and I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise. And both the PS3 and 360 are continuing to get excellent games throughout the year and beyond.

Hey quick question, say I never liked the previous GTA games. I never could get use to the wonky controls and I couldn't figure out what to do besides running over people. Is GTA4 more of the same, or should I go rent/buy it and see what all the fuss is about?


dabbled in the jelly
Redd said:
Hey quick question, say I never liked the previous GTA games. I never could get use to the wonky controls and I couldn't figure out what to do besides running over people. Is GTA4 more of the same, or should I go rent/buy it and see what all the fuss is about?
If you played San Andreas there is about 70 percent less to do in the new GTA. But the physics engine makes your car flip over turning corners at 10mph so it's a fair trade off.


Sharp said:
GTAIV is awesome and I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise. And both the PS3 and 360 are continuing to get excellent games throughout the year and beyond.

Not everyone likes GTA. Some of us find them incredibly boring.


Shaheed79 said:
If you played San Andreas there is about 70 percent less to do in the new GTA. But the physics engine makes your car flip over turning corners at 10mph so it's a fair trade off.

Then I just don't get the series. Different strokes I guess.
Sadist said:
I'm sorry, it was an excutive of Take Two. So... I know he is just one person and that's not representative for the whole company, but I don't think he will be the only one who will think the same way.

Except what he said was that he felt that there was a market for their games on the Wii.
schuelma said:
Next month is going to be worse.

Nah, I think most have been prepared for the Wii Fit jugernaught for a while, but this month? No, no one saw this coming. Not even the most ardent, diehard, mario-worshiping, Yamauchi pimped Ninthing
would have suggested it.


dabbled in the jelly
Redd said:
Then I just don't get the series. Different strokes I guess.
Naw man you really gotta experience those cars flipping over at 10-20mph. It truly is the next-gen experience we've been waiting for no bullshit.

I know I'm trolling but I'm not even lying about this and I wish I was. The story is good though.


massive bear, tiny salmon
I'm unable to read the whole thread but am I correct in assuming it's a bunch of people crying over the low PS360 sales due to the fact the GTA audience already owns the consoles?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Saint Gregory said:
Nah, I think most have been prepared for the Wii Fit jugernaught for a while, but this month? No, no one saw this coming. Not even the most ardent, diehard, mario-worshiping, Yamauchi pimped Ninthing
would have suggested it.

Good point. These numbers kind of make the blindest fanboys see reality.


This is semantics, and nothing more
I'm going to ignore the inane banter about how horrible one or another console is, one year after it should have ended. I'd like to post some info that I think could be pretty interesting to anyone concerned with how the generation is shaping up, though I admit it's probably not too useful. One of the things that some analysts are now in the habit of saying is that no console will experience PS2-like dominance in this generation; given that these comments tend to come up in articles related to console sales, I assume that they mean in terms of console sales, rather than in terms of some other aspect, such as developer support. The biggest success story of this generation so far is the Wii, which has been selling like mad in the U.S. since its release. So, I wondered what the sales numbers might look like if Wii had launched a year before PS3 and 360, just as the PS2 launched a year before GCN and XBox (and the 360 a year before PS3 and Wii). Obviously, there's a lot that would change if this were the case, as the sales that each console has amassed to date reflect the circumstances in which they have gained those sales; if you change the release dates, there's no telling how things may have turned out differently--thus, my comment about the questionable usefulness of this little test.

I did not actively pay much attention to the cumulative sales of the three current-gen consoles (and two handhelds) until a couple of months ago, so my numbers have had to come from scouring the internet's archives; the consequence of this is that my numbers are not especially accurate, but do seem to add up to something reasonably close to the NPD LTD numbers we occasionally get. I would like to emphasize that some of the numbers I'll focus on have to do with early XBox 360 sales, and these are easily my weakest data. Regardless, here we go:

My U.S. LTD sales for each of the current-gen consoles are: XBox 360 - 10.05 million; PlayStation 3 - 4.23 million; Wii - 9.51 million.

My test involves seeing how the sales of the three system's compares to each other if Wii launched one year ahead of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Thus, I compare the current numbers of the Wii to the April 2007 total sales of the PS3, and the cumulative sales as of April 2006 of the 360. For comparison, here are my figures of each console as of April 2007 (when the 360 was ~1.5 years old, as the Wii is today), as they actually were (i.e., 360 launched a year before PS3 and Wii): XBox 360 - 5.4 million; PlayStation 3 - 1.3 million; Wii - 2.47 million. (Second place console had sold 45% of the first place console's total.)

Now, assuming all else is held constant, here are the what the figures would be if Wii launched one year before its competitors: XBox 360 - 1.51 million; PlayStation 3 - 1.3 million; Wii - 9.5 million. (Second place console had sold 16% of the first place console's total.) I think you'll agree that this comparison is pretty astonishing, and speaks to the importance of launch position in how comparative sales will be viewed. (Incidentally, if PS3 had launched first, the sales would be: XBox 360 - 1.51 million; PlayStation 3 - 4.23 million; Wii - 2.47 million. Second place console, in this case, would have sold 58% of the first place console's total.)

What I would like to do to complete this test, and that which I cannot do because I do not have the data, is to compare the hypothetical situation I just described to the actual situation of the PS2 vs. XBox vs. GCN at a similar period in their lifecycles (that is, when PS2 was ~1.5 years old.) If anyone does have the data needed to complete this comparison, I'd greatly appreciate if you could share it.

Allow me to reiterate, one more time, that I realize sales would have turned out differently if the consoles had launched at different times relative to one another. So please don't respond to this post by pointing that out and think that you've said anything constructive.


Sadist said:
I'm sorry, it was an excutive of Take Two. So... I know he is just one person and that's not representative for the whole company, but I don't think he will be the only one who will think the same way.

It was Zelnick, the CEO, who laughed when they asked him about bringing GTA to the Wii. I woudn't worry about a GTA Wii anyways until this EA/T2 ordeal is settled, and if EA gets GTA then you can forget about GTA Wii altogether because they definitely won't put GTA on the Wii (Not that it would matter because the series would be dead at that point).
BTW, if you're still looking for Wiis, tomorrow is a major restock day in preparation for Wii Fit.

If Wii Fit catches on like wild fire, tomorrow might be your best chance before the Oprah moms get a sniff of what's to come.


Cruceh said:
There's been a lot of stupid in this thread.

And just when you think this thread is as full of stupid as it can get - more of it comes piling in. It is quite entertaining. Needs more gifs though.
Saint Gregory said:
Nah, I think most have been prepared for the Wii Fit jugernaught for a while, but this month? No, no one saw this coming. Not even the most ardent, diehard, mario-worshiping, Yamauchi pimped Ninthing
would have suggested it.
I saw it coming and have been suggesting it as of two weeks ago :p

Lobster said:
I think the technical advancements should be minimal next-gen.

Companies still haven't really gotten their heads around 360/Ps3 tech.

I think that this raises another good point: Even if PS4 and Xbox 720 are a generational leap above their predecessors in horsepower, how many companies will really be able to afford to produce games that are a generation beyond big-budget PS3/360 games? I wonder whether after this gen, we'll see diminishing graphical returns for purely financial reasons, rather than just technical ones.

just tray

Maybe if Rockstar created a GTA4 shortage and got Sony and Microsoft to play along, there would have been more 360's and PS3'S sold. Shame on Microsoft and Sony with their hands around each others throat while Nintendo smacks them around on a monthly basis.

No but seriously speaking,I think it has more to do with price than anything. With the price going up for food,gas,and everything else,the PS3 and 360 are priced way too high. Not to mention you get an innovative controller and a game included with a system. I don't care how Microsoft or Sony spins NPD numbers, this is starting to look more and more like a lopsided victory in Nintendo's favor.

GTA4 sold a ton of games.no wonder EA wanted to hurry up and buy Take Two at a bargain price.Considering the time it took GTA4 to make a quarter of that price, EA should raise the price or let them be.

If GTA doesn't move sytems in May then Microsoft would have just wasted money on dlc. If the game cant move systems then how can dlc move systems?


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Epiphyte said:
Well, third parties haven't given us much to work with

A bunch of warmed over PS2 ports aren't the best pool from which to extrapolate either.

I suppose we may have to wait for MH3/Mad World to see what the audience is for hardcore IP on Wii.

You know, I love seeing games like Mad World on the Wii but I think it's too extreme. It's a wild guess in both cases but I'm almost sure Mad World will fail, I think the potential for hardcore game sales on the Wii is more in the middle ground than the extremist rout. And that goes for both cases, extremely violent as well as extremely juvenile, there is a neutrality to the true Wii vibe, if that makes any sense. It needs to be kind of neutral and less flavor packed.

As for sure money on hardcore games, Teen ZeldaTP(not cel shaded as it is and preferably wolf-less)-like is where I'd put my money at, if done and marketed well, as it is with any case.
Azelover said:
You know, I love seeing games like Mad World on the Wii but I think it's too extreme. It's a wild guess in both cases but I'm almost sure Mad World will fail, I think the potential for hardcore game sales on the Wii is more in the middle ground than the extremist rout. And that goes for both cases, extremely violent as well as extremely juvenile, there is a neutrality to the true Wii vibe, if that makes any sense. It needs to be kind of neutral and less flavor packed.

As for sure money on hardcore games, Teen ZeldaTP-like is where I'd put my money at, if done and marketed well, as it is with any case.
I don't agree because I think the hardcore wii games have to compete with thier HD counterparts as well. The quirkier it is, the more it stands out and the more the hardcore audience will pay attention.


Shaheed79 said:
Naw man you really gotta experience those cars flipping over at 10-20mph. It truly is the next-gen experience we've been waiting for no bullshit.

I know I'm trolling but I'm not even lying about this and I wish I was. The story is good though.

You are lying.


m14 said:
Don't see what all the fuss is about. PS3/360 owners get GTA4 and the Wii guys got... ...these numbers. No-one comes away empty handed this gen. Great stuff. :D

I haven't put down Mario Kart Wii since the day I got it.

Just sayin'.


Sadist said:
Yeah, I don't believe that. Rockstar laughed away the possibillity of GTA on Wii, because it didn't fit the demographic. Other games were more suitable. Yeah, they only look at the Manhunt 2 sales :')

Look at its sales on the PS2. The game was just a bomb in general.

They'd be smart to release Vice City and San Andreas on the Wii -- I bet both would sell a million copies.


Sharp said:
GTAIV is awesome and I'm not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise. And both the PS3 and 360 are continuing to get excellent games throughout the year and beyond.

GTAIV is really awesome and I never said it wasn't. In fact it's one of the most high quality games released in years. I'm just responding to the desperation in some ps3 and 360 fans after GTAIV failed to turn the tides of the "console war". My point has always been that no matter how great GTA IV is, it can never push consoles the way that GTA 3 did because 3 was the one that reinvented the wheel whereas 4 is an extremely polished version of that invention.

A good comparison is Super Mario Galaxy. That game is pure gaming perfection. BUT let's be honest - it really is just an extension of the groundwork laid by Mario 64. So you can't expect Galaxy to push systems the way that Mario 64 did. So the Wii is not being pushed by Galaxy but by Wii Sports because Wii sports is the one that blew people away with new gameplay mechanics.

Basically I'm just having some fun in this thread because people that dislike the Wii are moaning and crying like gaming is coming to an end but the way I see it every system is having some excellent games come out so I just don't see the big problem for anyone.

So I hope I clarified what I meant. GTAIV is really awesome but it simply can't have the impact of the third game because that is the one that revolutionized everything. The sooner that the fanboys realize that and accept it and just have fun actually PLAYING it, the better.
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