01. NDS: 471,000
02. Wii: 360,000
03. PS2: 194,000
04. PSP: 183,000
05. 360: 174,000
06. GBA: 84,000
07. PS3: 82,000
08. GCN: 13,000
Top 5 Software Items
01. Pokémon Diamond Version (NDS): 1,045,000
02. Pokémon Pearl Version (NDS): 712,000
03. Super Paper Mario (Wii): 352,000
04. Wii Play (Wii): 249,000
05. Guitar Hero 2 (360): 197,000
The rest of the info is at the link.
Interesting to note:
-Pokémon is still going strong after 10 years, sales numbers are for only 2 weeks of it's release.
-Wii went up in sales thanks to store receiving some more extra shipments, but still in limited supply.
-Xbox 360 went down even after the release of the Elite version.
-PSP sales went up around 10% from the previous month, thanks to the new price tag.
-PS3...ehr..well, not even the guys at Sony could spin the numbers like they did every previous month (when it was selling around 100,000 per month)...and with no release or big annoucement so far in May...sales may go even more down in the may charts.
-The previous Paper Mario game on GameCube, sold 190,000 copies on it's debut month (on it's route to it's LTD of a million copies)
-Spider-Man 3 on both 360 and PS2 managed to be on the Top 10 of April, even though the game was officially released on May. Meaning that there were like 2-3 days from May counted, apaprently preorders were strong for those 2 versions.