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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Gold Member
DNF said:

[PS4]: It was five years ago. You hadn't promoted yourself to the best selling next-gen console in america yet. You were just a fad. Huh! My father should have been the best selling console of all time. A console with a simple code: graphics. He gathered a few games that he could stand against you. The month GTA4 released you smashed his sales as you ran away! A hero... at a thousand paces.

[WII]: I'm sorry. I don't remember any of it.

[PS4]: You don't remember ???

[WII]: For you, the month GTA4 released was the most important month of your life. But for me, it was just April.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Jokeropia said:
So why the need for pretenses like "it's not for me as a hardcore gamer" or "I dont want mini-type quick games on consoles" (as if such games are the best ones on Wii)?

Eteric Rice said:
Perhaps the types of games he likes isn't on the Wii yet? If things keep going like they are, I'm sure some more "hardcore" stuff will be there eventually.

Someone answered for me here basically, heh. The games just are not there like I said. It doesn't have a true console-like experience to me. I feel the majority of the games on there now are "DS/PSP-esque" if you catch what I mean. And since I have those 2, I really don't need it. If Ninty wants me, someone who buys significantly more games than your average casual consumer (I'd imagine at least, compared to my "casual" friends), they need the games to do that. They don't have things that makes me want the system. They have Mario for platforming? Great. It doesn't nearly interest me as much as LBP. Mario Kart? Okay, but the others have multiple quality racers. The other console then have games that the Wii does not like intense FPS and quality online games.

But, Ninty doesn't need me, or anyone really like me. They're making piles of money so I'm sure they'd be happy just trucking on doing their thing. Which, from a business perspective is very sensible honestly. But they're ignoring a segment of gamers like me to this day, and as of such, they won't get any of my money. And looking at what's ahead, they won't be getting my money anytime this year once again neither. Though, like I said, they don't need it. :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Pureauthor said:
The only event I'm giving a crap about (not necessarily for the Wii, mind) is CAPTIVATE08.

Yes. Very excited about that one. Don't know how many hi def projects they will announce given Capcom already has a bunch already in development (SF IV, RE5, Bionic Commando, Dark Void), but there should be a lot of Wii stuff there and I'm sure PS360 will get more announcements as well.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
1-D_FTW said:
It comes out this week. 29.99 and all the ads are giving it prominent space next to Wii Fit and mentioning how it works with the balance board.

I would imagine that many retailers will have Wii Ski set up right next to the Wii Fit displays. If Namco supplies a lot I think it could be very big.


Third parties are full of shit (on Wii). They will not announce a slew of awesome games on E3. You know who will though? Nintendo. Again. Almost all their internal EAD teams, Retro and Intelligent Systems have been working on new Wii games quite some time (and if the rumours are believed Factor 5 on Kid Icarus). Aninal Crossing Wii and Wii Music are nearing completion since they will be out in Japan this year (Disaster: Day of Crisis too) and the other not even a handfull of titles are outsourced. So it'll be mostly new Nintendo games and a handfull of titles from third party's which we most likely already know most of.

Perhaps there will be some surprises (I hope so), but I wouldn't hold my breath. It's been more than 1.5 years of absolute crushing of the Wii. Halo 3 and GTA IV have come and Wii walked away unscratched while breaking history records and achieving incredible sales all while having massive shortages. And yet, what have third parties done so far? Inferior ports, ps2 and sometimes even psp ports, shovelware, shitty non-games and litterly a handfull of good titles. I have owned my Wii since launch and I love it, but it sure as hell not thanks to third parties.

It makes you wonder how stupid some of the mega publishers are. Not one has even tried one single "big" budget high profile game on Wi, yet continue to come with dumbass excuses or whatever and continue to release crap. Wii has proven itself in all directions, even that there is infact a vast market for core games (Wii's top 'core' games sales can easily compete with those on Xbox360).

If Nintendo's forecast for fiscal year 2009 holds true (I think they'll exceed it, since they are always conservative, and this is their first forecast at the beginning of the new fiscal year), they'll have a userbase of 50+ fucking million people. That would beat Xbox360 and PS3 total userbase by that time combined easily. Factor in the advantages of Wii development and you have to wonder what the fuck they are all doing. At least release a Wii version alongside x360 / ps3 version instead of nothing for fuck sake. Even fucking WiiWare is set to look much better than Wii's line-up from third parties.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Wow that new IP discussion was retarded on page 22. dammitmatt made a good point and people are taking Assassin's Creed and Resistance and comparing it to DQ Swords and MySims.

Also, no, AC wouldnt be anywhere near what it is on HD consoles...people like to use control as an excuse for games going to Wii yet HD cant use graphics and size?


HK-47 said:
Also, no, AC wouldnt be anywhere near what it is on HD consoles...people like to use control as an excuse for game going to Wii yet HD cant use graphics and size?

As long as they're multiplat, games need to fit on a DVD either way. The rest of it will most likely be downgradable stuff. Any 'excuse' to put it on HD systems (only) should be performance related.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Aeris130 said:
As long as they're multiplat, games need to fit on a DVD either way. The rest of it will most likely be downgradable stuff. Any 'excuse' to put it on HD systems (only) should be performance related.

Because the huge climbable environments and large crowds that MAKE AC could be done on Wii? You downgrade it and you no longer have AC.


HK-47 said:
Because the huge climbable environments and large crowds that MAKE AC could be done on Wii? You downgrade it and you no longer have AC.

I'd say that falls under performance. Not size nor graphics.
Neomoto said:
It makes you wonder how stupid some of the mega publishers are. Not one has even tried one single "big" budget high profile game on Wi, yet continue to come with dumbass excuses or whatever and continue to release crap.

It's not even that they haven't released a big budget "core" game - although I think it's misguided to assume that the Wii audience doesn't want that experience, I can kind of understand the reticence of publishers to commission a project like that - it's that that they still aren't putting any real money or effort behind their "casual" projects. If you believe the audience only wants "casual" games, then make the fucking things, but put the same effort and attention in to them as you would a "core" title.

Look at Boom Blox - everything about it seems to shout low-budget, from the lo-fi visuals and slideshow cutscenes to the non-existent marketing. The game itself is fantastic, but it just seems that EA are treating it in a way they wouldn't do for a key "core" title.


manueldelalas said:
Well, it's not a secret that third parties were too quick to jump to the PS3... The Wii massacre was something nobody expected, and last year Wii sales were constrained due to low shipments (this is still true, but Nintendo has increased the production considerably).

So, when will the good Wii 3rd party games be announced?

Easy. E3.

Because after Wii Fit, Nintendo has nothing announced besides Disaster DoC. I don't think Animal Crossing Wii has been announced either... just hinted. So it's obvious that Nintendo is saving all their shit to make a huge E3 announcement.

I'm skeptical that this year's E3 will see an upwelling of third party support. Wii sales weren't very low; they were still kicking Sony and MS' ass, and were doing it in the middle of hardware shortages. With hardware shortages continuing 7 months after launch, despite shipment numbers better than many other consoles at that poin in their life, it was obvious where the winds were blowing, but we still didn't see anything last E3.

Only thing we can hope for is that the Wii's continued success has convinced developers that the "wii= fad" rhetoric was false.
HK-47 said:
Because the huge climbable environments and large crowds that MAKE AC could be done on Wii? You downgrade it and you no longer have AC.

This is what I don't get; why games like Assassin's Creed are cited as what Wii owners are missing out on. Frankly, past the HD images - which is as much about pixel quantity than quality - I was pretty bummed about my experiences in that game. What Wii owners are missing out on is deep, detailed 3d environments and everything that comes with that generally. Its a substantial gap, for sure, but by now it should be obvious that nobody gives a shit. The HD consoles are not going to get some massive jump in sales, its just not coming. They will slow burn and cause shareholders some hernias, the end. Fine for us, as struggling businesses often do things like price drops and interesting game design.

There are so many Wii games that should have been a lot better than they were. The Wii isn't killing the industry, but third party laziness on the Wii is getting the knives ready.


Xater said:
I really hope this E3 will change that or else the Wii will be the new Gamecube for me with a new game every 3-6 months.

Obviously I don't want to say that I hope other gamers get screwed over just for my benefit, but I fear the mass exodus of companies and their games to the Wii should it happen. As somebody with an HDTV, I don't want to go back to the non-HD world anymore, and Nintendo's one decision in that regard ended up taking their console from an interesting new system to something I don't want to invest a lot of my gaming efforts into for me. I honestly thought that the lack of HD wouldn't be a big deal, but then I got my new TV, and I've just come to realize that I don't want that world anymore.

If we get a better balance of games going multi-platform, that'd be awesome. The Wii is getting really dumped on shovelware wise, and it deserves far better games. That said, I don't want it to be an exodus, and some of the games that have already gone Wii only (like Fatal Frame) tick me off. If a lot more titles start going to the Wii and only the Wii, I'll understand the reasoning for companies, but I'll hate the results.



I'm shocked, sad, stupified, and afraid.

I hope HD gaming keeps going strong, and that 3rd parties keep going at it. That's all.


I would love for so many third parties to crash and burn all because of not supporting the Wii. Last generation we saw so many companies either close up shop or join together, it's already happening this generation and would love for more to happen, just to show how idiotic they are for not supporting the fastest and highest selling console.
Neomoto said:
It makes you wonder how stupid some of the mega publishers are. Not one has even tried one single "big" budget high profile game on Wi, yet continue to come with dumbass excuses or whatever and continue to release crap. Wii has proven itself in all directions, even that there is infact a vast market for core games (Wii's top 'core' games sales can easily compete with those on Xbox360).

That's true. My biggest critic to Third Parties on Wii is that they haven't even tried to develop a big game exclusively for it.
I would understand them they already had a high budget failure, but it isn't the case.


At this point I think we need to start trying to compare Wii to historical notable best sellers like the NES and the PS2 on a month to month basis.

The Wii's impact is no longer limited by this generation - it should now be compared to the industries heavy hitters to see how truly "healthy" it is doing.

Anyone got any comparative graphs for the PS2 vs. the Wii? I'll fish around.
BTRA said:
I would love for so many third parties to crash and burn all because of not supporting the Wii. Last generation we saw so many companies either close up shop or join together, it's already happening this generation and would love for more to happen, just to show how idiotic they are for not supporting the fastest and highest selling console.

That's idiotic. Why on earth would someone who likes video games want that to happen?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Wolves Evolve said:
This is what I don't get; why games like Assassin's Creed are cited as what Wii owners are missing out on. Frankly, past the HD images - which is as much about pixel quantity than quality - I was pretty bummed about my experiences in that game. What Wii owners are missing out on is deep, detailed 3d environments and everything that comes with that generally. Its a substantial gap, for sure, but by now it should be obvious that nobody gives a shit. The HD consoles are not going to get some massive jump in sales, its just not coming. They will slow burn and cause shareholders some hernias, the end. Fine for us, as struggling businesses often do things like price drops and interesting game design.

There are so many Wii games that should have been a lot better than they were. The Wii isn't killing the industry, but third party laziness on the Wii is getting the knives ready.

Wow so one game? I wasnt even talking quality, I was talking successful new IP. Add the thing I just mentioned are the best aspects of AC, whether you hate it or not. You dont think Wii owners are missing things like MGS4's dynamic battles or GTA IV's living city. It like Wii owners wanna keep all the credit for moving the industry forward outside of graphics. I have played a game like Bioshock with low PC graphics and high end, and it makes a world of difference, and I'm no graphics whore. It helps make the world. Thats why Wii really just needs to stick to the stylish, cause they cant compete in the photorealistc arena, nor should they. That a thing some devs seem to have trouble realizing.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Well, I expect big things from Nintendo since this year they will make their press conference at the Kodak Theater.

A return to their E3 06 glory?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
BTRA said:
I would love for so many third parties to crash and burn all because of not supporting the Wii. Last generation we saw so many companies either close up shop or join together, it's already happening this generation and would love for more to happen, just to show how idiotic they are for not supporting the fastest and highest selling console.

Yeah I hope all those people lose their jobs too, you fucking asshat
shidoshi said:
Obviously I don't want to say that I hope other gamers get screwed over just for my benefit, but I fear the mass exodus of companies and their games to the Wii should it happen. As somebody with an HDTV, I don't want to go back to the non-HD world anymore, and Nintendo's one decision in that regard ended up taking their console from an interesting new system to something I don't want to invest a lot of my gaming efforts into for me. I honestly thought that the lack of HD wouldn't be a big deal, but then I got my new TV, and I've just come to realize that I don't want that world anymore.

If we get a better balance of games going multi-platform, that'd be awesome. The Wii is getting really dumped on shovelware wise, and it deserves far better games. That said, I don't want it to be an exodus, and some of the games that have already gone Wii only (like Fatal Frame) tick me off. If a lot more titles start going to the Wii and only the Wii, I'll understand the reasoning for companies, but I'll hate the results.
shidoshi said:
Obviously I don't want to say that I hope other gamers get screwed over just for my benefit

Too bad more people don't share this view. Each console fandom wants things dedicated just to them at the expense of others. And now Hardcore gamers seem to always want to have casual gamers screwed, wanting all development resources dedicated towards them. For them, appeasing the non-gamers is like... well... appeasing terrorists.

The Wii is getting really dumped on shovelware wise, and it deserves far better games.

True. But I bet others still don't think Wii even deserves that.


Neomoto said:
It makes you wonder how stupid some of the mega publishers are. Not one has even tried one single "big" budget high profile game on Wi, yet continue to come with dumbass excuses or whatever and continue to release crap. Wii has proven itself in all directions, even that there is infact a vast market for core games (Wii's top 'core' games sales can easily compete with those on Xbox360).

I think a many of these publishers have experienced failure on previous Nintendo consoles and handhelds so often that even with the high install base of the Wii, it still doesn't look like a sure bet.

I think the demographics of Wii owners are maybe not that friendly. I've been thinking about it recently, and you can break the Wii owners into a few distinct groups. You have Wii's owned by children where their parents buy the games (a traditional audience on a Nintendo system), you have Wii's owned as 2nd (or 3rd) systems by hardcore gamers (us) and then you have new gamers brought in by Wii Sports etc. Finally, you have (hard?)core gamers that only have a Wii.

The first group is the traditional Nintendo kid audience. Parents know Nintendo games are good and safe and they get bought a lot. Sega has done well here with this group as well. I think you see 3rd parties try to make games for this group quite a bit, but the quality is all over the place, and Nintendo games still do well because the Nintendo logo is sort of like a quality seal to stand out from the crap.

Hardcore gamers with a Wii as a second system could probably appreciate a big budget game on the Wii, since these are the folks asking for it the most, but why even release it for them on the Wii? They have a 360 or PS3 as well so just release it on those consoles.

New gamers. A big unknown. How many of them just bought Wii Play and then just put it in the closet? How many have caught the Wii bug and have got Guitar Hero 3 and are planning to get Wii Fit? Would this group be served by a big budget game when most of the games they've bought are non-games? The one 3rd party title I've seen for this group that looks good and isn't a non-game is We Ski. It should be interesting to see how that does, since it hits all 4 groups really.

Does the final group exist? (hard?)core gamers that only have a Wii would certainly be crying out for a big budget title, but I have to wonder how large this group actually is. I feel at this point if you're a gamer that actually buys games at a decent rate you have more than a Wii. If you only have a Wii it means you're satisfied by one Nintendo game every 2-3 months and that can not be appealing to a 3rd party company that wants you to buy their game.

I've only really been thinking about Wii demographics and the breakdown since yesterday, so I'm still formulating my thoughts about it. If there's another group you think got missed jump in and add it.
I just went through my wii collection and i have 6 3rd party games with effort, namely from Konami, Atlus, Capcom and Sega. Everything else is from Nintendo.

I'm willing to give some of these worthless 3rd parties a chance as long as its not psp ports, old shitty PS2 and other crap that looks like it was made by 2 people who haven't seen what a naked female body looks like in years.

At least in Japan its sink or swim for 3rd parties, support the wii or close your f**king doors because you can't ignore Nintendo over there and come out with a straight face.


DNF said:

[WII]: For you, the month GTA4 released was the most important month of your life. But for me, it was just April.


Nevermind the brilliant line found here and within the movie, I can't believe it is going on 14 years since his passing. One of my favorite actors. /salute!


Do you all think the third party situation is really that bad this year? I'd say 2008 has been really good for third party efforts on the Wii, already, we've seen PES 2008, Okami, No More Heroes, Boom Blox, and then have plenty to look forward to, such as the new, actually improved Madden 09, The Conduit, the new Fatal Frame, Monster Hunter, King's Story, Blastworks, Fragile and a plenty of other under the radar games that I can't think of.

Compare that to the PS2-port fest that was 2007, and I don't really see how it's THAT bad. Sure, it isn't PS3 or XBOX360 level output, but it will NEVER be like that. I, for one, am contented with the strong 1st party releases and the 3rd party surprises.

And back on the subject, the hilarity of all these people screaming that HD-gaming and "hardcore" games are dead does not end.


Has there been an update to sales data since page 23 (aka 46)? I planned on reading through the whole thread, but seriously...

While slightly amusing, the meltdowns were a bit too frequent and OT talk / fanboy stuff very nearly drowned the sales discussion IMHO. Has it always been this bad? Maybe I'm becoming overly sensitive to that shit old n grumpy.

I take it no updates to the Okami number (Lobster said <100k) have been released?
A search didn't give me any insights.

Obligatory statement about Nintendomination.
Obligatory statement about GTA 4 sales.

Obligatory plea for more in-depth numbers and damation of Top10-only data in conjunction with...
Obligatory begrudging thanks to NPD and...
Obligatory suck-up postings to driley and sonycowboy. ;)

Man, Crushed would've had a field day in this thread. Shame he's banned. Again.
Waaaaaitaminute. Pantherlotus is banned too? :(
Andrex said:
A return to their E3 06 glory?

Well, The Kodak Theater is expensive to rent as press conference's room. So, I suppose that Nintendo has big things under way. Of course we don't know if it will be hardcore or casual-oriented.
You know, it is big place where the academy awards are assigned, so it's not a place that you rent to say things that are already known.

Aussie-Nintendo said:
May 15, 2008 - It's been about two years since Nintendo introduced Wii at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in 2006, and this year, the company will be returning to the Kodak Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard for its annual E3 media briefing, Nintendo of America has announced.

The event will take place on Tuesday, July 15 at 9:00 am Los Angeles time, ahead of the 2008 E3 Media & Business Summit, which kicks off that day, and runs until July 17.

Link to the website
So I just got home from Chuck E. Cheese's. The Toy's R Us next door had 30+ people lined up waiting for Wiis. I stared at them for a second, reflecting on how crazy it is that the Wii is still such a hot item, and I thought back to this thread. Ninty really has hit the jackpot here.


Tiktaalik said:
The first group is the traditional Nintendo kid audience. Parents know Nintendo games are good and safe and they get bought a lot. Sega has done well here with this group as well. I think you see 3rd parties try to make games for this group quite a bit, but the quality is all over the place, and Nintendo games still do well because the Nintendo logo is sort of like a quality seal to stand out from the crap.

Hardcore gamers with a Wii as a second system could probably appreciate a big budget game on the Wii, since these are the folks asking for it the most, but why even release it for them on the Wii? They have a 360 or PS3 as well so just release it on those consoles.

We have had 20 yers of Nintendo kid audience now, u would think allto of those are adults now.
Secondly, Hardcore gamers with a wii may not want a big budgetted port also on ps360, but they sure would liek a big budget hardcore game taht would properly cater to wii's strength, including proper wiimote use and a proper attempt at maximising wii's graphical abilities. Also gotta be marketed properly, not just left to die as most of 3rd party games do now.
Tiktaalik said:
Does the final group exist? (hard?)core gamers that only have a Wii would certainly be crying out for a big budget title, but I have to wonder how large this group actually is. I feel at this point if you're a gamer that actually buys games at a decent rate you have more than a Wii. If you only have a Wii it means you're satisfied by one Nintendo game every 2-3 months and that can not be appealing to a 3rd party company that wants you to buy their game..

I don't think you have an idea who huge this group actually is, look around for sales on the N64 and Gc and you will be on to something.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Well, The Kodak Theater is expensive to rent as press conference's room. So, I suppose that Nintendo has big things under way. Of course we don't know if it will be hardcore or casual-oriented.
You know, it is big place where the academy awards are assigned, so it's not a place that you rent to say things that are already known.

I wouldn't be shocked if Nintendo shifted gears at some point to tailor their press conference to the more traditional hardcore E3 announcements, but it's been clear that since Reggie took over that they see these events as a way to get their message out to the casual press.

I guess it will all depend on whatever big things they have to announce. And releasing SSBB, MK Wii and Wii Fit all before June spells big shit coming down the pike IMO.


Saint Gregory said:
And releasing SSBB, MK Wii and Wii Fit all before June spells big shit coming down the pike IMO.
Yea, they would never do that unless they had some big things planed for the rest of the year.


New gamers. A big unknown. How many of them just bought Wii Play and then just put it in the closet? How many have caught the Wii bug and have got Guitar Hero 3 and are planning to get Wii Fit?

If Wii games sold more/equal amount to X360 games in the last 4 months in america, these Wii-putting-in-the-closet-and-collecting-dust-group can't be too big. Or are these stupid casual gamers always loosing their games and buying the same nintendo game every 3 months again ?

So else these "new gamers" are buying games more often then you believe or there are way more "core"-gamers that buy games every few weeks than you want to acknowledge.

Does the final group exist? (hard?)core gamers that only have a Wii would certainly be crying out for a big budget title, but I have to wonder how large this group actually is. I feel at this point if you're a gamer that actually buys games at a decent rate you have more than a Wii. If you only have a Wii it means you're satisfied by one Nintendo game every 2-3 months and that can not be appealing to a 3rd party company that wants you to buy their game.

I wonder myself if these (hard¿¿¿¿)core gamers on Wii even exist. Clearly all these copies of Resident Evil and No More Hero games are bought by stupid parents for their 5 year old kids.
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