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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Master of the Google Search
Kildace said:
Basically. Moreover, the Wii is probably seen as not only cheaper, but better value for the same price than the HD consoles because it has appeal for the whole family instead of just a few people in the household. 360s and PS3s at their current pricepoint and during the current economical climate are just not wise buys for people who don't have a lot of disposable income.

Sadly, neither manufacturers realized this, somehow. Great market research, guys ..

That's not how it works...
god this is so depressing...seriously us hardcore gamers are going the way of the dinosaurs. a couple hardware generations from now its gonna be a Nintendo dominated, casual saturated market. well ive enjoyed my hardcore games for the last few years, but soon all the games i love will give way to "casual" games for the dumbed down casual gamer. thanks alot moms of the world

edit: not really being serious here...but i want the hardcore market to be the most financially viable market, so that way we get the most attention.


{Mike} said:
next generation will probably suck even more

it's funny because the PS3 is the most promising console this gen

fucking parents with bad taste

the reason why Chipmunks was so popular in DVD rent too i guess

Promises don't always deliver.
Rancid Mildew said:
This is pretty awesome. I thought GTAIV would cause a significant increase in console sales for both the 360 and PS3. The hype levels seemed to be ridiculously off the charts. I'm glad I was wrong. If GTAIV can't move consoles in NA, I don't think any other game on either platform will.

Why in the hell would you be glad that HD consoles focused on the hardcore gamer (aka us) aren't selling well?!?


Sharp said:
These numbers are so bizarre it makes me wonder whether NPD will issue a retraction. They do that sometimes.

Fraizer did have this to say, but eh;
Frazier commented, "...Since [GTA IV] was only in the market for five days during this reporting period, that [hardware] sales lift could very well be evident in May data."


Holy crap @ 360 and PS3 failing to break 200k with GTA4...

I'll go ahead and call it: the market is saturated for PS3/360 at these price points.


schuelma said:
I do think there will be a little bump next month- remember this tracking period only had a few days with GTA on sale.
Frazier also points out that less than spectacular sales on PS3 and 360 hardware may not be indicative of underperformance, noting that "ince the game was only in the market for 5 days during this reporting period, that sales lift could very well be evident in May data."

Believe :lol
jacobs34 said:
Being surprised at Nintendo sales is like being surprised at the sales numbers of an Apple product... dumb. Nintendo has reached that sweet spot of great marketing and being something different. Whether you like the product or not is irrelevant, the sales are not going to slow down any time soon, they are mainstream.

...and it's not like hardcore games are going anywhere, look at those GTA sales, and it's not even holiday season, crazy.

Pssst.. I have a secret to tell you.

GTA is causal
This NPD taught me something important.

If GTA won't turn the tide, nothing will in the future. The HD consoles ain't pulling the Wii off it's pedestal.

There's no point saying 'Wait until X game'. Might as well say goodbye to this whole 'Year of the PS3' thing as well.
And those Wii sales are only gonna go up once Nintendo`s ultimate weapon hits next month (Oh man, Wii Fit is gonna clean up in the US! It`s gonna wipe the floor with the EU and JPN sales performances of the game without a doubt!)

Oh and WOW @ GH3 Wii, it`s somehow still hanging in the top 10 after half a year on the shelves!


*looks at NPD Numbers*



user friendly said:

Very disappointed about this. Will May make up the difference?
May is Wii Fit month, son. That little waggle machine everybody hated on just might crack a mil in a non-holdiday month.


dammitmattt said:
Why in the hell would you be glad that HD consoles focused on the hardcore gamer (aka us) aren't selling well?!?
Yeah, that was a little strange. I don't understand how any gamer could look at these sales and think it was a positive that the industry isn't doing nearly as well as predicted.
Mario Kart is selling well. Isn't GTA 4 supposed to help xbox or ps3 in sales?

guys GTA 4 came out in the end of the month, just wait until may NPD.


goompapa said:
I've never believed in those "1 single game driving console sales" bullsh1t, but this is ridiculous :lol :lol :lol

Seriously. I didn't think GTA would bring either the 360 or PS3 to Wii levels, but I also didn't think it'd KILL their sales. :lol

Oh well, back to dining on the bitter tears.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
painful fart said:
Then fuck Kentucky!

Whatever did they bring the world besides fried chicken? Damn casual white trash assholes!

Scots invented that. :p


Shanks said:
What the hell happened to the DS? It's been up there with the Wii all the time and now it drops pretty hard..
This NPD month had one week more than the last so DS hasn't really decreased from it's normal level, it's just Wii that stepped it up yet again.


If this embarrassment continues, we could be witnessing the end of an era. Sony and Microsoft aren't likely to introduce expensive, cutting-edge systems next generation, when the consumer simply isn't interested.

Might be time to upgrade my rig and return exclusively to PC gaming.


Reilly said:

People. Next-Gen gaming sucks. Patches, $60+ games, shit framerates, shitty EVERYTHING.

How does the Wii winning eliminate all these, except the $60+ games?

But this is shocking, i'm hoping the hardware bump comes in April or bye bye 720p and welcome 480p. Sad part is I only have a 720p TV, I can't imagine how the 1080p people feel knowing there TV is useless.
omg rite said:
Dear duckroll (my new favorite mod):

Could idiots like this be banned for blatant trolling? Holy crap that's annoying.

your favorite mod is too busy trolling the too human thread. that's right...a mod...trolling. setting a great example for the community. mod. trolling.
Im guessing that Rockstar might take a look at the sales now and thinks they should lazy-port GTA games to the Wii.. its a weird thought.

Anyways, total congratulations Nintendo, superb wii sales with solid DS sales as well. The rest? go back to your sweatshops!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Luckyman said:
Believe :lol

I doubt it will be significant, but I think there will be some sort of bump.....right? (I'm still in shock at these numbers).

Oh and people- we need more GIF's!
Dante said:
Might be time to stop the HD gaming in fighting.....:lol


Yeah. Might just be about time for motherfuckers to start praising anything and everything HD. Killzone, or Gears or anything else :lol.

Honestly though what the fuck? Whatever. HD is here to stay no matter how this gen turns out. Nintendo will probably go HD next gen....right? fuck.


I'm not surprised at GTA IV missing the super-insane sales... the advertising campaign on TV isn't nearly as strong as the last three. Granted the huge billboards in the big cities are really cool.

In this economic climate, HD consoles are a tough sell, so it'll take a while for 360/PS3 to pick up steam without a price drop.


Pure madness. The PS3/360 results were much lower than my already low predictions.

DS quite a bit lower than I expected. PS2 lower than I expected. PSP a tad lower than I expected. And Wii a bit higher than I expected.



{Mike} said:
It's true though. Same graphics engine as MK64

And? I've noted the game has plenty of flaws but it has too much good to be bogged down. The online play, which is fucking spectacular mind you with no lag, is fantastic compared to what was there with the DS version and finally getting rid of snaking.

I've played an un healthy amount of time with this game even with all its faults. Items need balancing, more custom ability would be great and etc but the entire package of the game is fantastic with some of the best track design in a MK game in some time.


PataHikari said:
Pssst.. I have a secret to tell you.

GTA is causal

Doesn't look like GTA caused much of anything.

Maybe parents were so offended by Nico Bellic that they went in drove to purchase a Wii.


good credit (by proxy)
its just not fucking affordable. I had all 3 systems last gen, now I have one. If I buy a 2nd it'll probably be a wii unless something drastic happens to the ps3 price.


PataHikari said:
Pssst.. I have a secret to tell you.

GTA is causal

Oh god, I don't want to get into this argument. GTA can be hardcore or casual, but I meant to say that it's a game that the hardcore market, i.e. us, looks forward to. Look at the sales of games like Halo, COD, and Gears... those kinds of games aren't going anywhere.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
god this is so depressing...seriously us hardcore gamers are going the way of the dinosaurs. a couple hardware generations from now its gonna be a Nintendo dominated, casual saturated market. well ive enjoyed my hardcore games for the last few years, but soon all the games i love will give way to "casual" games for the dumbed down casual gamer. thanks alot moms of the world

Joke post?


Master of the Google Search
Sharp said:
Yeah, that was a little strange. I don't understand how any gamer could look at these sales and think it was a positive that the industry isn't doing nearly as well as predicted.

What are you talking about? This month is, once again, a record breaking month.
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