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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


jjgames said:
I think every 3rd party (especially the publicly traded ones) are going to feel pressure to start releasing more top-tier games on the Wii. There is just too big of an install base to ignore.

Every major 3rd party will announce some big budget Wii game by the end of this year. That is my prediction.

I sincerely hope not.
:lol I am actually feeling sorry for some people in this thread. Seriously, calm down.

Its only 2008, this gen is young, especially if you believe the 7-10 year figures MS and Sony have banded about.. Everyone's gonna do a-ok! Ok?

This message was posted from a Nintendo Wii™


Wow, this is disheartening. It's akin to Betamax destroying Blu-Ray in the format war, and becoming the new standard for years to come.


Hail to the KING baby
djtiesto said:
Can't wait to see Nintendo sales next month, when Wii Fit gets released over here :D

I hope 3rd parties are taking very close watch at this NPD. Especially the 3rd parties that specialize in RPGs.

if you're an rpg fan you should hope third parties stay as far away from sales figures as possible.


The more I think about it, GTAIV had a pretty mediocre debut IMO. Halo 3 sold 3.3 million in the first week on sale (it was also released during the end of the month). GTAIV (360 version) only did 1.85 million in the same time frame.

Thought it'd do quite a bit more - it had a bigger potential userbase and HUGE advertising campaign.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Rad Agast said:
Heheh, I can imagine it now.

Nintendo: HD gaming starts when we say so.

You know, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see them use that slogan for their next system.

Also, go Mario Kart Wii! Great game--online is fantastic.


Master of the Google Search
Sharp said:
It is indeed record-breaking. But it was expected to be a lot more record-breaking; the HD sector uniformly underperformed expectations. Last month saw nearly $1 billion in software sales; is April historically that much worse than March?



GreekWolf said:
Wow, this is disheartening. It's akin to Betamax destroying Blu-Ray in the format war, and becoming the new standard for years to come.
Betamax beating BluRay happened when the PS2 was outselling the PS3.
{Mike} said:
Nintendo :


WHat? We released a game console that is selling so much, yet is a dreamcast deluxe? HAHAHAHAH

Sony :

Hey guys! Our console is last on the market, but so awesome! Ooopsss


GTAIV is outselling PS3 50:1

I loled.
gamerecks said:
Wasnt Microsoft talking about 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 sales margins? What happened to that?

People are treating these numbers like the stock market just crashed. Some poeple look like they are about to jump off their roofs to end it all.

They said 2 to one which is 66.6% of the total, they got 65%, hardly miles out


EA Employee
Zoramon089 said:
Hopefully 3rd parties will be forced to start supporting the Wii with more than just BS shovelware and PS2 ports...

Still wont change. Look at how many 3rd party wii games are on the list. This is the reason why they will continue to not support the platform the way they support x360/ PS3.


{Mike} said:
Nintendo :


WHat? We released a game console that is selling so much, yet is a dreamcast deluxe? HAHAHAHAH

Sony :

Hey guys! Our console is last on the market, but so awesome! Ooopsss


GTAIV is outselling PS3 50:1



Ezduo said:

It kills me that I'm going to have to wait until I'm back in school to play this thing.

We already know that it's coming in Fall don't we?

You know who won this month? Wii60 and PSWii owners! GTA4 + MK for the win!
"Official April 1st NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo" amirite?

ps: i got really, really screwed in the prediction thread.


I think there's going to be a 360 price drop very soon.

I'm not sure if Sony can really drop their system anymore.

Since Nintendo is the market leader, maybe they'll starting acting like it and realize the average gamer isn't 10 years old. You know, take away some of the online restrictions (voice chat, screen names, ect), and actually make some new gaming IPs that doesn't revolve around Mario.

Also, hopefully some 3rd party companies start supporting the Wii a little better. Because Capcom has really been the only 3rd party developer consistently making good games for the Wii.


Sean said:
The more I think about it, GTAIV had a pretty mediocre debut IMO. Halo 3 sold 3.3 million in the first week on sale (it was also released during the end of the month). GTAIV (360 version) only did 1.85 million in the same time frame.

Thought it'd do quite a bit more - it had a bigger potential userbase and HUGE advertising campaign.

It was far bigger in Europe though.

Rad Agast

Zoramon089 said:
Hopefully 3rd parties will be forced to start supporting the Wii with more than just BS shovelware and PS2 ports...

You should check what Platinum Games has in the oven. Smells real good if I may say so.
evilone said:
Still wont change. Look at how many 3rd party wii games are on the list. This is the reason why they will continue to not support the platform the way they support x360/ PS3.

Judging the market by the top 10 are we? That kind of thinking is the reason people's heads are exploding at this GTA4 news.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
AniHawk said:
Well we know for sure that it's under 150k. So I'm guessing it didn't do that well.

Okami was known as Wii Play for the month of April. You must be mistaken.


:lol :lol :lol @ ioi
AndyIsTheMoney said:
god this is so depressing...seriously us hardcore gamers are going the way of the dinosaurs. a couple hardware generations from now its gonna be a Nintendo dominated, casual saturated market. well ive enjoyed my hardcore games for the last few years, but soon all the games i love will give way to "casual" games for the dumbed down casual gamer. thanks alot moms of the world
Whining fanboys are not hardcore, sorry.


so is it wrong to hate nintendo and it's stupid crappy console more with each passing month? I mean don't get me wrong I've had a blast with mario galaxy, metroid prime 3, twilight princess and no more heroes but seriously 700,000 + consoles sold in a month with absolutly fucking nothing worth buying on it ?

I think we can consider april 2008 as the official toe tag for real videogames. Thanks nintendo, go fuck yourselves for ruining real games with this casual bullshit.

I allready barely consider the wii a game system, to me it's a toy that happens to play games whereas I look at the 360 as a videogames machine and the ps3 as a multimedia hub. I can atleast take comfort in the fact that 3rd parties release tons of shit that doesn't seem to sell on wii so they can still put real games on 360 and ps3.


I didn't even know it was NPD day. Yowza at those numbers. Pretty funny. Why do I barely know anyone who has a Wii or wants one? Where are these people coming from?? :lol
AniHawk said:
Well we know for sure that it's under 150k. So I'm guessing it didn't do that well.

Yeah but 149k would be doing pretty well!

Actually, I`d be happy to see it break 100k (PS2 original did 300k WW didn`t it?)
Talamius said:
Everything they've done, from release schedules to PR to everything else, suggests they don't give a flying fuck about gaming marketshare, so long as Blu-Ray prospers.


The success of Blu-ray is for sure up there on their list but to say they don't care about what happens to the Playstation brand is flat out ignorant.


grandjedi6 said:
If the slowing economy was actually hurting the video game market at all you would see slowed sales among the market as a whole. Even the 360/PS3's numbers aren't horrible in comparison to previous years. The cause of the Wii's success and the 360/PS3's lack of growth is due to factors other than the economy

Nope, it's due to other factors but includes the economy.
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