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Link said:I don't think it's so much they want ports, they just want a Wii version alongside the 360/PS3 versions.
Link said:I don't think it's so much they want ports, they just want a Wii version alongside the 360/PS3 versions.
HK-47 said:You want GTA IV when what you should want is GTA Wii. I'll take the quality games on the correct platform if I cant get them and not bitch every time one goes to a system I dont have. I've seen a ton of Wii owners acting as if they are the kings of the world. No, Nintendo is and they've made a lot of stupid choices as well. What I'm really tired of is everyone going at each others throats I guess.
Redd said:Agreed like how so many Wii only users want Resident Evil 5 on the Wii. Personally I would prefer a Resident Evil 2 remake or a original side story like Code Veronica with the Resident Evil 4 engine. Why take downgraded ports when you deserve better. That's what third parties should be working on, but they mostly don't...........makes no sense.
DemonSwordsman said:so better is ports of ps2 games? If they arent gonna make anything new they shoudlnt bother at all.
DemonSwordsman said:so better is ports of ps2 games? If they arent gonna make anything new they shoudlnt bother at all.
Jammy said:Where is he saying he wants ports of PS2 games?
A RE2 remake was suggested, as was a side-story ala RE: Code Veronica. Both of these would be welcome. With RE2 you're taking one of the best games in the franchise and remaking it to fit the Wii's controls and graphics and with the other you're potentially getting a whole new cast of characters and something different to maybe tie up some ends.
Either way, both RE games on the Wii have each sold over a million worldwide. Capcom can't ignore not only the huge userbase of the system, but also the millions of RE fans that have the system that would pick up new games.
HK-47 said:Please dont mention Mario Kart. Mention Prime or Brawl but not Kart, they got the track design and online right (holy shit) but they made single player, battle mode and items worse. Also they did a poor job on the graphics for such a big franchise.
Redd said:Why take downgraded ports when you deserve better.
I figured out why there's so much more complaining about the items this time.omg rite said:And as for the items, there's nothing wrong with any of the items in MK Wii that wasn't wrong in DD!! or 64.
Jammy said:Where is he saying he wants ports of PS2 games?
A RE2 remake was suggested, as was a side-story ala RE: Code Veronica. Both of these would be welcome. With RE2 you're taking one of the best games in the franchise and remaking it to fit the Wii's controls and graphics and with the other you're potentially getting a whole new cast of characters and something different to maybe tie up some ends.
Either way, both RE games on the Wii have each sold over a million worldwide. Capcom can't ignore not only the huge userbase of the system, but also the millions of RE fans that have the system that would pick up new games.
donny2112 said:If the market leader "deserves better," then it deserves both. This is not an "either/or" but an "and" situation. Again, RE4 on the PS2. Why, again? Oh, yeah, because it was the market leader, and it would be stupid to ignore that large of a userbase.![]()
If I had to guess, the reason that nearly everybody* interpreted your post as "I think there's nobody on GAF who only owns a Wii among the current-gen home consoles" instead of "I think there's nobody on GAF who's only ever played Wii games in the history of their lives" is that the latter claim, which you're saying is what you really meant, is obvious to a point where it's not worth stating. It's akin to coming in and making the bold declaration that surely there's nobody on GAF who has only ever played one video game.WrikaWrek said:I was proven right.
Everyone with only a Wii from the main consoles(this gen, stupid term i know, encompasses 360/Ps3/Wii) also plays on other platforms, be it PC, portables, or last gen gaming systems.
And when i made that statement i made it with the opinion that the Wii doesn't have enough sand in it's truck to satisfy the "hardcore" gamer, the gamer you see at GAF.
I'm sure that with time it will, but i have a Wii, and i don't see me having my gaming needs fulfilled if i only owned a Wii as a gaming platform.
But people went ahead and called me dumb while at the same time proving my point![]()
Htown said:I figured out why there's so much more complaining about the items this time.
It's because there are more racers on the track, so there are always MORE items flying around at any given time.
pgtl_10 said:I think the itms are more devastating. Nearly every item that hits you makes lose your item which keeps you from holding a red shell to hit someone once the driver passes you.
HK-47 said:I think Zero will have a big backlash against it...I really hope it does. They arent adding anything. I can play that game on Wii already! That is the worst type of porting
HK-47 said:There was a lot less lose in translation than would if you took some of these new HD games. The tech gap is much larger. We dont have an example yet but I'm willing to bet it wont go as well
donny2112 said:If the market leader "deserves better," then it deserves both. This is not an "either/or" but an "and" situation. Again, RE4 on the PS2. Why, again? Oh, yeah, because it was the market leader, and it would be stupid to ignore that large of a userbase.![]()
donny2112 said:You won't see it, either, unless you live in Japan. I think it's just a way to keep the RE fanbase in Japan chewing on something while they get something bigger ready for the Wii. If you recall, RE4 in Japan did much less than RE4 in the U.S. as far as sales. Therefore, the Japanese Wii RE userbase probably needs more prodding to keep their interest up.
Redd said:I'd much rather have something the other 2 consoles don't have. This would be a great time for say Capcom to bring out the Dino Crisis series again. Or what about the Mega Man Legends series(I'm a broken record). I can understand your frustration though but if you wanted those other games you need to look elsewhere.
norinrad21 said:I think Japan is sick of REs, DMCs and the occasional circle jerk FFs, its time for something new across all platforms and not only the wii
SLYspyda said:Someone said earlier that Metroid Prime 3 had surpassed the sales of MP1 and MP2, is this true? If so, can I get some numbers? Thanks
Redd said:if you wanted those other games you need to look elsewhere.
Andrex said:Didn't Umbrella Chronicles sell anti-bomba there though? Might've just been because of the Zapper bundle, but still.
Redd said:And what's going on with Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers? It be nice to see more scans or something.
Redd said:Well then no offense to all Japanese gaffers but fuck that. I'm looking forward to the next Resident Evil, I patiently wait for the day when a remake of Resident Evil 2 will be announced. I'm still waiting for my Resident Evil psp game. One of the main reasons I bought a PS3 is to play the next Final Fantasy game. And what's going on with Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers? It be nice to see more scans or something.
HK-47 said:Please dont mention Mario Kart. Mention Prime or Brawl but not Kart, they got the track design and online right (holy shit) but they made single player, battle mode and items worse. Also they did a poor job on the graphics for such a big franchise.
norinrad21 said:I think Japan is sick of REs, DMCs and the occasional circle jerk FFs, its time for something new across all platforms and not only the wii
Mike Works said:Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Wave Race, Star Fox, Kirby, Donkey Kong, F-Zero
then there are new DS IP's like Nintendogs, [blank] Training, etc that they can take advantage of
and then there are the brand new IP's (???) or resurrected oldschool ones (Kid Icarus) which we have yet to hear about
heliosRAzi said:They had better keep making TCB. That's Skies of Arcadia 2
HK-47 said:I think Zero will have a big backlash against it...I really hope it does. They arent adding anything. I can play that game on Wii already! That is the worst type of porting
WickedAngel said:They did the same thing with Resident Evil 2, 3, and Cove Veronica on the Gamecube so I'm not sure why anyone is surprised.
WickedAngel said:They did the same thing with Resident Evil 2, 3, and Cove Veronica on the Gamecube so I'm not sure why anyone is surprised.
chespace said:I haven't played my Wii since No More Heroes (and RE4 before that).
I bought a Wii and it hasn't been all that interesting/fun.
Nintendo is making a bunch of money. Heck, all game companies are making a bunch of money. Why do you care so much who makes the most money?
Man God said:Why are you even in the thread if you don't care? :lol
I'm glad to see that my innocent little remark about GTA III ports caused a multipage discussion. I only wanted to see how well said ports would sell. I mean besides RE 4 Wii none of the other ports have been real top sellers.
chespace said:I haven't played my Wii since No More Heroes (and RE4 before that).
I bought a Wii and it hasn't been all that interesting/fun.
Nintendo is making a bunch of money. Heck, all game companies are making a bunch of money. Why do you care so much who makes the most money?
HK-47 said:TC SO is the best selling Atlus game and its a port of the DS game...
The same reason so many cared that Sony was making money last gen and the gen before that.chespace said:I haven't played my Wii since No More Heroes (and RE4 before that).
I bought a Wii and it hasn't been all that interesting/fun.
Nintendo is making a bunch of money. Heck, all game companies are making a bunch of money. Why do you care so much who makes the most money?
Andrex said:Oh I don't doubt they're making it, the info they string along convinces me of that. I think it was last March the US FFCC blog posted a shot of someone testing the game. Although that pic was from the Japanese blog from December, it at least means US S-E isn't censoring it to protect something.much
What's alarmed me though is that the Japanese FFCC blog took down the TCB trailer it posted, while it still hosts even older videos still. =/
norinrad21 said:Enough with the PSP/PS2 ports, nobody wants them, really. Come up with something new and original and also no more fucking side games of RE, Capcom is capable of more than that crap.
What donny said.donny2112 said:This is not an "either/or" but an "and" situation.
Deku said:Same difference. I don't 'GET' the Xbox360 and I think the business model Microsoft is imposing on the industry --which Sony is aping (sadly) -- is unsustainable.
MrNyarlathotep said:You don't even seem to know what you're arguing here.
Lighting, animation, charatcer detail, ragdoll physics are aesthetic changes, not gameplay changes.
The new style of lockons, the cover system and the new police 'sphere of influence' are gameplay changes, and they absolutely do not require the technical horsepower of HD consoles to have occurred.
In absolute gameplay terms, I haven't seen anything in GTA4 that not only would be impossible on a Wii, but wasn't already done in previous GTAs.
That's not saying it's a bad game - I'm still enjoying it - but you're deluding yourself if you really think that in terms of gameplay it does anything that wasn't possible in 'last gen'.
Which I guess is really where HD consoles are failing on sales terms - I can count on the fingers of one hand games which have core gameplay mechanics I do not think would have been possible on a last gen console.
As long as the only improvements over the games people were playing on a PS2 are purely aesthetic, the case arguing for HD consoles over a Wii by anyone except graphics whores becomes harder outside of the bitter tears about 'casuals killing games' displayed in this thread.
So you're saying console manufacturers no longer need to make improvements on their hardware because it will only increase the cost of development and turn people away? If that is the case, why bother releasing another console?Pureauthor said:It's not sustainable because the tech race will lead to ballooning software dev costs, with no significant increase in people buying them, which either leads to massive revenue dropoffs, or increased game prices, which would turn off more people anyway.
And for all the 360's much vaunted software sales realize that these sales belong to a relatively small circle of 'big' games and devs.