Shin Johnpv
Pureauthor said:That would be Justice.
I know my Guilty Gear mythos, boy.![]()
Yet you don't know who I-No is.
I-No was the boss in GGX2 in the US and she was a full on fucking bitch.
Pureauthor said:That would be Justice.
I know my Guilty Gear mythos, boy.![]()
I was doubtful, but decided to post anyway. I are smrat.Pureauthor said:That would be Justice.
I know my Guilty Gear mythos, boy.![]()
Pureauthor said:That would be Justice.
I know my Guilty Gear mythos, boy.![]()
HK-47 said:Dont get rid of the N-Gage!
Not the Phantom!!!Saint Gregory said:Whoa, whoa, what! Justice is Dizzy's mother! This thread just continues to get more mindblowing.
I said home console. I'd never give up my N-Gage, NEVER!Don't actually have one, sorry
HK-47 said:Yeah, not GTA IV thats what. Please call my on my anti Wii agenda (doesnt exist) but you lose parts of those games beyond teh perty graphix
Shin Johnpv said:Yet you don't know who I-No is.![]()
I-No was the boss in GGX2 in the US and she was a full on fucking bitch.
HK-47 said:Yet you lose out. You might as well hope for San Andreas Wii, cause you aint getting GTA IV. You wont get the size, the physics, and amount of people on the street that makes the city feel alive. You might as well not fucking bother.
MrNyarlathotep said:Okay, I'll bite.
What specific non-aesthetic gameplay features of GTA4 are impossible to do on anything except a PS3 or 360?
Pureauthor said:I know who I-No is. Whatever gave you the idea that I don't?
Pureauthor said:Not that I know of. Maybe Darkstalkers?
Shin Johnpv said:Because he specifically mentioned I-No in his original post and like 2 replies later you replied with.
MrNyarlathotep said:Okay, I'll bite.
What specific non-visual gameplay features of GTA4 are impossible to do on anything except a PS3 or 360?
Pureauthor said:HK-47 was talking about a supposed 'impossible boss' in GGJ. GGJ does not possess said impossible boss, so I suggested that maybe it was the Darkstalkers game instead.
J-Rzez said:But, Ninty doesn't need me, or anyone really like me. They're making piles of money so I'm sure they'd be happy just trucking on doing their thing. Which, from a business perspective is very sensible honestly. But they're ignoring a segment of gamers like me to this day, and as of such, they won't get any of my money. And looking at what's ahead, they won't be getting my money anytime this year once again neither. Though, like I said, they don't need it. :lol
kame-sennin said:However, Nintendo realized that the most difficult consumers to target, would be people who don't consume video games at all. And that this was in fact the largest market. Therefore, the challenge for the Wii and DS would be to successfully crack into an untapped market that had no historical data, sales trends, or any other predictor of how it would react. But if non-gamers could be reached, then the Wii and DS could travel up the market. If you were to win over the largest strata first, you would provide third parties with a temptingly large user base to develop for.
Linkup said:I've argued this before and other things you've said plus I even used quotes from Iwata also, but many simply don't want to acknowledge it or believe it. The elitist get pissed when they hear they aren't the only focus anymore.
Xeke said:I can't believe how many games some of you own. I buy maybe 4 or 5 a year and get a few for gifts...Mario Galaxy in november was the last game I bought.
I think there are a few problems with your assertion.Zerachiel said:5 games a year = $300
year of gamefly = $240
I do. Xbox360 doesn't interest me at all (except for a couple of exceptions, some of which I can play on other platforms) and PS3 is too expensive (Europe) for my likings. I'll stick to Wii & DS for now, far more games than I have time to play anyway. (PS, last gen I had a PS2, Gamecube, GBA and played some PC games).WrikaWrek said:I don't believe that there's a single poster on Gaf that only has a Wii.
What now? First party game output on Wii is significantly faster than on Gamecube. And there are the occasional third party games that are worth it on Wii, perhaps more than on GameCube in it's first 1.5 year. Perhaps their tastes have expanded instead of what you are implying?Xater said:Just from my personal experience. I have 3 friends who are hardcore Nintendo nuts, you know the worst kind. They only ever had Nintendo consoles but this gen even they don't get enough play time out of their Wii so they got themselves PS3s.
Those really can not be the only Nintards that are unhappy with the Wii games situation.
Yes, that *could* be a possibility for some developers, but that doesn't explain to me why there isn't at least *also* a Wii version.Cheez-It said:Neomoto: I remember reading one reasonable explanation given on these boards. The current userbase of the Wii is a bit behind the combined userbase of the PS3 and 360 (and PC I suppose).
Granted, the Wii should be cheaper to develop for (devkit costs, SD content = less focus on idiotic things like rendering acne)...
It is perplexing though. You would think there would be far more support than there has been thus far. I'm still hoping these organizations come to their senses, either through intelligent decision making or shareholder intervention.
say what now?WrikaWrek said:I don't believe that there's a single poster on Gaf that only has a Wii.
Xeke said:I can't believe how many games some of you own. I buy maybe 4 or 5 a year and get a few for gifts...Mario Galaxy in november was the last game I bought.
HK-47 said:Yet you lose out. You might as well hope for San Andreas Wii, cause you aint getting GTA IV. You wont get the size, the physics, and amount of people on the street that makes the city feel alive. You might as well not fucking bother.
Agree. I really don't understand why so many people seem to think that it's impossible. It would be GTA IV in SD, with changes "here and there" but the overal game wouldn't be that much different. Also, GTA IV had a enormous budget of 100 million (? I think, could be wrong but it would likely be enormous either way). A Wii version (ported down/exclusive whatever) would cost so, SO much less while still being a incredibly big budget title since the Wii isn't a HD system (they also already got the engine on Wii with Table Tennis). In my opinion, WHEN ea has bought them, they would be insane to not put some sort of GTA title out on Wii. It may or may not sell as much as GTA IV, but it would likely sell millions just the same.Scrubking said:SA was very big (3 whole cities), with lots of people (15 on screen at a time+cars), with plenty of life in the city and it was on the PS2. Oh yeah and it had some stuff that 4 doesn't have.
Outside of the HD visuals and the physics (which many claim are shit anyway), GTA on Wii would be your standard GTA just like any other depending solely on the effort put in by Rockstar.
(rolls eyes very hard)
F#A#Oo said:kame-sennin you've had some excellent input in this thread...very refreshing to read and see.
Innotech said:what I really dont understand is the notion that games THAT WORKED LAST GEN ON THE WEAKEST SYSTEM TO A VERY SUCCESSFUL DEGREE are suddenly impossible on the wii. This makes no sense at all and seems like a total copout by any developer retarded enough to use this excuse.
so they make the same exact games, yet the want to try something different?WrikaWrek said:I guess people don't want to play those games yet again. I mean the a new generation came so i guess devs wanna try something a bit different.
Spiegel said:2.85mm in 5 days is lower than expected?
kame-sennin said:This is why the meme, "hardcore games do not sell on the Wii" can be translated to "hardcore games must not sell on the Wii".
Innotech said:so they make the same exact games, yet the want to try something different?
WrikaWrek said:I guess people don't want to play those games yet again. I mean the a new generation came so i guess devs wanna try something a bit different.
MrNyarlathotep said:I swear to god sometimes its like people have entirely retconned out what games they were playing 3 years ago and what was happening in them.
WrikaWrek said:I guess people don't want to play those games yet again.
PataHikari said:You could have fooled me
Man God said:GTA IV is perfectly scalable to the Wii or PS2.
I really doubt they'll do it though.
That being said I'm amazed that there hasn't been a waggle port of the GTA III Trilogy. That's money on the table.
HK-47 said:How about some original games instead of begging for ports?
Wii owners are so desperate to say that the Wii is the future, yet they kept begging for watered down ports of games made for the HDs. Stop flip flopping. You cant have everything.
i only have a wiiWrikaWrek said:I don't believe that there's a single poster on Gaf that only has a Wii.
impirius said:What's it going to take for Wii to slow down?
Andrex said:Can be translated to: I don't want you to have anything. /cry
PataHikari said:You could have fooled me
HK-47 said:How about some original games instead of begging for ports?
Wii owners are so desperate to say that the Wii is the future, yet they kept begging for watered down ports of games made for the HDs. Stop flip flopping. You cant have everything.
Andrex said:Can be translated to: I don't want you to have anything. /cry
HK-47 said:How about some original games instead of begging for ports?
Wii owners are so desperate to say that the Wii is the future, yet they kept begging for watered down ports of games made for the HDs. Stop flip flopping. You cant have everything.
But even Godfather, which I hear has decent waggle controls, is just a PS2 game with them tacked on. You should want new experiences, cause isnt that the mantra of the Wii?Man God said:I couldn't care less about playing the games, I had them all on PC when they came out. I'm just surprised why T2 never joined in when Godfather and Scarface were ported. It would have been free money.
I already have everything I need from the DS, more or less. The Wii is just gravy.
Rancid Mildew said:He's right though perhaps a bit too abrasive.
I'm not sure why anyone would want Wii ports of the HD system's marquis titles (unless, of course, you don't have the means to play them otherwise). They would very likely be inferior in every way possible. The best Wii titles are the system exclusives, the ones that are built by paying attention to the technological limits and the controller.
HK-47 said:But even Godfather, which I hear has decent waggle controls, is just a PS2 game with them tacked on. You should want new experiences, cause isnt that the mantra of the Wii?
Cheez-It said:Because GTAIV *slightly* scaled back for the Wii would be the same as the GTA titles on the PS2. I suppose it's just as ludicrous replying to someone who would come up with tripe like this.
*edit: On an aside, personally I would agree with the first statement, although I would say the same of GTAIV as it is.
MrNyarlathotep said:You don't even seem to know what you're arguing here.
Lighting, animation, charatcer detail, ragdoll physics are aesthetic changes, not gameplay changes.
The new style of lockons, the cover system and the new police 'sphere of influence' are gameplay changes, and they absolutely do not require the technical horsepower of HD consoles to have occurred.
In absolute gameplay terms, I haven't seen anything in GTA4 that not only would be impossible on a Wii, but wasn't already done in previous GTAs.
That's not saying it's a bad game - I'm still enjoying it - but you're deluding yourself if you really think that in terms of gameplay it does anything that wasn't possible in 'last gen'.
Which I guess is really where HD consoles are failing on sales terms - I can count on the fingers of one hand games which have core gameplay mechanics I do not think would have been possible on a last gen console.
As long as the only improvements over the games people were playing on a PS2 are purely aesthetic, the case arguing for HD consoles over a Wii by anyone except graphics whores becomes harder outside of the bitter tears about 'casuals killing games' displayed in this thread.