Regulus Tera said:The Weeping Angels are seriously the best monster to come out of Nu Who.* Imo, they're better than the Telosian Cybermen.
*Not that there's a lot of competition here...**
**Except for the Abzorbaloff!!***
***And the sex gas from Torchwood!
"Why no pictures? Why not show us what to look out for?" (referring to the only handbook about angels written by a madman)Darth Sonik said:Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy!!!![]()
The photo is an angel, it will move when not being looked at. It doesn't have the electric power or radiation of a monitor, so it cannot project itself out into the world. Therefore it is perfectly safe as long as you don't look directly into its eyes.
:lol :lol :lol
Which makes waiting for the next episode even more unbearable!Jexhius said:On the other hand, he may well explain it all next episode. We'll have to see.
lyre said:Finally, I doubt we'll find out why she carries handcuffs with her next episode.![]()
Atomic said:Question as I'm a new viewer with this series:
Why doesn't the doctor just travel in time to save his people/prevent the calamities he witnesses. This part of the time travel plot frustrates me a bit. I'm sure it's been touched upon in previous eps.
If you're referring to the Time Lords specifically, those events have apparently been 'taken out of time', so they're in a place where no-one can reach them anymore. And undoing calamities he witnessed - witnessed is the important part, there. The episode Father's Day showed that the Doctor can't go back in his own timelines without serious repercussions. Once he's been 'in' somewhere, he can't go back and change his own actions.Atomic said:Question as I'm a new viewer with this series:
Why doesn't the doctor just travel in time to save his people/prevent the calamities he witnesses. This part of the time travel plot frustrates me a bit. I'm sure it's been touched upon in previous eps.
Ehh, but is it? I don't remember the context of that picture in Blink, but the angel statues themselves were keeping a pretty low profile most of the time; it's easy enough to believe an angel-y picture would do the same.lyre said:"Why no pictures? Why not show us what to look out for?" (referring to the only handbook about angels written by a madman)
"That which holds the image of an angel, become itself an angel."
Direct quote, may have a word or two wrong. ZOMG, inconsistencyyyyyyyy!
JoshuaJSlone said:Ehh, but is it? I don't remember the context of that picture in Blink, but the angel statues themselves were keeping a pretty low profile most of the time; it's easy enough to believe an angel-y picture would do the same.
Has Mulligan been in anything I might have seen? Pride and Prejudice, Bleak House, The Seagull . . .
No, has she been in anything I might have seen? She was Oscar-nominated for coming-of-age film An Education.
No, has she been in anything . . . I . . . might . . . have . . . seen? She played Sally Sparrow
In the Doctor Who episode Blink? She was great! She was in this big spooky house, with a camera, and there were evil statues that were really aliens. David Tennant was great, too. I'm still not sure about Matt Smith. And I see the statues are back. They're a bit rubbish, though, aren't they? I bet the Daleks could take them. Would you like to know why Mulligan's in the news?
Is it her name? It makes me think of tooth decay and soup. Is she trying to change it?
Well that was a bit quick. I wonder what went on there? :lol Hopefully it doesn't last too long.Regulus Tera said:Spoilers for episode seven:
D: Amy nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Now that's a MILF!
Diablos54 said:Well that was a bit quick. I wonder what went on there? :lol Hopefully it doesn't last too long.Now that's a MILF indeed...
criesofthepast said:I just watched my first Doctor Who episode ever after hearing about the show for many years now.
I started with The Eleventh Hour just to see if I liked it and I'm pretty much in love with it. The question I have now is where do I go from here? Should I start from series 1 in 2005 (first episode being "Rose") and work my way up to present day?
Are the older shows from the 60's-90's worth watching too? Is it necessary to watch every episode of Doctor Who ever made to understand everything today?
criesofthepast said:I just watched my first Doctor Who episode ever after hearing about the show for many years now.
I started with The Eleventh Hour just to see if I liked it and I'm pretty much in love with it. The question I have now is where do I go from here? Should I start from series 1 in 2005 (first episode being "Rose") and work my way up to present day?
Are the older shows from the 60's-90's worth watching too? Is it necessary to watch every episode of Doctor Who ever made to understand everything today?
criesofthepast said:Should I start from series 1 in 2005 (first episode being "Rose") and work my way up to present day?
The episode of Doctor Who I've written finished its No Longer at the End of Eleven Season One But Now Near the Start of Eleven Season Two rewrite last night and has gone off to the powers that be.
criesofthepast said:Are the older shows from the 60's-90's worth watching too? Is it necessary to watch every episode of Doctor Who ever made to understand everything today?
mclem said:I'd watch Aliens of London and World War Three - grudgingly - before watching Boomtown
FnordChan said:criesofthepast, the thing about classic Who is that none of it is necessary to enjoy the current series. That said, if you enjoy New Who and are ready to tackle some of the classics - with a couple of caveats thrown in about the difference in pacing of classic television and the highly variable quality of the special effects - there's plenty of good (and even more mediocre to awful) material to check out from throughout the history of the show. In particular, many of the Tom "Fourth Doctor" Baker's episodes from the mid-70s Philip Hinchcliffe era, hold up beautifully. Some of the most popular episodes from that run are The Ark in Space, Pyramids of Mars, The Robots of Death, and especially The Talons of Weng-Chiang. Hinchcliffe also produced two episodes that established a lot of the mythology of Dr. Who, Genesis of the Daleks and The Deadly Assassin.
It doesn't turn you into one, it's just mind control and hallucinations.mrklaw said:Finally watched last week's episode. Mostly fantastic. Loving the new doctor more and more, chemistry with river song is great, Amy winking was brilliant, as was the tension of that scene. Not sure about the angels though. Since when did looking into their eyes turn you into one? And did they turn the lights out before? And why not just walk out of the caves back to back so someone is always looking in every direction?
You definitely can't watch them as they originally existed, but this is the type of show with big enough fans that all of those episodes can be found "reconstructed", with the audio track paired with appropriate images based on publicity photos from the episode and whatnot.mclem said:That is, well, impossible; a great many earlier episodes were wiped in the early days.
I think they tried at the end of Blink with the light over the TARDIS if I remember right.mrklaw said:And did they turn the lights out before?
Diablos54 said:I think they tried at the end of Blink with the light over the TARDIS if I remember right.
And I was wondering if anyone minds making a few .gif avatars from the last episode? Preferably some Amy ones, but I'm not that fussy.![]()
-Mikey- said:Just watched the first episode of the new series. I'm new to Doctor Who so this was the first episode I have ever seen.
I heard now was a good time to jump into the series but there were some things I didn't quite understand. Should I watch the previous series to understand what's up? Oh, loved it by the way.![]()
Regardless of whether you start watching the episodes from 1963, 2005, or 2010, there will be things you don't understand and will leave you scratching your head for a while. The Doctor is just always going to be a mysterious figure who's been up to stuff you don't know about. The characters traveling with the Doctor are really in the same boat as a new viewer.-Mikey- said:Just watched the first episode of the new series. I'm new to Doctor Who so this was the first episode I have ever seen.
I heard now was a good time to jump into the series but there were some things I didn't quite understand. Should I watch the previous series to understand what's up? Oh, loved it by the way.![]()
FnordChan said:Meanwhile, I'd skip all three,
infiniteloop said:6pm next week![]()
Regulus Tera said: