On the other hand I have this rad 10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver that just arrived in the mail to distract me. The packaging was pretty cool, with shiny foil pics of Tennant & Smith, and Limited Edition plastered all over it. I hesitated opening it for the briefest of moments.
Because Doctor Who - the BBC's flagship show which gets 2-3 million more viewers is getting bumped at the request of the Dorothy producers because their scared of going up against BGT. First Nortongate....now this. Moffat must be fuming. Frankly, I find it embarrasing when their doing the Saturday night trailer and Doctor Who is lumped in with Over the Rainbow and Total Wipeout.
Any idea of how The Prisoner has been doing in ratings? It's not as good as the original, but it'a classy stab at a remake and 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X better then anything else ITV have put out on a Saturday night for aeons. Quite a shame actually, ITV used to make so many classic shows in the 60's & 70's - now it's just BGT, XFactor and Ant 'n Cunt.
I didn't think I'd like the new Doctor who, but I've been catching up with the new episodes and just watched the 2nd half of the angels one and I'm really enjoying them awesome episodes!
The first twenty-odd minutes seemed really rough around the edges to me, and Matt Smith's performance was far from convincing* for much of the episode (except for the epilogue), but overall I enjoyed it.
Not sure about what it's leading to though. All seems to be going a bit Rose (which can't be good)
*I know this is the first story they shot, but I didn't have any such problem's with last week's episode, oddly.
Edit: Additionally: I'm guessing that 1) River Song killed the Doctor, and 2) It's all going to be undone so they either never met, or she never existed, or some other sort of cop-out.
Edit: Additionally: I'm guessing that 1) River Song killed the Doctor, and 2) It's all going to be undone so they either never met, or she never existed, or some other sort of cop-out.
Some good bits, but by-far Moffat's weakest second-part episode.
He normally, through some brilliant writing and foreshadowing, costructs a logical resolution that makes sense from what was established in part one. He doesn't pull something out-of-his-arse ala RTD. The
suck them all into the crack
felt cheap and unMoffaty.
Liked the ending though, the Doctor's reaction was priceless!
But my hopes - of learning more about the Angels and their intentions/origins, or about the ship or extinct civilisation, or even how they all ended up on the planet in the first place, were not realised.
Additionally - damnit I wish we hadn't seen
the angels move
, it made them instantly less terrifying in a single second. The idea that
no one, not even themselves could see what they truly looked like when they weren't stone
I'm enjoying this season, but Amy's a completely unlikable character so far. I do like Smith though, even if he lacks the presence Eccleston and Tennant had.
I normally love Moffat's work, and would gladly build a statue in his honour. This is the first time I've come away with a less-than-stellar impression. I can be pleased, just not by this.
Some good bits, but by-far Moffat's weakest second-part episode.
He normally, through some brilliant writing and foreshadowing, costructs a logical resolution that makes sense from what was established in part one. He doesn't pull something out-of-his-arse ala RTD. The
(This followup also contains spoilers for TEC/TDD)
Actually, I was thinking that
it's the resolution of Doomsday done *right*. They weren't sucked into the crack, they *fell* into it. A very clear difference is that the resolution was very clearly revealed at the start - indeed, it was an important component of the cliffhanger - but it was set up as a throwaway comment. I realised the gravity thing at about the same time the plot did, which was nice.
Moffat did something rather similar in The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Nanomachines introduced early on as throwaway fancy future-tech, but then established as the crux of the conclusion.
Because Doctor Who - the BBC's flagship show which gets 2-3 million more viewers is getting bumped at the request of the Dorothy producers because their scared of going up against BGT. First Nortongate....now this. Moffat must be fuming. Frankly, I find it embarrasing when their doing the Saturday night trailer and Doctor Who is lumped in with Over the Rainbow and Total Wipeout.
Honestly, I think the way the show's getting pushed about the schedules so much is partially due to the team change. If there's one thing RTD and Julie Gardner were good at, it was fighting their corner and making sure the show was always the #1 agenda, always getting extended running times, extra money and fairly firmly sticking around the 7pm slot. By comparison Steven is more of a writer and less of a fighter and I don't really know anything about the current producer (Piers something?)
Anyway - good episode, but not as good as part one. Enjoying the meltdown over Amy trying to fuck the Doctor on the Who forums.
Honestly, I think the way the show's getting pushed about the schedules so much is partially due to the team change. If there's one thing RTD and Julie Gardner were good at, it was fighting their corner and making sure the show was always the #1 agenda, always getting extended running times, extra money and fairly firmly sticking around the 7pm slot. By comparison Steven is more of a writer and less of a fighter and I don't really know anything about the current producer (Piers something?)
Anyway - good episode, but not as good as part one. Enjoying the meltdown over Amy trying to fuck the Doctor on the Who forums.
Wow. Absolutely loved this episode. A couple of nagging plot holes but otherwise this was pretty damn good! I wonder how most people are going to react to
lustful Amy
Why the fuck is the Confidential longer than the episode!!! :lol
Wow. Absolutely loved this episode. A couple of nagging plot holes but otherwise this was pretty damn good! I wonder how most people are going to react to
lustful Amy
Why the fuck is the Confidential longer than the episode!!! :lol
but the Angels had it on even when Amy wasn't looking at them, and off when they could see each other, suggesting that they could alter it at will.
Blink (and part 1) suggested that it was more down to the laws of physics and defense mechanism derived from evolution. Like some subatomic particles, simply being observed can change it's physical nature causing them to be quantum locked and impervious to damage in this universe.
but the Angels had it on even when Amy wasn't looking at them, and off when they could see each other, suggesting that they could alter it at will.
Blink (and part 1) suggested that it was more down to the laws of physics and defense mechanism derived from evolution. Like some subatomic particles, simply being observed can change it's physical nature causing them to be quantum locked and impervious to damage in this universe.
Hmm, enjoyable but not as good as part 1. I though the biggest plot hole was
if the Angels have been erased from history, why did the ship crash? Why didn't the two-headed people come back? Also, Moff seems to have either forgotten or deliberately ignored the idea that the Angels can't look at each other without freezing. The 'walk as if you can see' bit was just silly.
I wonder how relevant it is that both
Bob & Prisoner Zero used the same wording about 'the Doctor & the Tardis don't know'?
People criticising this episode are just nuts. What are you complaining about, it was all good!
Also, if you thought he'd take the rules from the Blink angels and apply them here, you were crazy, as I suggested earlier. Those creatures were written as a one-off for that episode at the time.
Once again, rather then a RTD deus ex machina we have a Moffat chekov's gun, which is the correct way forward.
Great to see that Moffat wants the doctor to explore a larger range of emotions - he can be frustrated, angry, rude, abrasive etc. while still being a genius. We already saw some of this in the second episode - but it was far more clear here. The Doctor isn't being painted as a perfect, flawless character with infinite patience any-more.
Dr Zhivago said:
I though the biggest plot hole was
if the Angels have been erased from history, why did the ship crash?
it erases stuff them, yet it doesn't erase what they did. Which, in itself, doesn't make much sense. But then if the entire fire-team had been really erased from history, they would never have been around to protect Doctor/Amy/River earlier.
People criticising this episode are just nuts. What are you complaining about, it was all good!
Also, if you thought he'd take the rules from the Blink angels and apply them here, you were crazy, as I suggested earlier. Those creatures were written as a one-off for that episode at the time.
Once again, rather then a RTD deus ex machina we have a Moffat chekov's gun, which is the correct way forward.
Great to see that Moffat wants the doctor to explore a larger range of emotions - he can be frustrated, angry, rude, abrasive etc. while still being a genius. We already saw some of this in the second episode - but it was far more clear here. The Doctor isn't being painted as a perfect, flawless character with infinite patience any-more.
The only reasonable explanation for that is
it erases stuff them, yet it doesn't erase what they did. Which, in itself, doesn't make much sense. But then if the entire fire-team had been really erased from history, they would never have been around to protect Doctor/Amy/River earlier.
Really looking forward to next week's episode, I kind of liked
Rory's bit
Also, WTF at the twist
when the gravity fails end all three of them heroes are getting a grip, they're not watching the angels for quite a bit of time, enough for them angels to get a grip somewhere too.
but nevermind.
And I'd say River
killed some guy everyone thought was a vilain, but actually was the best of them all, à la [spoiler-er] Snape in Harry Potter[/spoiler-er]
when the doctor goes off with River and Octavion he has no jacket on, since the angels have it. but a second later he appears to amy with his jacket on, says something cryptic about remembering something then leaves and the next scene cuts to him without his jacket wandering along with river and octavion.
Either it's a really big production error or it's a different doctor.
Fantastic episode, really liked the gravity solution to last weeks cliffhanger as well as the ending. The only thing that I didn't like was Amy walking through the Angels, but my signal went fuzzy so I might have missed something, because it didn't make sense to me. :lol And slut Amy at the end is a nice change of pace compared to Rose and Martha, plus it was nice to see.
Sir Hamish said:
Either it's a really big production error or it's a different doctor.