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Official DS Lite Japanese Launch Thread!


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
kaizoku said:
Yeah the PSP is nicer than the DS.
That's a matter of taste. The smaller, the nicer IMO. But comparing devices is not really the point. The best videogame system of the moment (general consensus) just got better. Hyping it is not only part of the fun, but also well deserved for this machine that is about to offer us a new Metroïd Prime, a new Children of Mana, a new Tetris and a new Super Mario Bros. :D


kaizoku said:
What the fuck, stop being so paranoid. I'm a Nintendo fanboy if anything. I'm just expressing my opinion. PSP white is a perfect shade of white.

PSP black however is ugly.

*bit agitated that in one thread I get accused of trolling Nintendo and in another fapping over them* What is this paranoid season?

you know the rules, like only system. :D

Seriously though, every stop the topic on which is nicer that i guesss i brought up... :D

they both are nice.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
kaizoku said:
What the fuck, stop being so paranoid. I'm a Nintendo fanboy if anything. I'm just expressing my opinion. PSP white is a perfect shade of white.

PSP black however is ugly.

*bit agitated that in one thread I get accused of trolling Nintendo and in another fapping over them* What is this paranoid season?

I'm completely opposite, I think the white PSP is fugly and the black one is one of the most stylish handhelds(not just gaming) ever.

DSL looks sweet too though, especially the white one, it looks on par with the PSP in style. One thing for sure, the ugly gray DS looks like it's hardware from the 80's compared to the DSL.
kaizoku said:
What the fuck, stop being so paranoid. I'm a Nintendo fanboy if anything. I'm just expressing my opinion. PSP white is a perfect shade of white.

PSP black however is ugly.

*bit agitated that in one thread I get accused of trolling Nintendo and in another fapping over them* What is this paranoid season?
I was just curious, but because you seem so defensive, I'll explain why.

You posted:
Yeah the PSP is nicer than the DS, the white is even a nicer shade of white, perfect shade in fact. DS is a bit off which is a shame. The screen is also capable of displaying better graphics so ....lets not get carried away.
in a DS thread. Your compliments to the DS just make it seem like a stealth troll. That's how I see it. If you don't want to have to get defensive, don't post stuff like that in a DS thread.


cvxfreak said:
I wonder how long it'll take before the DS lite can outsell the PSP in Japan. If supply were plentiful it could be fairly soon.

Week to week or LTD? If you mean for this week, I think it's safe to say the DSL and the old DS will handily outsell them.
Any places to order from now and get it within a reasonable amount of time? I'm assuming most of the online importers are probably booked with pre-orders for months now...


artful_dodger said:
Any places to order from now and get it within a reasonable amount of time? I'm assuming most of the online importers are probably booked with pre-orders for months now...
I don't know if they're booked for months, but if the rumors that it'll be out in North America in May or June are true, you'd be better off just waiting at this point, I reckon.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Bebpo said:
Let's not get carried away with the launch hype here. DS Lite is an excellent looking system with screens that now match the PSP and a sleek look that matches it as well. But at the end of the day it just went from ghetto-DS -> PSP-DS, and isn't some "omg this looks like it's worth $300" piece of fancy equipment like the PSP is.
Well it doesn't help when I never liked the way the D-Pad and fact buttons stick out of the PSP the way they do. It ruins the whole thing imo, but the widescreen will always be sex. I've always liked the way most of Apple's products looked more then the way PSP looked because of that d-pad, and with the DS Lite looking like a iBook mini I definitely like the way it looks more than the PSP now. Not that it's by far or anything, the PSP's widescreen is hard to beat.
artful_dodger said:
Any places to order from now and get it within a reasonable amount of time? I'm assuming most of the online importers are probably booked with pre-orders for months now...

:lol :lol :lol

as for NA release, May seemed to be the most regularly rumored date. But now the August rumor seems much more likely. Im sure NOA would like to launch it with the New SMB but I doubt that will happen with the Japanese sales/manufactuering problems.


dont know if anyone cares but the launch estimate number on the Lik-Sang page now reads 93.000 rumored launches units whereas about an hour ago it read 91.000

insignifigant change, but it could imply accuracy of the rumored figure.


meltpotato said:
:lol :lol :lol

as for NA release, May seemed to be the most regularly rumored date. But now the August rumor seems much more likely. Im sure NOA would like to launch it with the New SMB but I doubt that will happen with the Japanese sales/manufactuering problems.

If they can produce one million in March, they should be able to produce even more in April for a possible Nintendo DS.lite launch in May or June in North America (or Europe).


Square-Enix HAS GOT to be happy with the service nintendo is providing here. With all this store DS related activity going on on CoM release and all. N is sucking up bigtime here, hopefully it pays off with bigtime support in return =].
Furoba said:
If they can produce one million in March, they should be able to produce even more in April for a possible Nintendo DS.lite launch in May or June in North America (or Europe).

Its been all-but-confirmed that they will fall short of the 1 million figure. That was released with an estimate of near 500.000 launch week units.


artful_dodger said:
Any places to order from now and get it within a reasonable amount of time? I'm assuming most of the online importers are probably booked with pre-orders for months now...

Just wait a day more for the price to double and order one then. If they really are going to shoot up to $300ish, lots of people are sure to cancel.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
AndoCalrissian said:
I was just curious, but because you seem so defensive, I'll explain why.

in a DS thread. Your compliments to the DS just make it seem like a stealth troll. That's how I see it. If you don't want to have to get defensive, don't post stuff like that in a DS thread.

Don't what ...state my opinion? :lol Don't turn what isn't a troll into a troll ok? I was just agreeing with Bebpo. I just come back to my pc to find an innocent statement being accused of trolling so its a bit annoying.

Not getting offended or worked up, just saying it as it is, I guess now I explain to you. Its not a stealth troll whatsoever as I'm a bigger fan of the DS than I am PSP, much more so. Just an example of game fans taking things too far - tone it down please, this isn't a war (you're not alone, we've all done similar). Not like we're members of a different religion and so I have to watch what I say so I don't offend the other religion is it? Come on mate.

Anyway, I probably think the DSL is the sexiest system around. and its got the best lineup of games I've seen in yonks, nevertheless I'm allowed to sing the praises of the PSP as well.
kaizoku said:
Don't what ...state my opinion? :lol Don't turn what isn't a troll into a troll ok? I was just agreeing with Bebpo. I just come back to my pc to find an innocent statement being accused of trolling so its a bit annoying.

Not getting offended or worked up, just saying it as it is, I guess now I explain to you. Its not a stealth troll whatsoever as I'm a bigger fan of the DS than I am PSP, much more so. Just an example of game fans taking things too far - tone it down please, this isn't a war (you're not alone, we've all done similar). Not like we're members of a different religion and so I have to watch what I say so I don't offend the other religion is it? Come on mate.

Anyway, I probably think the DSL is the sexiest system around. and its got the best lineup of games I've seen in yonks, nevertheless I'm allowed to sing the praises of the PSP as well.
I'm actually pretty indifferent over the whole thing, so don't say I'm taking things too far. I read your statement, believed it was probably innocent, but decided that it could be read both ways. You should probable be more careful the way you word things.
This is madness, I love it. Waiting in line for a redesign. Who would have thought!

I have my order with Play-asia and I hope they come through, but if they don't I'll just continue playing my DS. As long as it gets here in time to enjoy MPH and Tetris on it.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Good luck DC; let us know how things turn out. Here in Kanazawa, I'm not expecting to get a system today. I doubt the store I reserved one at will have one for me, and I won't be able to go looking at more stores until after 4pm today, at which time I'm sure all the DS Lites will be gone. SUX :)
UncleScr00ge said:
This is madness, I love it. Waiting in line for a redesign. Who would have thought!

I have my order with Play-asia and I hope they come through, but if they don't I'll just continue playing my DS. As long as it gets here in time to enjoy MPH and Tetris on it.

That's the problem... do you think it'll get here before March 20th? I'm skeptical... I hope so though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
meltpotato said:
is anyone here actually cosidering purchasing a DS-L at a 300is inflated pricepoint?

I am. But only because I don't have a DS already, and would be good to have it for a trip I'm going on in a couple of weeks time.

If there's only 93,000 though, I'm not even sure if that's going to get me one.

Sho Nuff

There are gonna be a lot of disappointed people -- the Sakuraya in Shinjuku is only getting 26 units (!!!). Smaller stores are getting anywhere from six to zero.

There usually aren't insane queues for Nintendo hardware because Nintendo is generally very, VERY good about having a lot of units available for launch and have high-profile preorder campaigns with convenience stores like Family Mart. This is the first piece of Nintendo hardware that you couldn't really preorder anywhere, and retailers are pissed, but whatchagonnado.


meltpotato said:
is anyone here actually cosidering purchasing a DS-L at a 300is inflated pricepoint?

I am, and Japanese GAF-fers, if NCSX doesn't deliver and you want to make a pretty penny(Being the current inflated price, no higher :p )... I'll buy it off you! Of course be prepared to deliver DHL or something too. I must have it ASAP!


Has anyone compared the brightness of the DS Lite at its highest setting to the PSP? Which one is brighter:

A)When the PSP is not plugged in?

B)When the PSP IS plugged in?

Also how do GBA games look on it?

Sho Nuff

Sabaku Ika said:
I hope no one dies waiting in line. It must be cold...

I guess the rain stopped around 3am or so. The stores officially open at 10am, which is...now. I guess all the DS Lites are sold out now or something.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
isamu said:
Has anyone compared the brightness of the DS Lite at its highest setting to the PSP? Which one is brighter:

A)When the PSP is not plugged in?

B)When the PSP IS plugged in?

a) the brightest setting on the DSlite looks brighter

b) see A


And even i am moderately surprised
christ, it's carnage out there - here is what happened from me (and i didn't get one, but hey *shrug* no biggie)

the local store - which has a sign up saying "ONLY 6 units" had _14_ people waiting outside at about 9:25

jumped on a train to Shibuya - saw the sizable queue for Bic , so joined the short Tsutaya queue (from about 9:50) - maybe about 17th/18th in line. Felt quite happy.

With 1 minute to go , a guy with a megaphone comes out, stands 3 people in front and says "SOLD OUT FROM THIS POINT!"

Geee... Would have been nice to be told earlier! Surprised that Tsutaya only had something in the region of 15 units. Perhaps they are holding some back for the workers? Probably not.

Anyways, by the time i walked over to "small" Bic , the "we are sold out" sign was out.
Tried Sakura-ya (sold out) and the Tokyu store (obasan madness! sold out)

There were a lot of people just store trawling it would seem - madness. Nintendo fever is catching.
DCharlie said:
christ, it's carnage out there - here is what happened from me (and i didn't get one, but hey *shrug* no biggie)

the local store - which has a sign up saying "ONLY 6 units" had _14_ people waiting outside at about 9:25

jumped on a train to Shibuya - saw the sizable queue for Bic , so joined the short Tsutaya queue (from about 9:50) - maybe about 17th/18th in line. Felt quite happy.

With 1 minute to go , a guy with a megaphone comes out, stands 3 people in front and says "SOLD OUT FROM THIS POINT!"

Geee... Would have been nice to be told earlier! Surprised that Tsutaya only had something in the region of 15 units. Perhaps they are holding some back for the workers? Probably not.

Anyways, by the time i walked over to "small" Bic , the "we are sold out" sign was out.
Tried Sakura-ya (sold out) and the Tokyu store (obasan madness! sold out)

There were a lot of people just store trawling it would seem - madness. Nintendo fever is catching.

I've never heard or seen anything like this, for a redesign?

Damn, looks like wasted efforts on your part. :-(
legions of sad fans tromping from store to store in the rain...

that sounds to be more than some console launches could claim.


Nintendo on their official website said there will be only 450,000 DS Lite units throughout the month of March, and 200,000 units of DS in the same period.

From this, I would say that probably 300,000 DS Lite units on launch day, which isn't much...


mutsu said:
Nintendo on their official website said there will be only 450,000 DS Lite units throughout the month of March, and 200,000 units of DS in the same period.

From this, I would say that probably 300,000 DS Lite units on launch day, which isn't much...

lik-sang says only 93,000 today.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Damn that sounds like madness! The guys face before you must have been lit up like a DS Lite screen :D


Error2k4 said:
a) the brightest setting on the DSlite looks brighter

b) see A

Bullshit. That's completely untrue.
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