Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Society said:Iowa and NM are done. Bush.
The computer or whatever counting votes broke and they can't fix it til tomorrow.
Society said:Iowa and NM are done. Bush.
98 and 97 % respectively, they are done. :/jobber said:The computer or whatever counting votes broke and they can't fix it til tomorrow.
1) As far as I can tell, the "cataclysmic event" that has presented itself is the "war on terror." You don't think that the confluence of evangelical Christianity and the increasing rhetoric about the divine inspiration for our overseas military actions is a coincidence, do you?
MetatronM said:This is true.
Except now all those same justices are even four years older.
I didn't say the quote was from Bush.Xenon said:Can you back that up with a quote from this administration? I have heard Bush bless the troops but never once heard that we are doing god's will.
Yep, they can only hold out so long...MetatronM said:This is true.
Except now all those same justices are even four years older.
soundwave05 said:Isn't DiCaprio a hardcore Democrat that was campaigning for Kerry?
Are you one of those gay Republicans or something?
Celicar said:America rules!! Four more years for Bush! I'm so excited!!
I could have sworn there were posters on here saying they would leave the country if Bush won again. Well it's time to get out! LOL
Yes, democracy is a relatively great thing. But the fact remains that the majority vote is being dictated by many people that have been misled by the very administration that they re-elected. Rule by the people is, as it stands, the best form of government. But where is the value in that when the people are being manipulated and misled by their government? That even though they are exercising their own choice, that choice arises from deception?Phoenix said:So if you have an ability to express your decision in the direction of the country and (apparently) the majority of the country disagrees with you - the country isn't great? I don't want Bush to win but fully understand that the greatness of the country comes from the people being able to decide the leaders, to debate how stupid they are on forums like these, to be able to run for office, to be able to form a corporate entity, and outside of some fairly obscure limitations - to live my life how I see fit.
If you don't see it, you need to go live in Rowanda or something for 4 years.
I didn't say the quote was from Bush.
Socreges said:Yes, democracy is a relatively great thing. But the fact remains that the majority vote is being dictated by many people that have been misled by the very administration that they re-elected. Rule by the people is, as it stands, the best form of government. But where is the value in that when the people are being manipulated and misled by their government? That even though they are exercising their own choice, that choice arises from deception?
Some may even consider that and still see America as a great country. But that doesn't mean that many can't be distressed over the flaws of the system that are never addressed. That people mechanically praise their country and form of government while never conscious of what is perpetually dragging it down.
DJ_Tet said:It's because he's Lemming from OA. Pretty obvious.
KE04 said:No, it's Delta. Delta am stupid. But apples....:wub Take care of her for me, Delta.
I'm not going to bother getting into the problems with majority rule itself. What would you suggest as an alternative? Rule by the people, at least for now, HAS to be majority rule.nathkenn said:rule by the people is great, i think our major problem is majority rule, it's really a terrible manner to make decisions
Cyan said:So first those morons in Iowa saddled us with Kerry... and then proceeded to vote for Bush.
Thanks a lot, assholes.
DJ_Tet said:I can't believe that four years later we've still got major networks giving states prematurely.
We didn't learn shit in the last four years.
That's why we have the representative form of government; representatives are meant to act as "buffers" for the desires of the populace. They're supposed to research the issues and make decisions based on not only the desires of their constituents, but also on what they believe is right, just, and best for the [city | state | country]. The people are supposed to elect candidates based not only on their views but also on their ability to reason and compromise. That's where we fall short, IMO.nathkenn said:rule by the people is great, i think our major problem is majority rule, it's really a terrible manner to make decisions
DJ_Tet said:I can't believe that four years later we've still got major networks giving states prematurely.
soundwave05 said:Arnold is basically a Democrat.
Stem cell research (to the tune of $3-$6 billion in funding) is a go in California.
Agent Icebeezy said:They don't care, they are conservative
DJ_Tet said:Most conservatives would disagree with you vehemently.
It's really sad that you'd actually believe anyone in America was happy that 9/11 happened.
Sound like the Nintendo fan in me. :'(f_elz said:America will say hello to KE04 in a few days! :-D
Fight for Freeform said:As pointed out earlier, it was an event of joyous occassion for neocons, who believe that this sets forth the beginning of the return of Christ. I don't think they shed a tear for the large number of Bengalis and Japanese who were in the WTC at the time.
These same neocons would go as far as to label Kerry as a "vote against God". What I find sad that it's hard for you to see this twisted extremism existing in your own country and you don't seem to be aware of it.
Fight for Freeform said:As pointed out earlier, it was an event of joyous occassion for neocons, who believe that this sets forth the beginning of the return of Christ. I don't think they shed a tear for the large number of Bengalis and Japanese who were in the WTC at the time.
These same neocons would go as far as to label Kerry as a "vote against God". What I find sad that it's hard for you to see this twisted extremism existing in your own country and you don't seem to be aware of it.
J2 Cool said:ugh.. maybe porn can make me feel better