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Official ESPN NBA League Thread (Please read carefully!)


I personally have no problem with the outside shots but I think you just gotta know your personnel and pick your spots. Maybe if some of you guys let your role players see the ball a bit more, they might get a decent rythm going? o_O

Oh and before anyone starts wishing for superstar difficulty, check out this 30-team league I'm in. It's fucking ridiculous. EVERYTHING goes in!! :lol


Look at the scoring, FG% and 3P% (look at how many 3s are being taken by the leaders too). Ridiculous! And folks on the forum are already complaining (including me :D). HOF + sliders would be the best thing but we don't have that option so if you want non-stars to hit long-range shots with some regularity, get their biorythm up first by making easier baskets with them... :)


Wow, that league is really active. The commish has a game of the week, a player of the week, power rankings and predictions, plus tons and tons of forums posts, jeez. Then again, they don't have a GA to set up on games on, but that whole operation is pretty impressive.


I personally don't think the shooting is flawed...I mean you think about it,even if a guy like Robinson is wide open all game,he still isn't gonna make all of them...alot of it has to do with where you are behind the line and how you release the ball,Im getting better at it though.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'm done caring about this game or league...I'll continue to play the game just so you dont have to find someone to take over the Rockets,but I'm sick of the 1-3-1 D in this game that swats the ball away,I'm sick of the Triple teaming of Yao,I'm sick of shitty ass shooting on hard mode,I'm sick of these budget espn games in general.

I was watching while Rameriz was whooping my ass how this game is bizzare,he would be in control of the pg *manually,which I applaud...real D there* But I would pass the ball into Yao and 2 players would automatically double him down low which then let Ram come in and triple team Yao...I would try to kick it back out but the f-ing game would go into a shoot animation and I would end up shooting a shitty ass fadeaway with Yao.I'm not sure if Ramirez was calling for the double,but its gotten to the point where if anyone doubles or triples Yao and even if I do manage to kick it out *rare due to the stupid animations or steals* my players cant hit a fucking shot if their life depended on it...I know how to shoot the ball cause Ive played a lot of this game offline on all-star and super star,but on hall of fame its absurd.

I also find it funny that I was playing the same D as Ramirez and sometimes guys would be left open even when I didnt call for the double teams.Also can someone explain to me how the heck to do that lower the shoulder move with pg's and sg's where they can get by other guards using it.

Btw I'm also sick of that stat bug cause I didnt have 41 turnovers.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Oh yea GG Ramirez,you are really good at this game.My venting has to do with the game and not you,so dont take what I said and think I was blaming you :p


Matrix said:
the f-ing game would go into a shoot animation and I would end up shooting a shitty ass fadeaway with Yao.

Were you icon passing? Maybe the cursors faded away. I think many aspects of the game are complete shit, but I can't imagine it taking a shot when you press pass.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
No its like when you have 4 to 6 hands on the ball swarming you and for some reason I try to kick it out and instead he goes into his shot animation,maybe cause I'm trying to force a pass out instead of just letting them tie me up :\

The cursors do fade away sometimes,but I never icon pass with Yao...shit when I icon pass with AI I end up with 18 turnovers...the other player shouldnt be able to see them >_<


Matrix said:
No its like when you have 4 to 6 hands on the ball swarming you and for some reason I try to kick it out and instead he goes into his shot animation,maybe cause I'm trying to force a pass out instead of just letting them tie me up :\

It looks like the shot animation, but he doesn't shoot it, he just kicks it out, right? I've been in that situation tons of times, I'm just not sure what you're talking about. If he's kicking it out, in an odd animation, I get ya. I just hope, that for your sake, he's not shooting when you press pass.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fifty said:
It looks like the shot animation, but he doesn't shoot it, he just kicks it out, right? I've been in that situation tons of times, I'm just not sure what you're talking about. If he's kicking it out, in an odd animation, I get ya. I just hope, that for your sake, he's not shooting when you press pass.

No its like a delay and when I press pass too many hands are on the ball so for some reason he shoots it,it happened like 4 times near the end of this game :\

That was part of the reason why I was 8/21 with Yao that game..Its only like the 2nd game this has happened,it only occurs when Im doubled down hard and then a 3rd player comes and gets his hands on the ball.

I'm not sure if FMT has had this happen,but he has a center thats doubled and tripled a lot.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I dont even give a shit anymore..you want Yao,you can have him!


No way that trade will get approved,lol!

I honestly don't recall triple teaming Yao,but when he was doubled it did it own its own,thats what I don't understand about this game,sometimes they will double,sometimes they won't...and like you were saying,any pass that went by them,all of them would put a hand up,its not like that every game,so I dunno.

All I can say is that most of you pass it to the same guy every time down,regardless if the icons are up or not,I know where your going,which makes it that much easier to stop...mix it up :p

But yea,gg,I was sweating there in the 2nd,my dudes went ice cold.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Well I'm playing the Rockets style,throw the ball down to Yao and kick it around...You cant do that in this busted ass game :lol If I throw it down to Howard he will just turn the ball over too.


Well all I can say is I don't have many TO's at all unless the dude Im playin is roaming the floor and not playing actual defense.Im pretty good at kicking the ball around quick as well since I have the buttons practically memorized.


Even when he didn't use the icons it was a TO,cuz he threw it to Yao basically everytime,sorta how you pass it to Kobe everytime and then try to blame it on the icons ;)


Cloudy said:
Matrix, stop using passing icons and your TOs will improve drastically....

Huh, not using icon passing helps the TOs? Makes no sense, but I guess I will use it.

Theo, I'll be around tomorrow night.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
Even when he didn't use the icons it was a TO,cuz he threw it to Yao basically everytime,sorta how you pass it to Kobe everytime and then try to blame it on the icons ;)

This is 100% true.


Wellington said:
Huh, not using icon passing helps the TOs? Makes no sense, but I guess I will use it.

Theo, I'll be around tomorrow night.

Some guys "cheat" off icon passing and just start mashing the steal button when they see the icons come up. Test guys by bringing up the icons but not passing and watch their players start grabbing at the air :lol Do not use icon passing with such players...


Or couldn't you just pass to a guy they're not manually guarding? I doubt they'd be able to press A and then tap quick X that quickly. When people are guarding the guy I'm about to icon pass to I can usually get away with it by passing to another guy.


Banstick Emeritus
Konex, you have the Lakers right? My Live is working again, so I'll be on for the next hour if you wanna go.


Steroid Distributor
K my internet is screwed up. I might as well be on dial-up. I'm with a company called Telus and I guess they have turned down their BB speeds lately.
I have also been told that they are monitoring what they subscribers are downloading. I have one friend that recieved an email from Warner Brothers nothing that they were aware that he had downloaded Spiderman 2. Whoa!!
And a salesperson at the place where I buy my computer stuff said he actually got a phone message from Telus and they listed off several things that he had downloaded that were copywritten.
Sure these could be stories. But they were way too similar. And within the last two weeks my internet connection has gone to crap. Takes forever to load the forums sometimes.

So anyway. Do Not boot me out of the leagues but I will take a bye this week in both the NHL and the NBA leagues due to my speed. I am signing up with another ISP tomorrow and depending on whether they have to actually come to my house to set it up or if I can just take care of everything myself I should be ready to play again very soon.


That sucks. :( Too bad you're going to have an auto loss, but at least we only have one game to go!

CK and Theo are left.


Steroid Distributor
I might have it going tomorrow for all I know. But I've been doing bandwidth speed tests like 5 times a day and the best I've had is 1.2 megabits per second. But the average is like 700 kbs per second. That's freakin horrible for BB. The worst was 612 kbs per second.


Banstick Emeritus
Lakers D....bullshit! You just doubled Jason Williams every chance you got. :( And could I miss anymore open dunks? You're lucky I didn't launch the damn disc out of the window in the 3rd quarter - it's like the game decides that I'm not allowed to succeed or something. Anyways, good game. I gotta make some trades, my Grizz are fading...


Hehe, it wasn't Williams who cost you the game. Notice how you were beating me with the hopstep in the paint over and over with your bigs for the first 2 quarters? Well, I adjusted and started shutting down that crap but you kept going to it and didn't stop till I had blown the game wide open. GG tho, you made me think hard to counter those post moves :lol :D :)


Some guys "cheat" off icon passing and just start mashing the steal button when they see the icons come up. Test guys by bringing up the icons but not passing and watch their players start grabbing at the air Do not use icon passing with such players...

It's not cheating when the person goes to the same guy 90% of the time,its common sense.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Can we all agree that the double teaming in this game is friggin absurd? ..well besides Konex.


One player shooting EVERY time down the court is stupid
Hopstep EVERY time down the court is stupid
3pters with a good shooter EVERY time down the court is stupid
PG penetration for layups EVERY time down the court is stupid
Icon pass "spying" EVERY time down the court is stupid

But I see it all done on a regular basis in this league. Sorry, I'm not gonna stop double teaming (a completely normal tactic in a pressue zone defense btw) as long as other guys are doing the stuff above and more. If you spread the ball, double teams shouldn't bother you cos there will always be someone open. They don't bother me. Hell, I LOVE when Kobe gets double teamed so someone else can go off :D

Cry me a fucking river and diversify your offense :)


STFU for christs sakes,IM the one complaining and I have the most diverse offense in this league.

Im tired of you always accusing someone else of doing something wrong when you won't even admit that you yourself play pretty dodgy. -_-


Everything on that list is definitely more "dodgy" than double teaming IMO. I'm not gonna stop doubling especially if folks are only coming at me with one or two guys. Better get used to it :D
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